A guy named Josh

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Dedicated to Ginny_7❤️

Chapter 4 "JOSH"

Then next morning I tossed and turned in my bed. I had to get up and go to 'work'.  I woke up and made myself coffee, when I finished I headed upstairs to check if Teddy was still sleeping. Opening the door I lurked in, there were soft snores heard from the other side of the room and I knew it was the little four year old. I shut the door quietly and made my way down the hallway. I saw Ginny's door and I was tempted to go in and check on her. I decided against it and walked on past. I went straight into the shower and let the warm water soak me

Ginny's POV

I heard a soft knocking on the door and as I was about to open a figure pushed it way lightly in. He or she was about a head taller then me, brown hair by the looks of it I was about to scream and get my wand out of my bum pocket to hex it but it seemed to know what I was about to do, "Ginny don't" a male voice spoke as he held my wrists. "Oi get off of me! Who the hell are you?" I demanded angrily trying to wiggle out of his grip and might I add a tight grip. He loosened it and spoke, "My name is Josh and I work as an Auror from Harry's department. I swear" he showed me an ID and I looked at him suspiciously. I finally nodded and he fully let go. He asked to see Harry and I climbed the creaky stairs to fetch him.

Once I got Harry we sat down in the lounge  I was a bit nervous for this "Josh" guy arrival. He seemed to have news and I don't think I'll like these "news" I know I won't.

"You are both given new identities, Harry you are now Ethan Hunt who works in an office. Where as Ginny you don't, your new name is Lisa Hunt and you two have Teddy is both your child"

The word 'your' and 'child' gave me shivers down my spine I saw out of the corner of my eye Harry looking at me. My heart skipped a beat and I had to pound on it to stop. Harry then turned back to Josh and with each word Josh spoke my mouth gaped open slightly. "Okay so we're the Hunt family?" Harry asked as his eyes fell on me once again and then back to Josh. "Yes, you must get to know your two neighbours. Here are there information, I advise that you don't get too friendly we are still watching them" Josh spoke as he handed both Harry and I a piece of parchment. I immediately opened it and read through it quickly before Josh spoke again,

"Harry you have work every Monday to Friday till 7 in the morning to 5 in the evening unless your boss tells you go. He is a nice bloke, so go easy on him. He knows what your up to so its okay if you go to him for help. " Josh smiled towards Harry he then faced me, "Ginny, you will mind Teddy for the day, there is a store that sells food and what ever you want. If you need anything just give me a call" he handed both Harry and I new mobile devices. I looked at mine and the only contact was Harry and Josh. "Now this is only going to last about a year? Maybe less so you can't back out of this mission guys, Teddy needs you two plus you two need to work together. Harry Ethan okay? Ginny Lisa?" We both nodded and Josh got up and bid us a goodnight. I stood thinking, I am married to Harry? Well fake marriage oh I wish this wasn't a mission and that Teddy was our son and that I was Harry's and he was mine! Damn the war! Damn my boss for making me take this! Damn Harry for his good looks! Damn damn damn!

"Ginny?" Harry spoke. I turned to Harry and looked at him, "yes?" I muttered. "this wouldn't have to mean us to--er--" Harry started to say but I knew what he was thinking. Sleeping arrangements. So I spoke, "no" I said bitterly I felt myself acne inside a I saw the hurt in Harry's eyes
Why!! Why! Did you say it???

"I--" Harry was about to continue to say something when we heard a cry. That meant Teddy was up. "Am, I'll go get him" Harry said Harry left leaving me to my thoughts...... I really wish I could tell Harry I didn't mean to be bitter, I don't even know what I want...

The next morning I heard movement, Harry's door creaked open and then the soft sounds of someone's foot steps came closer. It seemed to stop and I assumed it was Harry, I heard the door of Teddy's room open and the close after a few moments. I then heard Harry move his way down the hallway, was he making his way towards me? Don't be stupid Ginny I told myself. I saw the shadow of his figure under the door and I held my breath expecting him to open it. He didn't and I was a little upset but pushed that feeling away. No! No! NO!!!

I lay in bed for another while and I don't know how long but soon there was a draft and I only slumped more into the cosy warm bed. The smell of grass and wood filled the air and it was nice to hear the birds chirruping away. I heard a faint knock and Harry's head peaked in, "I'm off to err work" he waved a goodbye and I was about to speak but he walked out my door. I followed him down stairs where he turned to me giving me a look, "are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I just wanted to see if you needed anything?" I asked trying to be nice. I guess I could make it up to him since I was a little harsh to him last night. "Am no it's okay but thanks, I'll see you later then? We could check out our neighbours later on?" Harry asked once he grabbed his tie. I only then noticed his clothes and how rather dashing he looked. Wow. His hair was tousled and his green eyes shone brightly as the sun peered it's way through the window pane. "Yeah I'd like that" I smiled at Harry and he returned the gesture.

Once Harry left I went up to check that a sleeping Teddy was in fact snoring like Ron would. I decided to make breakfast for myself and then start on cleaning this rather old cottage.

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