Chapter 29

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19th July, 2024

Saim sat patiently, his eyes moving to the clock to check for the time but his posture straighten as soon as he heard his telephone ring, making him instantly receive it.

"Sir, a man is here for you named Ansh." He heard the receptionist and he gave a positive reply, finally knowing his wait was over.

5 minutes and he now greeted his friend, that walked in asking about each other's well being before directly coming to the point.

"Ansh, I have an important matter to discuss with you. I want information regarding a man named baseer. I'll forward you his details just provide me with every single thing you can find out." He said instantly forwarded Baseer's little personal information that he had gathered.

"This looks a little difficult since you have mentioned that he had shifted abroad for a while." Ansh said looking through the information while Saim requested him to still try.

"I'll try my best but I don't promise anything." He said while Saim nodded his head asking him to work on it as soon as possible.

"But why do you need his information? Have you involved yourself into something wrong?" Ansh asked narrowing his eyes at him while Saim chuckled shaking his head, not disclosing the matter to him.

"It's just that he is related to me and I find something off about him." He came up with an excuse and even though Ansh was not satisfied he nodded his head, letting him know that his work would be done before getting up ready to leave.

"Thank you man." Saim stood up too shaking his hands while Ansh gave him a smile, asking him to wait until he provides the information.

As soon as Ansh was out of the cabin he slumbed onto the chair rubbing his forehead. He looked at the time, knowing that everyone would be gone to Erum's place. He remembered Zara calling him to know about it while asking to join and even though he wanted to join them he had to meet Ansh.

Ansh worked as a cyber crime investigator and knowing that he had contacts with a lot of people, he asked him to look out for Baseer.

Saim could have gone to Baseer and fought with him, but he knew Yusra would never appreciate it instead she would never allow that to happen and even if he would do it without her knowledge, she would blame herself for it so instead he was going to prepare everything before taking him down slowly. He already knew her uncle and aunty were nothing great, but he also knew that if Baseer would go down the hill, it would eventually be their loss too.

But a sudden realisation dawned upon him as soon as he remembered about Hana. He had completely forgotten about her. He thought about it for a while before coming to a conclusion that he will look out for her but right now all he could think was of Yusra. Until and unless he wouldn't take a call about this, she would always be stuck in the fear of her past and he didn't want that. He wanted her to live her life peacefully without any fear.

He smiled as soon as her face flashed right infront of his eyes, making him glance at the phone. Picking up the phone, he decided to call the person of his thought but he also knew that she would not receive his call, just like always as she never had her phone with her so instead he dialed Zara's number waiting patiently for her to receive while he went through his mails.

"Assalamualaikum bhai." He was greeted by her but the voices behind were loud enough, making him lower the volume.

"Walaikumassalam still at bhabhi's place?" He questioned and he heard a positive reply while Zara informed him about their plan of having ice cream before returning home.

"That's great," He spoke thinking of joining them in their plan, before he heard Zara, "We were supposed to call you to inform you about our plan so that you and bhabhi could join us." Saim frowned hearing Zara, his eyes moving to the clock before questioning, "Yusra didnt go?" He questioned hearing Zara being asked who was on the call before she replied in negative.

"Bhai, I'm being called, I'll text you when we are leaving from here okay? Assalamualaikum." With that being said she ended the call, while Saim too stood up ready to leave for home.

Saim drove silently, his mind rewinding how his life had changed. He couldn't believe that it was almost 2 months since his marriage. He thought back as to how his feelings had grown stronger with time making him wonder when did he actually start liking her. Maybe it was the way she considered his family as her own that changed his perspective? It was not like he never noticed her, he was always protective towards her; attracted towards her but with time his feeling developed stronger and there was no denying that he loved her. He knew that his irrational decisions had caused her pain that maybe were unforgiven but he would do everything possible to heal the wounds.

As he stopped his car, a smile stretched on his lips thinking about being home to be with his home. He walked inside playing with his car key while his eyes moved around to look for her, when he noticed all the ladies in the living area, busy drinking tea while having a talk.

"Assalamualaikum Saim, you didn't go?" Muskan asked making him move to them, shaking his head answering to their question while his eyes did a quick scan around the room, Yusra absent from the gathering.

"Yusra doesn't go Saim doesn't go, simple." Anaya said while everyone laughed, "Yusra didn't go?" He questioned trying to be oblivious to the fact not wanting to be the topic of their teasing.

"No, she said that she would rest." Sara said and he nodded his head, before he was asked to go and check for her. Excusing himself he walked out ready to walk to Zara's room thinking whether he should take her out to have some fresh air.

Saim knocked on the door waiting patiently but when no one answered he opened the door, to see the room silent. Confused he looked around the room not finding Yusra walking out his eyes moving to the stairs that led to their terrace but before he could decide to move there he decided to check his room.

He turned the knob and as soon as the door open his eyes met hers, making a smile to appear on his face. He walked inside, closing the door locking it behind him while she turned fully towards him giving him a small smile. He made his way towards her not uttering any word, while she too waited for him.

"Assalamualaikum," He greeted wanting to engulf her in a hug but stopping himself, while she replied to him softly.

"Wjy didn't you go with them?" He questioned opening the door to the balcony allowing her to walk first while he followed behind her, "I just didn't feel like going."

She hesitated that did not go unnoticed by him, making him turn towards her. He took a step towards her trying to look into her eyes while she avoided it. Lifting her chin with his index finger and thumb he tried to read her eyes while she avoided looking at him, making him sigh.

"Let's go out for a drive," He said as he looked at the time knowing that they had a long way before they could get ready for the reception but she shook her head while he frowned nodding his head, the two continuing the same before Yusra smiled widely a giggle escaping her lips while he grinned.

Taking her hand in his hold, he pulled her inside the room, closing the door to the balcony while she feared of going out, but instead of moving out of the room, he sat down on the floor with she looked at him.

"Sit," He sat patting the space besides him and she obliged sitting besides him while maintaining her distance and as soon as she sat he took her hand in his, pulling her towards him closing the distance.

"Our company always used to attend the annual meeting that used to be held in different cities and it was usually dad and Saad since they present our company while I attended small meeting but that day Saad had an important meeting to attend while dad couldn't drive long ways so I was told to attend the meeting despite denying it multiple time." Saim spoke while Yusra looked at him confused not understanding what he was trying to say.

"I asked Zara to join me but she denied after which I asked Hasham but he too denied so I had to go alone. Thinking to get done with it I drove to attend the meeting all the way waiting outside the building to directly attend the meeting and leave when I got a text from Saad informing me that the meeting was postponed for tomorrow. Annoyed I called him multiple times but he wouldn't dare receive knowing about my behaviour so instead I thought of going back home already pissed off at how the day had ended but as soon I started driving my car broke down. I couldn't understand how my day was ruining more and more with passing of the time. After finding a garage from a notable distance I asked them to look at the matter but they said that they were closed and were heading home so that night I was stuck there. I couldn't go back home since Saad was not ready to come help me home asking me to stay and attend the conference that was supposed to be the next day. The only good thing that happened that night was the food, the pasta that you prepared." Saim said turning to look at her and she was surprised understanding what he was speaking. He was telling her about his day, the day they met for the first time.

"I didn't even knew there were two girls, since Fariha was the only one attending me and that thought struck me as a result I was back again after paying the bill when I noticed you. You had your back facing me but knowing that she had a partner I was ready to leave when we heard you. When I first caught a glimpse of you, my first thought was how fragile you looked." He said caressing her hand while she bite onto her lip avoiding his eye embarassed remembering their meet.

"Even though I had a slight look at you there was no denying that you were beautiful." He said tightening his grip onto her and she flushed more hearing him, her heart beating rapidly while her eyes stayed rooted onto their entwined fingers.

"The next day after the conference I actually planned that I'll visit your café why? Because it was the only good thing that had happened to me in the whole of pervious day. But I didn't knew I would be needed to encounter your worst state." He stated while flashes of that night crossed Yusra's mind a sorrowful smile spread onto her lips.

"And leaving you without helping turned out to be the worse decision I had ever made. I thought that maybe I would forget about you, as you were nothing but a mere stranger but with each passing day, the guilt of leaving you ate me the reason I was back again." He said and she looked up at him, who had his gazed pinned to the balcony as though going through that period again.

"Marrying you was never on the list, it was not even a thought until I heard about your marriage with Baseer while you were talking to Fariha." He said and she thought back to it, remembering how they had heard a noice but hadn't paid much attention.

"Even after multiple attempt of trying to convince your aunt for our marriage didn't work, I offered her money. The first time when I offered her she declined but as soon as I started increasing the amount she stopped denying and I knew she would give in any moment." He said and she looked away from him, trying to hide her hurt from him. She hated how it sounded, how he had burden himself for her.

"I'm sor-" He cut her off by pulling her towards him, noticing the single tear that ran down her cheek wiping it for her, "Never, never be sorry. You were never at fault, never." He said while he tucked back her hair strand, allowing for him to have a clear view of her face.

"Everything that transpired between us had always been my decision; whether that be our marriage, our divorce or the chance to us." He stated and she looked into his eyes, a fear settling within her. What if he was regretting his decision of giving them a chance?

"And the only thing I regret-" He paused looking at their hand as Yusra was slowly moving her hand away, making him glance back at her before he stopped her movement with his other hand, "is that I ever thought of divorcing you." She looked at him, while he gave her a soft smile before wiping the tear stain on her cheek.

"It was just a rash decision that I took. Maybe I thought that you wanted to be free from this as you were trapped into this marriage but I had not thought of announcing it. It was just in the heat of the moment that everything happened and even though I knew I could do something about it, I didnt." He said and she stayed silent not knowing how to respond to him.

"And I never thought of giving us a chance because of my family. It was always for us. Because I cannot image my life without you. Call me selfish but I have grown dependent on you. I like how you would take care of me. And I cannot imagine you with anyone else other than me." He spoke and she looked at him shocked, her lips parting slightly while he gazed at her with emotion filled eyes.

"Yesterday when I was asking for your forgiveness it was for this. For the misunderstanding that I had created in your mind that made you think that I was giving us a chance because of our family. I don't remember how and when I did that but I am sorry for even letting such thought cross your mind." He said caressing her hand and Yusra felt a huge burden off her.

He was not apologizing for kissing her, but for the misunderstanding. She remembered how he was trying to talk to her but she ignored him not wanting to hear from him. Her eyes welled up with tears but she stopped them from falling.

"And do not stress yourself about anything. You are my wife, my responsibility and I will look after you not because I have to, but because I want to." He completed and she let the tears flow freely before wrapping her arms around him, taking him by surprise.

She cried on his shoulder, while he caressed her back assuring her whispering soothing words, asking her to calm down but she couldn't stop the tears. The tears of gratitude. The tears of hope.

Saim smiled rubbing her back before she pulled herself away while he wiped off her tears, her cheeks and nose red making him chuckle.

"I'm sorry," She whispered embarrassed wiping the tears while he too did the same, "You say a lot of sorry for no reason." He stated while she looked at him not knowing how to response back.

She smiled at him, while he tucked her hair behind before kissing her forehead while she closed her eyes. She was grateful that her husband didn't feel burdened by her and wanted her in his life as his wife. He may or may not love her but with his words and affection she was sure that he cared about her.

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