24. A beautiful nightmare!

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"You look happy", Dev said to sonakshi as they walked beside each other. The tapping of their footsteps making the only sound as they walked through the lonely woods apart from the sound of cuckoo echoing in their ears. Sonakshi looked up at him and smiled a little as the flowers around them blossomed. "Do I?", she asked and he nodded at her. "May be because I am", she said and he smiled and her knowingly. "Do you know why?", he asked and she stopped walking. She turned around to face him and nodded her head in a no. "Whatever it is it's beautiful", she said smiling to herself, with a tint of blush, which didn't go unnoticed by him.

She turned back and started walking again, but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her traces. He pulled her hand making her fall on his chest and her eyes widened in shock. She looked up at him who was already staring at her intently making a shiver run down her spine. "I know why", he said smiling softly. "Whyyy?", she asked fumbling due to their sudden proximity. Smiling to himself, he leaned towards her making his lips touch hers, pulling her into a passionate kiss, making her shocked. She tried to push him away but ended up kissing him back, surprising him as well as herself.

She closed her eyes, letting herself drown into the warmth of his passion, and she felt each cell of her body blossoming like a new flower, responding to his every touch. He pulled away, leaving her breathless and leaned his forehead over hers. Both having their eyes closed, their breathes uneven, still lost in each other's world. "Love!", he said huskily more of a whisper, still holding her close to himself. She still seemed dazed by the happenings to even hear him. "You love me sonakshi... You do!", he whispered. Their breathes still going uneven as the air around them turned hot. "As much as I do", he said pulling her into yet another passionate kiss, taking her away from this world to his own, filled with nothing but their undying love.

Sonakshi shot her eyes open and looked around shocked. She found herself sitting on the swing near the garden with no one around. The sky was orangish and she glanced at her watch, surprised to find it showing 6 at evening! "How did I end up sleeping here?", she gasped looking around startled. "And... Was that a dream?", her eyes widened upon her realization. "How can I dream like that?", she shook her head as her day dream flashed infront of her eyes again and again. "Why?!", she buried her face inbetween her palms. She gulped down nervously and facepalmed herself. "But it felt so real!", she said rolling her lips inwardly and wetting it that still held the taste of him.


"Was it a dream?", Sonakshi asked for the nth time walking to and fro across her room while Bruno looked at her quizzically. Even he couldn't believe that sonakshi was turning out to be in such a way, that she was never before, messy and confused! "But usually I don't get such things in my dream", she said sitting tiredly on her bed. Her dreams always used to haunt her, well this time too but in a different way. "From when did I get to see such beautiful nightmares?", she thought for a while. "Oh wait! Did I just say beautiful?", her eyes widened upon realization. She fell back on the bed hiding her face inbetween the pillows. She felt so filthy of herself to even have such a dream with a person who is nothing but her friend!

The diary that she kept on the bed slided and fell down making a thud, gaining her attention. She glanced at the clock that showed an hour past 6 and then back at her phone. There weren't any mails or messages from her clients yet. Sighing tiredly, she took the diary from the floor and leaned back on the bed. "If I let my brain to be free for a while, it will keep on thinking some nonsense. I should keep myself busy", she said opening the diary with a wide smile plastered on her face.


"I need to ask you something Mr. Rajvanshi", Mr. William said while Dev and Shona looked at him quizzically. Dev nodded his head gesturing him to go ahead and he did the same. "About your house where I met you that day", he paused and looked at Dev who seemed confused. "I would like to buy that house from you Mr. Rajvanshi.. Only if you wish to give", he added. Shona looked at Dev who seemed all lost in his thoughts and gave a gentle squeeze on his hand breaking his reverie. "I am sorry Mr. William. That house is the place where my parents lived and I would like to keep it in their remembrance. So... I don't think I will be able to sell it", Dev denied politely.

"You can think again Mr. Rajvanshi. In return, I can give you whatever you demand", Mr. William was adamant. "I am sorry Mr. William. It's not about the money. I have more than enough of it and I don't think I will need any more of it. I am not selling anything related to my parents, whatever it might be", Dev said sternly irking him. Shona held Dev's hand gesturing him to calm down. Though he didn't seem angry, annoyance was clear from his voice. "And thanks for the party Mr. Williams. It was nice meeting you. And congratulations once again. I hope you would forget whatever happened between us now and I wish you will be present on the day of our wedding", Dev said with a tight lipped smile, holding shona's hand and walked out of the party, leaving a fuming general behind.


"It's fine. You can smile now", shona said sitting beside Dev, who was acting all grumpy. After walking out of the party in the middle they both were back to Rajvanshi bungalow and all the while he was behaving so weird and silent so unlike of himself. "Dev, look at me. I want to see your beautiful smile like this", she said holding his chin and making him face her, showing all her teeth. He flashed one of his fakest smiles and turned aside making her huff in dismay. "What should I do to make you smile Mr. Rajvanshi?", she asked tapping her chin gesturing as if thinking. "Mr. Rajvanshi!!", he said in surprise hearing her call him in such a way. "Yes! That's how General calls you as. It's cute", she said grinning widely.

"You don't have to call me the way he calls me as. Dev is better!", he said annoyed. "But this one is also nice. You are Mr. Rajvanshi and I am Mrs. Rajvanshi, cute isn't it?", she asked squealing. "Oh! So you want to be called as Mrs. Rajvanshi soon!", he asked her smirking making her go red. "Yes, very soon", she agreed to him honestly making him smile to himself. "Haww! Finally you smiled", she said clapping her hands excitedly. "You make me smile even when I don't even feel like breathing. What will I do without you?", he asked her. She took his hands and kissed the back of his palms. "You don't have to do anything without me. I am going to be with you today, tomorrow and forever", she said smiling making him smile too.

"But I am angry now", she said standing up and turning aside. "Why?", he asked going behind her. "I have practiced a lot for this dance. But we walked out of the party right in the middle. All my hardwork went in vain", she said with a sad pout. "Umm.. If that's what your problem is, then I have a solution to it", he said smiling while she looked at him quizzically. He gestured her to wait and went out of the room. After a while he returned back with a huge box in his hand which was attached to a big funnel shaped structure. It looked so weird that she couldn't help but stare at it blankly. "I bought it long back. I don't know if it will work or not. But let's see", he said placing it on the table and took out a huge circular shaped plate and placed it under the needle. "What's this?", shona asked finally. "Gramaphone!", he said switching on device and stood beside her smiling.

"To be Mrs. Rajvanshi, would you like to dance with me?", Dev asked sitting on his knees and forwarded his one hand to her. All this while shona was staring at the peculiar device that started rotating on its own and then back Dev. Understanding her confusion he gestured her to hold his hand and she did the same still staring at the Gramaphone. Smiling to himself he stood up and pulled her towards himself but all she did was to peek at the automatically rotating device weirdly. Suddenly she heard a soothing music from it and jumped a little startled by the sudden sound making Dev laugh at her.

"How.. Howw.. What's that?", she asked fumbling unable to believe her eyes. "It is a device used to play music", he said holding her hand and swaying their bodies according to the music. "Like that?", she asked pointing towards the piano. "Not really....Umm.. It has musical notes written on that round disc", he tried to explain. "But who is sitting on it and playing the music? I can't see anyone", she said in surprise making him smile at her innocence. "Oh, can't see? But I can", he decided to play along. And hearing him her eyes widened in shock.

"Ghost?", she asked more of a shock while he tried to suppress his laughter. "May be yes", he said casually expecting her to freak out but instead her frown turned into a smile. "Really? I love ghosts!", she said grinning widely making his eyes pop out. "You love ghosts! Seriously shona? You didn't even tell me that you love me but you are telling that to a non existing ghost", he said annoyed. "Who said ghost doesn't exist? They are very much there", she said confidently but he chuckled. "But I don't believe", he said twirling her around. "You will believe when you become one", she said smiling teasingly. "Even if I become a ghost, I won't leave you. I will come and annoy you everywhere", he said chuckling. "Haww! So bad!", she said hiting his chest making him giggle.

"But you know what, when Mr. William said that he needed to ask me something, I thought he will be asking you for a dance", he said. "Really?", she asked surprised. "Yes, but I know you won't dance with him", he said confidently. "Who said? I would've danced with him happily", she said teasing him making him glare at her. "Oh! Don't even think about that! You should dance with me only, forever", he said strictly making her chuckle. "Jealous, are you?", she asked giggling. "Yes!", he replied honestly pulling her more towards him while she smiled, placing her head on his chest, still both moving their bodies in sync with the music.

"Did I behave rude today?", he asked placing his chin over her head. "No", she was quick to reply. "I don't know what got into me that I walked out in the middle of the party. It's very wrong", he said guiltily. She wrapped her arms around him trying to calm him a little, which seemed to work. "It's fine Dev. It just showed how much you respect your parents. I was sure you won't agree to sell the house", she said. "But may be I should've acted a little calm. I will send him an apologizing letter along with our wedding invitation", he said and she hummed in response.

"Shona, how am I going to live for the next seven days without seeing you?", Dev asked with a sad pout. Their wedding date was nearer and according to their tradition, bride and the groom are not allowed to meet each other. "I was about to ask you that", she said sadly. "But only seven more days Dev. And everything will be fine then", she said smiling dreamily. "I wish these seven days to pass soon. Who invented these customs? People there in London don't do such things. They get married whenever and whomever they want to. And do you know one thing?", he asked smiling mischievously. "What?", she asked.

"On the day of wedding, Bride and groom kiss each other infront of everyone", he said with mischievous glint and hearing him her eyes widened. "Infront of everyone!", she asked in shock wondering if she didn't hear him properly but he nodded his head in a yes adding further more shock to her. "And you have seen those things! Shameless!", she gawked at him making him giggle. "Everyone do that shona", he said casually. "I saw that in that party itself. How every couple there used to stick to each other!", she said cringing reminiscing the couples she saw dancing intimately in the party making him chuckle. "That's called love!", he said smiling dreamily. "Then what is this?", she asked pointing towards them. "This is beyond love!", he said kissing her forehead making her lips curve up and she closed her eyes drowning herself in him.

**End of flashback**

Sonakshi's phone popped up with a message. Keeping the diary aside she opened it and on reading, her smile grew wider.


"May I come in?", Dev asked standing near the door. Sonakshi who just realised Dev's presence nodded at him smilingly. "You are packing!", he said in surprise looking at her packing her luggages. "Yes, We are leaving to Delhi tomorrow", she said with all smiles. "Why?", he asked her shocked. "Because the deal that we have been waiting for, finally we got that!", she said excitedly. "Oh!", was all that he could say. "When will you return?", he asked her trying to not sound curious. "Umm.. May be for next vacation", she said thinking for a while. But seeing him speechless she continued. "I'm very much excited about this deal. It's been a long wait", she said enthusiastically. "But definitely not more than mine", he murmured to himself inaudible to her.

"Did you say something Mr. Dixit?", she asked him. "No, Nothing. Congratulations Ms. Bose and Best of luck for your new project", he said forcing a smile. "Thank you Mr. Dixit. You made my this trip a memorable one", she said smiling. "Ms. Bose, I wish to add one more memory to your memorable trip", he said while she looked at him quizzically. "Let's go out for a walk, can we?", he asked forwarding his hand to her. She looked at his hand and then back at him. "At this time of the night?", she asked him more of a surprise. "We just have this one night Ms. Bose", he said and she felt something prick her heart. "Trust me, don't you?", he asked her more of a doubt. "Always!", she said placing her hand over his making his lips curve up.


"It's too cold here", Sonakshi said rubbing her palms together. Dev and sonakshi were walking beside each other in the lonely roads filled with nothing but the brightness of street lights. "You won't feel cold now", he said and covering her with his jacket. "But you will", she said trying to remove the jacket from her but he stopped her. "I won't feel cold", he said confidently. "Why? Are you a vampire?", she asked chuckling remembering elena's words. "Nope.. But because I am hot", he said with a proud smirk. "You will never change", she said smiling to herself. "I don't want to", he said smiling a sad one."Where are we going?", she asked him confused. It's been a long time since they've started walking already. "Somewhere you very well know", he said walking past her while she followed behind him silently.

"Hey, this is where we came that day", she said reminiscing something. They were standing on the river bank which they visited already along with Rohan too. She could remember how eager she was at that time to find if Dev was anyhow related to Devrath from the diary. Thinking about that still made her laugh at herself for her foolishness. But now she was sure about one thing. She shouldn't doubt him no matter what. In all these days he had built that thing between them which cannot be shaken or broken by anyone, trust. "Yes! You are right, as always", he said walking down the slope and helping her too. They both sat on the rock beside and gazed at the silently flowing river.

"Why are we here?", she asked breaking the silence which was not awkward. "I like to come here when I feel either good or bad", he said still staring at the reflection of the moon on the river. "Oh! How do you feel now? Good or bad?", she asked out of curiosity. But he just smiled in return. Shrugging her shoulders, she continued. "How many more days you need to complete this work?", she asked him. It's already been quite a long time since he started his work. If elena hadn't played her stupid game in Devrath's room that night, then may be Dev would've completed his work long back. "It's almost done", he said with a sad smile. "It's good then. May be we will get to meet in Delhi soon", she said excitedly but he just smiled.

"Don't you think, today I am talking so much and you are staying so quiet. Are you sure we didn't change our places?", Sonakshi asked Dev but he smiled this time too annoying her much. "What happened to you Mr. Dixit? Did you dream anything just like I did?", she asked in a flow but bit her tongue realizing what she said. "Dream? What dream?", he asked her doubtedly. "No no.. Nothing", she tried to cover it up. "OMG! Look at that", she exclaimed pointing towards a water lily in the middle of the river. It was beautifully shining in the bright moonlight gaining all her attention. "Do you want that?", he asked her. "Don't tell me you are going to jump into the water. Neither you are Devrath nor I am your shona", she said chuckling to herself. "Ugh?", he asked in disbelief. "Nah.. Nothing", she tried to cover it up but he smirked.

"I don't want to jump into the water to get that flower", he said smiling one sidedly making her confused. "Close you eyes Ms. Bose", he said and she did the same not before glancing at him doubtedly. "Are you going to try out any magic?", she asked still closing her eyes but heard him giggling. "Open your eyes", he said and she did the same. But what she saw then made her eyes widened. Dev was standing infront of her with the same flower in his hands but he was not at all wet. "How?", she asked more of a shock than a surprise. "Talent!", he said pulling his collars while she gawked at him open mouthedly.


"You look happy", Dev said to sonakshi as they walked beside each other. The tapping of their footsteps making the only sound as they walked through the lonely roads that lead to the bugalow. "Do I?", she asked and he nodded at her. "May be because I am", she said and he smiled and her knowingly. "Do you know why?", he asked and she stopped walking. Suddenly her day dream flashed before her eyes and she stood numb, a little scared of what's about to happen. "Do you know why?", he asked again and she nodded her head in a no, still not looking at him. He came infront of her and she looked up at him fearing that he wouldn't say what she was thinking of.

He leaned towards her and she moved back a little, gulping down nervously. "May be because you are going home", he said and started walking leaving her sigh in relief. "May be yes", she said rushing behind him but he stopped making her collide with his back. "Why did you stop walking?", she asked him caressing her forehead. "Because we reached", he said and it was then she looked up and realized that they were already at home. "Oh I didn't notice", she said smiling sheepishly coming infront of him. "Can I hug you?", he asked. "Ugh?", she wasn't sure if she heard him right. "Can I hug you Ms. Bose?", he asked this time a little louder and she nodded at him faintly.

And sooner she found herself in his warm embrace with his one hand around her waist and the other caressing her hair, making her feel something that she never felt before, peace. "Will you miss me?", he asked her more of a doubt. "I won't", she was quick to reply. "Because we will be in touch, don't we?", she asked but he remained silent. "I don't know why Mr. Dixit, but I feel like never leaving this place. It still gives me the refreshment and positivity like it did for the first time", she said reminiscing the time she entered this bungalow for the first time but he chuckled a sad one. "Stay safe", he said. "I'm telling this to you not as your employee but as your friend", he added and she hummed in response. Suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat and pulled away from each other. They both looked at the person standing infront of them and looking at them with a doubtful gaze, Elena! "Sona, we need to talk", she said and without giving her any time to react, grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the house leaving a confused Dev behind.


"What are you doing elena?", Sonakshi asked confused looking at Elena who was locking the door. They were already inside elena's room. "What are you doing sona? First tell me that", she said standing infront of her with her arms crossed across her chest. "What? What did I do?", Sonakshi asked. "I was searching for you for the past hour and you were returning after a leisure walk with that ghost!", elena said while sonakshi rolled her eyes off her. "Can you please stop calling him as ghost?", she said annoyed. "Oh now it irks you if I call him as ghost. Great!", she clapped her hands sarcastically.

"What's your problem elena?", Sonakshi asked tiredly. "What's your problem sona? What's happening between you two?", she asked seriously. "What's happening between us? Nothing!", Sonakshi said confidently. "If so why were you hugging him outside the house in the middle of the night?", Elena asked irritatedly. "Oh god elena! It was just a friendly hug", Sonakshi tried to justify. "No it's not. I can't tell you everything sona. Even if I say you won't believe certain things", she said reminiscing their ludo game and how the dice rolled without anyone's touch. "Fine, listen. Tell me only one thing", elena said turning sonakshi to face her. "Answer my question honestly", Elena said and giving up sonakshi nodded her head in a yes. "Do you love him sona?", Elena asked seriously making sonakshi stunned.

What will be Sonakshi's answer to elena? 🤔

Precap : Finally, Sonakshi's realization😍

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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