☔️ 15

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"You came in with the two injured parties?" the doctor asks me as I approach, I give him a nod and anxiously wait.

"Mr. Jeon sustained a rather large head injury that required immediate surgery, on top of a fractured femur, a broken arm," Rayne tightens her hold on my hand cutting off the circulation that goes to my fingers. I rub my thumb along the top of her hand trying to soothe her as the doctor continues.

"But no need to worry we were able to restart his heart and Mr. Jeon should make a full recovery after a few weeks," the doctor says with a smile that I feel he shouldn't have after telling us Jungkook nearly died.

"Jimin, please ask if we can go see him," Rayne says sniffling beside me.

I ask and the doctor leads me to his room, I keep Rayne's hand clasped tightly in mine. When we enter, a gasp escapes Rayne as she sees Kook lying in the hospital bed hooked up to machines, arm and leg in casts, and his head wrapped in a bandage with a tube for drainage.

The doctor excuses himself and, as soon as the door closes, I wrap Rayne in my arms, trying to comfort her as she cries clinging to me.

"Hey shh, Rayne. It will be okay, you heard the doctor," I whisper and she nods her head.

"No, Jimin, none of this is okay. Kook and Hobi are hurt, Yoongi was taken in front of my eyes and she said that she had 3 out of 5, Jimin! That means she has Joon and Baeky. What are we supposed to do about that? How are we going to make any of this okay?" she starts ranting hysterically.

I feel useless, I don't have an answer for her, I don't know how to make any of this better or safe for her. All I can do is hold her and rub her back hoping it will help in some way. I hear the door start to creak open and I drop my arms not even being able to continue comforting her.

I turn and notice a familiar figure hobbling into the room.

"Hobi!" Rayne rushes over to him and he smiles at her while she fusses over him saying he shouldn't be up and about.

"I'm fine, I swear, Rayne. Just some bruising and a few cuts, but I'm okay. They aren't even keeping me overnight," he waves her off and plops down in the chair beside Kook's bed.

"What are we supposed to do? They took Joon, right outside JB's office," I say, looking to Hoseok for any answer.

"She also has Yoongi and Baeky," Rayne says sadly.

Hoseok sits pensively staring at Kook.

"You guys are going to have to do something but you're not going to like it."

"I'll do anything!" Rayne quickly agrees and I nod my head willing to help however I can.

"There's a reason why Jimin's in your life. You need to go back home and figure it out, while you research who Lam is."

"That seems easy enough. We can do that," I shrug. I watch as Rayne narrows her eyes on Hoseok and he nervously gulps.

"You already know how we are connected," she accuses.

"I do, but I can't tell you," he says holding his hands up in protection as she stomps closer.

"Hobi! What the fuck! Just tell us so we are one step closer."

"I can't! If I tell you it could change things, you know he's purple and that's already too much. Just keep him close and don't let her take him. He's our last hope in defeating them, but we also need her name or we can't do the ritual," he speaks quickly and I watch as Rayne's shoulders slump.

"You know how these things work, Rayne," he says reaching up to rub her arm but his hand goes through her.

"Okay,"— she says softly taking a deep breath —"but I don't think we have a lot of time, what are we going to do about Kook?"

"This is the part you're not going to like..."

"No!" she shouts at him and I'm totally lost in what's going on now.

"I'm not leaving you two here!"

"You have to. If we wait here together, we won't get anything done. I can stay and watch over Kook while you two figure everything out, plus my dealer is near here so I can grab the materials we need in quick trips and come back to take care of him."

"I can't do this alone, Hobi."

"You are not alone," I say and step beside her, taking her hand in mine again and giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"He's right, you're not. You're smart, I know Yoongi has been teaching you everything he knows on the side, plus you have the answers. Focus on everything you know about her so far and I'm sure you will find what we need."

Before she can reply our eyes dart to Kook who is making small moans and showing signs of waking up. When his eyes open they land on Hoseok, who smiles at him and pats his hand. He says nothing as his eyes move over to me and then double in size as he can clearly see the person beside me.

"Rayne?" he croaks out shocked and confused.

Hoseok rushes to get him a cup of water and he takes a few sips not moving his eyes off the girl holding my hand.

"Can you see me?"

He nods his head slowly and a flash of pain crosses his features as he holds on to the side of his head.

"You got your body back?" Rayne shakes her head no and Kook looks confused.

"How can I see you then?"

"Did something happen that you two haven't told me?" Hoseok asks looking at the two of us and I quickly explain how Kook's heart stopped and he died for a short period of time.

"Well, that explains it. When your heart stopped, Kook, it bridged the gap between life and death for you."

"Wow, soo cool. I see dead people," he laughs quoting one of his favorite movies, but his eyes are already drifting shut.

"He can't even stay awake," Hoseok laughs and turns back to us.

"This is why I can't leave, but you two need to. As soon as you guys figure it out, let me know. I should have everything ready in a few days."

"Let's go home, Rayne," I say to her giving her hand a tug.

I order an Uber as she says goodbye to Hoseok. She is sullen the whole ride home and I can't even talk or hold her hand because the driver has had his eyes on me ever since I held the door open for Rayne to get in.

I had completely forgotten he couldn't see her and gave her a smile when she walked past me. Ever since this guy has been staring me down waiting for me to mess up again. We couldn't get home fast enough, as soon as we pull up out front, I hop out holding the door open again, and grab her hand.

I don't care that I can feel his eyes burning my back as I rush inside with her. I start walking up the stairs keeping my eyes on her noticing how her chestnut-colored hair shines as the light catches it.

My heart races a little and I try and shake it off. It's just nerves because I'm worried. I'm worried for my friends and for her.

We will figure this out and I'll save her.


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