Chapter 15

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As soon as it started, a soothing sound, almost like a piano started. It was almost a jazzy sound, and soon a consistent beat started.

"Yoongi," I said in awe, "This is totally my type of song. I know it's all rap but I like it that way!"

He looked at me. "I'm pretty proud of it."

"You should be! I love this, can it be my new favorite song?"

A smile finally spread on his face. "You like it that much?"

"Yoongi, I love this so much. It's so relaxing. Can I get it soon? When's the album releasing?"

"It's not releasing until next year."

"What?" I took off the headphones for a second. "I'm not waiting that long to hear this."

"We don't even have the vocals in yet," he laughed at me. "It's not even finalized. Or done. And we're releasing an album next month. It's a big one, remember?"

"Ah right. Wings, is it called?"

"Yeah. And we're going on tour next year as well."

"Don't remind me. That's going to be stressful and I still need Sejin to allow me to come along." I sighed with a smile. "But it's okay, I'll wait for that one song."

"Or, I mean, I could send you what I have of the track?"

"I'd seriously love that."

"You know, you should help me some time. You're learning."

"Learning. I don't know how you do this. At all."

"It's simple. Put sounds together. A little theory never hurts, but you don't have to know that. Unless someone is really picky about the music they're listening to, as long as it sounds good, it's fine."

"You make it sound so easy." I leaned back on the couch. "I'd try sometime, but I don't think you want me messing around with your expensive equipment."

Yoongi was silent for a moment. "No, I wouldn't mind."

As I settled into his shoulder and the show started, I looked up at Yoongi's computer. "One day, I want to write music. I want to be as good as you."

"It all starts with a passion. If you have it, it will work out."

"That's what Jungkook said," I yawned. "I want music. I want it to work out."

"Then I'll help you." He wrapped an arm around me and I smiled. "You seem to be feeling better."

"I am. I think your mac and cheese, and music has healed me."

"Huh." He laughed.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Sure. Possibly."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. I'll be okay by tomorrow."

"Mm." I watched the show for a second. "I don't feel like going back to school tomorrow."

"Same with work for me, but," he took a big breath in, "we need to. How's school going, anyways? I didn't get to check in with you last night, I'm sorry."

I walked him through my day from yesterday. After a while of chatting, we decided to try to bake something to have something to do.

"Uhm. Okay," Yoongi said, reading over the instructions on a tablet I'd pulled up. "First of all, I think a laptop would be better."

"No, takes up too much surface space." I agreed. "Let's use the tablet. But put plastic wrap on top so we don't ruin the screen".

Yoongi sighed and then went to grab the wrap. I continued collecting the materials and soon we were ready to start.

"A something of flour, right?" Yoongi read.

"Indeed." I grabbed a measuring cup as Yoongi grabbed the bag of four. But as soon as he opened it, a whiff of fluffy powder flew into the air. I laughed, coughing in between breaths as Yoongi scrunched his eyes and gasped. The powder was all over his face and down his shirt.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Uh," he mumbled. "I opened it."

"With a little too much force, may I add?"

Yoongi opened his eyes before rolling them. "Great. Sejin is gonna get us for ruining his kitchen."

"What's a little bit of flour? It'll be fine," I told him

"Then you clean it up."

"You made the mess!"

"Ugh! Are you sure you want to do this?"


I scrolled through a few recipes for banana bread before deciding I wanted to add some chocolate. I tied my frazzled hair that hadn't been fixed all day into a hair tie, rolled up my hoodie sleeves, and washed my hands before helping Yoongi get the rest of the ingredients. It took us only twenty minutes to put everything together and into a pan to cook. While we waited, we watched Netflix on the couch. By the time it was done, I was starting to feel a lot better and had a lot of my energy back.

When it was done, we sliced the bread and took a piece for each of us when the door opened. It was Sejin and the boys again, peppy and ready to attack me with hugs.

"Hi guys," I said, giving Taehyung a hug.

"You look better!"

"I think I am," I agreed.

"What smells good?" Jin asked, walking into the kitchen. "Oh, wow. You did this without me. You two?" Jin pointed to Yoongi and I, and we nodded.

"We didn't burn the house down. Are you surprised?"

"Very," he said, taking a slice before trying a bite. "It's delicious, too."

We all sat down as Sejin had brought food from a nearby restaurant on the table. The boys are done with their schedule for the day so we were all able to eat.

"Sujin," Namjoon said in between bites as he looked up from the table to me. "There's a boy who showed up at the house today. We were cautious about him but we could tell he was from your school, so we answered the door. He was looking for you."

I was taking a sip of water, but abruptly put the glass down. "Oh?" I coughed slightly into my arm before taking another sip of water to keep from choking.

"He said his name was Jiho."

"Oooh," Jimin said with a smirk. "What's this, Sujin?"

I blushed. "I don't get why he-"

"He was concerned because you weren't at school. He brought over a flower."

"A single flower?" I laughed. "Okay, that's kinda funny. But seriously, I'm shocked."

"Who's this?" Hoseok asked.

"Well I met him at a coffee shop, when Taehyung and I were doing the scavenger hunt for the Vlive-"

"That guy?" Taehyung asked. He dropped his fork and crossed his arms over his chest. "Nuh-uh. How did he know where we live?"

"I didn't tell him-"

"Sujin. Didn't I tell you not to talk to him?"

"What's this, Tae?" Namjoon asked. "You know about it?"

"Well he goes to my school, he can't be that bad."

"Jerks definitely go to your school," Taehyung shot back.

"Okay, fair enough. I don't know why he dropped by like that, we're not super close."

"I get more uncomfortable with this as you speak," Taehyung mumbled.
"Listen," I said, folding my hands and putting them on the table. "He's a friend. Sure, I'll admit, it's a little weird he was so concerned about me, and sure, he even creeps me out on occasion. But if it gets to a strange point, I'll tell you. For now, he's a nice friend, and I think it's sweet that he dropped by."

"I mean, it's kinda cute," Namjoon laughed, covering his mouth as he chuckled. "Not gonna lie."

Tae rolled his eyes. "Not helping, 'Joon."

"Okay," Jin said calmly, "What does Manager think?"

All eyes turned to Sejin at the end of the table. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows testingly. "Sujin, is there anything else about this boy we should know?"

"No," I shook my head. "Like I said, if I was concerned, I'd tell you. He's nice and I wouldn't even mind spending time with him."

"Then I don't see a problem."

"So you're gonna wait until it's a problem to do something?" Taehyung asked Sejin. "You're going to let her spend time with him?"

"No, but," Sejin sighed, "Maybe I can... you know, look into it."

"Oh so you're all looking into my life, now? I said, rolling my eyes. "Great. Where's my private life?"

"You gave that up when you started living with a world-wide famous boy band," Yoongi said with an edge on his tone.

I knew I wasn't going to win this argument. "I'm sorry." I took a bite of my food and everyone went quiet.

"Then, for now, I guess it's okay. We're sorry for overreacting," Namjoon said. "You just gotta know we need to be able to be concerned."

"I understand, oppa. I can also promise I'll tell you as much as I can about him so you can be comforted."

"Thank you," Taehyung said. "So, we can move onto another note-"

"Thank goodness."

"Are you planning to get back to school tomorrow?"

"I hope so."

"Did Yoongi take care of you?" Sejin asked.

"We took care of each other."

Yoongi glared at me from the other end of the room. "Nuh-uh. How did you take care of me?"

"I made sure you didn't trash Sejin's kitchen. Or house," I laughed slightly.

"Who says I would've?"

"Me," Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin said at the same time.


Yoongi shook his head. "Says you guys, sure."

"Well then I'll be expecting chocolate chip cookies on the table when I get home from school tomorrow and the dorm better not be dead."

"Oh-" Hoseok said. "Aren't you staying-"

"Right," I sighed. "Yeah I'm probably staying here."

"I mean," Sejin said, "if you don't want to, I'm sorry-"

"No, I just forgot. I promise."

We were quiet again, when Namjoon spoke, "I also got a part in a show we're attending later in the year, maybe December, I don't know."

"A part? Like you're performing?"

"I mean, we always perform..."

"Right, I meant, a special part?"

"As an announcer, yes. "

"An MC?"

Namjoon nodded. "I thought Jin should get the part but they offered it to me."

"Yah, cuz you're the leader," Jin scoffed.

"Mm," I nodded. "That would explain it."

Namjoon waved the thought away with his hand. "Anyways, I'll be gone Friday night rehearsing for it."

"How long?"

"All night. Well, after dinner. If Sejin lets us take you out to eat," he looked to my uncle.

"I'm thinking about it."

'"Weren't you already going to let them take me to dinner?"

"Well, we mean take you to dinner and then let you stay at the dorm for the weekend."

"Ooh! I'd enjoy that." Perfect timing to prepare his birthday gift, if he's going to be gone, I thought. All the materials are at the dorm, so I have to do it there, and if Namjoon's gone, there's less of a chance he'll catch me so I can keep it a surprise.

"We'd love to finally have our girl home!" Taehyung said.

I nodded, "for sure."

The next day at school, I was greeted by an eager Jiho while I was unpacking at my locker. "Hey! You're feeling better, I see."

"I am," I said, continuing to take things out from my backpack. I was slightly annoyed that he'd found me so soon, especially after what the boys had said about him from the other day.

"So you weren't at the house yesterday."

"I was not."

"Your uncle's, right?"


"Okay." He sighed and leaned against the locker next to mine. "So... Can we hang out? Like tonight? If you're feeling better, of course."

I stopped my packing for a second and looked at him. I debated the options in my head. I'd been somewhat avoiding him for the last while, but when I really thought about it, I knew I was aching for some company. He was the friendliest person next to Suho, and that made me almost eager to make sure he wanted to stay... Friends? If that was even the right word for it.

"You know, I'm not busy tonight. I can ask my uncle." I pulled out my phone. "Although, I'm warning you, it might not be in his best interest. Things have been crazy and him and the boys are going into protective mode over me."

"I get that."

"But I can try?" I shrugged and texted Sejin. When I was done, I grabbed the rest of my books. "Alright. I'll text you later if I get an answer."

"Or.. you know, you could find me at lunch?" He looked at me hopefully, his crystal-like eyes glancing into mine as his dark hair fell over one of them.

"I'll think about it, sure. Thanks for the offer."

He seemed to brighten up a little. "Sure. Get to class. See ya."

"See you." I waved him off and he headed down the halls to his own class.

The day dragged on, as I had a little make up work in each class. I was thankful that it wasn't too much, though, as the courses still weren't in full speed.

By the time I got to lunch, Jiho was nowhere in sight, so I stuck to sitting with Suho. I didn't talk much and none of his friends seemed to want to talk to me, so I kept quiet and ate my food to get my energy needed for dance class after lunch.

Lunch ended and I parted with Suho. As soon as I got to dance class, we were dismissed to change. I was feeling more comfortable at school, so I changed in a corner of the locker room where there weren't many girls- in hopes I'd have a bit of privacy. As soon as I finished and was looking for an empty locker to store my school clothes, it was time to head to the studio for class.

The rest of the day went by without much thought, and I found myself happy to be back at school and with Suho. He showed me a few things he knew about producing music and had time to show me something he'd been working on. All classes ended before I knew it. I was back to waiting for Jin to come pick Jungkook and I up from school to go to the dance studio so the boys could work.

Jiho found me as we were waiting. "Did your uncle answer if I can come over?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I haven't checked." I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened my messages. Jungkook looked up from his phone at Jiho, and seemed to study him.

"We're going to the studio after school," Jungkook said, glancing at me.

"Right, right," I remembered. "Jiho, maybe today won't work."

"Oh. Sure." He nodded. "That's fine. It's no problem." He tried to smile but I could tell he was disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I can ask about tomorrow."

"Ah." He nodded. "Why not?" Jungkook still studied me, judging me. I could tell he wasn't happy that I was still offering for him to come over.

"And you're going to Sejin's tomorrow too. Why would it be better?" he asked.

"Uhm... Ah!" I got a message on my phone from Sejin, and Jungkook's phone dinged as well.

"Sejin wants you home-oh. Oh." Jungkook sighed. "But we were going to get dinner after..."

I looked at the message.

Sejin to the group chat Bangtan:

I want Sujin to come home tonight right after school. I'm sorry, boys. I need to work from home tonight and I want her with me.

A message from Namjoon came up right after

Joonie: Manager, are you sure? We want to spend time with Sujin too...

Sejin: Sorry to disappoint. Later in the week.

"Hey, Jiho," I said. "Maybe my uncle will let you come over, I'm not going to their practice!"

"But-" Jungkook tried to interject.

Right then, another message from Sejin to me popped up directly to me. Why not, I'll be home and I'd love to meet him as discussed. Have Jin bring him to my house when he takes you, if it's alright with his parents. We'll have dinner.

"Yeah!" I cheered. "My uncle said Jin can take you to his house where I'm staying for the night.

"Sounds like a plan," Jiho said. Jungkook gave me a small glare, but shrugged and whispered an 'okay'.

ScHoOl iS sTreSsfUl 


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