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adjective ~ able to be recognised or identified from previous encounters or knowledge


I spent the next morning leisurely.

It was Monday, which was the day Phoenix worked in the home office. That meant it would be easier to get him away from work to go into the woods for Pollux's plan. I was just waiting for the right time.

I was out on a stroll with the twins, practising my pushchair steering skills on rougher terrain. I figured bossing bouncy, uneven surfaces would benefit me on the smooth ones.

The twins were always easy on walks, laid back, staring up at the moving trees. Fred would love when a bird went past, gurgling with glee at the sight. Belle preferred to just absorb everything, her eyes wide and legs kicking at every interesting thing we passed by.

I was just passing the training grounds when quick footsteps followed me. Turning slightly, I recognised the scent of none other than Charlie. I paused, turning to face him as he approached.

"There you are." He breathed.

"You want me?" I wondered.

"It's happened." He stated. "You were right."

I grinned, leaning casually against the handle of the pushchair. "Oh, I was, was I?"

Charlie rolled his eyes. The brown lit up with humour.

"Are you coming?"

"Can I get a pushchair down there?" I frowned. "Or do I need to find someone?"

"It's the patrol route. It's pretty wide." He shrugged.

Humming, I focused on the sudden churn in my gut. Trusting my senses and my instinct was something I needed to do more. Even Theia had told me so, and with a soft shake of my head, I changed my mind.

"I don't want to take the twins there."

"Why not?"

"Call it my spider sense." I shrugged.

"Well, the spider sense was right about the breech, so I would trust it." Charlie agreed.

"I will find someone to watch the twins for an hour." I told him. "Give me ten minutes."

"I will follow you." Charlie smiled. "I'm sure there is someone."

Leaving the forest, I tried the multiple mind-links of my family. I hated making it so last minute, as I knew most were busy with work. To my understanding, Mum was cooking, Dad was out on patrol and Calida was working at the bakery. Molly would have baby Reya, and being ten weeks pregnant, the exhaustion was hitting hard.

"Everyone's busy." I grunted.

"Reggie?" He asked.


Charlie hummed. "Your mum cooks today, right?"

"Sure does."

The silence that followed was so loud I swear I heard the engine churning inside his mind.


I oohed. "I shall try."

Now at the pack house, I tuned into the luna bond and sought her out. She was in the gardens, which was a pleasant surprise. I quickly made my way there and spotted her instantly tending to some of the flowerbeds.

"Rose?" I called.

Her black hair swung wildly, bright and healthy with colour. Rose had really come along with her health, both physically and mentally. Her skin was bright, her muscles more defined and limbs less skeletal.

"Nova?" She stood to her feet. "You alright?"

I noticed the concern in her eyes, and my chest sighed at her kindness. Rose was my gamma female after all, her instinct natural and pure.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I hope I'm not intruding?" I asked her.

"No, no, I'm not doing anything." She smiled, wiping her hands on her jeans.

"I had some urgent business on the borders. I was wondering if you minded watching the twins for an hour? Maybe more..." I asked her.

Her eyes widened. "M-me?"

"Yeah." I laughed. "If you don't mind, of course."

"No! No, I'd love to." She grinned.

I sighed with relief. "Thank you."

"Of course!" She gushed, taking the pushchair from me. "Hi, babies!"

Belle gurgled up at her, her little fists shaking. Freddy just stared, his silence loud as he gazed at her long hair with wonder.

"I know, I will tie it back." Rose giggled. "I can see the thoughts already, Fred."

I groaned at the nickname. "Not you too!"

Rose's laughter was light, her hand covering her mouth.

"This is your doing." I spun to Charlie. "

His hands rose in defence. "Nu-uh, I blame Sean."

Grunting, I took his hand. "Let's go! Thank you again, Rose. I owe you one."

"Nonsense! Go sort it out!" She called after us.

Charlie grunted a complaint as I tugged him toward the trees. "Why are you holding my hand?"

"So you don't run away." I deadpanned.

"I am not an infant."

"You're not?" I glanced at him, wide-eyed. "Huh."

His answering growl had me laugh. "It's a five-minute run. You up for it?"

I noticed how his eyes ran across my physique, and I pulled him to a stop. "Is that a challenge?"

"Merely a question, Luna." He smirked. "We can walk hand-in-hand if you want too."

Rolling my eyes, I released him and ran. Charlie shouted a complaint as I left him in the dust. It was a quick run, meaning I could run at a fairly decent speed without losing stamina. Sean has taught me breathing and stretching techniques, and I knew I would ache after this sprint if I didn't look after my body. I could picture his scowl now as I turn up to training tomorrow, complaining of aches.

Stamina was something we worked on just as hard as strength. Cardio was king, and without it, I wouldn't be able to kick Charlie's arse right now.

I followed the scent of my mate, tuning into the bond to find him already waiting for us. It didn't take us long to reach him, Charlie keeping pace behind me. I spotted his hulking figure first, grinning as I approached him. Our bond filled with amusement, and his grin was visible through the shadows of the trees.

Skidding to a stop, I turned to grin at Charlie in triumph. "I won."

He huffed, crossing his arms. "I beg to differ."

"How so?" I mused.

"You cheated. You teleported or something."

"Oh, yes." I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Because teleportation is one of my many gifts."

He nudged me playfully. "Go sniff a tree."

I laughed, wandering the last few feet to Phoenix. He had been watching us with a patient smile, his arms cross and showcasing his broad shoulders. I tip-toed to kiss him softly, and his eyes softened at the contact.

"You beat him?"

"Sure did!" I laughed.

Charlie had wandered to the border. "She cheated!"

"Maybe you're just getting old." I teased.

"That means I am getting old," Phoenix murmured. "We are mere weeks apart."

"He is still older." I laughed.

"I can hear you; you know," Charlie huffed. "Are we doing this, or what?"

"Have you already gone over?" I wondered.

Phoenix nodded. "I did."

Charlie glared at him. "Alone?"

He shrugged. "So?"

"Did you take nothing in when you received all those letters of complaint?" Charlie scolded him.

"Wow, he really is turning into an old man." I muttered.

Charlie's brown eyes snapped to me, narrowing at my tease. "And is it the same scent?"

"Sure is. Same person."

"Do we know what kind?" I asked.

"Wolf. Male." Phoenix shrugged. "Not too old, but that's all I gathered."

"Empty?" Charlie wondered.

"Nobody is out there." He nodded.

I hummed, eyeing the trees in the distance. "So, I just have to step over, smell it and then come back?"

"Yep." Charlie clicked his tongue. "Simple as that."

"Okay then..." I mumbled, approaching the border.

Phoenix's hand wrapped around my arm, tugging me back. "You don't have to."

"I want to." I insisted, shaking my head. "If I can help, then I will."

He nodded firmly, releasing me. "I will be right here."

A nervous smile flittered across my face as I turned away to face the border once more. There was nobody out there, just open space and a scent. Inhaling deeply, I felt the presence of both of them stand directly behind me.

"Remember, not past that oak tree. That's where it ends and beyond that will take me too long to get to you."

I agreed with a soft nod. "Yeah, I got it."

Inhaling sharply, I wasted no hesitation and took the first step over the borders. It was quiet other than the sounds of my trainer scuffing the dirt. Looking around, I shuddered as an eery feeling settled over me. I didn't like no-man's-land; it always felt wrong.

Deeming it as empty as Phoenix said, I ever so slowly inhaled. The scent of a wolf flooded my nose, along with the familiar tingles of magic. I frowned, delving deeper into the scent when a strangeness lay hidden beneath the scent.

Charlie was right.

I knew that smell.

It has been a while, definitely one I came across many moons ago. I wasn't sure where, or when... It wasn't from Steven's pack, and it was not from the lycan village. It was something else.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated harder. Scraping my mind for any further ounce of familiarity, I breathed in that scent and scanned my memories. My hearing dulled, my breathing deep and even as I concentrated.


I faltered, staggering when I realised Phoenix shouted at me. As I stumbled, I fought to catch myself. Somehow I had wandered as I followed the scent, and without thinking, I passed the oak tree. But that wasn't all, because it turns out my gift wasn't truly hidden; it just liked a good game of hide and seek.

Why? How?

Because the moment my nails sank into the bark of the old tree, I felt my world tilt as I crumbled down.

I was teetering as I fell; the tree giving way as I slumped to the floor. I fought to catch myself, my head banging off the hard ground with a wince. Thankfully, my arms broke most of the fall, but as I opened my eyes, I realised I wasn't in the forest anymore.

The room was familiar.

Grey walls, hard wooden floor, and a grand table. I have been here before, the eight empty seats around the table once full of six creatures.

I rose to my feet when I heard voices and looked up just in time to see the unwelcoming sight of Donovan. I shuddered, looking away from his pale face. I did not have pleasant memories about this man, even his ghost strong enough to haunt me before.

Donovan was talking to three other people, and as I stood to my feet, I vaguely recognised them. One was a man with pale skin, golden hair, and deep red eyes. He was a vampire, if the eyes were not a fact, and I remember I called him Twilight. There was another man, with blue eyes and brown hair, the familiar name of Grumpy, coming to mind. If I remembered right; he was a blood-sucker too because he tried to get me.

And lastly, there was a tall male. Broad shouldered, dark brown shaggy hair, with a well-defined nose. They were bickering about something, but my head was too dull and far away to understand. It wasn't until the man turned and I remembered him as the brown-eyed man who had stood up for me. When Grumpy had forced me to the ground, he had been the only one to see if I was okay.

I was drawn to him, focusing on the sharpness of his nose and the calculating glare to his brown eyes. I fought through the fog of this vision, desperately seeking for my purpose. Then, as though a bubble had popped, their voices filtered through my ears.

"You bit her with malice," Brown eyes growled. "You had no right to force a blood claim on her."

"Why not?" Donovan spat. "I captured her, I won."

"It is not a game," Twilight hissed. "It is a challenge."

"I think it is a game, and I think I won." Donovan shook his head. "I caught the infamous lycan female, and I shall use her blood to make my pack strong."

"Pack?" Grumpy laughed. "A creature like you cannot run a pack."

"I am a wolf as much as I am a witch." Donovan hissed.

"Can you even shift?" Grumpy scoffed.

Donovan didn't answer, choosing to growl instead. "Do not question me. I am the leader here. I am the most powerful."

"I beg to differ." Brown eyes tutted. "The girl you just drained unconscious is."

Donovan grunted. "This conversation is getting nowhere. Leave."

The three of them grunted, but nodded once and turned. I stayed where I was, hidden in this vision. It was my protection, and unless a witch was here that paid attention, I was fine.

Grumpy left first, followed by Twilight, but brown eyes hesitated. He seemed to debate something, glancing at Donovan from over his shoulder. But instead of fighting, he shook his head.

"You need to treat her better or she will die." He told Donovan.

"She will not die, Kasper." Donovan stated.

Kasper pursed his lips, nodding. "You should hope so."

Donovan glared at him. "You have no business in this matter."

"I am a wolf. She is my original ruler. I have as much a right to her soul and life as any other beast." Kasper growled.

With that, he turned and marched to the door. I stared, wide-eyed, as he passed by me. As he heaved the door open, it sent a gust of wind, and finally, the last remnants of the blockage disappeared and his scent washed over me.


Woodsy with the hint of fruit, something I had smelt before. It was so similar, so uncanny, that the gasp that escaped me was involuntary. And as the door shut on this vision, my eyes blurred. I blinked, turning to stare at Donovan. But he had moved. Instead of standing at the other end of the room, he was a mere two feet away. I swallowed down the squeak of fear, knowing that he was a witch could mean he may know I was here. He could even be the one who summoned me here.

His eyes were hard, fists clenched at his sides. "Who's there?"

I gulped, taking a step back. He couldn't see me, merely recognised my presence of magic. My back bumped into the wall, and with a small sigh of relief, I felt myself drift away from this world and into another one entirely new.

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