☔️ 19

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I'm terrified.


Did I love Rayne?

We have not had enough time together. I wanted to show her I was better than what she's seen of me. I wanted to prove I could be someone she could rely on and trust. I wanted to keep her with me and never let go of her.

I watched as her beautiful eyes morphed into storm clouds getting ready to rain as she watched that demon bitch grab onto scarface. I was moving before I could even fully comprehend what I was doing. I couldn't let anything else hurt her and I knew if she lost any of those guys, that would be the end.

I'm waist-deep in the water prying Lam away from Yoongi when a boom of thunder sounds and everything comes to a standstill. Lam is frozen in place as she keeps a tight grip on Yoongi as he gasps for breath.

That guy JB from the bar lazily walks into view, his eyes take in what's going on and he tsks annoyed at the scene.

"This is very sloppy, Lam. Not only have you caused a scene that I will have to hide, you have managed to allow these humans to know your full name," his strides are confident as he reaches the edge of the water.

"I've got it handled, sir. I've just got to get rid of these men and she will be weak enough for me to fully take over. Then I can do whatever you ask to clean this mess up," she says nervously.

"Bring him here," he motions to Yoongi and she hesitantly makes her way to him.

"You've truly left me speechless this time. I thought I had lost all hope in you, but here you are, making me lose the little bits of hope in you I didn't even know I still had. You don't change. I've told you drowning takes too long and now I've found that you are more annoying than entertaining," JB takes hold of Yoongi before he pushes him away and he stumbles towards Rayne.

"I can do it quickly, sir!" she argues and moves towards Namjoon.

JB snaps his fingers and Lam is frozen in place. He turns to me with a raised brow. "Let's make a deal?"

"NO!" Lam shouts and he carelessly waves his hand ignoring her protests.

"I will spare the others, and get rid of this annoying pest, allowing Rayne to have her body back...but...," he slowly steps into the water stopping a hair breath away from me. "In return, you must atone for her sins. I've got to offer the big guy up there something pure."

"Do you swear that the others will be safe and Rayne will go back into her body perfectly unharmed?" I say confidently not looking away from the man.

He sighs loudly running his hand through his hair.

"It's hard being the left hand of God. Sure, I swear to you that they will all be safe."

"JIMIN! Don't do it! PLEASE!" Rayne is shouting trying to push her way through the ring as she yelps in pain.

Yoongi is steadily crawling towards her as she screams at me begging and pleading, but I know deep down it's what I need to do. I've not lived a good life, I've drunk too much, I'm selfish, and have abused the kindness of my friends. I've used the abandonment of my parents as an excuse to justify the horrible things I've done.

But, if I could do one thing right in life, it would be to save her.

I look past JB to the girl who had become so much more than I could have imagined. Tears are running down her face as realization washes over her.

"I'll always be with you. I love you," I say loudly and she chokes out a sob as I turn to JB. "I'll do it."

"I WON'T ALLOW THIS!" Lam shrieks and JB lazily turns to face her.

"You have no say in this now."

"But I do!" Rayne yells.

It's then I notice Yoongi has made it to the circle disrupting the salt and breaking the barrier. Rayne rushes forward with the Pazuzu talisman in her grasp. She slams right into Lam who screams in agony when it makes contact with her.

"He might not have known the pronunciation but I sure as hell do!

 Anu begot her, Ea reared her, Enlil doomed her a dog's face. She is tiny of hands, she is long of finger, long of nail. She came right in the front door, slithering over the post casing! She slithered over the post casing, she has caught sight of the baby! Seven seizures has she done him in his belly! Pluck out your nails! Let loose your arms! Before he gets to you, Ea, the warrior, as sage for the task. The post casing is big enough for you, the doors are open, come then, be gone through the post casing! They will fill your mouth with dust, your face with sand, with fine-ground mustard seeds they will fill your eyes. I exorcise you by Ea's curse: 

YOU MUST BE GONE!" she screams the last of the incantation and Lam's screams grow quiet until she is separating from Rayne's body.

"Quick, Rayne! Focus and join with your body," Yoongi weakly shouts.

JB quickly rushes from the lake to Lam who is desperately trying to escape but in her weakened state only manages to make it halfway toward the trees before he's caught up to her.

"Seems like your time's run out, dear. I'll have to turn you into him instead," he says with a sinister smile, he is out of sight before anyone can make a move.

But I don't care, I'm running out of the water to Rayne and her slumped body.

"I can't! I can't feel my body!" she cries shaking as she tries to grab onto her unconscious form.

"Focus on me, Rayne! It's just me and you!" I say gaining her attention. I reach for her body and intertwine my fingers with hers.

"Think about how it feels when I hold your hand. How warm it is and how strong I am. I promised you, I'll be right here for you no matter what," I say and she relaxes.

Her eyes flutter closed and I watch as she starts to fade. "I'm right here. Please come back to me," I say softly and she vanishes before my eyes.

Yoongi has untied the others and they rush over, surrounding me and Rayne. I squeeze her hand waiting for her beautiful eyes to open and actually greet me.

It feels as if time is moving too slowly. I can't breathe as I listen to my heart pound into my ears. Baeky is crying beside me asking her to wake up. Namjoon and Yoongi have gone to assist Hobi who's finally woken up.

"I'm here, Rayne. Open your eyes, beautiful," I say fighting back my tears.

Then I feel her small hand squeeze mine and I finally draw in the breath I had been holding. I quickly lift her, drawing her into my arms to hold her tight as I feel her wrap her arms around me.

"I love you too, Jimin," I hear her whisper softly before Baeky is pulling her away from me.

My heart feels like it will soar right out of my chest as I watch her with the others. They all engulf her worrying over her as she worries back over them. She looks tired and weak but so happy as she speaks with them. She turns to look at me and her lips turn up in a smile and I know then and there that I'll love her forever.

She's my forever Rayne...


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