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The life was winning this game, but Ragini wasn't weak or atleast thats what she hoped.

"M..my Laksh?" Ragini asked to confirm, hoping that the little hope she had in her heart wins.

But Dr.Shah nodded his head in a yes, brutally murdering the hope. Leaving no scope.

And like the blood pumping from a heart, her tear bags pumped and water dripped from her eyes. A sad sob escaped, at this moment she just wanted to cry. Cry her heart out.

Weep and weep until Laksh woke up healthy.

"Ragini, its critical you need to start the operation asap." Dr. Shah had to break her thoughts and tell her the delicateness of the situation.

Wiping off her tears, numbly Ragini entered the OT.

Scared, nervous, tensed she felt everything at once. It wasn't her first operation yet she was in that situation where she felt that the years of her study had erased and evaporated in the air.

She changed into the medical gown, washed her hands with the antiseptic wash and wore the gloves.

And then finally she moved to the centre, where nurses and an intern doctor was already waiting for her. Along with them there was a someone who lied unconscious. The someone who was or rather is her life.

A deep breath was taken, and then she moved closer to examine the body.

And all she could see was blood. His head, his face were bleeding. Arms scratched and bleeding. Even his legs were hurt, injured.

She had seen blood before, but now that blood belonged to her husband. The only family member she had, and she will ever have.

Her hands were shaking out of nervousness, her eyes few shut. She couldn't take the scene infront of her. Her heart refused to cooperate, her brain was fighting. She was a mess how could she operate her husband? There was no way she could do this with the same ease and confidence with which she had performed her early operations.

"Dr, are you okay?" Asked the intern doctor who was impatient to start the operation-

Eager to save a life.

But they didn't know that person who lied there bleeding was her only family god had given her in her entire life. What if she commits a mistake? What if she does something wrong? And she loses him?


No no this won't happen, she pacified herself and she opened her eyes with determination.

"Let start." She commanded and her hands automatically did their job.

The intern had already informed Ragini about the injuries Laksh's body has sustained.

Broken arms, fractured foot toe, internal bleeding in the brain.

Internal bleeding in the brain, his head had hit with a dangerous pace. The fault was of the truck driver who was drunk.

While the victim, Laksh was driving back home. Ragini knew this. He was going to their home. To celebrate their anniversary. And on the way, the only harm God could do to her life was done.

She lost her heartbeat. Her heart. She tried her level best. The level best to save him.

She partially did, he was alive yet not fully. He was there with him but not truly.

It was 90% chances that he wouldn't live. Ragini knew this. She was numb. When the operation was successful partially, her team was satisfied. They thought they did a good job, that they might have saved the victim's life.

Little did they know that their doctor couldn't rejoy the partial success. She wanted a full success. She wanted the victim to open her eyes instantly and whisper her name once from his mouth.

She sat on the cool bench outside the room to which Laksh was transferred. Her eyes red not from crying but from the stress. Her lips trembling of fear, her fingers still fluttering and shaking.

She was not ready to lose him. Not now. Never.

He had promised her a forever, and she wasn't ready to let him go of his promise. He was supposed to complete the promise.

He was supposed to be there with her forever. To be there for her forever. To be hers forever.

But now life had brought her to this two way road where she was alone, all alone. So alone that she was confused. Her brain had stopped working. Her heart was just beating for a name sake.

Her eyes closed and slowly those big tears descended, moving across her cheeks and then to her chin from which it flew on her lap.

She wanted Laksh back. She wanted her Laksh back.


Her hands stumbled as she searched for the correct key. She was entering her house, the empty plain house after two days.

For two days she was there with her husband hoping that he would awake any second, any minute. But then the other doctors who tried consoling her, asked her to fresh up and get some sleep and then come back again to him.

She hadn't even blinked her eyes to sleep for the last two days. She was wide awake, and even now her eyes are far away from sleep instead they longed for the smiling sight of her husband. The sight of her husband scolding her for cooking way too many dishes for just the two of them.

But now the house was just empty. Solely empty, it lacked the happiness that once was evidently seen. Now it was just emptiness.

She was so numb that nothing was effecting her, absolutely nothing.

She took a bath and sat on the bed. Like a lifeless body.

She was ready to fight with the destiny for her husband. She needed him back.

And then her phone rang and her world broke apart, forever.

She was bitten by a snake, while the life scored a six.


See if you all have read my completed and the ongoing story youuu know I NEVER WRITE EMOTIONAL PARTS and yaha pe i am writing three shots jo pure ke pure emotional hai.

I have never received '😭' emoji for my stories and last shot mein i only got this emoji..so i am kinda guessing i did a good job?

So did i do a good job?😅😅

I was going to post it tomorrow but tomorrow i wld be busy throughout the day so i thght its better if i post it now.

Happy new year in advance :)

Last chapter on 1st (and if possible tomorrow :P)

So i seriously need to know if i am doing a good job in thi genre??♥️

Okayy bbyee!!
Take care

Do vote and comment♥️

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