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adjective ~ careful to avoid potential problems or dangers


"Nova, please stop pacing. You're going to turn into a static ball."

Pausing my movements, I scowled at my mate. He was leaning against the kitchen island, arms crossed on the marble countertop as he stared at me.

"I cannot help it. I'm nervous."

He inhaled deeply, pushing himself from the counter. I watched him with wide eyes as he approached me and wrapped his hands around my hips.

"It's understandable to be nervous," His thumbs dug into my sides. "But it will be okay. You know that, right?"

I sighed, my forehead falling onto his chest. It was my first time being away from the twins since the moment they were born; the moment we even conceived them. Now that would be enough to make any new mother nervous, but today also marked the first time I shifted in ten months. I feared losing control, that Celimene's instincts would take over and I would be lost in the darkness of my mind.

A knock at the door startled me and a sharp gasp escaped my lips as my head spun toward the door. I had been pacing past it for the past ten minutes, but now I feared opening it. Opening it meant letting them in.

Phoenix mumbled something I didn't hear, stepping around me to wrap his fingers around the door handle. He gave me a once over before pulling it open, and the broad grins of my parents embraced me.

"Phoenix! Hi honey!" Mum beamed.

He returned the pleasantries, bending down to kiss her cheek as she came in for an embrace. It always amused me, yet softened a part of my anxiety seeing how well he reacted to their presence. Dad was next, patting my mate on the back before stepping inside, sucking air through his teeth.

"Ember, you alright, duck?"

I scowled at him, crossing my arms. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, usually you are in my arms by now." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, taking two steps forward to hug my dad. "There, better?"

He laughed when I stepped away, shaking his head. "I am not sure that counted. It was very emotionless."

My scowl deepened, but Mum batted him away after Phoenix took her coat. She approached me and gave me a firm hug before standing at an arm's length. Her head dipped, eyes trying to study my face for any conversation piece.

"What's wrong?" She wondered.

"She's nervous," Phoenix answered when I hesitated.

"What for?" Mum frowned, turning to him.

"Leaving the twins,"

My glare turned to my mate next, and I crossed my arms with a huff. "Tattle tale."

He smirked, leaving the coat hooks to approach the three of us. Dad had wandered off somewhere, and when I heard a clatter of china, I knew he was in the kitchen raiding my cupboards.

"Reginald." Mum scolded him, picking up on it too.

"What? I'm thirsty." He pouted at her. "Besides, I need to learn my way around this kitchen."

Mum tutted, rolling her eyes to look back at me. "There is nothing to be nervous about. We can look after babies, Nova. They are in the comfort of their home with us. It'll be okay."

"I know. But, I can't help it." I muttered.

She rubbed my shoulders with a sad smile. "I know."

"A cuppa will help." Dad hollered.

"I don't think it will." Phoenix snorted, tidying up the sofa. "Coffee goes straight to her head these days."

I clicked my tongue as my parents snickered. I was so going to bite Phoenix's arse when he shifts.

Hearing my thoughts, my mate turned around. His eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief, a devilish smirk lifting his features. It was a pleasant sight, something that had been dulled the past couple of weeks. I could feel his excitement through the bond, a warm, vibrant pulsating that hammered my veins.

"Okay, go, before they wake, and then you will never leave."

Mum spun me around in her grip and pushed me toward the door. I spluttered an obscenity at her, and she scolded me softly. Dad was busy making himself a drink, oblivious to his mate's plans to get rid of me so eagerly.

"There's enough milk in the fridge for two feeds each. Once they drink from it, you can't put it back in." I told her, trying to slow my exit by spinning around. "And don't spill it! It took me ages to get!"

"Nova, I know. You have sent me a vigorous list of things to do, remember?" She shook her head, pushing me backwards.

I chewed my lip, looking back at her with puppy eyes. "I have to make sure you realise."

"We know, don't spill it. It's liquid gold." She teased me.

I huffed at her teasing, but my back straightened when I heard the door open behind me. Clad in just my socks, my feet glided across the floor until a gentle breeze washed over my neck. Phoenix was standing in the door frame and wrapped his arm around me when I slid to a stop on the path.

"Nova, all I will say is trust. Everything is fine, and you can link us any time you feel necessary. We got this." She smiled, just as dad trapped his finger in the hidden fridge. "Well... I got this."

I exhaled heavily, gripping onto my mate so I wouldn't be tempted to bolt. "Okay, I know."

"Good, now go have some you time. It has been a long time since you have had peace." She grinned. "Let that damn wolf out and show the alpha who is boss."

A smile lifted my cheeks at her teasing, and Phoenix grumbled softly, looking away from my mother's grin. I was about to tell her about the twins' sleep schedule again, but before I could, her fingers wrapped around the wooden door.

"Love you, bye!" She slammed it shut.

I gaped at the dark wood, gobsmacked. "She just slammed the door in my face."

Phoenix chuckled, flexing his fingers in my grip. "She did."

I took a moment to process the situation, my chest aching with the fear of going out alone. But when Phoenix spun me around, and the soft song of birds caressed my ears, I exhaled and embraced it.

"Okay, I am outside."

"Good." He mused. "First time in a while."

"Yeah," I breathed. "Last time I gave birth."

He chuckled. "Bonus is that will not happen today."

I laughed softly. "I hope my shift doesn't hurt."

'It won't.' Cel rose from the back burner.

"It will be like riding a bike." Phoenix kissed my temple. "Come."

He took my hand, leading me down the garden path. My nerves were frazzled and my senses seemed on high alert the further into the woods we walked. I could feel the twins through our maternal bond, and that sated me a little.


I turned to Phoenix, not realising we had come to a stop. Looking around, I felt my heart flutter when I realised we had come to a stop. We were in a small clearing, big enough for us to shift. It was one we often used before, a clothes box nearby for easy storage. The trees were growing in the approach of spring, and leaves shrouded most of the sky. I could see the dust particles in the rays of sunlight that streamed through, glinting off of my mate's eyes.

"Want to shift first?" He wondered.

I could see his beast itching to get out, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go second. I liked his gentle words of encouragement and even his soft touches.

"Please," I nodded, fiddling nervously with the end of my shirt.

"Okay," He agreed, taking cautious steps toward me. "I will help you."

His hands tentatively grazed the bottom of my shirt and my breath hitched when I realised I would have to strip naked. I wasn't the happiest with my post-natal body, finding the whole concept of motherhood strange. From being me, to ballooning, to being empty, my body had changed in so many ways.

My hands shook slightly as Phoenix helped me undress, but he kept his focus on my face the entire time. I was sure my cheeks were red raw with how hard I was blushing, but not once did he look away from my gaze.

He took my clothes with a soft smile and turned to place them in the nearby clothes box nailed to the tree. I wrapped my arms around myself when he turned back, certain he would stare, but he didn't. His eyes flickered down my body once before landing back on my face.

"You are always beautiful to me, Nova." He murmured, kissing my cheek.

"I don't feel very beautiful." I admitted.

"Why?" He frowned.

"I don't look like me."

"You do to me." He kissed my nose. "You grew our children, Nova. You gave them life and warmth. Your body adapted for them, grew to give them space, swelled to feed them. They left little imprints on your skin, little pieces of graffiti to remind you of how amazing your body has been. Even so, you are you."

"It's a lot to take in." I shook my head. "I find it strange to see myself. Strange to feel my body with my hands."

His hands cupped my cheeks the moment I dropped my gaze, forcing me to look up into his eyes. He was crouched slightly, but a deep scowl glared down at me.

"You are you, my love. I would never change you in any way. I love you how you are, and any extra is just more that I can love." His lips quirked at the end.

I smiled softly, unable to help the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach. I muttered a small thank you, warmed by his words of confidence. He stepped back, observing me.

"Ready?" He wondered.

I was quiet, and he took my silence as a no. My wolf paced, knowing her time was now. Celimene was eagerly clawing at my mind, her body regenerated and strong in such a short time. She had to give me and the twins so much strength over the past nine months; I owed her this. She needed this.

We all did.

"Just do it. I can feel her there." Phoenix encouraged. "Let her take over, Nova, just inhale..."

I copied his words, inhaling deeply as my eyes fluttered shut.


My wolf prowled forward the moment I called her forward, her name a whisper on my lips.

It rippled over me like a wave. My body erupted in goosebumps, my breath hitching at the change. I felt the warm breeze, the way the ground felt like it was shaking as I gave into the shift. It lasted barely a second. Two racing heartbeats as I collapsed onto four paws.

I felt the elation of my beast, the pure joy of being able to be free. The breeze rippled through our fur, and Celimene lifted her nose, taking in the scents of the forest. Everything was so much stronger in this form, and our fur seemed to glisten in the rays of sunlight.


I turned my head to find my mate gazing down at me. He approached and my wolf eagerly leaned into him as he ran his hands down our spine. He curled his first around our tail and Celimene pulled it back, whacking him in the stomach in return. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he rounded our body and stood before us.

Your turn. I breathed.

Phoenix grinned, taking a few steps back and discarding his shoes. I fell onto my haunches, much to Celimene's dislike. She wanted to run; the adrenaline fuelling her mind was hard to ignore. My claws dug into the earth, but I made her stay put, held onto the reins a little harder.

Phoenix pulled off his shirt and my eyes dropped to his stomach as he continued. Thick fingers curled into the button of his jeans before pulling them down, taking his pants with him. I almost choked on my saliva when he stood naked before me. Hungrily, I took in his every detail, even his behind, as he walked toward the storage to place his clothes inside.

Approaching me, his smirk screamed cocky, and he rubbed his hands together. "Ready?"

Shouldn't I be asking you that? I wondered.

Phoenix laughed, his head falling back. He shrugged at me, expanding his arms before he shifted. I winced as his bones snapped and cracked, and his skin stretched into his wolf. His face elongated to a snout, arms growing into paws as fur forced its way through. In a matter of a few seconds, my alpha wolf stood before me.

He huffed, shaking out his fur as he curled his head down. With his tail high, he slowly approached and with no more consent, Celimene was leaping from the ground to sniff herself along with him. She missed his beast dearly, missed our mate dearly, and being in their true forms made the electricity stronger.

Ares' soft growls vibrated my chest and Celimene stopped before him to bow down playfully. He observed her with what I could only describe as an eyebrow raise. She huffed, nipping at his front legs. Ares growled softly, pulling his paws away. Celimene huffed, but her annoyance soon changed when Ares bowed back.

She wanted to play.

With a sharp bark, I allowed her to run. The wind whistled loudly, and Celimene's breaths came out in sharp pants. She was so excitable, her heart running so wild with glee. It made me feel partially guilty for her lack of life over the past few months, and I knew I would be okay if she took over.

Ares tackled her to the floor, and they rolled for a while, nipping and kicking at each other. She didn't give chase again, choosing to fight him where he stood. Ares was growling low, but she ignored him as she attacked him like a puppy. They fell to the floor with a loud huff, and I couldn't help but feel delighted for her.

When she jumped from his body, I cautioned her to slow down. Ares was about to pounce back, but cocked his head when he saw us hesitating.

I'm going to give in to her. I mumbled through the bond.

To my surprise, Phoenix was still there.

'Me too.'

My heart constricted with fear, but he was quick to calm me.

'Ares knows, it will be okay, Nova. Trust in your wolf.'

It's just been so long...

'You two share a special bond. You are two peas in a pod. She won't leave you locked out. Trust her.' He told me before he disappeared completely.

Ares shook his head, a soft snort of peace leaving his snout.

'Mate...' He grumbled.

I shakily exhaled. Ares.

'I look after you.'

Thank you. I murmured before letting my mind disconnect as I sank into nothingness.

Question of the Day:
You have three minutes to talk about something you are passionate about or know a lot about, or your favourite book character dies. What's that topic? 👀

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