☔️ 5

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"Well, come on, let's go then," Jimin grumbles as he puts on his shoes at the front door.

He opens the door and steps out, closing it behind him, but I'm frozen at the entrance. He flings the door back open looking at me annoyed.

"Uhhh, why aren't you moving? I am taking you out like you wanted," he holds the door open waiting for me to move but I don't.

I'm standing there like an idiot, worried, chewing on my lip as I try to muster the courage to leave our apartment. By ours I mean mine, he will have to move out when I get back into my body, he just doesn't know it yet.

"HELLO, RAYNE?!" he says loudly, a scowl on his face as he still holds the door open waiting for me to come out.

"I'm scared," I finally admit.

Understanding flashes across his face briefly and then relief as he steps back into the house. He waltzes right up to me, and a slick smile plays on his lips. "Since you're chicken shit, we don't have to go anywhere. I'm going back to bed."

"No wait, just give me a minute, okay? It's nerve-wracking, what if I disappear for months again?" I panic trying to stop him from going to his room, but like always my hand goes right through him and he shakes his body.

"Stop touching me!" He grits out.

"And even better for me, if you've gone I don't have to deal with this!" he shrugs.

"Fuck you, Jimin!"

"Is that a threat or a to-do list?" he smirks leaning against the wall.

Before I can answer, someone is knocking on the door. Jimin sighs and goes to open it. That cute black-haired boy is at the door looking at him worriedly.

"Who are you talking to, Jiminie?" he asks stepping into the apartment and looking around.

"No one," Jimin glances in my direction as I walk closer to the cute boy.

"I swear I heard you talking before I knocked. Also, why are you up so early?" The boy asks, walking into the living room and looking down the hallway.

The cute boy's hair is kinda long and shaggy, covering his eyes; his lips are not as full as Jimin's but he's got a nice cupid's bow and the little mole that's at the edge of his bottom lip is super cute.

I get closer to observe him, careful not to touch him but close enough that I can see his features better.

"Nah, it was probably the TV, Tae," Jimin says trying to reassure him.

That's his name: Tae. While Tae's back is turned from Jimin, Jimin takes the opportunity to mouth 'stop' to me and motions for me to move.

"I'll stop if you take me out!" I say back as I step into Tae's bubble causing him to shiver.

"Your house is freezing man, turn off the AC."

"I just did not too long ago. I was actually about to step out before you showed up," Jimin says motioning for me to move away from Tae.

I smile smugly at him knowing I've gotten my way and skip over to the door impatiently tapping my foot. It's now or never, Hobi said if I'm with someone my conscience will stay grounded to the world, so I'm gonna have to believe his words.

"Where are you going?" Tae questions.

"Oh, um, I'm gonna go run some errands..." Jimin says nervously.

"You are a horrible liar, Jimin! Look at his face, he doesn't believe you at all!" I say, watching as Jimin's jaw clenches and he refuses to look at me.

"I really gotta go, Tae. We can hang out later okay?" Jimin says opening his door and stepping out again waiting for him.

Taking a deep breath I walk out the door and stand beside Jimin. Tae gets a little too close when he walks out and my hand accidentally brushes his. His face instantly scrunches up and a shiver runs through his body.

"Shit, he touched me Jimin," I say moving back away from him so it won't happen again. Panic is shown in Jimin's eyes.

"Okay, well I'll catch you later," Jimin mutters and quickly walks off.

I stay behind watching Tae stare at his hand confused before he looks up at Jimin's receding figure.

"Something's going on with that little Mochi, I'm gonna find out," he mumbles as he walks into Mrs. Kim's apartment.


"What the hell, Rayne! Why did you touch him?" he snarls at me when I come skipping down the stairs happily.

"Calm down you little Mochi, It was an accident," I smile at him.

"Don't call me that," He grumbles as we make our way out of the building.

"So, what's so important that we had to leave the house on my day off?" he asks, still carrying over his attitude.

"Do you think it will rain?" I ask turning my face up to the sky, feeling the wind brush against it and the smell of rain fills my nose.

"I hope it doesn't. I hate the rain," he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Is there anything you don't hate?" I ask.

"Oh tons of things, girls, my friends, video games, alcohol, just to name a few," he smirks, biting his lower lip.

I roll my eyes at his words. Of course 'girls' would be the first thing on his list, dumb playboy. I sigh ignoring his flirty behavior.

"Look, let's not fight, hmm? I really need you to take me somewhere."

"Where exactly? Heaven? Cause I can take you there no problem," he strides slowly towards me.

"Oh my God, you're not serious are you?" I laugh in his face and his smirk falters. "I wouldn't let you touch me with a ten-foot pole!"

"Do you really believe that Princess?" he's standing in front of me looking down at me, his tongue peeks out from between his lips and runs along his bottom lip.

"Stop, Jimin," I say harshly, stepping back away from him.

"I need to check on someone..." my voice trails off.

"Hey, why do you look so sad? You're already ugly, looking sad just makes it worse," He says with a goofy smile.

"Ugh, do you always have to be this way?" I groan.

"Let's just go, lead the way," he motions and we start walking down the street.

It's a quiet walk, with him following a few steps behind me. My feet take me down the familiar paths without much thought. We stop in front of one of my favorite places, a small tan house with a teal door. Inside it holds some of the most wonderful people I have ever known. It's always been warm and vibrant, you could always hear the loud noises before even stepping in.

But it doesn't look like much from the outside, there is no sound or heat coming out from it. It's a little rundown and shabby, they have let the grass grow too long and the once bright door needs a new coat of paint.

"Rayne, this is someone's house!" Jimin hisses at me.

At that very moment, a woman walking down the street looks at him strangely. I snicker knowing he looks like a total freak yelling at himself and he just glares at me pulling out his phone and pretending to talk on it.

"What are we supposed to be doing here, Rayne?" He questions pacing in front of the house.

"I need you to knock on the door and ask for someone," I bite my lip nervously.

"And then what?" he asks, shaking his head.

"I uh, I didn't think that far I just needed to check on him..." I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"IDIOT! I'm not knocking on that door. He doesn't know me. What am I supposed to tell him? Hi, I know you don't know me but I know this ghost named Rayne who insisted I come to check on you?" He yells angrily into his phone while making direct eye contact with me.

"YES! That's perfect! He will believe you, trust me! He won't think you're crazy, I swear!" I say nodding my head.

"No," He deadpans.

"Please!" I beg, my hands clasped together in front of my chest.

"No, let's go back home," he turns away to start walking back.

"Please, Jimin! I'll do anything!" I cry out to him.

"Anything?" He turns with a sly smile on his face.

"W-within reason," I stutter out as he walks closer.

"Okay, but I reserve the right to pick later," he says as he steps into my personal space. He still is holding the phone to his ear and his voice has dropped to a low tone.

He's too close. My heart starts to race, and my eyes are drawn to his pouty lips that are up turned into a smile. I quickly turn my head to look away from him. Not trusting myself to speak right now, I simply nod my head.

He laughs loudly and steps back from me, eyebrows raised as his eyes slowly rake over me.

"So who am I asking for then, Princess"

"Uh, B-Baekhyun," I stutter again like a fool.

Him openly flirting with me is really wrecking my composure and I know he knows it from the smirk he's giving me.

He nods his head and puts his phone back into his tight pants, walking up to the door, he doesn't falter, just knocks on the door not a care in the world.

After a few moments, I can hear shuffling behind the door and it slowly creaks open. It's definitely NOT Baeky, he's tall causing Jimin to slightly lookup.

He's got a small face and big round eyes, his lower lip is fuller than his upper lip and his big elf ears poke out. It's Chanyeol.

"That's not him," I say quickly.

"Hi, is Baekhyun here?"


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