Chapter 9

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"I just can't believe this is actually happening," I said after a moment of silence in the small closet. "An attack at a fanmeeting?"

"Yeah," Namjoon chuckled slightly, "who would have thought."

"Me too," Jungkook agreed. "No one is going to come to another fan meeting again."

"You're worried about that?" Namjoon asked.

"Someone died, Jungkook." Jin closed his eyes. "An ARMY died. I can't help but feel responsible."

"There is nothing we could have done," Jimin assured Jin.

I took a deep breath and the room seemed to go silent. "It'll be alright."

Namjoon smiled at me, "You're right, kid."

"I-I'm sorry if I worried you."

"No apologies tonight," he assured me.

"We love you princess," Tae added before giving me a finger heart. I smiled and gave one back.

Before another second could pass, we all jumped as an ear-splitting bang sounded through the room and the door trembled. All eyes were wide and faces went pale. I grabbed Jungkook's hand, and he hugged me closer.

Yoongi put a finger to his lips, signaling for us to be quiet. I couldn't even hear anyone's breathing. I lowered my eyebrows in a 'not again' look, but Jin nodded to me reassuringly.

Then, the doorknob moved and the door opened. I let out the heaviest sigh as soon as Sejin's face popped out.

"You look like a band of lost dogs," he said with a tiny grin as he surveyed the room of frightened people.

"Uncle!" I yelped, jumping out of Jungkook's arms to give him a hug.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I'm fine, now. You're okay? Is everyone okay? "

"Yeah, yeah, we're all clear." He pulled away and he looked behind me before frowning. "Jin, you alright?"

"Oh-" my breath hitched in my voice as I remembered what Jin had said earlier.

"Manager," Jin said, "I think someone was..." He looked to the floor without finishing his sentence.

"Sejin," I said, "did everyone make it out alive?"

"Oh," Sejin grinned, "Yeah, they did. I wouldn't be smiling if I had witnessed... that."

"But Jin said..." I looked behind myself to see Jin. He looked more confused, but slightly lighter. "He just thought he saw..." I closed my eyes.

"Nothing happened. The auditorium is all clear, we checked. The police actually arrived real quick."

"No one..."

"No! No one died."

"Manager, I saw-"

"Jin, I was talking to a fan who said they merely ducked and was missed. But no one was hurt, which is a miracle considering the circumstances."

"They were just... ducking?"

"I'm so sorry Jin, that must have worried you to death. You're alright, aren't you?"

"I think so, now," I said with a small chuckle. "There's no reason to worry, Jin. Or Hoseok," I mentioned, seeing how Hobi's face was still two shades too light to be healthy.

"My goodness," Hoseok sighed, tilting his head to the side. "I couldn't even believe it at first."

"None of us could," I added.

Sejin sighed. "We all know this is going to set some new standards for the future, and it's going to mean something else for all of us, too. This is going to blow up over the internet. I can only hope that... we recover."

"Even if we don't, we're all coming out of this alive," Yoongi said. "That's all I can really think about at the moment."

"I could agree with that. The area is clear, let's pack up, make sure the fans are okay, and get to the BigHit building so we can talk. Sujin, you're staying by my side."

"But Sejin, what happened to the shooter?"

"Well," he sighed as the boys got up and exited the tiny room. "They ran off. It might take a while but I'm sure the police will figure out who it was."

"So there's a shooter somewhere out there, free? What if they come back... or..."

"Like I said, it all just happened. They could find them in the next few hours. Until then, we'll be under police watch and security. It'll be okay."

News did spread really quickly, making the members, Sejin, and I more worried about my return to school in the coming week. The day after the fanmeeting was the Saturday before I started school, so our days were becoming limited to make a decision. There was constant talk about me going to stay with Sejin, at least for a week or so while the police worked harder on our cases, now that they'd been piling up one after another lately. The boys insisted, since the shooter was loose.

I had been busy working on "Take Care" packages for all the ARMY involved with the fanmeeting, while trying to figure things out. Some of the boys, like Jin and Namjoon were adamant that I should go stay with Sejin. Others, like Taehyung and Jimin were really upset about the idea. They trusted Sejin, but thinking about me being in anyone else's hands, especially at the moment, was making them nervous. I was strung in the middle, not completely sure whether I should go or not. In all honesty, I liked the idea of spending some time with my uncle, but I also didn't want to spend the first week of school without the boys there to talk to.

But, suddenly, I found myself at the Sunday evening before school started the next day. As I was getting ready to go to bed, Namjoon stopped into my room.

"Well, you think you're ready for this?" he asked before pulling up the swivel chair from my desk.

"I think so. And I've got my things almost packed." I nodded towards my new suitcase with the most important items I was going to take to Sejins if I needed to leave suddenly. "Thanks again for letting me stay here tomorrow, at least."

"You say that like you don't want to go to Sejin's."

"Oh, I don't mean that. I'm just surprised you are letting me go to school at all. Especially after what happened on Friday."

"As long as you're mentally prepared... "

"I am. I'm okay now. I'm still kind of shocked, I was scared to death. Facing an active shooter..."

"It's the same for all of us."

"Yeah." For the last few days, I'd been extremely jumpy and sensitive to the smallest noises. I was paranoid, but a local doctor said I had just been shaken up by the events. "I'm glad I'm not missing more school. I know I'm going to miss quite a bit later in the year but at least I get to start with the other kids."

"It'll be good for you," Namjoon agreed. "I'm so proud. Hecking scared for you, but proud."

"I can handle it," I chuckled.

"I know you will," Namjoon nodded. "That's why I'm letting you go to school tomorrow."

"Hey," I pointed a finger at him, "I won't go around screaming to everyone that I'm BTS's little sister. I'll try not to mention it. Maybe I'll even go by a nickname. I'll keep it low-key, to make sure we all stay safe."

"That makes me feel better." He smiled warmly.

"And if you need me to go to the company and have them set another hundred standards for me themselves-"

"No, no," he laughed. "I'm sorry, do you think we're restricting you too much?" His brow raised and disappeared under a sweep of blonde hair, the chosen color for the next comeback that they'd been preparing for since I'd gotten here.

"Nah, it's okay."

"You sure?"


"Well," he ruffled my hair a little before standing to leave. "Goodnight, don't lose sleep over tomorrow."

"I'll try not to, but I'm not making any promises."

He grinned. "Goodnight, Sujin. See you in the morning."


I'd woken up several times with thoughts of the day clouding me. Since I was happy Meori wouldn't be there, I was craving new friends and made it a goal to make more.

The boys had made sure my first morning was going to be as easy as possible, while still making it different from my first day of school I'd ever had with the boys so I wouldn't feel like I was stepping into the same school year.

My uniform was nicely ironed out by Jungkook when he'd done his own the night before, and my lunch was prepared by Jin. The boys had a full schedule for the first time in a while, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were ready to stop having to babysit me all the time while I went to school so they could fully get back to their work. Either way, I could tell a new schedule would be good for all of us.

Before I knew it, Jungkook and I were walking out to the car for Jin to drive. He hadn't wanted us to have to walk on the first day, so we were going by car. I had said my goodbyes to the other members as they got ready to head to the company building, so I was prepared to head off. We were quiet the ride there, and my anxiety only rose as we approached the school where students were swarming into the school. I eyed the pair of High School doors, thinking to myself how I'd be entering those doors instead of the ones of the Middle School a block away. As Jin pulled up in front of the school, he turned around. "Kook, you're in charge until she gets to her classes. Sujin, you're in charge once you get to your class."

"Of?" I asked with a smile.

"Yourself. And your friend Suho."

I laughed. "Okay, I got it. But Suho seems like a pretty self-confident person."

"You know what I mean." Jin gave me a wink before I opened the car door and climbed out. The new weight of my backpack on my back made me slightly lose my balance as I closed the door and waited for Jungkook to join me from the other side. With a wave, Jin left, and we headed to the doors. Jungkook grabbed my hand as we were walking through the heavy crowd, but I pulled away.

"What?" he asked over the excited voices of students all around us.

"Jungkook, I never told you about-" I stopped and sighed, realizing it was too loud to explain. "Just go, I'll tell you later."

He shrugged and grabbed my arm before walking us through the doors. Once inside, we headed up the stairs and to the hallway where my locker was this year. By then, most of the students were my grade and they were thinned down so we could walk through the halls easier. Once we got to my locker, I took off my backpack and started putting in my locker code to open it.

"What were you saying?" Jungkook asked now that we could actually hear each other.

"Oh," I opened the door to the locker and unzipped my bag. "Well, I was going to mention a few months back, when I'd first gone to school, that I don't think we should... even... act like we're siblings? If that makes sense."

"Uh, why though?" He furrowed his brow.

"Because." I grabbed a few books from my bag and rose to put them in my locker. "Well, last time we acted like siblings, half of the school assumed we were dating."

Jungkook scoffed, and then chuckled. "Of course they did." He shook his head. "Are you worried about it?"

"Kind of."

He bit his lip and nodded, his eyes turning serious. "So, you want me to chill? Act like we're acquaintances?"
"I don't know," I struggled with how to say it. "I- They're going to find out anyways, but..."

"You'd rather put it off as long as you can? It's not cool having a K-Pop idol as your brother? I get it." He put a hand to his heart and stuck out his lower lip, pretending to be hurt.

"Jungkooook," I whined.

He laughed and put a hand on my shoulder. "No, seriously, I do get it. It's not a bad idea."

"Yeah." I nodded and then went back to selecting the books I needed for the first class. "Thanks."

Kook reached into my locker and unzipped my backpack once more before grabbing my phone and handing it to me. "Keep it with you."

"But they're not allowed in classrooms."

"If the teacher says something, tell them your family instructed you to. Yoongi and 'Joon talked to me about it earlier."

"I don't think they're going to accept that as an excuse," I told him, shoving the phone back for him to take it.

"If you really want, we can get it checked with the office. Have a parent form signed or something."

"Kook, I don't think they do that either."

"Well if it's a problem, we'll get the company to request it. And if that doesn't work, the police."

"Geesh, okay," I laughed before taking it and silencing it before sliding it into a pocket in my pencil pouch.

"Just keep it hidden, you'll be fine. But make sure you can reach it if you need."

"I will."

"So, you're ready?"

"I think my first class is here, right?"

"Yep," he nodded to a classroom to the right of the section of lockers mine was inside.

"Okay," I took a deep breath. I put my pile of books on the floor before grabbing Jungkook into a hug. "I love you, thanks for the help."

"Of course, sis." He rubbed my back a few times before pulling away and handing my books back. "I'll see you at lunch, I'll want to sit by my friends, but you can join us and we'll make room. I'm sure they won't mind. That is, if you don't make new friends. Or you find that Suho guy."

"Hopefully I'll find you, then."

"I'll wait at the entrance for you, so you don't have to awkwardly stand there scanning the cafeteria looking for us."

"Alright, see you then."

"Don't be nervous, Sujin."

"I'm actually okay."

"Good, then go on," he grabbed my arm and walked with me to the open classroom door. I glanced inside and took a look at the kids getting settled. We still had ten minutes until school officially started, but I knew I needed to go get ready and do whatever my teacher needed me to be prepared for class to start.

"Bye Kookie." I waved to him and then entered. He waved back, and then disappeared down the halls. As soon as I stepped inside, my teacher walked up to me and gave me a warm smile. Her hair was parted in the middle, and was a light brown color which faded into highlights. She was wearing natural browns for her makeup choice, along with a bright pink lipstick that made her eyes pop.

"You're Sujin, right? I remember you from orientation, you're the one with the many kind brothers, correct?"


"Well, I know you chose a seat already, so go ahead and take it. Class starts in a few minutes. You can chat with other students or get yourself organized until then."

"Thank you," I bowed politely and then headed back to my chosen seat in the far corner of the room

Suho wasn't there yet. I could see that judging by the empty seat. I figured I should just wait for him to come, as he didn't seem like one to be late to class.

I waited and doodled in my extra notebook, only looking up when I heard multiple voices enter the classroom.

"Yeah, of course I'm excited guys! This is a new type of school for me, no more boring school."

So uh... School was just cancelled for the rest of the year where I live... so uh. That's... perfect. 

No not really. 

Haha but more time to write... so. That's fun.

I hope you all are doing well and stay safe and happy! 


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