Chapter 51

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"One, two three, four, five... six... oh. Aha. Haha. Ha!"

"Oh shut it, Jungkook," I whined, watching as his board game player piece smashed on top of mine, and he captured my player.

"Sorry," he cackled with his beautiful laugh. Recently, his laughter had started to sound like a song.

With force, I took the player piece Jungkook had kicked out and placed it back on my home base, leaving it to start over. As I propped myself onto my elbows from where I'd been laying stomach-down on Jimin's bed, I eyed one of my player pieces that had been left in peace. I counted the amount of spaces it was behind one of Kook's. Three. "When is it going to be my turn to shout the game's name with glee?"

"You're the one who said you wanted to play 'Sorry'," Jimin snorted. "Don't complain when we beat the heck out of you."

I cocked my head and drew a card from the pile, kicking my feet back and forth in the air as I anticipated the number. "Three. Three! Ha!" The card made a loud smack as I placed it on the discard pile. I took my player piece, kicking Jungkook's off the board and advancing myself the three spaces the card allowed me. I'd gotten my payback. My brother's player piece rolled with such force, it fell off the bed.

Jungkook watched the interaction between our pieces, but didn't respond.

The three of us turned to Taehyung, who was sitting on the edge of the bed thoughtfully, with his chin resting on his palm. He looked at the pieces carefully, just as I had seconds earlier, before picking up a card from the deck and nodding to himself. When he picked up his red player piece and advanced it on the board, I was left to gasp while Jungkook and Jimin giggled at the defeat of the player piece I had just used to kick one of Jungkook's.

I was about to object when Yoongi knocked on the doorframe of the room, turning out heads toward the soun. "Sejin wants us to come to the company building earlier than planned today for the tour set review meeting. He has something new to show us, it's important."

"Huh?" I asked, getting off the bed. "What kind of 'important'?"

"'Wings tour trailer being released' kind of important."

"Huh?" All the voices in the maknae line, along with mine, strained towards Yoongi, who'd started heading down the hall. I glanced at Jimin, before the four of us stood and made our way out of the bedroom.

"The producers usually tell us beforehand when things like that are going to be released," Taehyung said.

Namjoon heard our conversation as we all trekked downstairs. "They did tell us beforehand. It's being released tonight. Maybe this afternoon."

"Manager Sejin was unclear," Jin added as he looped his arms into his jacket holes, "but he said it'd be released once all seven of us cleared it."

"Since when have you had to clear something for it to be released? Even as the artist, you don't get to do that very often." I raised an eyebrow at Jin before heading to the front porch to grab our shoes.

"Yeah, well this one is a little different, isn't it?" Jimin asked, crouching down to tie his laces. "It's Wings."

"It is Wings, but the tour doesn't even start until February, right?"

Namjoon nodded, opening the front door for us to start piling out to the car.

I hummed along to Blood Sweat and Tears through my earbuds as we drove to the company building. We traveled down the neighborhood, and I counted the blocks we passed until we got closer to it. His neighborhood.

We passed his house, and I smiled as it came and went.

Thank you for teaching me how to love myself, Jiho.

The house sparked another name in my mind. I pulled up Minie's contact in my phone and took a picture, aiming my camera's focus at the sun, which was currently sitting inside a crystal-like sky with nothing holding it back from shining.

When I was happy with the picture, I sent it to her. It was something we'd started to do almost daily, a simple reminder that even though we were now further apart, we were under the same sky. We were under the same sun.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips when she responded a few minutes later with her own picture, identical to mine other than the fact her sun was encased in a few clouds and a darker sky.

I hoped she was enjoying her time in Icheon.

We all eagerly got out of the car and headed to the conference room of the company building when we got there. I was careful to watch the rooms we passed on our way through the BigHit building, a place that'd become so much of a second home to me lately. I remembered the times I'd come here, before Jiho had become a part of my life. How different of a person I had been back then was almost an impossible thought to have. It was very foreign.

I even pondered the few times we'd come here with him, like when he came for a dance practice. While he disrespected my brothers a little in the studio, I would never forget how he'd made me laugh and feel more at ease while I filmed my first casual Vlive with Yoongi.

I let a smile reach my lips as I thought about the memories. Jiho had made me smile many times. As we passed the dance studio, I turned my thoughts towards him to respect. I hoped he was now in peace.

Jimin was walking to the side of me as we made our way, all eight of us through the halls. I grabbed his hand. While I'd learned to respect the pain that lingered in my heart and occasionally came to play with me for a moment, Jimin's hand was the best replacement for Jiho's.

I looked at all my brothers as we walked on. They were the best replacement for a source of happiness and light in my life.

We all filed into the conference room as I easily put my memories to rest, stored in a place of my mind I'd turned into a comfortable guest room for them. It was something I'd learned to do efficiently through counseling, and my own reflecting.

I took a seat next to Jungkook, and Taehyung took his seat on the other side of me. After we waited for a few more staff members to join in, one who I was told was the director of the music video trailer, cleared his throat in front of us before starting his presentation.


I had Taehyung's hand in mine, and Jimin's arm around me as we stood in silence, appreciating the water that was below us and stretched on for miles on either end. The Han River was my favorite part of Seoul. It was sacred, and it had secrets. It had secrets only Jungkook held, and only I could hold.

...To answer your question, they found his car 50 ft below the Han River. That's how...

I swallowed, before running over the words once more in my brain. Once more. Only once more.

I engulfed it, I thought about every word, spelling them out in my head a few times. For the last time, I respected them.

Then, I took a long glance at the river. I threw the words, the sentence, the thought, away.

It was gone.

They were out of my head, and they would not hurt me anymore. They were in the river, and they would flow with it until they were out of Seoul. Out of Korea.

The river could have it. They could be put away, in peace with Jiho. In harmony with Jiho.

Jin was behind us, studying the scene in front of us. His breath was warm from behind me. He spoke softly, as if afraid he'd hurt the silence's feelings. "Sujin, life goes on."

"It does." I motioned to the water in front of me. "The Han River. It hurt both Jungkook and I at one point, but that's okay. We're okay now. And we're stronger because of it." I looked at the brother I'd mentioned, and he nodded back at me. "But anyways, enough of that. We came here to put those thoughts away. I put them away now, and I'm ready to move on with my life." I turned around and looked at Jin with a smile. "Yes, life does go on."

Jimin chucked from beside me. "Life goes on."

Jungkook, as well, nodded, reciting the sentence. "Life goes on."

I laughed at the sappyness of my brothers. "Speaking of which, that tour trailer... is so out of this world. Your next tour is going to be incredible." I paused. "You're not really gonna make me stay home while you guys travel the world and put on the best K-Pop concert series the world has ever seen," I looked up and met the eyes of the three brothers who were around me, "Will you?"

Jin's laughter rang off the glassy water in front of us and filled my ears with light.

I would have heard his answer, but suddenly my attention was hanging elsewhere. About a hundred feet away to the left of us, a boy about my age was walking solemnly, but sacredly down a wooden dock that took him above the water a few feet forwards. In his hand, a light pink rose was wrapped inside shiny plastic.

I watched curiously as the boy kneeled at the very end of the dock, placing the flower carefully at the tip of where the wood ended. His head, which was hidden by the royal blue hoodie he was wearing, bowed reverently, and his hands clasped in front of him. He sat there for a few moments, before his head lifted and he pulled out one more flower from his pocket. This one was smaller, and the petals were black.

After watching the two flowers sit on the wood of the dock for a moment, he took the black one, and raising his head, he got to his feet, throwing his arm forward with enough force so the flower could fly into the river.

I watched as it floated down, being carried away from the flow of the water. Eventually, it was right in front of where the boys and I were standing.

I looked up to see if the boy was still following the flower as it passed my group, and gasped when the familiar face turned towards me.


The End. 

Wings Tour Trailer Here; Even if you've seen it before, I recommend you watch it... for effect lol

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