the flower that's yet to bloom

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♔ | general information
Han Hyun


the perfect son-in-law




closeted homosexual

| appearance
general appearance

| personality
general personality
Hyun's nicknames tell you most there is to know about this special man. He has a heart of gold and truly the sweetest soul in the entire village. He is as pure as a flower, but has not fully bloomed yet. The man is an intelligent person, but due to his status in the social system he has never had the opportunity to make use of it. His mind is much stronger than his body, but he works very hard nonetheless. He is an optimist and tries to make the best out of his life even with those limited opportunities.

while he has no status, he is still considered the perfect son-in-law by many older women. He is charming, has perfect manners and is known for his incredible patience. He somehow manages to solve almost every fight there is in the village. He is a wonderful friend to have, always looking out for you and making sure you are safe and comfortable. Hyun often forgets about himself because of this, he so busy ensuring everyone is happy and satisfied that he neglects his own needs every now and then.

Of course Hyun has his flaws as well. He has a strong feeling of justice and it might be the only time he will step out of line. He just cannot stand by and watch someone innocent being framed for something they did not do. While he has no power, he will try and do anything he can to help the helpless person out. Hyun also has some trouble with taking compliments. He is very easily flustered and his whole face will turn red when someone is extra kind to him. While he is like that towards others all the time, he finds it hard to receive the same.

Overall he tries very hard to behave himself, work hard and be good in order to provide food for both himself and the orphan children on the streets. He is a generous man who does not wish for much. He is easily satisfied and finds it more important others' needs are fulfilled.

best traits

worst traits
easily flustered
physically 'weak'

having a tyrant as king

a better life for the orphan children; Hyun finds it quite difficult to see the orphans in his village not taken care of. He tries his very best to provide for them, but he hopes that in the future, the government will give them shelter and food.

better justice; He strongly hopes the corrupt officials will eventually all be caught and stripped from their positions so that no innocent person would be framed for a crime they did not commit anymore.

opening his own flower shop; as a big fan of flowers, Hyun's dream is to open his own flower shop one day. One which has affordable bouquets for everyone and also sells seeds so people can plant their own flowers.

| past
Hyun is born into a very simple family. His father was a poor farmer and his mother the third daughter of a common family as well. They fell in love during the annual festival and married not long after. They did not have much, but they had each other and their motivation to work hard, so no matter how much struggles they had, they were happy. Two years after they got together, a wonderful boy was born; Hyun. The woman had always wanted a child, so was overjoyed. Hyun's father was more worried about having a third mouth to feed, but hid his sorrows and instead did his utmost best to take good care of his wife and son. It was absolutely nerve wrecking every month when the taxes had to be paid, but for many years, they managed or at least so it seemed. Hyun grew up happily, always running around the village and farm, trying to help his father, the small boy he was and being super sweet for his mother. They had no luxury but they had the power of love. Hyun never whined for more food, more toys or whatever. He was a satisfied kid who loved his parents dearly and received neverending love from his mom and dad in return.

teen years
what Hyun and his mother were unaware of was that Hyun's father had loaned money from a rich aristocrat for years in order to be able to pay taxes every time. While Hyun's mother lived without worries, thinking they had enough money to take good care of their family, his father often went to the lord's luxury home to beg for even more money and to postpone the date on which he would have to pay him back. When Hyun was a fourteen-year-old boy, the aristocrat finally had enough. Hyun's father had not been able to pay him back in time, so he would face the consequences. It wasn't uncommon that people be sold into slavery if taxes or debts could not be paid, and the man had been aware of that, he just didn't think it would ever come so far. One peaceful afternoon when Hyun's father was away, the lord's men came to the small farm, armed and all. Hyun and his mother naturally got frightened by the sudden appearace, but neither of them responded with violence. Not until they started to take Hyun's mother. She was a relatively young woman, with beautiful features. She'd be worth quite a lot as a slave and even had the potential of becoming a concubine to a rich lord should anyone be interested. It was this moment when Hyun snapped. He cared about his mother dearly and even though he wasn't physically strong enough, he tried to bravely fight the lord's men. He was heavily outnumbered though and ended up losing to them. He watched as his mother was taken away, struggling until the very last moment, but that was not all. Poor Hyun's disrespectful act had not been tolerated and the teen had been taken to the aristocrat's house himself, where he was brutally whipped, a punishment that was commonly given to villagers of low ranks by aristocrats if they were dissatisfied. Had it not been for the lord's wife who returned home from the market and told her husband to let him go, he might not even have survived. Hyun returned home, where his father was as well now. Seeing his only half concious, tortured son was enough for him to know what had happened. Hyun spent the rest of his youth at his father's farm. He never blamed the man, knowing he only meant well. He never saw his mother again though and the scars on his back reminded him clearly that he should not forget his place again. He was a sensitive man when it came to his physique, so such a cruel punishment was truly horrible for him.

the moment he came of age, he left his father and started his own life. Not out of hatred, but to give him less to worry about. He soon found a job at a local store ran by a middle classed man. He was not the nicest and quite demanding, but he at least paid him every month so he could feed himself, pay the taxes and keep his home. Over the years he has become quite popular in town. He resolves arguments between people, is very helpful towards everyone and a most desired man by many ladies, even though he has no status.

| interests
flowers; Hyun finds flowers to always brighten his mood. Their beautiful colours and pleasant smells always make him feel better. It is also a great way to tell someone how you feel, every flower holds a different message and meaning after all. Taking good care for them also keeps them busy.

rice soup; while it is a meal that is often consumed by the common folks, Hyun is particularly fond of it. He is an awful cook himself so often eats rice soup at a small food stand in town. It always fills him up well and is not as expensive as other things, so he is more than satisfied with it.

insects; As strange as it may be, Hyun finds the small creatures all fascinating. He can observe the things for hours, he somehow finds peace in doing so.

harsh physical contact; of course no one likes being hit and such, but Hyun has a particular hatred for it. His skin bruises and breaks easily so even a hit that might be considered small can leave a nasty bruise. He prefers to solve things with words rather than violence.

talking about his mother; it is not that he does not want to remember or honour her, he just misses her so much and cannot stop blaming himself for letting her be taken. He feels so much guilt and sadness when speaking about her, that he prefers to remember her in private.

royal visits; some people really enjoy it when royalty visits town or passes through, but Hyun isn't a big fan. He finds it quite annoying everyone has to bow and stop what they are doing. The people have to work for their food and such, so why would someone who has all of that anyway disturb the hardworking people?

singing; Hyun enjoys expressing his emotions through singing. Whenever he goes to the forest to pick herbs and such, he always finds himself singing or humming.

| relationships
mother; Hyun's mother is still alive, he just does not know where she is. He prays for her every day, hoping she found a somewhat comfortable life. He hopes someone took pity on her and saved her from her horrible faith.

father; Hyun still sees his father often. He visits him every week and makes sure to help him out on the farm when he does. He loves him dearly still and cannot blame him for what happened to his mother and himself. hyun's father tries his best for his son still, while he is not blamed by him, he blames himself and tries so hard to make up for his mistake.

n/a; Hyun gets along with everyone nicely, but that is it. He does not have any friends in particular. He is fine with that though, it allows him to just focus on working hard and keeping an eye on his father.

the Kang family; the lord who sold his mother and had him so harshly punished was from the Kang family, so without a doubt Hyun feels hatred towards them. They are not real enemies since they probably do not even remember him and Hyun never really did anything against them anymore. He hates them nonetheless though.

past lovers
n/a; he is not quite busy with the whole idea of love. He is doing just fine on his own and he feels like there is nothing he can offer someone anyway.

other relationships
his boss; Hyun has been working for the same man ever since he started working. He doesn't particularly like the man, but at least he pays him every month and has never actually hit him before, so he feels like it is best to just keep him as his employer.

| other information
he works for a man who owns a shop selling all sorts of things. He runs around town for errands and delivers to rich people's houses as well.

what does he seek in a lover
Gentleness is very important for Hyun. As calm, patient and polite he will remain even with people who lose their temper, yell at him or are just rude in general, he does not appreciate it even one bit. He just learned not to step out of line. He hopes to find someone who finds him enough as he is. He owns almost nothing and has no spare money, so it isn't like he has much to offer to his beloved apart from himself. He wants someone who enjoys to be affectionate and receive the same love they give. It is important to gain Hyun's trust if you want him to be more than your 'housewife'.

this roleplay takes place in Joseon (:

| one
It has been a few months since you took the throne from your father who had unfortunately passed away. For years you have been preparing for this moment, but now that it was you in the traditional king's robe, followed by servants and bowed to be literally everyone, it felt strange. You knew it was what you were born to do, but deep inside you wished you could have been born as someone else. You did not complain about the comfortable life, but king...any other nobleman would have been fine. You could have lived in comfort, but not everyone would be so nervous around you and you wouldn't have such big responsibilities.

Today, the officials had suggested you'd go and visit the villages close to the palace. You'd just pass through in your luxury litter carried by many eunuchs, there was nothing you had to do, they said, just present yourself and your authority. There wasn't much you could say to it. You didn't want to go, but they were right that the new king should at least show himself once. Not that they'd see you. All the people would be bowed so low with their heads to the ground. You could easily have your servant go in your place and none of the people would notice. You knew better than that though.

As you were preparing to leave, getting dressed in your traditional robe, fixing your hair, etcetera, you started paying attention to how formal everyone was with you. Every servant who entered your quarters to assist you or bring something never ever lifted their heads and were so cautious around you. You had noticed these things before, but it just sank in better now and for some reason, it made you feel awfully lonely. No one around here saw you as the man you actually were. To them you were just the king, the almost divine being who had all the power over everyone in the kingdom.

Those thoughts kept bothering you when you absentmindedly got into/onto the litter and was basically carried out of the palace. The moment you were out of the palace walls you were indeed met with those endless people on their knees, bowing so low that their heads touched the floor. No one dared to remain standing or lift their heads. It made you feel sick. Your little 'tour' continued and nothing interesting was to be seen. Not until you were passing a village in which everyone was bowing, except from one young man. He was sweeping the front of a shop you assumed he worked at, softly humming to himself and completely ignoring your presence. Your trusted guard did not fail to notice him either and immediately turned to you. "What should I do about him, your majesty? Shall I bring him to you?" He asked.

continue from there.

| two
It was an awfully busy day today. Do not get me wrong, every day was a busy day if you were the king of Joseon, but today was even worse. The royal banquet would be held tonight and due to the incompetence of your servants, plenty of things were not in order quite yet. Rather angrily you had sent the chief eunuch to get the fresh ingredients you wanted and told him you'd go and find the spices yourself. It got quite a reaction out of him, to be honest and while you would usually assure him it was not him you were mad at, you now did not bother and left in the middle of his pleads to forgive his incompetence.

You decided to go in disguise, just to make things easier but also safer. It would take way longer if you'd bring bodyguards along, but going on your own while revealing you were the king was almost the same as asking to be kílled. Without notifying anyone else, you headed out of the palace. It ended up being a wonderful choice because being away from that place immediately cleared your mind. It was good to have a bit of peace before the banquet, it would allow you to remain calm and perfect during it.

You rather curiously looked around at all the shops and stands in the village and couldn't help but smile. All those hardworking people, they had so little yet they expressed happiness still. It was admirable to say at the very least. Rather lost in thought you continued walking until you suddenly felt a force sent you to the ground. Confused and surprised at the same time, you looked up to find a young man around your age towering over you with a very apologetic look. He quickly took action to help you up and once you stood, he tried hard to wipe the dirt of your expensive looking clothes. After doing that, he folded his hands in front of him and did three small bows. "I am very sorry, my lord." he respectfully kept his head down, clearly a little worried. "please forgive me, I have no money to pay for your clothes..." His nerves were understandable. As the king you were well aware of the class system and the way the nobles behaved. It usually didn't end too well for someone of this man's status if they ruined noblemen's clothes. You were about to just tell him to leave, but when you looked up, you found yourself unable to speak. The man in front of you was-- well...what was he? You had no words to describe it but your racing heart and the butterflies in your stomach made it undeniable you had fallen for this poor man at first sight.

continue from there.

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