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Namjoon's POV:-

It's been two days, I'm sober and I don't even feel like drinking because every time I pause, my mind gets back to that girl.

I never cared about anyone but those pretty big eyes, the inside welled up with tears, the way she was pushing me away, she begged me to let her go when I was just trying to help. It was a total misunderstanding and that's the major reason I can't think straight.

It's not like some woman didn't cry for or because of me. I created situations to make them leave purposely and it never meant anything to me but this woman?

I didn't have any intentions to make her think I was someone who thought she was a prostitute.

Whatever happened was a misunderstanding and it was eating me up from the past 48 hours and of course, the kiss being the icing on the top.

I guess that's what the problem was. I kissed her all of a sudden and she took it in the wrong way.

I shouldn't have done that despite I must have just shut her mouth by telling her. But the condition was sudden, I was already attracted to her and she was so close, I just did what my subconscious mind made me do.

I decided that I'll go back to Trivia and talk to her because it's disturbing me.
I want to ask her what the problem was and tell her to be thankful to me instead of cursing me.

"What the hell? What am I? 6-year-old kid begging for a thankyou?" I thought to myself and decided to just go and see her.


I reached the bar, my eyes searching for her as Zee snapped, "Damn, you miss me a lot, don't you? What if someone spots you here, take this and cover your face." I chuckled as he handed me a mask.

I sat at the same place, sipping on my drink, waiting for her but I couldn't see the girl around and if I ask Zee, he'll poke fun at me or freak out and so I decided to wait for a little longer but she didn't turn up.

A few minutes later, I saw the skinny boy who was there last night walking with a tray. I called him as he asked, "How do I help you, sir." I lowered the mask and he recognised me as he started to panic and his eyes twinkled, "You're the one from last night, You're Kim Namjoon?" He gaped at me.

I requested him to not create commotion as he shut his mouth nodding and asked, "You were hurt yesterday, how's your nose?"

I just wanted to know where the girl was and so I blurted out, "It's perfect. Where's the girl who was with you?"

"Jane?" He questioned after thinking for a bit. "Yeah, whatever," I said not wanting to seem desperate. "She didn't come today, I guess she's taken a day off."

I wasn't expecting that so I asked if she would be here tomorrow of no wherein he said, "I don't know sir. Is there anything you want me to tell her if she comes?" I refused and he left.

I have been going to Trivia for the last four days but the woman doesn't show up at all.

"Did I do something wrong or something bad happened with her?" I thought to myself overthinking about the situation.

Next Day.

Namjoon's POV:-

It's going to be a week, I couldn't focus or write anything new. This girl is a pain to me. Exactly at 8:30 pm, I left. "If today I don't see her in the bar, I won't go back again. I'll forget whatever happened," I concluded and left.

"You're here even today sir?" Troye asked. "Did the girl show up?" I questioned. "I don't know sir." He answered and this was getting troublesome. I held the collar of his shirt.

"Tell me where is she? What's her problem? Does she know that I kissed her because I wanted to save her from those filthy men and this is what she returns to me? Disrespect?" I shouted and now, I scared the guy as well. "Say something!" I exclaimed.

"Sir, she's got a lot of stuff to deal with, she isn't picking my calls and I couldn't meet her because I am busy working double shifts. The night when everything happened with those goons being here, she got scolded for not working properly. The staff will also be reducing money from her paycheck."

I felt awful, I resisted her to leave and that's the reason she got scolded.

"Where is she right now?" I asked. "Sir, we can't disclose personal information." He said which got me angrier. "Better give me her address or I'll punch your face. I can't keep coming here all the time, do you get that?" I shouted and he agreed quickly writing her address on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I was about to leave but I saw the skinny boy being still terrified, I had to make up for it.

"Hey, what's your name?" He paused and answered hesitantly, "Troye."

"Look, I'm sorry if I scared you, I just had to sort some stuff with your friend, that's it." I clarified a little.

It was raining outside. I asked a few people about the address and finally reached the address written on the paper.

I knocked on the door thrice but it seems there is nobody inside. It was raining heavily. I had no options but to leave without meeting her. I turned around and walked towards my car, started the engine and took a reverse putting the mask on my face.


Just a few minutes later as I was driving, I saw a girl walking alone and for the first time I thought I was mistaken but I took a reverse and it was Jane. She was soaking wet in the rain, had a few shopping bags along.

I pulled over and got out of the car. "Hey, wait!" I yelled trying to stop her, she turned to face me tugging her bangs behind her ear, her lashes lowered.

I didn't remove the mask but I guess she understood who I was. The soft expression turned into a confused yet frightened one. "You? You're the one from the bar. I told you I am not a .... Please, " She was shuttering and the next minute, she started running away leaving her bags. 

I didn't understand anything but followed her. "Jane, stop running, please. I won't hurt you." I tried explaining and finally, she halted. I was panting and so was she.

"What do you want? Why are you following me?" She asked, "About that day, I wanted to apologize." I said but the next moment she spatted out with a blank expression, "You don't have to."

I scratched the back of my neck blabbering how sorry I was and the minute I moved my gaze from the ground to the front, she was already walking ahead.

"She didn't even listen to my apology? I don't ask forgiveness ever and when I'm doing it, this woman doesn't even give a shit about it?" I thought and followed her.

"Jane, I was here to apologize." I said and she answered coldly, "It's alright. If you're done, leave me alone."

Does this girl not know who I am? I am Kim Namjoon, the leader of the biggest boy band and this girl rejects me as if I am a fool.

"Hey," I yelled following her again but she didn't stop neither did she reply. I held her wrist making her stop but she jerked my hand off immediately and yelled, "What do you want from me? My life has been a mess, I don't have money, I'm helpless. The landowner is going to throw me away if I don't pay him and you know what, because of you getting in between that fight, my boss saw that I was missing for an hour," she paused and lowered her gaze.

"They decided to not pay me half my salary. Do you even know how difficult it is? You are here because I didn't thank you for your help well, thank you and please leave." She blurted and picked up her bags. I could see her glossy eyes as her gaze met mine.

A minute later, her expression changed to a soft one. She bit on her lip and turned to face me, "I'm sorry, I just spoke too much. It's not your fault, the situations are weird," she said and walked away leaving me alone.

She was sobbing even now. Why the hell is it me who's breaking her. She's too good to have a life like this. I don't know but the things she said were sickening me. I tried to help but that help took away her money and she's in that kind of state because of me.

Jane's POV:-

Next day, I went back to Trivia and started tidying the place. I went early so that I could do the work quickly before customers start entering.

I can't afford even one dollar that gets cut from my salary. I'll work here every day and work overtime so that I can earn a little more.

I was tidying up the tables wherein, I saw a huge car stop by. "So there's a customer, so early?" I thought to myself. I dried the huge table as fast as I could so that whoever enters can sit here properly.

I was done and was about to leave when someone gripped my hand tight. I dropped the cloth on the floor and met my gaze to the man holding my hand and my heartbeats suddenly increased its pace.

The same tall physic, the person who I met last night but... Kim Namjoon?

He is dressed in a tight-fitted grey suit, with glasses on, looking perfect.

I didn't even try to free my wrist from his grip as I kept admiring his features. He's a celebrity, he's Kim Namjoon and just because if his mask, I couldn't recognize him.

"I was sorry last night. I'm--,' I gulped changing the topic and asked, "How do I help you?"

"Where's the owner or whoever you work for?" He asked, his expressions being ice cold. I was stunned and within seconds, the entire staff gathered.

All the girls were excited to see him. People started asking him for autographs and he did give them whatever they wanted but didn't leave my wrist loose. He seemed kind to all the people around.

I could hear a woman gossiping, "Kim Namjoon is here in our bar to watch us dance." The other one added, "Why is he holding this slut's daughter?"

I thought I'll work hard from now on and this man just interrupted again? Though he's a celebrity, this man might be here because he wants to file a case against me for not talking to him properly.

The next instant, the manager who was Elijah sir's assistant came out."Please sir, can I get a picture with you?"

Namjoon loosened his grip on my wrist and walked towards him, "This woman won't be working here anymore," he said and all the other people including me were surprised.

"She is a waitress. Where will she go?" The assistant asked. "None of your concern. Is there a problem?" He said and after that nobody uttered a word.

I didn't see his face properly every time I met him because he had a mask all the time and this man turns out to be Kim Namjoon.

I didn't recognize him because he used to come here dressing up as a small boy in a hoody and now in that suit? How could I be so dumb?

He held my wrist dragging me towards his car. What is this man going to do? If I knew he was Kim Namjoon, I would never mess up with him. I kept thinking as he stopped at his car, opened the gate and asked me to get in.

"W-What? I can't, I work here," I tried clarifying but he gave me a death glare.

Mom hasn't been home for a long time. She said, she has some work with Elijah sir in Bangkok and they haven't returned yet and all of this is happening, she'll get worried.

I didn't say anything next and got inside the car having no clue of what's going to happen next.



Let's see what happens next❤️💜✨
Love y'all 💜✨❤️

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