34. The Dream Of Her lifetime

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Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Thanks for completing the target too.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

P.S : This chapter didn't come out as well as I thought. So pardon me for that but I promise next one will be better.

Target: 110 votes

Sonakshi could sense her heart pounding aloud in her chest as she saw Dev walking towards her, with his gaze boring into hers. This, was the moment that she was longing for all these days. From the time she realized her love for Dev, her heart craved for only one thing, that is him. So much she was habituated to his presence around her, till the day she stayed with him, that every second without him, all her mind and heart craved only for his presence. But she knew the fault wasn't hers. He truly was a magician, that he casted his magic spell on her too, in the end, owning her entire existence.

That's why she didn't even waste a minute after her realization. For the first time in her life, she dreamt of something, someone. And the dreams were so big that she felt herself living those dreams with him. But all her dreams went crashing, the moment she came across the truth. He wasn't just Dev Dixit, a normal worker of her, but Dr. Dev Dixit, one of the top psychologist of London, one who was involved in a lot of scandals, one who loves to do things that are far from reality and lastly the one who cheated her all the while by being in disguise with her!

But still something in her asked her to hold on to him. He might not have shown his true identity when he was with her, but she knew, those emotions in his eyes when he used to look at her, can never be a lie. He was always a mystery to her, a mystery that she can never solve. The moment she came across her sketches in his room resembling Shona, which she previously found in Devrath's room, her world came crashing down. At that time, her mind wandered around only one question, was he making a fool out of her all the while by cooking up a false story of Devrath and Shona? Were Devrath and Shona actually real or even they were the characters created by him to play it against her? If it's true then what's the need for him to do so?

But somewhere she felt like he was doing everything intentionally, from making her fall into the trap to showing her that all those things were done by him deliberately. She somehow felt he wanted her to know who he was and that's why she went to London in search of him. Good that she did that, if not she would've never known about him. She always thought him to be mysterious person but never did she think that he would be an altogether different person as per Dr. Charles words. And now this revelation about him, made her doubt over what elena said. What if actually he was not even a human? She panicked with the slightest thought of that.

And to add on everything was the picture of Devrath they got from saurabh. At first she couldn't believe her eyes as everything happening around her seemed to be beyond her thinking. And that made her doubt on Saurabh too. But even after elena threatened him so much he kept on repeating the same thing 'He didn't know who Dev is'! And it's obviously clear that no one asked him to do so. So by the turn of events, Dev and Devrath had similar faces, or else same? But how could that be possible? That's when something striked her. What if they are just look alikes of each other?

When she was so much confused in all these things, there came the biggest revelation, the box given by Golu's grandfather to her! The moment she opened it, she was more than shocked to see Devrath's letters to shona inside it. At first, she was a little hesitant to read them but then something in her asked her to go further. But good that she did, if not she would've never came across the picture that shook her entire existence... The picture of Dev and herself as Devrath and Shona!

She was too numb to even think anything that she found no time in hiding it from elena as well. Because if that picture could shock herself this much she couldn't even imagine about elena's condition if she got to see that. But she wondered if even that was a part of Dev's plan! But that's the least possible thing because those pictures looked typically old and ofcourse they had the same handwriting as Devrath's diary. And to top of that, the box inside which it was locked up along with that picture seemed to be unopened for decades!

Then is it possible that even she was a look alike of Shona who lived years ago? Then what about Dev? Though one lived more than a century prior to the other, they got the exact same looks. She had heard about such people previously too. But in all those cases, there were a few views about the second being a reincarnation of first! But well, is that even scientifically possible in this world? The answer is YES! After going through a lot of blogs and reading other's experiences this was what she found! And that made her go back in search of Dr. Charles again and ask him the same question. But she was never a person who believed in such superstitious things. But Dr. Charles' answer confused her even more.

"Well, Ms. Bose it would be appropriate if I say that I don't disbelieve. And it's upto you. It's always your thoughts that controls you even better than Dev can do. So think wisely. And be careful about what you think. Sometime it's not only you, who can hear your thoughts"

At that moment she realized something, Dev had a control over her mind. And his presence during her nightmares were a solid evidence for that. She didn't know why he was doing all that but to her surprise, her trust and faith on him didn't even fade a little even after all this. Something asked her to hold on to him, still. And agreeing with that intuition, she returned back to India, to meet Golu's grandfather. And then everything came out in light. From his warm welcome to her when she returned she could understand that he was expecting her visit very soon. The way she felt nostalgic when she got to see the belongings of shona was altogether a different kind. With every thing of shona that she came across, her mind travelled back to the time it was related to, but well, through Devrath's diary.

From the dress to the shoes, everything she found in it fitted her perfectly much to her surprise increasing her suspicion all the more. But the last thing she saw gave answers to all her questions... Shona's picture! And that moment was something which she never expected in her life, the moment of revelation about herself. She didn't know if even golu's grandfather thought the same as her. But him, telling about Shona's past to her, said everything. With his every word about the past, she felt as if everything was happening to her only. The fear, the helplessness, the pain that shona had everything flashed infront of her eyes as if it was happening with her only.

And the moment when Devrath's face was filled with horror when he got to see shona in the mantap in a way that he had never even dreamt of, she could imagine everything as if she had seen it for real. The fear of losing her, the guilt of unable to protect her, the helplessness of being not able to save her, every emotion that Devrath might have gone through flashed through her mind as if they were her memories. And finally, his eyes filled with painful tears were the last thing that she could make out of her mind. And then everything blurred out, completely!

But things didn't seem to stop with that. The most painful thing she heard came after that only.. His death! The man who had so many dreams to live with the love of his life, ended his life then and there along with her, in the most painful way, by burning himself into ashes along with her. Who knows, living without her might have caused him even more pain than that, no not just a physical one. But whatever he did was not what everyone would do and that's how her respect for him has grown leaps and bounds.

Sonakshi's eyes blurred with tears as she kept gazing at Dev for she didn't know how long. At that moment, she felt as if all the pain she had gone through in these days had gone forever and this moment was worth the wait, the moment of his return. And she knew this time it's going to be a forever.
Neither he was going to leave her nor she was going to allow him if he was thinking to do so because this time, the pain of separation was not just of a few months, but for a whole lifetime. She by now knew, he was the only reason of her existence and so was she for him.

Her lips curved up into a smile amidst her glistening tears. And she was about to step towards him but felt something tugging her hand. She turned around and was surprised to see elena clutching her hand tightly. Sonakshi looked at her quizzically who shook her head slowly in a no, not ready to let her go. "Dev! I know it's you!", she heard Adithya and was surprised to see him in all smiles. With no time, Dev rushed towards him and took him in a bear hug. "Happy birthday buddy!", he exclaimed patting his back, pulling out of the hug. "When are you going to stop all your mischiefs and behave like a normal person? You freaked out everyone here", Adithya said in disbelief. "If I behave like every other person here, then there won't be any difference between them and Dev Dixit, isn't it?", Dev asked smirking while Adithya shook his head smiling.

"Fine. Come with me. I have something to show you!", Dev grabbed his wrist pulling him away before he could say anything leaving a completely shocked trio behind. "Is that... Mr. Dixit?", Rohan asked gulping down. "You should definitely change your glasses if you have any doubt over that", Elena said staring at the way they went. "No ma'am, he didn't even look at us. Or else did he actually saw us but ignored us intentionally?", he asked confused. "Elena, leave my hand!", Sonakshi said struggling to get her hand out of her hold. "Sona no! You are not going behind him", Elena clutched her hand even more tighter.

"Are you crazy elena? Stop your nonsense and let me go. He must be waiting for me", Sonakshi pulled her hand out. "Waiting! He didn't even spare a minute for you. Not me but you are crazy, on him!", Elena said in disbelief. "Let me be", Sonakshi spatted and walked away from there leaving elena disappointed. "Ma'am but why did he return now?", Rohan asked in horror while elena rolled her eyes off him annoyed. "May be to drink your blood atleast this time", she said and walked away leaving Rohan gulp down in horror.


Sonakshi went everywhere in search of Dev and finally sighed in relief seeing him in the middle of the party hall. She looked around and found Adithya no where much to the surprise. Pushing her thoughts away, she took a deep breath and walked towards Dev who was dancing in the middle of the hall with his back turned towards her, surrounded by a bunch of people. She reminisced the times he used to dance like a maniac when they were at Devrath's bungalow and intentionally put up a fight with her. And a small smile appeared on her lips remembering those days. A man who once used to annoy her that much now became her everything, leaving her longing for his presence.

All these days, she had been waiting for this moment but never did she prepare herself for it. Pushing her nervousness aside, she kept her hand over his shoulders and he turned around hastily. But the moment he saw her, time froze for both. The words that she had been gathering all the while, died in her throat as she found herself getting lost in his eyes. Nothing seemed to change in all these months, be it him or the untold emotions in his eyes. "Mr. Dixit.. I need to tell you something", Sonakshi finally managed to speak. But not getting to hear her due to the loud music, he looked at her quizzically. "We need to talk", she shouted but still he couldn't get anything. Giving up, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the crowd taking him towards the backyard.

"What happen..", before Dev could complete he found Sonakshi's hold on his hand loosened. And within a second, she wrapped her hands around him, hugging him closer than ever, hiding herself in his hold, taking him by surprise. "Where did you go? Even without telling me also", she closed her eyes as tears lined in the corner of her eyes and she felt herself sinking herself in his warmth. This was what she missed for all these days, the feeling of protection which she never found in anyone else other than him. "Do you know where and all I went? I.. I was searching you everywhere. Now finally, you are here", she smiled. "I.. I came to know so many things Mr. Dixit, about me, about us", a lone tear escaped her eye. "I was.. so scared. But not anymore", she smiled amidst her tears tightening her hold on him.

She pulled out of the hug and caressed his face as tears flooded in her eyes. The moments of her dream where she got to see Devrath for the first time, flashed before her eyes. The way she got to see him for the first time was something she could never forget in her life. She felt as if she could still sense the fresh burns on every inch of his skin making her feel as if someone was squeezing her heart. The pain was so evident that she felt her heart getting heavier with every passing second. For the first time, she felt so guilty, so helpless. She felt as if it was because of her that he has to go through everything.

"See.. I came for you.. I came to fulfill my promise.. The promise that I will come back to live with you"

She reminisced his words as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You fulfilled your promise Mr. Dixit. You did", she said as her voice choked in. "You came back again, for me, for your shona", she smiled. "I wish I could turn back the time and set everything right. But no I can't", she paused. "But now that we have a whole lifetime to live for what we lost", she smiled amidst her tears. "I don't care who you are or what you did all these time. At this moment all I need is only one thing Mr. Dixit, that is you! I need you Mr. Dixit.. forever!", she held his hands together in hers and shut her eyes letting a trail of tears fall down. "No one can separate us this time. No one!", she stressed the later. "And now it's my time to fulfill my promise", she smiled. "The promise given to Devrath by his Shona", she took a deep breath.

"Everyone will have a dream in their life that they wanted to achieve at any cost. Even I do", she paused. "And do you know what it is?", she asked as his gaze never left hers. "You Mr. Dixit! You are the dream of my lifetime!", she looked into his eyes, the eyes that still had the power to penatrate through her soul. "You are that dream, that took my entire lifetime to come true, the dream that I will do anything to get fulfilled", she said. "You wanted me to confess this to you since the time we met, don't you?", she asked. "And now I am going to do", she continued while he was still staring at her. "I am, 'The Sonakshi Bose' who always held her head up high infront of the world, is now shamelessly asking something to the man, who owns her mind, heart and soul... Mr. Dev Dixit, will you be mine?", she asked finally, with her eyes glistening with hopes and dreams, the dream of her lifetime.

So finally, Sonakshi let her feelings out. Will this be their happily ever after?

Precap : A turning point!

And yes, it's 1 year of 'Mine'  today, which was a prequel to Forever Mine. 🤗 One year ago, when I published 'Mine' at this time, I never thought I will be writing a sequel to it, that too a long running FF. But now, I am here only because of this book. So thank you for all your support and encouragement. Hope it will continue with further chapters too 😊

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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