The Pilot

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Edited 22nd/ Aug/2016

Picture at the top is the cover to a really good friend of mines book so please do give it a shot TiberRex

New story

Chapter 1
The assignment

Ginny's POV

"Ginevra you must listen" the blonde woman spoke trying to grab a hold of my wrist. "Yes?" I gave her a firm look trying to wiggle my way out of yet another long and boring paperwork, "Mr Cartwright would like to speak with you" I sighed and nodded knowing only bad news. I finally broke free of her tight grip and made my way towards my boss's room. I, Ginny Weasley have been at this department for three years and unfortunately I don't like it as much as I thought I did.

I train for countless hours, I have so many bumps and bruises to prove how hard going it is, yet my hard work pays off showing off my heavy bags under my eyes to show how exhausting it is. But thankfully that had calmed a little, I mostly do paperwork, but like most of my colleagues I hate it.

I love being out in danger but sometimes it results me in getting hurt. I remember my last mission, my friend Lacy was killed and I was out cold for it. I froze in shock so much that my legs didn't operate and neither did any of my upper body. I couldn't move. I was petrified! I still have nightmares sadly but I have been getting a tiny bit better thanks to my best friend Emilie.

My thoughts were interrupted by the whizzing sound of people running fast past me, I came to a halt outside the door and knocked softly, "Come in" spoke a faint voice.

I turned the knob of the door and walked in. I slowly inhaled and then a few moments I exhaled. My boss was a man in his late 50's ish, blonde hair and grey eyes. He had a slight beard and a grin spread across his face. "Miss Weasley",he said happily standing up. I loved my boss, happy bloke really, never harmed a fly and always respected women. He was a feminist (see meaning below) and supported everyone and everything. He was an absolute dote and a hell of a good man, married 25 years and still is.

"Sir?" I asked.

He motioned me to sit and I did what I was told.

"I have a big mission for you Miss Weasley",he stated firmly as he held a yellow file in one hand.

He slid It towards me and I gripped it, I opened it and read through it,

A four year old Teddy Lupin is out to get hunted down. There is trace of Two death eaters by the name of Dolohav and Lucuis Malfoy are out to capture. His parents were both killed during the battle of Hogwarts and unfortunately his aunt was killed. You are assigned to go to England to get him and stay one year with this baby along with another Auror from a different department. You guys both be staying in another location!

I just read as far as there as more documents were piled in front of me. I looked wide eyed at my boss, "I--er- not sure sir" I spoke unsurely at this type of mission.

"Ginny look this is an easy mission. You would suit the job perfect. No one else could. You'll be back in a year and everything is taken care of. You along with another Auror will protect this baby and go into hiding. Once we find these kidnappers you shall return. Financial expenses will be taken care for you along with the other person will be living on the coast of Ireland. " he smiled weakly at me. I looked unsure still as I was not really up for a long long mission but I nodded slightly. My Boss smiled at me and clapped his hands happily. I was always given a choice to do missions granted I got a lot of money for them. Depending if I get injured, my pay-check goes to compensate my injuries.

"Thank you very much indeed Ginny" he smiled.

I muttered back, "it's okay" and he clicked his fingers.

"When do I begin?" I asked a few moments passing.

"Tomorrow?" He said as he handed me a key.

"What's this for?" I asked touching the shiny gold key.

"This is the cottage you will be staying with. I am still waiting for the reply of the other Auror" he waved it off.

I slumped back into a chair that seemed to be on my left. My Boss let out a chuckle and spoke,"you must not speak to anyone unless it is an emergency okay?"

He gave me a stern look. I nodded not trusting my voice. I can't back out of this mission as I accepted it. Oh well.

"Oh boy" I muttered.

Harry's POV

"Okay Mr Potter I have a mission" I smiled. Finally, to get away from Cho. Honestly that woman does my head. 'Harry do this! Harry do that'. Oh she makes me want to hex her. But I can't, I did propose to her and I do 'love' her? No doubt about it!

"Yes when?" I ask turning all my attention towards my Boss. Kingsley hands me a scroll and I open it up. I read through it and nod, "whose the other Auror?" I ask hoping someone I would know.

"We'll I'm not sure yet? You will be meeting that person over in Ireland tomorrow at noon along with Teddy", Kingsley spoke as he put the piece of parchment around the owl's neck and it opened its wings. It took off out the triangular window and I watched it go.

"Yes sir" I nodded.

Guess Cho won't be happy about this I thought bitterly.

"Go home now Potter and pack" he smiled and I returned the gesture.

Dedicated to

❤❤️Anonymous_Crazy_Girl❤️❤️ her books are outstanding too and best buddies girl xoxox

(Feminist- is a man who stands up for women)

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