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Jane's POV:-

I'm staying in his house for about five days and I have nothing else to do but just study and work on my paintings. Mrs Yoon has become a good friend of mine and she's sweet.

From the day Min-Ji threw the bowl of soup on me, I didn't have lunch or dinner with them. Mrs Yoon gave me everything I wanted in the room itself. Namjoon is busy with his work but comes home early.

Its midnight and Namjoon said that we'll be seeing mom tomorrow morning and right now, I am in his study room while Namjoon is outside, sleeping.

I stood leaning to the door of the study admiring the man who has been helping me since the day we met though we ended up in situations we never wanted to.

With both hands behind his head, he rested on the bed. His eyes were closed, he seemed to be less cold, the frosty aura that he seems to emit all the time has also dissipated softening his features as his lips parted a bit.

I gulped still thinking about the first time when Troye along with the other workers started teasing me for being the eye candy of a handsome man that night and the same man is now sharing the room with me?

"I know I look good!" he exclaimed with his eyes shut as my heart picked up its pace. Has he been looking at me since the time I am peeking glimpses of his toned abs?

I was startled and immediately diverted my eyes from him and was about to shut the door of the small room when he questioned, "Like what you see, don't you?"

I was growing increasingly nervous listening to his deep voice with his eyes closed. My mind was racing with wild thoughts but I tried to somehow gather myself and not fall for him again.

"No, I don't," I replied sternly as I heard him chuckle. I shut the door and got back to my bed.

Thinking of him the entire time, I couldn't sleep. He isn't as bad as I've made him in my head. He is very polite to all the workers in his house, he respects and loves talking to Mrs Yoon, she did tell me about a few of his childhood stories which made me smile.

He has been good in studies, art, music and loved his mom. The day she died, he was busy in one of his shows and when he got back, looking at his mom, he didn't even shed a tear and that day onwards, he got this cold and arrogant attitude but somewhere, that sweet kid is still inside him.

I don't want to be attached to him nor do I feel pity. I respect the way he changed himself and decided to move on.

He has a bonsai tree, he often sits near the window with a book, waters the little plant and also talks to it.

He is boyfriend material and has his girlfriend called Min-Ji as well who is irritating yet has good features, is taller with pretty sexy legs and looks good with him wherein me, it looks like I'm his kid. I shouldn't compare myself with Min-Ji.

I've noticed that from the time I'm staying with him, he looks after me. Asks if I had my food on time, makes Troye call me so that I don't feel alone and also told me to ask him if I needed anything though I didn't.

In the past few days, I haven't spoken to him much. He saw me wearing a bra as he put the medicine on my shoulder which felt a little embarrassing and from that day, I hardly look at him as his presence makes me anxious.

He's helped me and to be honest, I don't even know what kind of help does he expect me. I'm just assuming that he wants to get rid of Min-Ji and her mom and that's the reason I'm here.

Namjoon's POV:-

Troye's mom along with him and all the staff has been taking care of Jane's mother. The operation did go well but it seems like she has been consuming a lot of drugs which has made her body very weak and she might not live for long.

I didn't want her to know all of this and therefore, until her mom wasn't in a proper condition, I didn't let her go to the hospital. Yesterday, I spoke to the doctor, the condition isn't very good but it's better than before.

I decided to take Jane to her mom. She might be missing her. I had a bath in the guest room since Jane was in our room. I dressed in a black hoody and sweatpants and pushed the door to my bedroom as I head, "Why can't you stay out for a little while."

Jane stood in the room wrapping a towel around her chest as she widened her eyes. "Being your roommate is the worst thing ever because there's nothing called as privacy when I'm with you," she said as I couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Chill or the towel will slip."

She clasped the towel with both her fingers and requested me to leave and I did without arguing with the cute woman I love and got out of the room as I saw Mrs Yoon entering inside with a glass of orange juice.

I bowed to her, she smiled and that smile did make me realize that she heard everything that happened. I stood at a spot a little away from my room as Mrs Yoon entered inside.

"When a man and woman share a room and nothing happened, it was either that the man likes the woman too much, he wasn't willing to taint her or he has different sexual preferences. I don't think Namjoon goes with the second option," I heard Mrs Yoon say as Jane chuckled.

"The favourite little boy of yours is a pervert and I don't like him. Don't think he's a kid because he's not," she said sipping on her orange juice and hearing that made me smile.

She thinks of me as a pervert since the day we met and doesn't like me much but I love her. I am thankful for how Mrs Yoon and Troye are helping with getting Jane closer to me.

A minute later, Jane came towards me dressed up in a cute summer dress exposing her curves as I pretended to be busy in my phone and not eavesdropping.

"Shall we leave?" She asked in a soft voice as I nodded wordlessly heading to the door. From the time I applied the ointment on her, she seems too shy and I like the way she gets nervous when I am close to her.

I hope when she meets her mom, she feels better.


We reached the hospital as she hugged Troye and he smiled at me. All of us entered the room where her mom was.

She was asleep or unconscious, looked pale and sick. "I guess I shouldn't disturb her but I hope she's alright?" She asked the nurse, she nodded telling her about the betterment of her health as I could see her smile.

She went close to her mom and sat on the chair nearby and held her hand caressing it as I stood along with Troye.

She turned to face me and whispered, "Thank you, because of you I have hopes that she'll be alright."

I didn't say anything as Troye ruffled her hair and forced her to smile when all of a sudden, her mom woke up.

Her eyes widened as her expressions looked as if she was afraid of something. Her eyes were fixed on Jane. Her chest began to heave and her entire body trembled, the heart rate started to increase as Jane yelled for help and the doctors arrived.

They instructed Troye to take Jane outside as I was stunned looking at the bad health condition of her mother. It's painful to see the one you love in this kind of situation.

I didn't let the doctors tell Jane about her mom not being able to live for long. I didn't want her to break and therefore when she asked, the doctors told her to calm down assuring that it would be fine.

"I should let her rest," she said as Troye nodded and she ran towards the exit door. I followed and her steps halted in front of the car.

Tears started streaming down through her eyes. She trembled slightly seeking support, I couldn't stop myself and just held her shoulder.

"Why is this happening to her?" She asked as I didn't have an answer to her question as my heart sank and I just pulled her in my embrace and hugged her tightly. She was sobbing bitterly. I caressed her head and kissed her forehead assuring her that situations would be better.

She stayed in the same position as I fondled her for a few seconds and finally released her as I could see an endless stream flowing down her face. She hurried to rub it all trying to wipe it away and sat in the car.

I wanted to take her home as soon as I could so that she can rest and feel better. Silence suffused the car, she kept her gaze fixed outside the window and it was breaking my confidence. I wanted her to share whatever she had in her mind with me but situations weren't suitable enough.

I drove home and she exited the car as I followed. She wasn't in her best mood and I wanted to be with her the entire time. She entered inside, put her shoes in the rack and was about to hurry to our room when I saw Min-Ji blocking her way.

I stood silently thinking she would just say something and leave but all of a sudden, she mocked, "So I was right," she pointed out to me and didn't let Jane leave.

"You are a whore, I mean a whore's daughter. You are here because he's paying money for your mom's treatment and using you to make me jealous," she said as Jane lowered her head and continued to stay silent.

She clenched her hands, fingers stabbing hard into her palm and forced a smile saying, "Yes, you're right, he is paying money for my mom's treatment and---," I cut her off and continued, "She's the girl I love, I hope you get it."

I didn't ever try to disrespect her or her mother since they were my father's guests but this was too much.

Min-Ji pushed Jane away and stood in front of me as her fingers trailed my chest, she pulled me towards her gripping on my collar and said, "Namjoon, look at me. You won't ever get a girl as alluring as me, touch me." She yanked me towards her even more intertwining her fingers with mine.

Jane had already left and her mom was nowhere to be seen. It was the right time to let her know the reality.

"I don't remember ever giving you the impression that I was remotely interested in you and if I did then I apologize you here. I hope you stop kidding yourself and don't go around talking nonsense," I said jerking her hand away from my shirt and went back to find Jane.


Drama, Drama, Drama///
Well, that's something needed!!!!

Let's see what happens next!💟

Trailer to the next chapter

He kissed me boldly, deeper and deeper. Even the force he used to press down on me grew heavier. "Ah," I moaned as he bit on his lip and without waiting for a minute, bit mine.

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