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determiner ~ a greater or additional amount or degree of


Standing on the front porch, I basked in the warm glow of the sun. I could sense my sister coming closer, the familial bond brightening as she grew close. My eyes focused on the trees and within seconds, Nova appeared with Phoenix trailing behind her. She screamed my name, and I smiled, waving in her direction.

Nova hurried over, leaving Phoenix behind with the twins, and when she reached me she bent over to inhale.

"Jeez, I need to do some more exercise."

I snorted. "And I need to cut my hair. Neither of which will happen."

Nova huffed, rising to her full height. We stood eye to eye, a glimmer of amusement within hers.

"When does you taxi get here?"

"He's due for ten." I shrugged.

"Ten?" she screeched. "That's not enough time! That's like... five minutes!"

"Five minutes is plenty of time, my love." Phoenix murmured, coming up behind her.

Looking for something to pass my time, I reached for a baby. Phoenix's eyebrow quirked before he glanced between the two. He handed me Annabelle, the lively little beast writhing in his hold. I cooed down at her in greeting, and she blinked up at me with a watery smile.

"Five minutes is not enough!" Nova grumbled. "Now when you're leaving."

"Nova, I will not be gone forever." I soothed her. "I want to explore some more. I have nothing truly here for me yet."

"You have us." She pouted.

"I know I do, sis." I smiled. "I just cannot forgive myself if I don't spend my single, young years out in that."

Gesturing to the forest, Nova followed my direction with a soft frown. "But I will miss you."

"And I will miss you."

"I've barely had you."

"Nova, listen." I sighed. "I know it's hard, but I need to discover myself first before I ever settle down and commit to a lifestyle. I travel because I enjoy it, much how you enjoy tending the garden like a little old lady."

Nova scowled at me, crossing her arms. "I am not old."

I grinned. "No, you're not. We are twenty-two now! It is our world to discover."

"I don't want you to get into trouble." She mumbled.

"I get it. I do." I reassured her. "There's a lot going on and me leaving fucks that up."

"It doesn't fuck it up!" She shook her head, grabbing hold of my shoulders. "You are my brother, Polly. We shared a womb, a life force, and then we were separated. Our bond will feel so empty."

"I will be back! Think of it as a holiday. I'm only going to enjoy myself and then I will be back."

The crunching of tires on gravel caught my attention, and I knew it captured her because she cocked her head. Her eyes filled with sadness, a soft pout on her face that made me laugh sadly.

"You promise?" She pouted.

"That I will come back?" I wondered, and she nodded. "Of course. We are family."

"Just..." she began, distracted by the taxi pulling up. "Just don't forget us. Don't move on, yeah?"

"Now why the devil would I do that?" I tutted.

She whimpered as I pulled her into a hug, baby Annabelle gurgling between us. Our bond vibrated warmly, her touch calming and familiar. Annabelle latched onto my hair as we pulled apart, and I huffed at her, releasing her devilish fingers from my locks.

Nova laughed. "You really should never cut your hair."

"Why's that?" I mused.

"Because there will be nothing to entertain my children."

"Oh? All twelve of them?" I grinned.

Nova scoffed when Phoenix choked on a laugh behind her. "Let me guess. Phoenix told you he wants a tribe."

"I thought it was an entire pack." I mused.

Nova grunted, and Phoenix chuckled, stepping closer. "We are teasing, my love."

"I know." She flushed like putty in his hands. "I will miss this."

I smiled tightly, handing her Annabelle. As I turned to grab my bag, Phoenix's hand came to land on my shoulder. I tensed, spinning around to face him. His eyes were hooded as he stared down at me, his expression no longer amused.

"You are my brother, Pollux. You are always welcome here, no matter what."

My heart thumped loudly in my chest, and I dropped my gaze. "Thank you."

He patted my shoulder once before pulling me into his chest. My eyes widened with surprised, patting his back in return. Freddy was inches from my face, but unbothered as he blinked up at me. I smiled softly at him, raising a finger from Phoenix to trace my nephew's cheek.

Pulling away from each other, I cleared my throat. Nova watched with a sad smile, and I saw the tears verging on her waterline.

"Don't you dare cry whilst I am still standing here." I warned playfully.

She sniffed. "I'll try."

I chuckled, a heaviness settling in my heart as I grabbed my bag. Slinging it over one arm, I started to walk down the steps. The taxi man climbed out of the driver's seat, greeting me politely as he opened the boot. He even took my bag, bowing once before stepping around the vehicle and opening the back door.

The heaviness grew at the sound of my sister's sniffles, and my jaw tightened in response. I didn't want to cry as well! Goodbyes were always hard, especially when you finally find something you were missing.

Before I could even step foot into the car, someone suddenly knocked me backward. Warm arms wrapped around my torso, pulling me into a firm chest. They lifted me off the ground slightly as they squeezed me, a soft grunt leaving my lips.

"Charlie..." I complained.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't let you go without a hug!" He chuckled.

Setting me down on my feet, I turned to face him. He grinned down at me, brown hair wild and tousled. His hand patted my shoulder before nudging me with his elbow.

"Get in the damn car, then!"

Rolling my eyes, I climbed into the back seat as he took the door from my driver. The male glanced around before looking down at me, a sad smile on his face.

"Take care of yourself, Pollux."

"I will." Smiling, I vowed. "I hope things work out for you, Charlie."

His smile was tight. "I hope so too."

And then the door closed.

Through dark tinted windows, I watched the life I found disappear behind me. Charlie remained where he was, waving wildly with a broad grin. Nova was crying, with Phoenix holding her firmly into his side as they watched me go. The tires crunched smoothly beneath the car, churning up dust from the gravel as we departed. My hand fell to my chest as I looked back, with a soft hint of remorse. But there was also excitement, because as of right now, I was heading towards more.

More of what I wanted to do. More of the world.

This was only day one, and I had so much more I wanted to do.


Standing at the border of Phoenix's pack, I gazed out at the trees with hesitance. Finally, I was out here and I was free to move as I wished. No-man's-land was a mere few feet away. I would take my first steps as... an explorer. Of sorts.

I have thought about this day for a while now, mapped out what I want to do in my head. But now it was right before me, and I remained where I was. All I had to do was walk; it was nobody's land. The worst threat would be another wolf, which would soon leave me alone. As meek as I may appear, I know how to handle myself. I didn't survive so many years in the wild without learning a thing or two.

In the wild.

Makes me sound like a savage beast.

Shaking my head, I adjusted my bag and stared at my feet. "Just move."

My head fell back, eyes closing as I inhaled deeply. I could smell the forest, smell the adventure that awaited me... So without even opening my eyes, I crossed the border. I felt the shimmer, felt the acceptance as I left. I knew I would still smell of a pack wolf, something Phoenix did to grant me safety. It hid my scent as a lycan and protected me as a wolf. If I wanted to enter any pack lands, I would have to request it, otherwise I would be trespassing.

The last thing I wanted was to piss off some alpha wolves.

Opening my eyes, I let my feet guide me. I scaled fallen trees, skipped rocks, trailed my fingers through the springing flowers. I could hear the birds so much more clearly out here, notice the twittering creep of bugs and rodents in the hedgerows.

Everything was so green and my lips curled into a wide grin.

I loved it already.

I was free. Free to do as I wanted, free to go wherever I wanted.

Just like before.

Stumbling to a stop, I hastily shed my clothes and placed them inside my backpack. This one was some fancy invention from the other king's pack. The straps stretched with a shift, allowed you to carry everything you needed. It would have made my life a lot easier a few years ago, so I was glad I had it now. Alongside the mobile phone, so many inventions supported me.

Shifting into my wolf, he preened and stretched himself. Nose to the floor, we scented our surroundings. There was nobody around, nothing to disturb us. Glancing at the bag on our back, it stayed where it was, even when we shook out our fur.


With a bark of agreement, we ran.


Freedom never tasted so good.

The wind in my fur, the dewdrops on my tongue... Even the cold harshness that flooded my lungs was welcoming after being cooped up so long. Trees blurred me by, the scents of small animals blowing past me. I felt invincible, like nobody could stop me.

But then somebody did.

And if I had known that revealing myself to Clover would change my life so drastically, perhaps I would have stopped. We fill life with so many regrets, but the horror on Clover's face scarred me permanently. I often wondered what life would be like if I didn't reveal myself to be a shifter. Maybe we would still be together, living in Arleybay with our own home and children. Perhaps I would have an actual job, maybe working in the café together.

Maybe I wouldn't have had to leave.

So many what ifs and not enough acceptance.

As Clover stirred on the bed beside me, my body fell tense. They rolled over, a soft groan echoing around the room.

"Clover?" I wondered.

They breathed deeply, stretching their arms before sitting up. Brown eyes blinked around the room, disconnected from reality. I waited silently now, watching as Clover came to. When their eyes turned to find me, their eyebrows furrowed.


I forced a smile, still waiting for a reaction.

And then it came.

Their eyes widened suddenly, and Clover scrambled from the bed. I rose to stand as they swayed, still dizzy from passing out. They cringed away from me, pressing themselves into the wall and squeezing their eyes closed.

"Pollux! No!"

I stayed where I was, and silence buzzed around the room. I could hear the refrigerator in the kitchen humming, the lights buzzing, and Clover's heart racing wildly.

"It's just a dream... It's just a dream, right?" They panicked. "I woke in bed, therefore it was just a dream!"

Clover sighed, relaxing slightly, but I stayed quiet. When their eyes darted to me, I knew I couldn't lie. If it ever came back to haunt me, Clover would never forgive me-I would never forgive me.

"Pollux..." they whispered, tears burning their eyes. "Please, don't tell me..."

I swallowed, dropping my eyes to stare at the polka dotted boots Clover wore. "Clover..."

"No... No!" they screeched. "You-you can't! You can't be-you can't!"

"I am..." I mumbled.

"No! You can't be, Pollux! You just can't."

"I can." I insisted. "There are more like me-

"No! You don't get it!" They cried, hysterical. "This can't happen. We can't-


"No!" they wailed. "Get out! You have to get out!"

"Please..." I whispered.

"Get out, Pollux!"

I winced as though they had whipped me, my head dropping with submission. Clover's chest was rising rapidly and with a sullen okay, I dragged my way out of the bedroom. Clover did not speak, did not follow me as I left. I looked back, hoping to see their face, but I did not. I could hear them crying softly, hear the sniffling, but I could not go back. I had to respect that.

So, for tonight, I would sleep in the woods. I wouldn't go too far, my heart unable to handle the distance it would put between us.

I just hoped I didn't fuck this all up.

Question of the day:
What is your most listened to music artist this year??? Mine was, can you believe it, gasp, 5SOS lol

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