19. The Complicated Mystery

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

Flashback (Continuation) :

"I don't want to marry Dev", Shona said as everyone looked at her shocked while Dev stood stunned still trying to process her words. "Shona, do you even know what you are saying?", Ramu asked her in disbelief but she gestured him to stop. "Enough.. Enough of what you both did. Enough of making a fool out of me. I considered you as my brother. But you too joined him in cheating me", she said making him flabbergasted. She turned towards Bijoy and lowered her gaze. "Please forgive me papa. You were always right. As you said, people who came from far away are never trustworthy that too who is from such a high society. I shouldn't have believed in him. I wonder what else did he lie to me", she said with anger dripping from her each words while Bijoy looked at her silently.

Dev stood numb hearing her words wondering if his shona has imagined him to be such an awful person and that thought itself broke his heart. "Shona, one day you are going to regret what you said. But then, it's going to be so late", Ramu said trying to remain as calm as possible. He knew that he and Dev did lie to her by hiding Dev's identity. But he didn't expect shona to think so low of them or atleast Dev. Whatever Dev did, he knew he did it to make shona comfortable with him only. Accusing him in such a way was inappropriate, he thought. "For now, I regret only one thing in my life. That is meeting him", she said eyeing Dev but instantly turned away as he looked up at her. His eyes were filled with guilt, disappointment and confusion. "Now it would be good if you both leave our house", she said in an annoyed tone. And before Ramu could revert back Dev gestured him to move out and followed him not before thanking Bijoy and looking at Shona for one last time, who instantly averted her gaze from him.


One week later:

"Dev bhaiya, how many more days are you going to sit here like this?", Ramu asked Dev disappointedly seeing him sitting alone at the river side, all lost in his thoughts. "Till shona comes here to see me", Dev replied while Ramu rolled his eyes off him. "It's been a week already. Do you think she will come even after this?", he asked Dev in disbelief. Since that night when shona literally asked both of them to get out of her house, Dev isolated himself from everyone. He didn't even bother to sleep or eat for all these days and this was exactly what he feared of. Seeing Dev in such a condition was the last thing that he wished to. "I want to talk to her Ramu. I want to clear the misunderstandings between us", Dev said while Ramu sighed at him tiredly.

"What if she didn't come? Let's make her come here", Ramu said smiling while Dev looked up at him confused. "How?", he asked Ramu who gestured him to turn back which he did instantly. "Chotu?", he said looking at chotu, shona's brother who was playing with some kids a little far to which Ramu nodded at him grinning widely. "Hey chotu, come here!", Ramu shouted gaining his attention. But seeing Ramu, he furrowed his brows and turned away much to his shock. "What is this! Like sister like brother! Disrespectful people", Ramu muttered irritatedly but stopped receiving a death glare from Dev. "Chotu!", Dev called gesturing him to come and listening to him, chotu rushed towards him taking Ramu by surprise.

"Kids are like mirror. They do what we do to them. Respect them to gain respect from them", Dev said to Ramu who was literally gawking at him. "Chotu, how are you?", Dev asked as chotu stood infront of him. But before he could answer Ramu interrupted. "Hey, why didn't you come when I called you?", Ramu asked him irritatedly. "Because Shona didi told me to not talk to you", chotu was quick to reply making him shocked. "Then what about me? Didn't your shona didi asked you to not talk to me also?", Dev asked chotu doubtedly to which he nodded his head in a no, taking him by surprise. "Then why me only?", Ramu asked in shock. "She said you are a liar!", chotu said while Ramu gawked at him open mouthedly.

He could see Dev giggling to himself and twitched his nose in anger. "As if the one you are talking with now is Harichandra!", he muttered to himself which went inaudible to anyone and turned away from them. "Chotu, why are you playing alone here?", Dev asked chotu who looked at him confused. "I am playing with my friends only", he replied innocently while Dev nodded his head in a no. "I mean, you always used to come with your sister. Why not today?", he asked him curiously. "She is not coming out of the house since a week. I don't know why. Even at home, she is not playing with me", chotu replied sadly. "Don't worry. She will come out and play with you if you tell her what I say", Dev said and whispered something in his ears which Ramu tried to hear but went inaudible to him.

"What did you say to him?", Ramu asked Dev as chotu ran to join his friends. "Truth!", Dev said and Ramu raised his brows at him. "It's between me and my brother in law. You don't have to know about it", Dev said sternly. "Oh! You still have hopes!!", Ramu said in surprise. "What? If I marry someone in this life, it's definitely going to be shona only", Dev said confidently while Ramu shook his head. "Then I am sure that you are going to die single", he said and Dev threw a stone at him which hit straight on his forehead. "Then what bhaiya? Do you think she will come?", Ramu asked caressing his forehead. "Shona will come. My shona will definitely come", Dev said to himself. He knew he should definitely do something, before things get further more complicated because he knew already everything started getting out of hand.

**End of Flashback**

Sonakshi stopped reading hearing a loud noise. Sensing that it's from the adjacent room only, she closed the diary and walked out to find what it was only to hear even more loud noise and laughter. She slowly walked towards the source of the sound and stopped right infront of elena's room. It was partially open much to her convenience. She pushed it wide open and walked inside only to find Rohan sitting infront of the video console and playing game along with Dev. But what shocked her the most was, they both were playing and laughing like some long lost friends. As far as she knew, Rohan was such an introvert guy who speaks very less that too becomes a mute infront of her sometimes. But seeing him laughing this much was all new to her.

She stepped in and knocked on the door to gain their attention but they both were so much immersed in playing, that they didn't even care to look at who was at the doorstep. So she knocked again, this time much louder than before and hearing it, Rohan replied annoyed. "Kichu bhaiya, please stop disturbing us. Go and get two glases orange juice for us. We both are so tired", he replied without looking at her while sonakshi stood still crossing her arms across her chest. Dev who sensed someone still standing at the door step turned around only to find sonakshi standing and glaring at them angrily.

He dropped the remote from his hand and looked at Rohan who was all involved in playing the game. Words failed to leave his mouth as sonakshi stood still, giving him furative glances. He could very well understand how angry she was on him, after their yet another misunderstanding that morning. So he thought its better to shut his mouth than getting back from her. He quickly tapped Rohan on his shoulders but he was too much immersed in his game to even look back at him. "What happened? Did kichu bhaiya bring orange juice for us?", Rohan asked with his gaze still fixed on the TV. "Rohan, kichu bhaiya can't bring orange juice for us", Dev replied looking at Sonakshi who still had her gaze fixed on him.

"Then ask him to bring two bottles of beer for us", he said all immersed in the game making Dev mentally facepalm. He looked at sonakshi who shook her head, cocking her brows and smiled at her nervously. He could definitely imagine the scene of Rohan falling straight on her feet after knowing what blunder he did. But his doubt was whether sonakshi will make Rohan stand or walk over him, breaking his bones then and there. "But Rohan sir, how can you drink beer during daytime?", Sonakshi asked while Dev looked at Rohan and then back at her nervously. "It's none of your business. I will drink anytim..", Rohan stopped sensing whom he was talking with.

His whole body turned cold and he completely went numb understanding the blunder he had created. Gulping down nervously, he slowly stood up turning around, hoping not to see what he was thinking. But luck wasn't in his side as infront of him stood sonakshi with her arms crossed across her chest and giving him an evil grin making him tremble in fear. Dev too stood up and gave sonakshi a nervous smile but she didn't even bother to look at him. "Ma'am... I.... Ma'am..", Rohan fumbled in nervousness as sonakshi walked towards him. "So it's none of my business!", she said as rohan opened and closed his mouth like a fish which was struggling for life after being thrown out of water.

"But do you think that it's my business to provide job with high amount of salary and three times food per day for a useless person like you who is gaming all day?", she asked him smiling making him gulp down in fear. He nodded his head in a yes but then quickly in a no, still shivering from top to bottom. "Then go and work", she spatted at him angrily and within a second, he vanished from her sight. "Ms. Bose, you don't have to be this rude with him. Poor Rohan", Dev said as she looked up at him annoyed. "I was peacefully playing game with elena, but you spoiled everything by coming inbetween us. So I called Rohan to play with me and this time too, you came inbetween", he said huffing tiredly while sonakshi furrowed her brows at him. "I am not someone who comes in between Mr. Dixit", she said angrily and before he could reply, she stormed out of the room, leaving him all confused.

Sonakshi reached her room and was surprised to see it wide open. She quickly walked in and sighed in relief seeing elena standing near the bed with her back facing her. "Ele, you are here but Mr. Dixit and Rohan are spoiling your room. Ask them..", her words died in her mouth and eyes widened as elena turned around with Devrath's diary in her hand. "Before that, I want to ask you something. What is this?", Elena asked showing the diary in her hand making sonakshi gulp down in horror. She rushed towards her quickly and was about to grab the diary from her hand but elena was quick to hide it behind. "I was asking you something sona", Elena said moving behind as sonakshi tried to get the book from her hand. "Elena, give it back. It's nothing but a useless book. Give it back to me", Sonakshi said trying to grab the book but all in vain.

"Useless book? Well, then why do you want it sona? Let me read it", she said turning around before sonakshi could reach her. "MINE", she read climbing on the bed and turned the page around. "Devrath Rajvanshi", she read it aloud. "Umm.. Nice name", before she could continue sonakshi pulled her down and grabbed the diary from her hand. "Elena, don't you know it's a bad manners to take someone else's things?", Sonakshi asked annoyed hiding the diary from her as she followed behind. "Then what are you doing madam? When did reading someone else's diary become a good manner?", Elena asked and sonakshi stopped in her traces."I know this diary belongs to someone who lived in this house long back. Now tell me what you are doing with this?", Elena asked while sonakshi gulped down.


"Is he?..", Elena said confused looking at the huge portrait infront of her. Sonakshi had brought her to this restricted room that is Devrath's room. After the tragedy that happened that night, Sonakshi strictly asked everyone to not enter into this room except Dev, who himself was allowed only during day time! The condition of that room still seemed to be similar except a few things fixed. But even after that incident something which didn't seem to get affected inside that room was this huge portrait which still stood majestic ally in the middle of the wall. "Devrath.. Devrath Rajvanshi, the one who owned everything in this bungalow, including this diary", Sonakshi said staring at the portrait that revealed nothing but a pair of golden orbs. She so wanted to see the rest of his face, which seemed nearly impossible.

"Umm.. he died at a very young age. He might have had so many unfulfilled wishes. So, it might be his spirit, which we came across that night", Elena said as they both reminisced the night they played ouija board. Remembering that night, still made sonakshi feel shivers down her spine. "Elena, there is nothing..", before sonakshi could continue her scientific theory elena stopped her. "Oh sona, can you please stop your theories and accept the truth. Why are you so adamant?", Elena asked her annoyed. She still couldn't understand what made sonakshi to not accept what she saw that day. "That's not a matter elena", she said as elena listened to her curiously. "Don't you think these eyes resemble someone's?", she asked as elena looked at the portrait keenly. "Dev!", elena gasped in shock and looked at sonakshi who was already staring at her.


"Oh my god! You meant to say that you saw Dev in your dream even before you met him for the first time. I can't believe it!", Elena gasped in shock as sonakshi narrated the dream that she got on the first day she came to that bungalow, excluding the final part. They both were back to Sonakshi's room and after locking it securely, Sonakshi explained everything happening around her. "No.. Not really. But yeah, kind off", she tried to put her thought into words. "But how? Is he a spirit then?", elena gasped in shock making sonakshi face palm. "Was I behind a ghost all these days? Oh my god! Elena your condition became so pathetic that you are seeing a ghost!", Elena said hiding her face inbetween her palms making sonakshi facepalm yet again. "Are you crazy elena? Mr. Dixit isn't.. isn't a.. ghost. Stop your nonsense", Sonakshi said annoyed.

"Then how is this even possible?", Elena asked her irritatedly. "May be its just a coincidence", Sonakshi said casually. "Are you freaking serious sona? How can you get to see someone whom you saw in your dream only? Do you and Dev have any previous birth connections?", Elena asked as sonakshi rolled her eyes off her. "You have gone mad elena. I'm 100% sure", she said irritatedly. "Okay fine. If not tell me what's happening around? Why do you think all this is happening to you only?", Elena asked crossing her arms across her chest. "Umm.. May be because whatever he owned in the past, I own now. I meant this bungalow", Sonakshi said thinking over something.

"May be.. But why do you think he came now? May be to get back something that belongs to him!", Elena said as sonakshi shot her head up at her. Flashes of how the planchette pointed towards her, that night came to her mind and her heart skipped a beat with the tiniest thought of that. So lost she was in her thoughts that she failed to notice her ruby flickering. "What do you think it might be?", Elena asked breaking Sonakshi's reverie. "Ugh.. Who knows! Elena stop confusing yourself. There is nothing called as..", before sonakshi could continue elena stopped her. "Enough of your teachings guruji. Let me speak", Elena said placing Sonakshi's finger on her lips making her frown.

"Everything will be clear if we got to see a clear picture of Devrath in which his face is fully visible, isn't it?", she asked as sonakshi looked at her confused. "But how is that possible? There is only one picture of him and its torn", Sonakshi said worriedly. "I know, I know. I have an idea for that too. I know someone who could give us a full picture, I mean a picture in which the face is completely visible, if we give him this picture", Elena said smiling making sonakshi even more confused. "Magician?", Sonakshi asked as elena facepalmed herself. "Artist!", elena said and it was then it dawned to her. "He is so talented that if you give him a picture of someone who's face isn't visible, he will sketch the remaining part and give you the full picture", she said while sonakshi nodded her head understandingly. They both were hellbent on cracking this complicated mystery together.

"Okay, give this picture to him and get back the clear picture soon. Till then let me do something productive", Sonakshi said grabbing the diary from elena's hand. "Are you going to continue it?", Elena asked her shocked. "Why not? I'm half way through it. Let me finish what I started", she said opening the diary. "Hmm.. And now I have some serious work to do", Elena muttered to herself and walked out of the room, without noticing the silhouette visible on the adjacent window. Leaning back on the bed, Sonakshi flipped the pages of the diary continuing it from where she left.


"Shona didi!", Chotu shouted running inside the house until he bumped onto shona. "What happened? Why are you running like this?", shona asked bending down to his height as he panted heavily due to excessive running. "I want to tell you something", he said in between his heavy breathes. "What?", she asked him doubtedly. "Jiju asked you to meet him tomorrow", he said smiling and sonakshi furrowed her brows at him. "Jiju? I don't have any jiju", she said making him facepalm. "Not your jiju. Dev jiju asked you to meet him tomorrow morning", he said while sonakshi looked at him wide eyed. She looked at her father, who was just a feet away from them and pulled chotu to a corner.

"Who taught you these things? Who told you to call him as jiju?", she asked him angrily as he stared at her silently. He had never seen his sister getting angry before, but things happening for the past week, were confusing him much. "Fine. You shouldn't call him as jiju, right?", she asked him trying to act calmly but he stood still, increasing her anger all the more. "If he met you again tomorrow, tell him that I will never come to see him", she said and stood up to walk away but before she could go, he pulled the hem of her skirt stopping her in her traces. "He said that tomorrow he is going to Lo.. Lon.. Lon..", he struggled to say something. "London?", she asked turning around while chotu smiled at her brightly. "Haa! There only. He said that he is going there tomorrow", he said while sonakshi rolled her eyes off him.

She remembered how Dev and Ramu fooled her in a similar way last time, to make her confess her love. But this time, she knew she won't fall for their tricks. "And he said you have something which belongs to him. So he asked you to give it back to him before he goes back there. Because he said that once if he goes there, he will never return to our village", he completed and ran inside before she could ask him anything while Shona stood still, processing what he said. She couldn't really understand what she should do then. But she was sure about one thing, she was definitely not going to do what Dev was expecting her to do.

Will shona go to meet Dev? Will elena and sonakshi get a clearer picture of Devrath?

Precap : Rohan inbetween Elena and her mission to find ghost😛

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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