14. Falling for me?

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"Mr. Dixit!", Dev was surprised hearing sonakshi calling him. He turned and looked at her who gave him a tight lipped smile. But ignoring her completely, he turned back and stood up trying to walk away but she rushed towards him stopping him in his traces. "I need to talk to you", she said blocking his way as he looked up at her annoyed. "What's more to talk? I guess you said and did everything you need, to this mere employee of yours.. Ma'am", he said with coldness dripping from his voice and she rolled her eyes off him. "It.. It just happened by mistake Mr. Dixit. I didn't mean to push the glass away", she said but he looked away.

"I am sorry for what I did", she said and he looked at her surprised. "A boss shouldn't apologize to her Employee Ma'am", he said stressing the latter and she huffed at him in dismay. "Stop calling me 'Ma'am'. It sounds weird", she said annoyed. "But that's how everyone calls you. Even Rohan does the same. So why should I be an exception? I am nothing but a mere employee of yours, isn't it?", he asked and she sighed tiredly. "I thought.. you are.. my.. friend", she said and he cocked his brows at her doubting if he had heard her correctly. "Friend? You can't be this funny", he said laughing at her sarcastically.

"I am serious", she said staring at him but he shook his head in a no. "If you had considered me as a friend then you might have not thrown that glass away", he said and she huffed in dismay. "Mr. Dixit it happened by mistake. And if it hadn't spilled out then I would've definitely had that drink", she said. "Really?", he asked her cocking his brows at her. "Yes", she said confidently. "Then wait a minute", he said and walked into the kitchen leaving her confused. He soon returned with a big flask in his hand and she looked at him quizzically. "What is this?", she asked as he placed the tall flask on the table and took out a glass.

"Didn't you say that you would've had the drink if it hadn't spilled out?", he asked and she nodded at him in a yes slowly. "Now you have a whole of this. Drink it quickly", he said smiling making her shocked. She looked at the huge flask infront of her and horror filled her eyes. She said so just to convince him. She never thought that he would have a backup of that drink. "Have this", he said forwarding a glass of it and she stared at him in horror. "Ugh.. Will this be.. bitter?", she asked him staring at the glass in his hand. "No it will be as sweet as honey. What kind of question is this? This is a medicinal drink and of course it will be bitter only", he said casually and she gulped down nervously.

"Don't tell me you are scared to drink this", he said in disbelief as she stared at the drink and then at him with horror filled in her eyes. "No.. I am not scared of anything.. except this", she said pointing at the glass in his hand making him laugh out loud. "Seriously? The great Ms. Bose is scared to drink this! Now I know your weak point", he said laughing and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh hello! No one will like such a bitter drink", she said looking at the glass making a disgusted face. "Sometimes bitterness is good Ms. Bose", he said and something striked her mind. "What?", he asked as he found her staring at him absentmindedly. "No.. Nothing. Okay. Drink it if you can. If you really consider me as your fri..", before she could complete, he gulped the whole glass of drink and she stared at him wide eyed.

"Happy?", he asked placing the glass on the table while she was still gawking at him. "How?", she asked him shocked. "Anything for you", he said winking at her and she blinked her eyes twice in disbelief. She couldn't believe how effortlessly he could flirt with her any time. "Now it's your turn. Have it", he said pouring another glass of drink and forwarding it to her while she stared at it nervously. "Then I am leaving", he said disappointedly and was about to stand up but she stopped him. "Okay fine. I will drink", she said taking the glass from his hand making him smile.

"It's been 12 minutes",Dev said as Sonakshi kept examining the glass full of drink with a scared face. "You don't have to do something that you don't wish to", he said with a straight face and she looked up at him. "No no.. I will drink it", she said and shutting both her eyes and pinching her nose with one hand she gulped down the whole drink in one go making Dev surprised. "See.. I did it", she said placing the glass down on the table, caressing her throat and squeezing her eyes in the after taste of the bitter drink. "For me?", he asked in disbelief and she nodded her head in a yes making his lips curve up. "And I hate you for this", she said still trying to normalise her taste buds which became numb due to the bitterness.

"Oh wow! From feeling nothing towards me to hating me, you have improved a lot and so are your feelings for me", he said smiling mischievously and she facepalmed herself. "You did it for me only. So there is something happening inside you... Oh wait, are you falling for me?", he asked her smiling brightly and she rolled her eyes off him tiredly. "I am done with you", she said raising her hands up in surrender and was about to walk away but he stopped her. "Okay okay.. Relax. I was just kidding", he said as she sat down beside him huffing tiredly. "What if not now? You will feel it soon", he said and she furrowed her brows at him.

"Feel what?", she asked confused and he smiled at her in return. "Something beautiful, right here", he said pointing towards his heart and she shook her head tiredly. "Only in your dreams Mr. Dixit", she said as he smiled and poured another glass of the drink. "Now come on. Finish the remaining too", he said and Sonakshi's eyes almost popped out in shock. "Ugh.. No.. How can I?", she fumbled nervously looking at the glass in his hand. "But Ms. Bose, I made all this for you only. You shouldn't waste it. I will be back in a minute. Finish it before that", he said and walked out getting a call while she gulped down in horror.

Only she knew how hard it was for her to have that one glass of drink but here he was asking her to drink another one. She neither want to throw it away nor want to drink it. Wondering what to do, she looked up and was surprised to see Rohan descending the stairs. "Rohan!", Sonakshi's face brightened as Rohan made her way towards the dinning hall. "Thank god.. You are here. My saviour!", she said sighing in relief as he walked towards the table while he looked at her clueless. "Rohan drink this", she said forwarding the glass to him. "What is this Ma'am?", he asked her staring at the weird green coloured liquid confused. "Umm.. It's a drink.. a portion that will make you smart and courageous", she blabbered and he gave her an amused look.

"But Ma'am why are you giving this to me?", he asked her confused. "Because I want to make my favourite employee even more smart. It's prepared by local villagers and they said that it makes men smarter and women more beautiful, which I already am. So I am giving this to you", she said with a tight lipped smile trying to convince him but he still looked doubtful. He had never seen his boss talking so much and that made his doubt grow more. "By the way Rohan, when did you start questioning me?", she asked in a bossy tone and he gulped down in horror looking at her getting back to her original form again. "No Ma'am. I am sorry. I will drink this", he said giving her a nervous smile. "That's good. I will be back and don't even think about throwing it out. If I find you doing something like that then I won't mind in throwing you out", she said and walked in leaving him sulk.

"What is that Rohan?", Elena asked Rohan as she saw him staring at the glass placed infront of him. "Ma'am, its a portion", he said and she looked at him confused. "Oh really!", Elena's eyes sparkled with happiness as Rohan told her everything sonakshi said. "Then give this to me", she said grabbing the glass from his hand. "If I became more beautiful then Dev will like me more", she said to herself with all smiles. "But Ma'am, Sonakshi Ma'am asked me to drink it", he said and she rolled her eyes off him. "It's okay. I will manage her", she said confidently but he didn't look convinced. "But I don't want to get fired", he said gulping down in horror reminiscing Sonakshi's words making elena facepalm. "Fine. Then lets do one thing. Come we will share it", she said taking out another empty glass and poured the remaining drink in it. "Cheers!", she said clinking her glass with his as he looked at it nervously, before both gulped down their own respective drinks, each expecting a different result, unaware of the unexpected outcome.


"Hoping to see them in a day or two. Try to make it soon", sonakshi said ending the call and threw her phone on the bed. It's been night already and the day was hectic for her. It was so much difficult for her to manage her work from here but still she had no heart to leave the place. Massaging her temples with one hand, she fell back on the bed. Though her temperature was down by then, she still felt a little tired but comparatively much better than that morning. She wondered what Dev had added in that special drink of his, that made her fever fly away and a small smile crept on her face for reasons known to her only.

From her childhood, though her grandfather had appointed so many people to look after her, she always felt lonely. Though there so many people around her, she felt something missing from her life. Elena was always a great friend to her, who listened to her and understood her without even exchanging words. To sonakshi, she was a fun filled element in her boring life. Sometimes, even sonakshi felt envy of her. She always longed to live a normal happy life like elena or other children. But the responsibilities that was put upon her shoulders made her a very tough person at a very young age. She knew she was rude and arrogant unlike other girls of her age. Even she wanted to enjoy her life, but she had no time.

In her race in life to earn money and fame, she realized that she had never lived. She never even had experienced the love of her parents whom she could hardly remember. She closed her eyes reminiscing those days of which she had a little memory about. The time that she used to run around her house and her mother would chase her holding a glass in her hand.

"Sona, don't you want your fever to fly away? Come on. Be a good girl and drink this"

"Mumma no! I won't drink it. It will be so bitter"

"Baby, sometimes even bitterness is good"

A lone tear escaped her eyes which she wiped off quickly. Though there were only a few moments that she could remember, they haunted her for years. She don't know why but she never wanted to remember those moments. Reminiscing those memories always made her feel like someone was squeezing her heart. Most of the time of her life were filled with moments where she felt lonely. Her heart always longed to sleep on her mother's lap, to lean on her father's shoulder. But those things never happened.

Suddenly her gaze fell upon a wallet placed upon the table. Confused whose it could be, she took it in her hand. It was then she realised it was Dev's. Thinking that he might have forgotten it there by mistake, she thought of giving it to him the next morning as it was nearly mid night already. Suddenly her lips curved up a little remembering that day's incident. How Dev had made efforts to cure her fever just like her mother did! Ofcourse she felt guilty for hurting him first but she somewhere felt that he was getting closer towards her. Little did she know that it was her fear of getting closer towards him.

Placing the wallet back on the table she hopped on the bed taking the diary in her hand. It has become her regular habit for her now to read Devrath's diary every night before getting into sleep. It gave her a peaceful sleep, like the bed time stories that she failed to hear during her childhood times. Flipping the pages of the diary, she leaned back on the bed and continued it from where she left.


"Dev!", Bijoy said surprised seeing Dev standing at his doorstep along with Ramu. Dev quickly bent down to take his blessings which he did happily and let them inside. "Asha, Look who came", Bijoy called his wife who came out of the kitchen with a wide smile seeing the guests. "Good that you both came. Last time you didn't even have water. Now you should leave only after having lunch", Asha said strictly but Dev politely denied. "We would love to have but we came here for something else", he said and looked at Bijoy who nodded at him to continue.

"We thought of opening the old house", he paused and Bijoy listened to him curiously, "where they used to live before", he said hinting at his parents. "Can I help you by any means?", Bijoy asked him to which Dev nodded at him. "The original keys are missing. And we came to know that the spare ones are with you", Dev said and Bijoy thought for a while. "Can we have some water?", Ramu asked Asha. "Shona, bring some water", Asha said. "Okay Maa", Shona said from inside the kitchen and hearing her Dev's lips curved up to which Ramu smiled at him teasingly. "Yes I can remember having it", Bijoy said breaking his reverie. "But I don't know where it is. Please give me some time, I will search for it", he continued and Dev nodded at him in a yes.

"Maa wat..", words died in shona's mouth as she saw Dev having a talk with her father. Realizing her presence, everyone snapped their heads towards her who stood stunned in a place. Seeing her shocked expressions, Dev smiled to himself and winked at her careful enough to not get noticed by her parents while Shona's eyes widened in shock. "Give the water to them", Bijoy said breaking her reverie and she quickly composed herself back. Wondering why he came to her house, she walked towards Ramu and handed him the glass of water. He smiled at her meekly to which she gave him a death glare.

"You both please sit here. I will search for it", Bijoy said and went inside to search for the keys. "Chachi do you know how to make ginger kadha? I am not feeling good now a days", Ramu asked Asha who stood by the side. "Is it so? I will make it and send it to your house", she said but he denied. "No. I wish to learn how to make it. May be it might help when no is there in the house. Can you explain me now?", he asked her and asha looked at him surprised. "Now?", she asked confused and he nodded at her. "Fine. I will tell you how to prepare it. Come", she said excusing herself and walking towards the kitchen. Ramu too followed her not before turning back and smiling at Dev teasingly.

"I came to your home to see you only but you are giving me just a glass of water. Not fair Shona", Dev said as she forwarded him a glass of water. "Dev, why did you come here?", she asked him nervously. "To see you only Jaan", he said holding her one hand and smiling at her dreamily. Her heart started racing in fear and she looked around to see if anyone was there. "Dev what are you doing? Anyone might come", she said looking around tensed but he held her wrist and pulled her towards him making her gasp in shock. "Dev this is so wrong. Why did you come here?", she asked him nervously but he was in a mood to tease her.

"I told you right? If your father comes to know about us, he will call me to your home and talk about us. That's what is happening now", he said calmly and her eyes widened in shock. Only he knew how difficult it was becoming to control his laughter seeing her scared face. "I won't believe you. Leave me now", she said trying to get her hand out of his hold but he was adamant to tease her much. "Fine. Don't believe me. But even now he went inside to take your horoscope charts only. Be ready. We are getting married very soon. So nothing is wrong here", he said and pulled her closer while she vaulted in his hold. "Dev please..", she stopped struggling as she understood that it won't help her and made a sad pout which could melt his heart.

"Stop doing that and if you want me to free you, then do what you did yesterday", he said and she looked at him confused. On one side she was scared if someone could see them like that. If it happens then she was sure that it would be the death of her. But here on the other side, Dev was having his own share of plans to make her panicked, she thought. "What did I do?", she asked innocently and he turned his face to the side. "Last night you kissed me here. Now kiss me here and then I will leave you", he said showing his other cheek and her eyes widened in shock. "Dev, this is not the time. Leave me. Papa might come", she said tensed. "I will leave you only if you do what I said. Don't take much time. Your papa might come", he said smiling at her mischievously making her even more nervous.

"Shona!", she heard her father's voice and dropped the glass from her hand. It fell on the floor with a loud bang spilling the water inside, little on Dev and remaining on the floor. She quickly pushed Dev away and distanced herself from him. "What happened?", Asha asked coming from the kitchen along with Ramu and saw Dev and shona staring at her in horror. "Maa.. I.. I dropped the glass. It fell down", she said stammering nervously. "Can't you be a little careful? You spilled the water on Dev", Bijoy who came there just now asked her annoyed. "Pa..pa.. I am sorry. I will clean it", she said slowly lowering her gaze. "It's not her mistake", Dev interrupted. He felt guilty for pushing her into the trouble because if he hadn't teased her, then this wouldn't have happened, he thought.

"Nowadays, you are not at all in your senses shona", Asha said huffing tiredly and Dev gave sonakshi I-know-why kind of look to which she gave him a death glare and muttered something under her breath. "Dev beta, here it is", Bijoy handed over a bunch of old keys to him, breaking their little bubble. "Thank you", Dev said with a tight lipped smile while shona looked at the keys in his hand quizzically. It was then she understood that he pranked her, and he came here for something else making her sigh in relief. "If you need any other help, don't hesitate to ask us", Bijoy said as Dev and Ramu were about to leave the house. Dev nodded at him in a yes and walked out after bidding adieu to everyone including shona in his own way.

"Shona stop", Bijoy said as she was about to walk inside. She stopped in her traces and turned around only to find her father looking at her confused. "Where are your anklets?", he asked looking at her bare feet. "Papa.. I lost it somewhere", she said nervously looking down, not meeting his gaze. "Did you lose both?", he asked her doubtfully thinking over something. "No, I lost one only. So I removed the other too. It might be somewhere inside the house only papa. I will find it soon", she said trying to convince him, though she knew she might have lost it somewhere outside. "Some lost things never come back shona. Be careful", he said and walked inside leaving her wonder over his words.

**End of Flashback**

"Ahhh!", Sonakshi heard someone screaming aloud and it didn't take much time to her to realize that it was Rohan. She closed the diary and quickly rushed out to hear some more noise coming from the corridors. Wondering what he was doing at this hour of the night, she walked past the corridor and was shocked to hear some more weird noises from Devrath's room. Pushing her nervousness aside and without thinking much, she quickly flung the door open to see it filled with nothing but darkness. There was a single candle lit up and placed in the middle of the room, much to her surprise. When she walked further inside, her eyes widened and she gasped in shock.

"Elena, what have you done to him?", Sonakshi asked seeing elena sitting on one side of the candle with a frightened Rohan beside. "We are playing" , Elena replied excitedly. "What are you playing? And why is Rohan like this?", she asked her looking at Rohan who was almost at the verge of crying. "Ouija Board", Elena said showing her a board placed on the floor.

It contained a series of alphabets and numbers with a few more additional texts and weird symbols printed on it. Sonakshi looked at Rohan who was sitting scared on one side of the board with his one finger placed on it, what seemed like a coin. "What is all this?", Dev who came just then asked looking at the things arranged inside the dark room. "Dev, even you came. Wow! Its gonna be fun", Elena said excitedly clapping her hands making Rohan sob aloud. "Sshhh.. Don't act like a coward Rohan. Be a man", Elena said and Rohan tried to suppress his cries. "Can you please explain what you are trying to do?", Sonakshi asked her completely annoyed. "Oh sona, this is a game to communicate with spirits. We are going to play this tonight", Elena said grinning widely and sonakshi gawked at her open mouthedly while Rohan's sobs grew even more louder.

"Are you out of sense elena? Do you know what you are trying to do?", Sonakshi asked her angrily. "Sona, however you don't believe in such things. Then why are worrying much? Just stay calm and take a chill pill", she said smiling while sonakshi rolled her eyes off her. "By the way, Rohan is my secretary and I can't allow you to use him for your stupid game", Sonakshi said making Rohan cry in happiness. For the first time in his life, he felt blessed to be Sonakshi's secretary. "Rohan's working hours are over already. So he is not your employee now. Rohan, don't forget your deal with me", Elena said in a warning tone and Rohan gulped down in horror.

"Rohan, if you want to save your job, leave all this and go back to your room", Sonakshi said seriously. Though she said that she don't believe in such things, she knew that this place especially Devrath's room was a little dangerous one and she didn't want to take any risk. "Shona why are you troubling him? Just one game and then he will leave. I want him to do this because he is the one who believes in such stuffs more. And it is said that the spirits can communicate easily with those who believe in them only. And I have already asked the spirit's name. He shouldn't take his hand now", Elena said trying to convince her but this irritated sonakshi all the more. "It seems to be fun. Let's try it once", Dev too joined and Elena's happiness knew no bounds. "Mr. Dixit, you please stay away..", Sonakshi stopped hearing a screeching noise. Everyone snapped their heads towards the board and their eyes widened in shock seeing the coin moving across the board and stopping at the letter 'D'.

What will happen now? Will this game land them in any new trouble?🙈

Few days ago I have asked a question in my instagram story that how many of you believe in paranormal things. And I was surprised to see more positive answers! A few of you have shared your personal experiences too which were quiet chilling.

So, here too I wish to ask the same question. How many of you believe in paranormal things? If so, do you have any such experiences? Please do share if you have any. 👻

And have you ever played any games like elena did? If so don't forget to share that experience too. I am very much eager to know those stories as I have 0% experience in it. I have tried playing Ouija board once but got to see nothing till the end. 😑 So if you wish please share your experiences here😊

Precap : Communicating with 👻

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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