𝟬𝟬𝟱, get glitter bombed, evil witch!

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chapter five !
❪ get glitter bombed, evil witch! ❫


"YO GUYS," Kyler walked up to the teens. "My boy Rory, he got some free tickets to the drive-in tonight. They're going old school, something called Bloodsport?" He took a spot in the small circle.

"I know that movie." Robby stretched. "My dad left an old VHS at our place. It was the only evidence I had that he existed."

"I heard it's dope. So, if you guys are in, let's do this." Kyler smirked, waiting for everyone else's answers.

"Depends on how late I have to work tonight. My new boss put me on the schedule for today. Guy's a total creep." Tory shivered at the thought.

"You got a new job? Where?"

"It's none of your business." Tory snarled.

"Okay," Robby muttered.

Gwen and Kenny walked into the dojo with their karate gi already on. Kenny had a frustrated look on his face and Gwen tried to talk to him but he wouldn't tell her.

"Look who made it," Robby smiled at the girl.

She raised her eyebrows and stood next to him. Robby connected their hands together and the other teens were taken back by the scene that was played in front of them.

"Woah," Kyler grinned. "Are you two like a thing now?"

Gwen shrugged with a small smile. "Yeah, you can say that." She turned her head to look at Robby who was already staring at her.

Kenny huffed and Robby broke his stare from the girl. He noticed Kenny's deadpan face. "What's up?"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Just tell us whats been bothering you already."

Kenny closed his eyes in frustration before speaking up. "I was at the high school yesterday and these older kids started messing with me." He confessed. "One guy told me I should quit Cobra Kai."

"Who was he?" Robby inquired.

"I don't know. He had this spiky red hair."

Everyone besides Kenny glanced at each other, already knowing who he was describing. Hawk.

"We still owe that Judas some payback." Tory reminded, earning a 'hell yeah' from Kyler.

"Everyone fall in," Kreese ordered to the students. Gwen and Tory went to the front of the line with Robby. "As you know, our enemies are working together. They are combining their styles to beat us. But they are destined to fail. Because there is only one way. And what is that way?"

"The way of the fist, sir!"

"Exactly," Kreese agreed. "However, that doesn't mean that we can't double down." Gwen and Robby looked at each other before glancing back at the Sensei. "Class, meet Sensei Terry Silver."

The man walked out of the back room as he glanced at all of the students. He made his way next to Kreese in the front of the room.

"Co-founder of Cobra Kai and one of the most ferocious fighters in the history of the sport. Together, we built Cobra Kai from the ground up and now he is here to help you prepare for the All Valley."

Kreese and Silver bowed to each other. "Thank you, Sensei Kreese. It's an honor to be here. With two senseis, you will receive twice the instruction. That means twice the work..."

"And if you are not prepared to put in 200%, then you can leave right now..."

"But if you dig in and follow our lead, we're gonna take you to the next level."

Gwen whipped her head to look at Robby and he gave her a grin with a mischievous look.


GWEN WALKED into the party room that was filled with kids running around and party decorations hanging everywhere.

She had a bag of Chinese food in her hand after she got Tory's text asking if she can bring her lunch since she had no time and breaks to buy food for herself.

Gwen and Tory began kinda good friends when she joined Cobra Kai. They both had a lot of stuff in common like taking charge of their own households and taking care of family.

Gwen decided to sit on one of the chairs while being on her phone. Though, Her head perked up when the kids from across the room were cheering on the mermaids that had entered the stage.

She stood up with the bag of food and walked behind a mother and daughter that were staring at one particular purple mermaid.

Gwen got a closer look at the strangers and her eyes slightly widened when she realized it was Sam from her school. Robbys ex, Miguels girlfriend.

Tory glared at the duo until she saw Gwen standing on her tippy toes, peeking her head out and lifted up the bag.

The Nichols girl covered the disgusted look on her face with a smile when switching her gaze to Sam to Gwen.

"Did I say the last place I want to spend my Saturday? I meant the first." Gwen heard Sam say to her mother with a taunting smirk.

Tory took a group of kids with her and Gwen followed behind. She didn't interrupt Tory's story that she was telling to the kids but that was until Sam took a seat that wasn't far away from the two.

Tory ignored her presence and continued with the fairytale story. "The prince did everything to climb the mountain, but the dragon carried me there so he could eat me alive but then the valiant prince came to my rescue."

"Oh, is that the prince that you stole from another princess?" Sam pointed out.

Gwen furrowed her eyebrows at the girl. "The other princess wasn't dating that prince anymore." Tory reminded her.

"Anyway, uh, the dragon breathed hot fire at the prince, melting his sword. So now... I had to save the prince."

Sam tilted her head. "Using what? A weapon like, I don't know, a spiked bracelet or nunchucks?"

"No," Tory shook her head. "By singing a magic song."

"Oh, and how did the song go?"

"Yeah, sing us the song!" One of the kids agreed.

"Yeah! Song!" They cheered.

Tory glanced at Gwen who was giving her a sympathetic look. Tory shifted uncomfortably in her seat before singing.

"Beautiful dragon, please go to sleep. Sunset is falling, now time to count sheep–"

Sam let out a laugh. "Wow... and I thought you were bad at fighting." She got up from her seat and walked away.

Gwen glared at the LaRusso girl until her eyes landed on glitter cups that were at a near by table.

"Tory." Gwen whispered and nodded towards the cups.

The purple mermaid smirked and turned to the kids that had clueless expressions on. "But the story doesn't end there. You see, the song didn't put the dragon to sleep. Instead, it turned it into an evil witch. And that witch has been spotted at kids parties all over the valley."

"And the only way she can be destroyed is with the glitter bomb." Gwen added and nodded at the kids with a smile.

She stood up and instructed them to follow her. Tory and Gwen handed the glitter cups to the kids, causing them to squeal in excitement.

"And look! There she is now, trying to blend in with the crowd!" Tory yelled, pointing at Sam.

The kids ran up to the girl. "Die, evil witch!" They threw the glitter on Sam and she gasped in shock when sparkles covered her outfit.

Tory blew a kiss at her while Gwen gave her a taunting wave. Sam glared at the Cobras before the kids went back to Tory for face painting.

"Don't think that was the end of it." Gwen told Tory with a smirk and lifted up her phone, showing her the messages between her and Robby, telling him to meet her here.

"You invited Robby?" Tory asked.

"It'll piss off Sam real bad. He should be here any minute though." Gwen looked around the room.

"I have to face paint, I'll be back." Tory walked with the little girl and they sat down at the table.

Gwen went on her phone for a little bit until she felt an arm snake around her waist behind her. She turned around to be met with Robby.

"You asked me to meet you here?"

"Look behind me," Gwen whispered. Robby followed her words and his eyes softened when he saw Sam wiping the glitter off of her.

But his eyes quickly darkened when he saw Miguel walk behind her. "What is it?" Gwen turned around and saw Sam with her boyfriend, Tory not far away from them.

"Interesting look... you going for the, uh, disco ball look?" Miguel chuckled.

Tory glanced between the two and Sam smirked. She leaned in and kissed Miguel to get a reaction out of the Nichols girl.

Tory scoffed and stood up abruptly, shoving past her boss and into the changing room. "Hey, no breaks!"

Gwen frowned and turned back to Robby. "What took you so long to come?" She asked.

"I had to talk to my dad about Hawk and how he's been messing with Kenny."

"Oh," She mumbled.

"Don't worry about it. He understood the message." Robby reassured.

Daniel LaRusso's eyes glanced around the party and he noticed a familiar student that he trained before. He stood behind his daughter with Miguel. "Is that Robby?"

Sam felt her heart drop when hearing that name and her eyes scattered until she found him. But he wasn't alone. He was with Gwen.

"They're looking," Robby muttered.

"Let them," Gwen smirked and pressed a kiss to his cheek. She grabbed his hand and they began to walk towards the exit, not missing the jealous look on Sam's face.

When they walked out, Sam turned to Miguel who had the same confused look that Daniel had. "Did you know that they were a thing?"

"No," Miguel glared. "She didn't tell me anything."

"Well, he needs to come back to Miyagi-do," Sam stated. "And she's the one stopping him."


mars speaks!

authors note: the drama... i live for this drama 😘

also gwen and tory?!?! THIS DUO WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE.

also look at me updating ...

please vote for this chapter and don't be a silent reader <3

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