Chapter 4

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Namjoon was reasonably composed when we explained what we had found, and calmly told us we needed to get to the company building to tell the managers. He wasn’t too worried yet, and told us to do the same. We rode to the building in silence, especially with my thoughts also clouded about the conversation I had earlier with Namjoon. 

Once at the building, I answered a few questions from the manager at head of SMS Managing. Once I gave them all the information they needed, I was discarded off to the side and into an extra meeting room so the boys could talk with the officials.

There was an old keyboard off to the side of the room, probably having once been for a past trainee or even one of the boys at some point. I walked up to it before running my fingers softly across the keys, inspecting it. I saw that it was plugged in, so I found the ON switch and saw down before pressing a key. I knew how to play the piano decently. I used to teach the younger kids. 

I started with one key, a low E. Then I added another finger, a G. They went perfectly together. I put all of my left-hand fingers down, placing my thumb on a B. I played the chord before smiling. It was perfect.

I placed my right hand up an octave. I played a G. Then I added the previously determined chord with my left hand, before going G, A, B on the right hand. The notes were beautiful together. It was thrilling, and suddenly I had a tune in my head that wanted to come out. I knew what kind of chord I was looking for, so I took my left hand and advanced the B to a C, while keeping the E and G. It was another perfect chord, and I continued with more notes on the right hand. 

I smiled with a happy sigh. Maybe I could write a song. It wasn’t so bad, so why should SOPA be harder?

I started from the beginning, playing the chord with the first few notes I had determined. I kept going, playing more chords as I went. I was thinking I almost had a full chorus, when a familiar voice rang.

“That’s a nice tune there,” it said. I gasped when I recognized the voice.

“Sejin!” I exclaimed, turning around to see him entering the room. 

“How are you doing, Sujin?” he asked, walking towards me with a bright smile. 

“I’m great, you?” I turned around on the keyboard stool. 

“Same as always,” he nodded. “You’re returning to school soon, right?”

“Yeah! I think it should be good.”

“You’re not worried about what will happen?”

“What do you mean?” 

Sejin took a seat on a nearby stool with an uncertain smile. “A lot happened the last time you went to school, after being announced as Bangtan’s little sister, and then the messages on social media and… a lot has happened since the last time you went to school. It’s going to be different for you, for now on.”

“Yeah, I‘ve heard those words so many times in the last few months. But, look,” I stopped, looking up at the ceiling as I thought. “I’m not sure.” I lowered my head and looked at Sejin. “I don’t want to let that ruin going to school. It is starting to sound really fun, and I made a friend already. I just feel more prepared, and after seeing what it’s like, I’ve had the summer to go through it in my head and plan for the worst. Another thing is the fact that school probably won’t ever be the most important part of my life. Every morning when I wake up, it’s weird. It’s like a dream, even though sometimes it’s a nightmare,” I laughed. “But waking up and knowing I have these seven brothers there for me is really comforting, and I’m still really happy with them. We can go on so many adventures together, and they can help me live a life that I want to, so school, math, science, language arts, those don’t have to be the biggest part of my life. Yes, at SOPA those aren’t the only things, though. There’s my music and performing arts classes, so those are probably the ones I’ll focus on the most . But, overall, school doesn’t have to matter all too much. Jungkook helped me realize that the other day.”

Sejin had watched me thoughtfully as I spoke, nodding every once in a while. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re confident in it, then.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. Neither of us had anything else to say, so our eyes wandered the room in awkward silence. I decided to ask a question that only seemed appropriate, considering it always seemed to feel quite awkward every time I was around Sejin again. “Sejin, have you ever thought more on… wait no, have you ever wanted… no,” I stopped, trying to get my thoughts together. “Do you ever wish I’d come live with you?”

“Oh,” he sighed. “Well, Sujin, I’d feel safer if you came to live with me. But I know you’re happy with the boys-”

“But… listen, sometimes I wonder if I belong with you, you know?” I chuckled. “After everything I’ve gone through, especially considering my family situation, it just seems right for me to take the fastest opportunity I can get to be with a real family member.”

“The boys are your family now.”

“They are, that’s true. But that doesn’t mean you’re not.”

Sejin shrugged. “Whatever makes you happy. Working for the company in charge of all seven of them gets me close enough to you to keep an eye out. We just need to make sure I can see you more often.”

I nodded, “Yeah, that’d be nice.”

“Well,” Sejin sighed, “I’d best get going. I’ll see you soon, for sure,” he promised before getting up. I thanked him and watched as he exited the room, leaving me alone once again with the keyboard. 

I sat for a minute longer, going through out conversation, when the door opened. Jungkook looked in at me. His eyes seemed red and bloodshot, and his skin looked a little pale. “I think we’re gonna stay around for a little longer, Sujin. The company is busy dealing with the current situation but a few of the hyungs and I want to stay and do some work in our studio. I can run you home if you don’t want to stay, though.”

"It’s fine, I’ve actually discovered a few things here and I’m.. entertained,” I explained, glancing between the keyboard and Jungkook. “Is everything okay? Have you sorted things out with the company?”

“Uh, yeah, mm,” he sniffed once before giving me a smile as if to hide it. “Well, I’ll be upstairs in my studio and the others should be doing the same. Knock on the door if you’re bored, you can chill in my room.”

“Thanks, I’ll see if I get bored.”

“Great,” he nodded, “And did you talk to Sejin?”

“Yeah, actually.”

“Good conversation?”


“Okay, then I’ll be off. Find a company worker if you need anything.”

“Great.” I bid him farewell then glanced around the room. 

I wasn’t sure what to do, and after seeing how Jungkook had reacted, I was debating whether I should go and ask him, or preferably one of the other members, what was wrong. 

I shook my head to myself, deciding I’d let them talk to me when they felt ready.

But, then again, when would ready be?

I gave the room one last look, deciding if was of no more use to me. I stood up and headed out the door, looking down the halls of the company building. I wanted a computer so I could see if I could add more to my song. I wanted to see if one of the boys had something I could use, which was likely as they were usually busy producing music themselves, but I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to go and bother them at the moment. Down the right side of the hall, it lead one with scattered doors one both sides until it lead to a hall going the opposite way. Down my left, there were stairs and the elevator. I had never gone anywhere else other than this spare workroom and a few of the member’s studios, along with the dance practice room before. The rest of the building was foreign and home to random company workers I’d never be able to name. 

I jumped as one of the said workers then came pacing down the hall, her expression hard and her heels clicking on the floor. As soon as she eyed me, her face lit up. I wasn’t sure why, but I thought she’d be the best person to ask for a computer.

“Hey, I was looking for-”

“Yes, I know who you were looking for. I was looking for you!” she exclaimed, approaching me. Her lips were painted a soft pink, and her bronze eyeshadow was more prominent than her thick eyeliner. She had cat-eye glasses, and a grey women's suit that was form-fitting near the top but loose and flowy near the legs.

“Oh, really?” I asked, confused as to how she’d know what I was going to request.

“Yes, follow me, please,” she smiled, turning on her sharp heels and walking down the hall. I more than slightly confused, but I followed. “You’re Miss Kim, correct?” she asked as we walked down unfamiliar hallways.

“Uhhh, yeah?” I said. I was mostly sure I’d decided on Kim as my surname, but since it was the most popular surname in Korea, I figured it worked.

“Great, we were waiting for you. I mean, your profile must have changed a bit since we signed you on, but that’s who we’re looking for.”

“Y-You were? Can I ask why?”

“Don’t you remember? We signed you on recently as head of the Public and Social Managing Team here at Bighit. You were called here to discuss the arising issue?”

“I- wait, I don’t think…” I trailed off. She was surely mistaking me as another person. “What did you want me to do, exactly?”

“Go over the situation like normal, you know, so you can take the information back to your team? Discussing the band's, uh, issues.”

“Oh,” I sighed. I knew it was wrong, but it seemed that if I played this role a little longer, I’d be able to get some inside information about everything the boys had been talking to the officials about. They hadn’t specifically wanted me to know much yet, but I was sure there were some things I could know, that would help me ‘understand’. I decided to go along with it, at least for a little. If I started to feel too uneasy, I’d confess. But for now, I’d see what I could find out. “Great, sorry, just making sure that was, uh, still my job.” 

She surveyed me for a second before clicking her tongue. “Okay.” Turning around, she continued, “You look a bit younger than I remember. How old are you?”

“Uhhh,” I thought for a second. I was surely going to be caught now. “Old enough for the job, haha, uh, are we almost there? Sorry, I tend to get lost easily around here.”

“Ah, right here,” she said. We entered a small office and she motioned for me to take a seat. She went around to the other side of the desk in the center of the room and got focused on her computer for a few seconds. “It’s great that you got here so quickly. The company has only been alerted about the leaked address for a little bit, but the sooner we get it under control, the better.”

“I agree,” I nodded. 

“Alright, so the boys were alerted of the problem a little earlier this night by.. Was it their sister?” she mumbled, searching her computer screen with furrowed eyebrows. 

“Uh, yeah, I think so,” I said, before realizing my mistake.

“I don’t believe you’re very informed on the subject, Miss Kim-”

“Oh, yeah, sorry, I just mean, I think she seems the most likely to have figured out first, you know seeing as she’s probably, like, attached to her phone and all.”

“Ah,” she nodded, though I could tell she wasn’t thoroughly convinced. “Well,” she continued, reading through a few papers she’s brought along with her since I ran into her, “it does seem you’re right. Anyways, this is the main issue.” she told me pointing to some words on the paper. I read it, my eyes widening slightly.

    “We don’t know how exactly they got their address, but this is the most likely thing.”

    “So, we think that we- I mean, they have a stalker or something similar?”

“Oh, it goes past this. If this is the person who found out their address, which is likely, because this footage was taken a few hours ago and the address was leaked only a little bit after, then the profile who sent it out has also made several death threats towards the members.” She turned her computer screen to face me and played a video. It was camera footage from right outside our porch. I gasped when a figure came into view. It wasn’t one of the members, it’d been at the time we were all inside the house, and it certainly wasn’t me. The figure was dressed in black jeans and a very puffy black jacket, with a face mask and a beanie. I couldn’t decipher the gender, but whoever it was, they paced around the front porch for some time before the camera switched to the back doors. They circled around the house, going up to each window was they passed it for a second. Once they had made a full round about the whole bottom floor of the house, they walked to where the house number was and took a picture with their phone before scurrying off in a matter of a few seconds. 

Just the mere thought of someone looking in on our house when we didn’t notice sent chills across my whole body. 

“Do the members know about this?”

“Yeah,” the lady nodded, “all except the little sister.”

“Ah, do you know.. Why?”

“It was something about not trusting her or something.”

“Oh.” I slumped in my chair as a tinge of hurt pursed through me. They didn’t trust me? What about it did they not trust me with? “Alright.”

She gave me a weird look before returning her focus to her papers. “So, overview, this person, unknown, went around their house, trespassing onto their property, took a picture of the house and the address, and posted it on social media. The same person has made multiple death threats. This person is a serious threat in themselves. But, if we can figure out who this is, then it means we can hit a few birds with one stone.”

“Yes, I understand,” I nodded. I had gotten what I wanted, I had learned more about something the members obviously hadn’t wanted me to know about. But I felt a little worse, knowing that they had been keeping something so prominent to our safety from me. 

I swallowed hard before thinking through my situation. I started to feel more guilty as the seconds went on, and decided I had enough. “I’m sorry, I guess I better get going. Uh, thanks for your time, ah, ask one of my clients to come over and explain the situation to them,” I told the lady, realizing I needed her to tell the real person in charge so real officials could handle it. I needed to slip out as if it never happened and pretend it didn’t.

“Thank you,” I bid, standing and heading out the room  before she could say another word. With a breath, I started down the halls, trying to remember how I’d gotten there. 

As I turned the first corner, though, I bumped into a figure who steadied me by the shoulders before fully colliding.

“Oh, Sujin, hey,” Jimin said, looking down at me.

“Jimin!” I said, surprised and nervous to see him so suddenly.

“What were you doing down here?” he asked, looking me up and down.

“Oh, just-” I was interrupted by the lady I had just talked to walking out of the room. 

“Park Jimin, I just had a meeting with your head of Public and Social Managing Team here, it sounds like we’re almost settled.”

Hi guys, happy Hobie day!!

Hobie is so special to me, I mean I relate to him the most so that's why he became my bias 😁 But anyways, he is the best ray of sunshine ever created and he makes me so happy and I really really hope today is an amazing day for him!! He deserves the best!

Also, did anyone else get MOTS Your Tickets? I got Rose Bowl day 1! I don't know how I managed but I did and I'm going with my mom! Anyone else?

Love Yourself!!

See you next week 💜

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