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noun ~ the interruption of a peaceful condition


I was on top of the world.




And why shouldn't I be?

It has been three days since Calida and I mated, and we have done it day and night since. We couldn't get enough of each other, not that I was complaining. Tasting and feeling my mate in the most intimate of ways sated a part of me that seemed to always be on alert. I felt calmer, lighter; like nothing could happen.

But seemingly, I have been arrogant. Because there were no breaks for the newly mated, and Phoenix made sure of it.

Skipping the important video call with Alexandar was the first strike. Lucky for me, Phoenix had been in a good mood that day. I even managed to get him to play a game with me; now who can say that?

Other than Nova.

That woman was a whirlwind, I'm telling you.

After finally getting my mate back from a long day in Phoenix's office, we went back to my room and spent the night together. The next day was Sunday, and it meant most of us had the day off. I had not seen Nova that day, the tiny luna staying at home. Phoenix only came to the pack house to check up on things, mainly the patrol. He was still hyper-fixated on making the pack safe. Paranoid, if you ask me.

But the next day, after waking with Calida in my bed, I went downstairs to get her breakfast before I had to go to training. And low and behold, a tiny, angry, messy-haired Nova appeared, the smell of baby sick curdling in her shirt.

If her looks weren't scary enough, her attitude was.

"You better look after her." She had warned me.

"What?" I had asked.

A silly question.

She growled. "Beta or not, if anything happens to her, I will get you."

I had laughed at her, waving her off as being dramatic, but then she grabbed me by the shirt and pulled my face down until we were eye level.

"Calida is my mate." I told her. "I won't hurt her."

"You will look after her. I know you will, Charlie." She sighed. "I don't mean... any of that from you. I mean, from everything else. I had a vision of her screaming and I have not forgotten the blood."

Nova had truly shaken me up. She made me the paranoid one, taking a leaf out of Phoenix's book and making sure my mate was safe and sound. The entire training session I was on edge, and it cost me a wonderfully sharp bruise on my collarbone. I had to leave early; my wolf too agitated to be around so many wolves.

I ran into the woods, and there I found Phoenix's scent. I zoned in on him, tracking him down whilst staying down-wind. He wouldn't smell me if I stuck to the airflow and tiptoe. Logically, of course.

I found him patrolling the borders and stopped a few yards away. I made careful calculations. So tell me how, when he didn't even look my way when he spoke?

"Charlie, shouldn't you be training?"

Huffing, I stomped my paw into the dirt. How did you know it was me?

Phoenix turned from staring through the trees, the borders' warmth humming softly beside us. He barely glanced at me, a lazy smirk on his face. I knew I wouldn't get an answer and huffed, looking away from him.

Why are you at the borders? I wondered.

Phoenix's shoulders rose as he inhaled, before he finally faced me. His hands rubbed together before falling into fists at his sides. My wolf grumbled, falling onto our hind legs as we faced him.

"Why are you at the border?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes. I asked first.

Phoenix smirked. "I like to check them whilst most of the pack are distracted. Anything could happen."

My eyes wondered beyond the trees, staring at the shrouded ground with a guarded gaze.

"Now, what are you doing here?" He questioned. "You are supposed to be training weights today."

My teeth chittered. I had to get out of there.

"Are you unwell?" His eyebrows creased as he scanned my wolf. "You appear fine."

Shaking my head, I hesitated before speaking. Your mate...

"What did Nova do?" He chuckled.

I growled at him, shaking my head to diffuse any tension. She said something that I cannot shake from my mind.

"Oh, yeah?"

He seemed genuinely interest now, leaning against a tree. His strange coloured eyes wandered, taking in our surroundings.

"What did she scare into you?"

She didn't scare me. I snapped. She just said something that made me worry.

"It must've been bad to make you leave training so suddenly. Is your wolf okay?" He frowned before realisation dawned on him when I growled. "It is your mate."

How did you guess? I rolled my eyes.

"Did Nova finally tell you about her vision?" He wondered.

She mentioned it. I muttered. Not all of it. She was extra grouchy yesterday.

"Yeah, Freddy isn't well." He frowned, eyes softening. "We had a rough night."

Is he okay?

"Yeah, just an upset stomach." He mumbled. "He was better today, but Sunday was a write off."

Poor kid.

I hated it when I had a tummy ache. But mine was usually from consuming way too much chocolate on a Saturday night.

Today is better? I wondered.

"Enough for me to feel only slightly guilty for working." He muttered. "Anyway, your wolf, he is upset?"

We both are. I stated, my wolf growling. I can't get the image of my mate injured out of my head.

"Nova's visions are fickle. We have the power to change the future, or we might be shaping it at this very moment." He shrugged. "That vision had been confusing to her, but she kept out some details. It terrified her, and it was fast in the present time."

They are getting stronger. I stated. Has she spoken to Aldren?

"She hasn't had a vision in a while." He mumbled. "I have spoken with Aldren, but he is... preoccupied."

My eyes narrowed. Enough that he cannot help?

"I did not use a sense of urgency." He shook his head. "I merely wanted to ask him some questions and suggested in person would be better."

What about Gaia?

Phoenix tensed, his jaw tightening. "What about her?"

Can she not help with advice? I wondered. She is a witch.

"You can't trust witches." He mumbled.

You still wear your witchy ring. I pointed out. They cannot be that bad.

"This ring has been with me for years." He shook his head. "I have never taken it off and nothing bad has happened... That has not been handled."

Smooth. I snorted, shaking out my fur. I'm going for a run.

"Want company?"

My eyes widened, my wolf staring up at Phoenix with shock. You?

"Who else?" He rolled his eyes, stripping his shirt. "You can help me check the borders."

I don't know... I mumbled. What if I lose it?

Phoenix rolled his eyes. "Charlie, we just had an entire conversation and you sat there like a good boy."

I narrowed my eyes, snapping my teeth at him. He didn't even flinch, laughing at me despite how close my canines got to his boxers.

People thought Phoenix's cockiness what a façade, but it wasn't. He was just that fucking untouchable.

I, however, was an expert at playing many roles. I knew if someone came snapping their teeth near my dick, I would jump and punch them in the face.

Phoenix's human body morphed into his beast and shook out his fur. He growled low in his chest, a deep rumbling as his wolf stretched. Claws dug into the dirt and bones creaked with effort.

You okay there, old man? I snorted.

Phoenix growled. 'Come on, let's move it.'

Yes, sir! I grinned.

Our beasts took off, mine letting Phoenix lead since he was the alpha. The only sound was our footsteps as we kept a steady pace, or the occasional huff of air from our lips. My mind wandered again, my nails falling more determined as I imagined what Nova could've meant by the vision. Even Phoenix seemed disdained about it. Was it that bad?

I growled softly as I glared past the border, wondering if there were any threats there ready to harm Calida. If Nova saw her covered in blood, it meant somebody hurt her. But who? Me? A rogue? A fang?

We had travelled for a mile or so before suddenly coming to a stop. Phoenix's snout lowered, sniffing the border in a particular spot. I tensed when he stepped past the magical border, his shoulders rippling with a shiver.

What are you doing? I snapped. That's no-man's-land!

He ignored me, stepping completely over the border until even his tail was through.

Despite being so close to our border, a repellent magical border, there were still things beyond that could be lurking. Phoenix raised his head, growling. I remained tense, watching his every move and surrounding area as his tail flicked with annoyance. His hackles rose, head lowering as he growled.

What is it? I whispered through the link.

His tail swished once more before he turned and walked back. My head raised, eyes wide as I kept my concentration on the border. He turned his back to it! Whatever it was. That's rule number one!

My paws stepped closer, right next to the border, as I narrowed my eyes and growled at the open space. Phoenix's wolf brushed past mine as he re-entered, and only when he was inside did I turn around and pounce on him. His head tilted, batting me off with a paw as he huffed.

Are you insane?

'Perhaps.' He huffed, sitting onto his haunches.

What were you doing? I snapped. You could've got hurt!

His eyes widened, the familiar trait of an eyebrow raise. Phoenix's wolf was fluffy, so it was hard to distinguish some of his facial movements.

'I smelt something.'

Must've been a delectable fucking roast dinner for you to turn your back on no-man's-land. I grunted.

His jaws parted with a soft, panting snort. 'Nobody was there. It was a stale scent.'

So, something was there?

The teasing edge to his eyes vanished. 'Someone was, yes.'

An eerie silence settled over us, his ears twitching as he surveyed his surroundings. I watched him, waiting for him to elaborate. But Phoenix was a man of mystery, and he did not like revealing information.

Worth a shot, though.

Okay, I've played the silent game. Who is out there? I demanded. A wolf? A rogue? Human?

His eyes had darkened, but he met my gaze head on. I automatically bowed my gaze, glancing away at his feet before meeting his eyes. He made a soft huffing noise before rising to all fours.

'A wolf.' He stated. 'A pack wolf.'

A pack wolf. My confusion grew. Why would a pack wolf be in no-man's-land?

'I don't know.' He grumbled. 'Patrol must've missed it.'

They shouldn't have. I huffed. How can a wolf get so close with no one realising? I thought you upped it?

'I did.' He agreed. 'There is never a piece that is not being watched.'

So, was someone slacking...? I wondered.

'Either that, or whoever was on patrol let the wolf get too close.'

My eyes widened. You think we have a mole?

He grumbled, narrowing his gaze. 'It may not be that serious.'

For a wolf to wander no-man's-land is pretty serious. I mumbled.

'I agree.' He huffed, digging his claws into the dirt. 'The scent is a few hours old. I will speak to the patrol in charge of this area.'

You should mention it to Sean, too. I pointed out. He is meant to rule the roost here.

Phoenix's muscles bunched, the telltale sign of a beast about to run. 'Oh, I will. Nothing is getting past me. Whoever is letting wolves near will receive their punishment in due time.'


Phoenix's legs bunched as he sprinted. I shook my head, keeping behind him as we ran the rest of the border. I wondered if someone was trying to sneak in, or perhaps they were just being observant? It was a one-time thing! Or was it? Have they been before and we missed it? Have they used scent blockers?

My feet scraped to a stop and Phoenix, recognising my halt, slowed his pace. He turned his wolfish head, cocking it at me curiously.

'What is it?'

What if this isn't the first time they have been here? I wondered.

'They would've been spotted before now.'

Would they, though? If they had, say, magic on their side, not only could they block their scent, but change people's memories. I pointed out, and he growled. I'm just saying, if they have visited before it could be under a scent-blocker.

'If so, why not use it today?' He snapped, clawing the earth. 'Why tease us with their scent?'

I don't know. I mumbled. You going to send someone to follow it?

He shook his head, eyes narrowed with thought. 'It was only near the border where I stopped was where the scent stopped.'

So they're teasing us. I deadpanned.

He growled, lowly. 'It seems they are. Good thinking, Beta.'

I grinned, a wolfish chuckle leaving my throat. That's my name don't wear it out.

With a slight eye roll, Phoenix coaxed me to follow him on the way home. Anticipation built within me, a nervous edge that wanted to know what was going on. If it was as sinister and thought-out as they made it to believe, that meant only something bad could come out of it.

What did they want?

The pack?

A game?

To hurt someone?

I have not forgotten the blood.

That's what Nova said to me.

Was someone going to hurt those I loved?

I felt on edge, uncertain of the future and my family's protection.

As I shifted to my human skin, I felt my expression drop.

Nobody would hurt those I loved.

Favourite emoji? Or most used?

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