Chapter 20

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23rd June, 2022

"She actually lives near our ancestral house, her mother used to like my father but he never cared and the history is repeating. She first started flirting with Saim bhai- and let me tell you bhai was-is the most popular, like real popular in girls for no reason. No wait- he does look pretty handsome but that doesn't mean everyone should linger around him, anyways yeah what was I saying, so Afreen, yeah, she started flirting with him but he didn't give heads to her so she went after Hasham bhai, I don't know what he said but he insulted her, badly, so she stopped talking to him and then she started hitting on Saad bhai. He would listen to her and not utter any word so she continued with it till now. Now she is back to Saim bhai. I don't know when it will be Naman bhai." Zara narrated the story to Yusra, eyeing Afreen the whole time while she sat quietly doing her work, her ears open at the information.

Yusra completed her work and looked up to find Afreen serving around juice, making her smile at her efforts but the smile vanished when she recollected what she had said previous day. Even though she had laughed it out, a small part of her ached thinking about it. She couldn't bring herself to look at Afreen in her shoes. Call it selfishness, but nor she wanted to imagine her as his wife neither the daughter-in-law of this house. The love and bond she shared with his family, all of it; she wanted it all to be hers.

But she knew she wouldn't be getting it all. A few days and she would be gone from this family. A few months, maybe, before, they would find a perfect match for him. And then all she would have would be memories. A thing that she would cherish with her whole heart.

She glanced around the place filled with love and laughter, happy to be a part of it. She glanced down at Erum's dress in her hand, that they were supposed to take to her place on her mehendi that was 2 days away. She couldn't believe how a month had passed in a blur. And it was nothing but filled with happiness. There were times she wanted to think about how she would go on after their divorce, but she was given no chance to do it. She was always surrounded by the people, who now had become a huge part of her life.

Her eyes moved around the room, once again, before it stopped onto Rania who was busy engrossed in packing Erum's sandals with the help of Ruhana who calmly instructed her. She gazed at her, the whole time with a soft smile, her failed attempts of putting the sandals through a few bags before tearing it and the smile turned into a grin when she noticed the happiness on her face for completing her work despite failures.

Yusra slow clapped when Rania looked at her, proudly showing her work before rushing over to her.

"Good job princess," Yusra said kissing Rania on her cheek while she chuckled, "My reward?" Rania asked while Yusra thought about it, a mischievous smile appearing on her face.

"Chocolates?" Yusra asked and Rania grinned widely nodding her head. Passing the bag to Zara, and informing her about being with Rania in the kitchen, she stood up holding Rania's hand allowing her to lead the way. She noticed the excitement in the girl's rush making her smile.

Entering the kitchen, Rania rushed towards the refrigerator waiting for Yusra who smiled opening it. She took out a few and asked her to give it to the other kids and come back to get hers. She looked around for Rania's favourite, unable to find them making her frown. Closing the refrigerator, she looked at the kitchen counter to find a few melted Cadbury bars before looking at Rania who rushed inside.

"Rania, they have melted. I'll keep them in the deep for a few minutes and then you can have it, okay?" Yusra asked making her sit on the kitchen counter but the girl shook her head, asking her to open it for her.

"I'll lick it." Rania said when asked how she would eat them making Yusra laugh. Opening it, she gave it to Rania, licking the chocolate from her fingers staring at Rania the whole time.

Just as she stood there gazing at Rania finish her chocolate, she noticed Hasham and Saim walk in instantly making her stiff. They hadn't been alone after their little moment at the front door. She didn't knew how she was suppose to act, but her body seemed to have its own mind. She could hear the thumping of her heart, while she fidgeted with her fingers, pretending to be busy with feeding Rania her almost finished chocolate.

"Bhabhi!" She jumped when she heard Hasham's loud voice, turning around to find the two at a little distance and she didn't miss the small smirk on his face. She avoided looking at him, waiting for Hasham to speak, holding onto Rania's thigh to make her remain seated.

"I am hungry," Hasham whined looking at the chocolate, making Yusra and Rania to giggle. Rania stuck her tongue out at him, before jumping off the counter and rushing out while Yusra looked at her in concern before turning to Hasham.

"The food will be here anytime, do you want me to make you something?" Yusra questioned making him groan while she smiled apologetically at him. "I guess, I'll wait then." He said and walked out crunching his shoulder while Yusra looked at him in pity but her eyes brighten when she remembered the leftover pudding in the refrigerator.

She walked towards it, hoping to let it be in, noticing it at the far end. Smiling she pulled it out, checking the quality and the quantity that could work for the time being.

"Ya Rabb!" Turning around, Yusra exclaimed jumping in fear to have Saim right in front of her. She kept a hand on her chest, trying to calm herself holding the pudding firmly in her hand.

"Can you give this to Hasham bhai?" She questioned, extending the bowl to only realise their proximity. She blinked upwards looking at him, waiting for him to pull away, looking through his shoulder for people, hoping no one to walk in on them.

Saim took it from her hold, gazing at her avoiding him that brought a smirk on his face. He placed the pudding onto the kitchen counter besides the refrigerator, putting his right hand besides her head, gaining her attention.

"You have chocolate on your cheek." He said, the smirk not leaving his face.

"Oh," Yusra started wiping her cheek, thinking about how she ended up with it and the only thing that came to her mind was Rania. She started wiping her cheek, moving a little to her right in an attempt to make distance when suddenly she felt him hold her hand making her stop. "Let me do it." He said and stood straight while she looked at his face.

He gazed in her eyes finding her look away. He glanced at her cheek, that had nothing, but she didn't need to know about it. He moved a little closer to her, while she tried moving behind but he stopped her by wrapping a hand around her waist making her gasp, "Stay still." He whispered through his smirk, finding it hard not to stare at her blushing face.

Taking this as a chance, he moved his lips towards her cheek to kiss her, but he heard Naman call out to him making him stop. Sighing at the sudden realization of what he was about to do, he rested his head in the curve of her shoulder making her jump. He rubbed his nose against her skin to only have her tremble in his hold.

He loved how soft her skin felt against his. Her delicate figure perfectly fitted into his, that made him smile against her skin. He wished to stand with her in arms, just the way they were right now, forever, but he knew he had to amend certain things. He had to talk to her about it and confess what he felt about her before moving ahead. And this time he would make sure that she decide for herself. For them.

"We need to talk." He uttered, placing his forehead on her shoulder while adjusting her hijab, making himself comfortable.

Yusra stood rooted unable to answer. She could hear her heartbeat and was sure that he could too. She was glad that she had some support or she would have been on the floor knowing she had no energy to stand with him this close. She nodded her head slowly to only have his hair brush against her hijab, making her aware of their compromising position.

She opened her mouth, to ask him to move a little as anyone could walk on them and just then she heard Hasham's voice coming closer to them. Panicking she moved her head to only bang it on the refrigerator making her wince.

Saim looked at her in concern, pulling her to himself while rubbing the back of her head.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking at her and she nodded her head, moving her own hand to ease the pain.

"Sai-Woah!" Hasham exclaimed walking in and Yusra pulled herself away from him, trying to creat a distance, that she wanted to keep to not be carried away but that didn't happen due to the barrier behind her.

"She got hurt because of you," Saim said pulling himself away from her, understanding her move, taking the pudding from the counter and walking towards Hasham, narrowing his eyes at him.

"What?" Hasham asked looking between the two, before glancing at Yusra making her give a nervous smile, shaking her head in denial.

"What What? She banged her head when she was removing this pudding for you." He said pushing the bowl in Hasham's hand making him grin.

"Bhabhi thank you!" Hasham exclaimed and taking a spoon he started eating it, while Yusra stood there ready to slip out, but Saim's constant gaze on her made it difficult.

"By the way, we have been waiting for you from such a long time. What were you doing? Making the pudding?" Hasham teased, suppressing his laugh to only receive a smack making him chuckle, "After you are done, just keep it here. I'll wash it later." Yusra spoke hurriedly hearing Hasham's mockery, not wanting to be embarassed.

Lowering her head, Yusra walked past Saim in a rush feeling his fingers brush her little finger, making it more difficult for her. She sat down next to Zara, avoiding any kind of interaction, thinking about what had just happened.

Was he trying to give their wedding a chance?

And what did he want to talk to her about?

"You are blushing," She heard a whisper in her ear startling her. Turning around she noticed Zara wiggling her eyebrows mischievously at her, and despite trying to keep a straight face she ended up giving her a shy smile.

"Yusra." She heard her name being called out, glad at the timing and without wasting any time, she stood up walking towards his fuppu, who walked in the room asking her to follow. She sat down and asked her to take a seat and as soon as she sat down she noticed her mother-in-law walk in, making her give her a smile.

"Rumana appi, what's wrong?" Sara asked and sat opposite to her looking at Yusra with a smile.

"Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to give Yusra something." She sat and taking her purse that was in her hold, she opened it removing a small box out of it. Sara nodded her head understanding it, while Yusra looked between them, clueless.

Standing up, Rumana walked up to Yusra and taking a hold of her right hand, she slipped the ring, adjusting it onto her finger.

"Fuppu-" Yusra opened her mouth to deny but before she could say anything, Rumana spoke, "Don't deny," She said making Yusra smile sheepishly, "Your wedding happened in a haze so I couldn't give this to you earlier. I had it made but I didn't find the perfect time to give it to you and if I kept waiting for a perfect time I don't think I would ever give this to you so I thought why not make today perfect by giving this to you." She explained caressing her finger while Yusra smiled, glad at receiving the gift.

"I have gifted everyone such ring." She completed and patting her head, she looked at Sara who nodded her head Yusra, showing her right hand, a similar ring on her ring finger.

Yusra gazed at the ring on her mother-in-law's hand, furrowing her eyebrows, "There is something written on it." She said and moved forward to read it, hearing the two chuckle.

"It's Zaim's and Sara's initials. Your ring has your initials too." Rumana said as Yusra read it, taking her by surprise. She looked down at the ring, bringing it close to her to actually find their initials.

It was a gold band with no stones and their initials were craved beautifully over it in italics. The Y of her name joined the S, perfectly, without any gaps between it, making her smile, but as soon as the smile appeared on her face it vanished. She remembered that they were no longer going to be together.

"I-We," She found it hard to utter the words, a heavy burden suddenly placed on her chest, and the ladies understood what she was trying to speak, "Don't worry, keep it. Think of it as Yusra Shaikh." Rumana said exchanging a glance with Sara, while Yusra sat there staring at the ring.

Yusra didn't like the taste of what was uttered. She didn't want the ring to symbolize herself. She wanted more. She wanted the ring to symbolize their relation, them as a couple. She wanted to remain his wife. Because unknowingly he had slipped into her heart, making her feel things she had never felt. She craved for a future with him, because despite the circumstances she was growing in love with him.

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