Chapter 25

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Jimin was quiet as we started walking down the streets, and we headed up towards the part of the neighborhood that had some small stores and cafes.

His currently auburn hair was tossed with a side part and was falling to one side in fluffy layers over his face. He was huffing a little as we walked, his breath coming out in hard puffs.

"Are you alright, Jimin?"

He glanced at me, his hard expression falling before he tried to mask it with a smile. "I-I uh, yeah, I'm fine, I just... have been thinking a lot."

"I assumed that when you said you wanted to 'talk'," I said, nodding my head. "So what's up, Jiminie?"

"Well it might be best to just say it, but your friend, Jiho, asked Namjoon for permission to ask you out on a... date... And you see, Namjoon said no, even though I thought that was extremely unfair of him and, well, I-I thought you should know."

It was a moment before I responded. "Oh. Ohhh. Yeah, I know."

He paused. "You do?"

"Er, yeah," I said, wringing my hands together. "Well, Hoseok and Jungkook let it slide the other day."

My words made me wince. That wasn't completely true, and I'd feel bad if Jimin was going to put the blame on them. I explained to him what happened the day before when Taehyung called Jungkook so I could hear his conversation with Namjoon. "I'm sorry for not telling you, with everything that happened yesterday it just... slipped."

"No, it's okay."

I gave him a sorry smile as we continued down the street. Our pace was slowing. "So what did you think I was going to get out of the information? About Jiho asking me out?"

"Uhm, I worked more on convincing them to let you go on the date last night, after you went off to Jungkook's room. They said a small, teeny weeny," he put his index and thumb fingers almost together, "little date shouldn't do much harm. You're young for that kind of thing. Too young honestly, in my opinion. But you see the world a different way than most people your age. I do think a little experience right now might be good for you. Just to see how it goes.

"But, I am still worried about some things. As in, he's a boy much older and bigger than you. That's why I thought we would let a staff come with you? They can record a little something for the fans even? I know it's a ridiculous idea, but we've been able to keep you away from it- the cameras- for now. The fans need more, they always need more. Even if it's not best for the artists, the company pushes it... It's something we haven't been able to escape, and I've always worried you wouldn't be able to either. I think there's not all that much harm with it unless the cameras get too much, and that does happen sometimes. Anyways," he rambled, "what do you think?"

"So," I thought for a moment, "no privacy for my first date... at all."

"I think it's the only way the other members would allow it."

"Can't a staff go? Or I could ask my uncle-"

"The company is pushing the idea. Bringing a camera with you is just practical for getting more content out for the fans."

I thought for a second. "I hear what you're saying. Why hasn't this come up before? The cameras have been off most of the time."

"Maybe you just haven't realized it yet. How often do you watch Bangtan Bombs or Run Episodes?"

"Not very often. I usually assume I've seen everything that's put in the videos myself, and it's not always the best experience to look at all the comments and such. It's not like any of them concern me. Not the good ones, anyways."

"Hey." Jimin stopped walking and turned to me. "That's not true. But do you realize how often we have cameras on? Not even on us, but on the fans, on venues, literally everywhere. Bighit likes to record everything. Literally everything. So, though you might not realize it, when you're with us, there's always gonna be a camera on you. Unless we're at home, of course."

I was quiet for a moment, and then kept walking. "Ouch? Ew? That's terrible? I don't know what you want me to say except I don't know if I like it." Neither of us said anything for a moment again. "Jimin, the fans don't care about me. Why would they even want to watch me go on a 'date'?"

"I don't think that's completely true. They're pretty interested in you. What about that fan that gave you a bracelet?"

I slowly pulled up my sleeve and looked down at the little leather bracelet I'd kept from a fan. It was for one of the boys, but when the fan saw me there, they'd given it to me instead. "Yeah, but that was one fan."

Jimin pursed his lips. "Okay, so I'm getting the feeling you don't want cameras on during your time with Jiho."

"Not really..."

"But you see where I'm coming from?"

"Kinda... So I guess it's okay, I just think it's a little weird."

"I know."

"Although, it'll also ensure I'm safe- not from Jiho, I think he's fine, but anything else... you know?"

I could tell Jimin wasn't sure he wanted to believe me. "Yeah. Okay."

"I'll have to get used to the cameras sometime. I can't pretend I don't live with Bangtan." I laughed lightly.

Jimin's mouth curved up in a small smile. "I think Namjoon would be more willing to let you go out with him, that way. The others will too, for that matter."

I nodded, and then felt a wave of blush fall onto my cheeks. I turned away so he couldn't see. "I really like him, Jimin."

"Awe," he cooed. "That's so cute." He sighed. "I'll be sure to talk to the boys about it."

"Thank you. Also, Jimin?"


"I think I know what I want to do today."

"And what's that?"

"I'm going to learn how to produce a song."

The next day, I found myself at school. Jiho was passing by in the halls so I stopped him. "Jiho! I thought about texting you but got a little caught off guard."

"Ey, it's no problem," he said, flashing a cute smile. He left the sea of students walking down the hall and leaned against the locker next to mine. "You alright? It sounds like you got pretty scared there at the restaurant, well, for nothing."

I furrowed my brows and looked down. I didn't remember telling him about it. Maybe he'd assumed it happened... I couldn't recall. "How did you know about it?"

"Oh," he shrugged, "Well  I happened to be at the restaurant at the same time-"

"You didn't come say hi?"

He paused. "No, but I told your brothers later. Er, I saw them too. I think they told me. Sorry, all I know is  you were on my mind all day yesterday."

"Ah," I nodded. That made a little sense. "You were on my mind as well. Speaking of, where were you on Friday?"

He let out a breath and stuck his hands in his pocket. "Just doing some family business."

"Oh okay. Well if there's anything I can do to help, if anything's up, let me know."

"Yeah. No it's okay," he gave himself an unfortunate look. "Hey, we're all here now."


"Mm hm." He was quiet for a moment, so I continued sorting through my locker. "Anyways, the boys talked to me about-"

"Oh! They told me about it too and I tried to get Jimin to convince them to let you and-"

"But they did let me."

I stopped and my eyes widened. "They did?"

His whole face turned into a smile, like he was incredibly happy to tell me the good news. "Yeah. So, what do you say? Would you like to go out with me, tonight?"

"It's a school-"

He grabbed my hands and took a step towards me. My heart seemed to crack and shatter into a thousand fluttering pieces, but it was happy. I worried my hands would start sweating inside of his. "I know it's a school night. What do you say? You and me, and maybe a camera or two. We can walk some pretty streets, and eat at a nice place, and talk."

I couldn't help but smile, so I bit my lip. "Thank you Jiho. I would love that."

He smiled as if satisfied with himself. "Then I'll see you tonight, Sujin." He waved and turned around before joining the moving sea of students once again to head off to his class.

"See ya." I gave him a smile, hoping it was as genuine as I felt. I also hoped it was melting his heart as much as he was touching mine.

"Well shiitake mushrooms, I've never used contacts before!"

"It's easy," Taehyung said with a breath as he grabbed a container from across the sink. His warm and clean smell whifted past the perfume I'd been bathing in for the last few hours- which was also a courtesy of Tae. "I've got this."

He got the pair of contacts out of their container. They were a brown shade much lighter than my natural color. They looked as if they could pierce someone's heart just by a single glance in their direction. "When genetics fail you, contacts are always there to back you up."

"Your eyes are really pretty, I don't know what you're talking about," I laughed.

"I still wear contacts all the time. I mean being an idol contributes to that," he said as he placed the contacts on his finger and cupped his hand under my chin to pull my face closer, "but I would probably wear them anyways."

His soft breathing landed on my cheek as he concentrated. I tried to open my eyes wider to help him out but it only ended up making me blink, and the small piece fell off of his finger and to the floor.

"Shoot," I mumbled, falling to the floor with him to try to find it. Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Come in?"

Jimin's head peeked in. "I did it. I got the perfect outfit."

"You did?" I stood up and walked past Taehyung who was still on the floor to open the door wider for Jimin.

"Yep." He held up a white, tight-knit turtleneck sweater, and an neater-looking overall dress. "Pair this with light smokey makeup, white Vans, and an up-do, and you're golden. Of course, if you like all that."

My mouth hung open. "Yes, Jimin!" I let out a breath, "thanks for saving my butt."

"No problem," he chuckled. "I'll leave it on your bed. You need help there, Tae?"

"Erm," he stood. "Maybe. We kinda lost one of the contacts."

"Ahh." Jimin placed the outfit on my bed covers and then crouched to the floor to help Taehyung find the contact. I grabbed the clothes and headed to the bathroom in the hall to see if I could change there since mine was being occupied by the contact lens search.

As I entered the hall, Hoseok stopped me asking if I was going to do my hair.

" I'm not sure. Do you think I should?"

"Ahh, dongsaeng, your hair is perfectly fine the way it is now. Although, I do think I could do something nice to it," he said, playing with a few strands.

"Actually, I'd love that. Let me get changed first."

He nodded and I went to the bathroom to change. As soon as the sweater and dress were on, I smoothed my lightly ruffled hair and took a good look in the mirror. My skin was oily from the day, so I made a mental note to wash it later. There were a few bumps and red spots on my face that I'd have to cover up.

I examined my face, leaning towards the mirror and slowly moving it to each side to study it. My eyes were decently pretty and my lashes were dark enough without mascara. My thin eyebrows were mostly neat, I just had to fill them in a little to be happy with it. Even so, I was never very happy with my thin lips or my face shape. I just constantly felt I had to have my hair falling over the sides or else it was too big.

Personal looks weren't something I liked to focus on. When I wore makeup I'd enjoy it and feel confident, but otherwise I just liked not to think about it. There were so many struggles to loving yourself, and I just wasn't there yet.

I went back to my room where Jimin had the contacts and was offering to help me get them in instead of Tae.

While I sat on a stool in front of the bathroom mirror, Jimin talked slowly. "Remember what I said earlier, there's gonna be a camera, but forget it's there. We can figure out what footage we're comfortable keeping or not. Jiho's completely fine with it. It'll be up on his channel as soon as he debuts, so don't get all lovey-dovey with him, either. You're thirteen. Aish, I don't even know why I'm letting you do this." He sighed and put down the contacts case, having successfully gotten both in. A small pout took over his lips.

"You're not letting me do this, all seven of ya are."

"Whyyy? I don't even know," he answered his own question. Then reconsidered. "It's okay. You're growing up."

"I am in high school..."

"You're not supposed to be!"

"Well, you know," Namjoon said as he opened the bathroom door, "everyone takes things at a different pace. It really depends on the person's experiences. No one loves in exactly the same way." (*cough cough, choke, this was an expert quote by Ash, go follow her. Cough cough choooke*)

"So you're saying Sujin's allowed to love someone now?" Taehyung whined.

"Maybe," Namjoon shrugged.

"You guys are so funny. I'm just hanging out with a friend for a few hours, dressing up because why not, you know?"

"That's not what's happening, at all," Jimin laughed, shaking his head. "We all know you like him. You can't keep secrets from us that easily."

I raised my eyebrows. That wasn't exactly true, since I'd kept a collection of secrets from the boys previously. "Okay."

"Don't 'okay' me!" Jimin whined, putting his hands on his hip as if he were scolding me.

"Oh, dongsaeng." Hoseok popped his head into the already full bathroom. "Are you ready for me to do your hair?"

"Mm hm."

"Hey, I didn't do your makeup yet," Jimin said.

"I'm sure I can manage on my own."

"If you're sure..."

After a little bit of arranging, we finally decided on letting Jimin do my makeup while Hoseok was fiddling with my hair. While the two were doing that, I got a text from a number not saved in my contacts yet.

Unknown: is this sujin?

Yeah, who's this?

Unknown: it's minie. jiho's sis.

So so sorry for the late update! I was traveling all day yesterday and got home late, and now we're repacking to fly somewhere tomorrow! Next week's update may be late too, because I get home late Monday again. Please forgive me!

I hope everyone's doing well!  I hope this semi-filler chapter was interesting enough!

Stay healthy, safe, and happy!


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