Chapter 1 - The Seven Deadly Sins

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∞ A little note ∞

Y/N - Your Name
M/N - Middle Name
L/N - Last Name
B/N/N - Best Friend Name
B/H/C - Best Friend Hair Colour
F/F - Favourite Food
F/D - Favourite Drink
F/P - Favourite Pastry
F/C - Favourite Colour
H/L - Hair Length
H/C - Hair Colour
F/C/C - Favourite Candy/Chocolate
F/I - Favorite Instrument
F/S - Favourite Shape
N/N - Nickname
F/H - Favourite Hairstyle
S/C - Skin Colour
F/Cake - Favorite CakeL
R/N - Rival Name (If you don't know which name you should pick, you can always use Rival-chan... Just saying.)

Third Person's POV

"Here you go!" A blonde bar owner said to his customer while setting five mugs on the table. "Five giant steins!!" The bar's cheery atmosphere never died down as more customer come in. The chatters about different topics from different group. Some of them talking about the great Ale, some talking about how there are no bar at this place a couple of days ago. "Sorry to kept you waiting! Here you go! The 'Boar Hat' meat pie special." The owner cheerfully said. "Ohh, this looks delicious!!" Comment one of his unlucky and unsuspecting victims. Once the victims take a bite from his 'ohh, this looks delicious!!' pie, they all vomit onto the floor. "THIS IS DISGUSTING!!!" The group of unlucky customer chant at the same time while the owner look unaffected and not even offended by it. "As I suspected." He simply said.

"Hey bastard! Just what the he'll are you serving?!" One of his victim ask. "You said anything was fine." He countered. "You trying to pick a fight?!" Like adding gasoline to the already raging fire the owner said, "Oh dear... What a troublesome customer." "You wanna go at it brat?!" The customer replies. "Hey... That kid's got a sword." His friend warns. "Clean it up." The owner said as he snaps his finger. "Huh...?" The customers notices something coming out of the back kitchen. "Geez, what a pain. What do you want from me? Pugo!" A pig unnaturally and should not be able to talk said. "A... A pig?" "A pig? Don't insult me. I'm a pig who get people to come here." The Pig boast with confidence. "Hawk, clean up the floor." The owner ordered the pig, who actually go by Hawk. A very weird name for a pig... But hey, he's the pig that gets people to come here.

"Tch, what a pain." Hawk replied and began cleaning up. "Hhm..." He began. "Actually, how about feeding me some decent food scraps?" He bravely said without remorse and this time the blond male is actually offended by it. Or he probably just wanted to scare Hawk by saying "If it's a whole pig roast, I seriously feel like I can pull it off. It's just roasting after all." "Delicious!!! These food scraps are the best!!" The now scared Hawk lied trough his teeth. "I-I guess it doesn't matter anymore..." The unlucky customer said to which another customer replied "So, you've been had too!" We can safely assume that this customer had eaten this bar's 'delicious' food before.

"But if it's alcohol you want, I've got some good collection since I travel through a bunch of different regions!!" The bar's only employee (aside from the talking pig of course) offered, probably as an apology for the incident which probably scarred the customers. "The-then, some good alcohol... Please." The customer said hesitantly." "Comin' right up!" He replies cheerfully. The customer takes a sip from his cup (or mug?) And found that it actually taste good! "Ooh..? It's true... The alcohol's great!" The customer said, telling all his other friend about his new discovery. "Then! I'll have another run too!" "Comin' right up!"

"So, have you heard about the 'Wandering Rust Knight'?" One of the bar's already drunken customer asks his friend. ("I'm hungry" Hawk said. "You just ate." The owner replies.) "He wears rusted armors... That ghost Knight that has been reappearing and disappearing lately, right?" His friend answer. To which he replies back with "It's pretty creepy huh?" "And there's more. Apparently, he goes around muttering something as if he's delirious... I think it was the seven... What was it again?" He tries to remember. "Look at that wanted board over there!!" His friend pointed out to a board filled with seven wanted posters. "Uh uhmm, that's right! 'The Seven Deadly Sin'! The criminals who plotted the overthrowing of the kingdom ten years ago... I think..." He paused thinking a second. "These guys still haven't been caught, right?" He ask. "Yeah, not a single one... There are rumors saying that they're already dead though." His friends answered to which he replies with "They're definitely dead! There's no way the Holy Knights would just let them go." Confidently. "But these wanted posters are renewed every year. Doesn't that mean the Holy Knights are still doing everything they can to find them?"

"Maybe that 'Rust Knight' is the ghost of one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'? And he ('What is this rust smell?' Hawk thought in the middle of the conversation) might be searching for his comrade?..." He said. "Hey what does the kid employee think?" His friend ask. "I'm not a kid! I'm Meliodas! And I'm not an employee I'm the owner all right?!!" The bar owner which we (had always known) now known as Meliodas said to his customer which surprised them. "O-owner? A kid like you?" The customer's friend ask. "Huh? Melio...das? Sounds like something I've heard before..." He ask himself before another bell ring signaling a new customer has enter the ("Chat!" "Shut up you idiot! That is not in the script!" "Sorry!") Bar. "Welcome!" Meliodas greet his new customer, but it was someone he didn't expect. The chatters in the bar stops and silence enveloping as everyone look at the customer in a rusty knight armor. "...The Se.....ven... Deadly... Sins."

"IT IS HEEEEEEEEEEEEERE!!" The Rust Knight shouts scaring the living daylights out of everyone except from Meliodas. "It's the 'Seven Deadly Sins'!!" The customers all scream simultaneously and run out of the Boar Hat's bar not caring if they already paid or not while shouting things like "Save us!" Or "We're going to die!" Meliodas just wait until all of his customers run out before jumping across the counter. "... Who're you?" He ask before the Rust Knight fell down revealing a silver haired girl. "It's a girl!" Hawk said. "Elizabeth!" They heard someone yell before barging in. Suddenly...


The person slipped and hit their head onto the armor. The hit apparently knocks them out. "Now we have two girls!" Hawk said yet again. "Hawk you take the silver one and I'll take the (H/c) one!" Meliodas said to Hawk. "Whaaat?! What are you gonna do?!" Hawk ask as he and Meliodas carry the two girls to a separate bedroom. After Hawk finishes putting the silver haired girl, he quickly dashes to Meliodas. Feeling alarmed and scared of what he might do to the poor girl. He got in and saw what Meliodas is doing. The girl is wearing a knee-length (F/c) dress with a (F/s) necklace and an (F/c) earring. She also seem to brought a (F/c) bag. "This sleeping face. This body line. This smell... It's definitely a woman." Meliodas said out loud. "Don't you feel like you're being a creep?!" Hawk exclaimed to his friend. Meliodas's madness doesn't stop there as he hold out his hand to grope her breast but before he touches them a hand stopped him. "What are you trying to do?!" The girl ask while her (E/c) orb is glaring at the blonde. "...And no abnormalities in your heartbeat either!" He said casually. "Oh." The girl said and release his hand. "You bastard! Acting so aloof!" Hawk shout. The girl just watch them until she remembers something. "Elizabeth! Where is she?!" She ask Meliodas and Hawk. "Elizabeth?" The boys replied confused. "She's a girl with silver hair and pretty tall. Have you seen her?!" She tells them worried about her. "Oh! The one in the armor! Yes she is in the other bedroom. Follow me. I'll show you the way." Hawk proudly said.

"Yes! Please. Lead the way." She said standing up and followed the talking pig. Once they are in the room she immediately bolt to Elizabeth's side. "Elizabeth!" She said and suddenly Elizabeth wakes up. "Ye... Yes?" "Ellie! Oh my gosh, you got me so worried! Why did you suddenly run off like that? That was very irresponsible of you! What if something happens to you?!" The girl put her hand on Elizabeth's face. Relieve is clearly shown om her face. "S-sorry." Elizabeth apologize while looking down. The girl just sigh before hugging Elizabeth. "It doesn't matter now. As long as you're safe." The (H/c) haired girl said. "Where are we by the way? Why are we..?" Elizabeth ask. "Oh, yeah... I don't really know to be honest. That thought completely slipped my mind." "You came into the shop in some crazy daze and suddenly kneeled over." Meliodas answer both of the girls' questions. "Shop?" "Yep! The 'Boar Hat'! It's my shop!" He said while grinning. "You're the owner?" The (H/c) haired girl ask. "Why? Is that strange?" Meliodas replied. The girl turned away and chuckle "Pfft, short." Which earn a nudge from Elizabeth. "Ouch! Ellie that hurt!" She whine. "You shouldn't said that to the person who saved us." Elizabeth said. "I'm just telling the truth..." The girl said pouting. "S-sorry. It's just that sword on your back... I just thought you were a swordsman or something." Elizabeth said to Meliodas.

He place his hand on the sword and unsheathe it. "Kyah!" Elizabeth shouts as the other girl act as a shield between them. When nothing is coming Elizabeth open her eyes to see a broken sword. "The blade... Is broken." She said as the (H/c)ette girl release a breath she didn't realise she was holding. "Heheh, did I scare you? Even if it's just the hilt, it looks pretty authentic if I just show it off right? This is what you call an incentive for people not to run off without paying!!" Meliodas explain. "A lot of customer come to a bar, after all... It's hard being the owner." He said. "I feel sorrier for the customers that get their cash stolen from you after being fed their food." Hawk suddenly said. Upon hearing Hawk's voice, Elizabeth jump from the bed to him. "Woooooow! It's a talking piggy! I begged father for one before!" Elizabeth fangirls. "The name's Hawk!" Hawk introduced himself. "Oh yeah, the pig talks. I didn't realise that before." The unknown girl said. "How did you not realise a talking pig?!" Hawk ask. "What's your pig called?" Meliodas ask. The atmosphere suddenly felt heavy. "... We never get one." The girl simply said. "Right. You hungry? I'll let you have some." Meliodas quickly change the topic. Upon hearing this Hawk paled and started to shiver.

"You'll feed me pork?" Elizabeth cutely said. To which Hawk replied with "I'm not pork I'm Hawk!" "...Unfortunately no. It's food from the bar." Meliodas said. 'I could've sworn he was thinking about it though...' The girl thought. "You bastard! Don't say something so misleadingly!" Hawk scold the short blonde and they all walk downstairs. After cooking Meliodas (Shouldn't it be Mealiodas? *winky face*) gives the meal to the two girls. "... In addition for looking after me you're even giving me and my sister foods... How can I ever repay you?" Elizabeth ask. "It's all right just eat." He simply said. "All right. Thank you for the food. " the both of them said at the same time. After the first bite Elizabeth paused while her sister continues. "How is it? Taste horrible, right?" He ask this time. "...Yes." Elizabeth said while her sister just hum. "Why are you still eating it then?" Meliodas ask again. "Because you made it. After all the trouble of making it I'm not going to just throw it away." She said. And suddenly Elizabeth cried. "To the point of tears." Hawk exclaimed. "You're right (Y/n). I shouldn't waste it." She started to eat more. "Hey, what are you doing in an armor like that?" Meliodas ask Elizabeth. "My sister and I are searching for them..." She pauses for the dramatic effect. "The Seven Deadly Sins." (Y/n) continued.


"(FBI)OPEN UP!!" Someone said. By the voice we can assume that it's a boy. "There was a notice from the villagers!!" He shouts through the door while furiously knocking. It doesn't even count as knocking anymore to be honest. "We are the Knight garrisoned at the base of the mountain who serve the Holy Knight himself. We have come to capture the Rust Knight who appears to be one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'!" He continued. "Some noisy guys have arrived." Meliodas said calmly without caring what might happen to his door. "Holy Knights..." Elizabeth said. "Sister, we have to get out of here." (Y/n) told her Elizabeth while her face shows concern and worry.

"COME OUT QUIETLY. IF YOU DO SO WE WON'T UNSHEATHE OUT SWORDS!" the guy continue to shout from outside the bar. 'That guy is annoying.' (Y/n) thought. The guy chuckle. "It must be an old man. He seems scared of us." He proceeds to say (shout) "ALRIIIGHT! THEN I'LL GIVE YOU THIRTY SECONDS!!" Just as he finish saying that, our blond hero opens the door. "Don't need it." "That was fast." The Holy Knight guy said. "And who the hell are you?!" He ask. "I'm the owner." Replies Meliodas. "Where's the Rust Knight? Bring him out!" That guy said again. Without any questions Meliodas tell the 'Rust knight' to come out. "Come on out." He said. Mister Holy Knight is a little bit surprise by the lack of resisting and questioning, but he don't really care. That just it's easier for him to complete his job. "Ha! Looks like you're pretty quick to understand." He boast. But when something he didn't expect come out from the bar... "Fuh, someone called for me?" Hawk ask while wearing Elizabeth's armor. "I'm Hawk the Rust Knight. Pugo!" Hawk continued. "Th-this pig is one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'?" One of his subordinates who didn't do or say anything before ask. "Like hell he is." The 'Holy Knight' gritted his teeth. "Whaaat? I'm the leader of the Knight of Food Scrap Disposal! Don't you know that?!" Hawk ask back.

"There is NO such group of Knights." The guy said. "If you'd like this pig you can boil him, grill him, anything..." Meliodas simply said while Hawk is in the background saying how they should NOT do any of those things. "You braaaaaat...! You got some guts mocking a Knight." He grab Meliodas by his shirt and hold him a few feet in the air. But, Meliodas didn't flinch nor he shows any hint of fear. His face stays neutral and he didn't said anything. Suddenly his friends find Elizabeth and (Y/n) running through the back door. "Mr. Allioni! Two girls just ran out of the back door!" He said. "Wha-what?!!" Mr. Allioni ask surprised. "Those girls are probably a part of 'The Seven Deadly Sins'! Follow them!" Allioni command his friends.

"Capture her!" Allioni says again while he and his friends keep chasing the two sisters. "But don't let your guard down. If those two is really one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins', they must posses considerable skill." He said while they keep panting and huffing. "Soon enough Lord Twigo will come! All we had to do is exhaust her and drive her into a corner!!" "If we capture the member of the 'Seven Deadly Sins', our reputation as the knights of the 'Beard Of The Mountain Cat' will rise." And they started to laugh. Suddenly one of their member fall down. "Wha-what is it? What's wrong?!" Mr. Allioni ask feeling alarmed. "A-a pug is charging toward us!" The side character answered. Hawk continue to ran toward him and butt headed him on his soft spot, and just like that he is knocked out. "Aagh! Don't come any closer!" Mr. Allioni said without looking the right way. Suddenly Elizabeth is on the branch while (Y/n) is in Meliodas's arm. "See ya! I have nothin' against ya but I'm getting double amount of food tonight for this!" Hawk said after he push Allioni down the cliff. "You've saved us... Twice... Thank you very much." Elizabeth said. As Meliodas bagan squishing (Y/n) breast.

"Stop! I just met you!" (Y/n) scold him while slapping away his hand and started climbing down the tree. "Elizabeth! Jump into my arms." (Y/n) said jokingly but Elizabeth take it seriously and jump. "Ellie!" (Y/n) shouts and catch her. "Wow, you really jump..." "W-was I not supposed to do that?" Elizabeth ask. "Nah, it's okay. Don't you worry sis! Your older sister will always be here for you." (Y/n) replied and boop her. "Okay!" Elizabeth light up. "... So, how's the rest of that story go?" Meliodas ask while jumping down from the tree. "The reason I am searching for the 'Seven Deadly Sins' ... Is to stop the Holy Knights." Elizabeth explain. "Sir Meliodas... Sir Hawk... You've helped me and my sister so many times... We will never forget this debt... But please, forget about us." She said while (Y/n) keep walking without turning back. "Yeah, thank you very much. I am so sorry for causing so much trouble." (Y/n) said. "Now then... Sis, let's go. We have a long journey ahead of us for us to continue." (Y/n) tell her sister.

"Wait a second! Let me get this straight. You two want to stop the Holy Knights?!" Hawk ask. The two sisters stay silent. "The Holy Knights are Knights among Knights that protect Britannia. They are heroes aren't they?" Hawk ask again. "... And they are terrifying existence. Just one of them have enough power to match and entire country's army. What if they wage war against Britannia?" (Y/n) said. Meliodas and Hawk stays silent as the realization hit. "A few days ago... Due to a coup d'etat orchestrated by the Holy Knights, the King was captured. The kingdom essentially fall into the hands of the Holy Knights. In order to start a war, they forcibly recruiting people from the towns and villages surrounding the kingdom. The men are to be train as soldiers, the woman and children are to bring food for storage and the elders are to construct castle walls. Without mercy those who oppose them are..." Elizabeth continue and started to cry. "Shh, shh. It's okay sis. We're going to save them and hopefully stop the war. Don't cry." (Y/n) tries to calm her sister down while hugging her. "If the Holy Knights are supposed to be heroes, they are doing a very bad job at it. If this continues, soon the consequences of their actions are going to befall this region too." (Y/n) explained. "S-seriously?!" Hawk said. "Yeah, that sounds pretty bad." Meliodas comment. "If there are one thing that could stop the Holy Knights. It would be the 'Seven Deadly Sins'!"

"Come on, are you looking for the 'Seven Deadly Sins' even know what kind of people they are?" Meliodas ask. "When I was five or six years old, my father will always told me the stories. Apparently the 'Seven Deadly Sins' was the strongest and cruelest order of Knights in the kingdom formed by seven brutal criminals who carved symbols of seven beasts onto their bodies. Ten years ago, they were accused of plotting to overthrow the kingdom and disintegrated after all the Holy Knights in the kingdom launched a general offensive against them..." Elizabeth answer his questions. "Sometimes, (Y/n) will talk about them too. And there were rumors of them all dying if I recall. There's no way that such amazing people would die so easily!" Elizabeth said. "But they are villains aren't they?" "The Holy Knights are the ones who are actually making people suffer! If the 'Seven Deadly Sins' is opposing them, then that is the only way we got." (Y/n) countered. The ground Shook beneath them and then they found themselves falling. "Elizabeth!" "(Y/n)!" The sisters call out each others name.

"Whoops! I had forgotten to confirm if they were the people in the report." A man sheathe his sword back into it's scabbard. "Confirm! Three unknown people dead!" He nonchalantly said. "Is that alright?" "B-but, Mr. Allioni was beneath the cliff." One of the two side characters said. "The we can say four dead." The swordsman simply replied. "But Lord Twigo! That's horrible!" They said again. "Then, is it eight?" Twigo threaten. "Eeek! Please, anything but that!" The two side characters begged him for mercy. "Hup." They heard shuffling from behind and turn to see Meliodas and his friend is still alive. Oh, and Mr. Allioni too I guess. "Hey! What're you all doing alive?! Don't change my confirmed death toll." Lord Twigo exclaim to all 4 of them. "Don't confirm it on your own!" Hawk bravely replies. "Hey, you awake...?" Meliodas whisper to (Y/n) and Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, are you okay?" (Y/n) worriedly ask her sister. "Yes. I am okay." She replied. "Phew! Then, yes I'm awake." (Y/n) to Meliodas. "Well, no matter. Which one of you is the one presumed to be one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins.' None of you seem to be resembling any of the wanted posters it seems." He continued. Not paying any mind to the fact that he is being ignored. "Okay, when I give the signal, run to the forest okay?" Meliodas continue ignoring Lord Twigo. The sisters just nod. Twigo seem to realize the sisters earrings and saw what symbol they bear. "Well, it seems I'm in luck. The symbol on that earring is the symbol of the royal family. Which means you are... Confirmed!! The Twin Princesses, Princess (Y/n) and Princess Elizabeth!" He confirmed.


"Princess?! As in the Princess of the Kingdom?!" Meliodas and Hawk ask at the same time. "There's a search order out for you two throughout the Kingdom. You won't run, will you?" Twigo. "The orders are to capture you alive, but it can't be helped if you die in an accident. Can it?" "You-" (Y/n) began but is cut off by Meliodas's signal. "We're going!" He said and they all started to run. "There's no way I can allow myself to be captured so easily! There's no way I'm giving up!" Elizabeth said. "Yeah, if you wanna kill Ellie, you gonna have to go through me first!" (Y/n) shout at Twigo. "Ooh?" Twigo swing his blade and the force from the swing cut down most of the trees. "Confirmed! Accidental death!" He said. Before the force touch the sisters they are pulled by Meliodas to the ground. In other word, Twigo missed. "So what will the circumstances of death be? Crushed by a falling tree? Or blood loss from the cut of a whirlwind?" He ask to himself. (Y/n) open her eyes to see Meliodas beside her. "Yo." He turned to Hawk. "Hawk, looks like you're fine." "You call this skewered pig state - fine?" Hawk ask angrily with a stick in sticking on his body before crying "Uwaaaaaa! Mommaa!"

"A pig? Well whatever." Twigo said not paying any mind to the skewered pig. Elizabeth get up from the ground and started walking towards Twigo. "Elizabeth! What are you doing?! Come back here! You're going to get yourself killed." (Y/n) called. "We won't be able to get away... By doing this at least you could get away." Elizabeth answered. "Are you dumb?! Stop it! We can do this!" (Y/n) tried to persuade her. "You... You said there's no way you can give up. Didn't you?" Meliodas ask. "... If I surrender, you will have some time to run away. And please take my sister with you." Elizabeth solemnly said. (Y/n) grab her wrist before she can take another step forward. "No. If you die I die with you." (Y/n) replied, determine to do a double suicide with her lil' sis. "Thank you for everything..." (Y/n) thank Meliodas and give him a sweet smile. Twigo once again swing his blade and (Y/n) hug her little sister embracing for the impact but once again they are saved by Meliodas. "Please! At the very least you should make it out alive." Elizabeth cried out. "He's gonna kill us all either way." Meliodas simply said. "Why?" Elizabeth began. "I... Was happy. All alone I went on a journey to find the 'Seven Deadly Sins' with my sister... I've never been on a journey before. I was so worried. But (Y/n) is always there. She always tried to help. And in order to hide my identity, I wore armor o wasn't used to and walk until I was exhausted, despite (Y/n)'s warning. I even snuck out and walk alone! I wasn't able to rely on anyone except for her..." Elizabeth continue. "Ellie..." "But, you were so kind... To someone you didn't even know. So that's why don't want to wrap you up in this anymore. You, whose name I don't even know!" She continue to cry out.

"Meliodas. That's my name."

"What? No way." (Y/n) ask. "That can't be... But, you look like a child." Elizabeth said while Meliodas just grin. (Y/n) look at his shoulder and saw the dragon tattoo. "That symbol... A dragon!" She exclaimed. "Hmph." Twigo swing his sword again but the force is reflected back at him. "Wha-what is this?!" He ask himself. 'My sword would certainly have finished them off! But the one who took the blow was me?!' He thought to himself panicking. "What is this?!" He ask again. "A sword with a broken blade?!" He exclaimed. "A child do you really plan on fighting me with that trash?" He ask. "Trash is just fine." Meliodas cheekily replies. "Meliodas... Are you really that..." Elizabeth softly mutter. "Meliodas?" Twigo ask. "W-wait, I remember seeing your face before! Ho- if that's the case, why do you not look different from before?" "Have you figured out... Who I am?" Meliodas coolly ask while readying himself to swing his broken blade. Twigo starts to panic as the realization hit him. That the child in front of him is one of the legendary 'Seven Deadly Sins'. "It-it can't be! Truly, you are!" He swings his blade again "You aaaaaaaaareee!!!" But with a swing from Meliodas, the attack is reflected once again. "'Seven Deadly Sins' Dragon Sin, Meliodas!!" Meliodas confirmed. "Confirmed! This power beyond common ability. The legendary-" Twigo's sentence is cut off when he went flying by the attack.

"Ooh, he sure went up high." Meliodas said while looking at the sky. "Told you didn't I? If I weren't using trash you would've been dead." "He sure like to swing that thing around huh?" (Y/n) said. "Well, looks like with this, you two found the first one! (Y/n)! Elizabeth!" Meliodas said. "About the remaining six, I've got business with them too, so I've started looking for them recently. I've been running a bar to gather information. If I had a serving girl, then I'd be able to get more customers and more information. You'll come with me... Right?" He ask. Immediately Elizabeth say yes. "What about you? (Y/n)?" He ask her. "Wherever Ellie go, I will follow so, yes!" She said. In another place Twigo have safely land and is found by his follower. "L-lord Twigo! Steady now." One of them said while trying to help. "R-request reinforcement from t-the kingdom! T-this is serious!" Twigo stutter out. Suddenly a giant green pig landed near by and almost crushed them. "Nice time Hawk's Mom!" Meliodas complemented holding (Y/n) by the waist. "Let's get outta here." Hawk said. "Hey! Let me go! I can walk on my own!" (Y/n) shout at Meliodas.

'Was this meeting coincidence? Or inevitable? Is it despair or hope that awaits them? My adventure with Meliodas to find the 'Seven Deadly Sins' had just begun.'


Author's Note

Aaaand, that is chapter one. I intend to follow the storyline exactly like the manga so, sorry if anything you wanted to happen didn't happen. Also feel free to comment and point out any mistakes.

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