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Jane's POV:-

It's been 4 days, I'm staying at Troye's place because I didn't want to go back to an empty house and overthink about the entire thing that happened between me and Namjoon. He's a celebrity, he has thousands of girls. That was a one night stand and I should accept it that I was considered as a fling to have fun with before his wedding and nothing else other than that.

Being alone in my house without any job would eat me up and that's the reason I stayed here with Troye. Mrs Lee is the best, she never differentiated between me and her kids. I help her out with cooking and cleaning the house whereas Troye is searching for a job. Once he finds something I'll be busy into, I'll go back to my house.

I have been trying to call my mom for a week, her phone is off, it's been more than a month, she's staying away and this never happened before. I just hope she's fine and gets back home soon, I need her right now. I know she's the one who I can share everything with, I just wish she comes back home soon.

The minute I try to sleep, I feel Namjoon hovering over me, his fingers trailing my skin, I can hear his deep heavy voice in my head calling me 'beautiful'. I'm trying my best to forget and not remember any of it but I can't.

I was busy making some coffee for myself as it was cold outside. I just had my books and Mrs Lee to accompany me all the time and to be honest, I loved it though I shouldn't be here being a burden to them for long. I called Mrs Lee to have coffee with me as I would read a story for her since she likes it and all of a sudden, my phone rung.

I grabbed my phone and attended, "Hello," I said, "Miss Park, I am Officer Jung, calling from Seoul Police station. A lady named Hyun Ji is admitted at the hospital. Your number is saved as 'Baby' on her phone. Do you know her?" I was shocked as my eyes widened, my legs getting weak hearing the officer say 'Hospital'. I shuttered, "Yes, she's my mother. Is he okay?"

"Your mother is here at City hospital. She was found unconscious at a local bar, it seems like she has some serious health issues. Please meet the patient and do the needful," he said and hung up. I was broken, confused and my legs were getting weak. Mrs Lee stood there looking at me with concern, I kept the phone and told her everything that I heard as she fetched her coat and took the taxi along with me to reach the hospital.

The entire time I kept thinking that mom told me she was in Bangkok working with Elijah sir as his assistant and now I get a call about her being sick and admitted in the hospital. She's in Seoul? How? Why didn't she tell me that she came back?

We reached the hospital and I rushed towards the reception, they showed me the room. I pushed the door and... There she was, pale with bruises on her face, she was in a bad condition and admitted at the Emergency ward. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw my mom looking lifeless.

"What happened to her?" I asked the doctor sobbing as Mrs Lee stood by my side comforting me and Troye reached the hospital as well. "It seems like she's suffering from cancer and she's in a very critical condition. She has consumed a lot of drugs which have proved to be harmful to her body. I suggest we have to undergo an operation since this is serious. Please deposit the amount of money that'll be told to you on the reception and we shall proceed further," he said patting my head. "Is she alright? What happened to my mother suddenly?" I asked as tears pooled in my eyes.

After a long pause the doctor replied, "I guess we have less time, please do the needful and we will be operating on her." It was too tough for me to digest the entire situation that was taking place. My mom had cancer the entire time and she didn't tell me? Did she take drugs? I knew nothing about all this. Why am I so clueless about her health?

For right now, I had nothing. Troye hugged me right. I saw Mrs Lee started to count the money she had in her purse. I stopped her, "Please don't aunty. Troye has already given me a lot of money which I would never be able to pay back to him and I can't anymore." She stared at me blankly and requested me to let her help wherein she had just 2000$ all together and for the operation we needed 10,000$ and along with the other charges of medicines and staying, it made me feel guilty.

I left the hospital and went straight to a jewellery shop to sell the platinum bracelet which is the only thing I had of my birth mommy. I couldn't save her in that accident because I was small but if I sell this, I'll be able to save the mommy who gave me life by adopting me.

I sold the bracelet and the earrings that I had getting 5000$ which was still less for the operation but fine to get medicines that were required immediately. The doctor had given only 3 days to get the money so that they could operate on her. I had no relatives, no friends, nobody that would help me but only Troye and his mom. They tried their best and gave whatever they could but we still have nothing but just 7000$.

I had to stay strong, I have to save mom however I could. I asked the landlord to lend me some money but he refused to say that I wouldn't be able to give it back while some said they didn't want to help. I was left with nothing, it was midnight already. I went back to the hospital as Troye came to me, "It'll be okay, we'll find a way."

He hugged me as I rested my head on his shoulder and cried out louder while he patted my back. I have never felt so lonely in my entire life. I just wanted mom to be fine.

Namjoon's POV:-

It's been 6 days, the woman isn't here. She didn't pick my call up, I guess she blocked my number but that's wrong. How could she do something like that, she left without talking to me even once?

I went to her house but it was locked. Where did she go? All alone? After that night she hasn't been here at all. Seokjin hyung told me that she'll be here and I should talk to her later but it's almost a week. Where the hell is she?

It's 9 am and I'm in my cabin, not working, not writing anything new and just waiting for Jane to be here. I want to talk and have things clear between us. I genuinely have feelings for her and without even letting me express them, she left?

Seokjin Hyung stood outside my cabin asking me to come out, he looked flustered and was panting. I quickly went outside as I knew he climbed all those stairs to come here."Jane has come to the office. She submitted her resignation and took away all her stuff from here." I couldn't understand anything at first as Hyung shook me by my shoulders, "Joonie, go and talk to her. She's wearing something black. Things that happened between y'all need to be clear. Why is she leaving all of a sudden?" He ordered as I rushed towards the lift pressing the button to the ground floor.

I couldn't wait for even a minute. Jane is here, I need to talk to her."Don't let the girl wearing a black dress leave," I ordered the Watchman as he agreed. I quickly got off the lift and ran towards the gate looking for her.

A few minutes later, I found her arguing with the guards as I ordered them to not let her leave. She was wearing a black oversized shirt tugged in her jeans and a pair of black shades which covered her eyes. "The climate is cold, why is she wearing glasses," I thought to myself and ran towards her. I was glad that I finally met her and now I'm never going to let her leave me even for a minute.

I stood at the back panting and tried to control my breath as I was now about to tell her how much I missed her. She might be having her reasons for giving a resignation but I will never let her escape from me because I love her.

I held her wrist pulling her towards the building and took her inside. I didn't give her a minute to say anything she wanted to and just dragged her to the lift. The minute I the lift opened, she jerked her hand off from me and tried to leave but I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me.

Her face was just a few inches away from mine as I was having an urge to kiss those swollen red lips. "What's wrong with you Namjoon?" She said annoyingly struggling to get away from my grip but I pulled her close to me making her look into my eyes.

"I missed you so much. I was about to fight and get angry at you for leaving me alone but looking at this beautiful face right now, I don't think I can do that." I pulled her closer as she kept pushing me away placing her hand on my chest. "Please Namjoon, I have a lot of work to do. Leave me alone," she said and tried to struggle harder. I thought she'd be happy but somewhere, she isn't.

"Jane, I want to talk to you. It's been six days, I was trying to find you but you didn't pick my calls up," I whispered pulling her into my embrace and took the glasses off her face and saw... Those beautiful eyes were filled with tears. They were red and she looked pale.

"Jane, why are you crying? Look at me" I asked clasping her chin with my fingers to make her match my gaze but she didn't. "Don't touch me, stay away. I don't have time for all this," she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. I was getting worried. She straightened her shirt wiping her tears and was about to leave.

"I want to talk to you about that night. I need things to be clear between us Jane," I said while she stopped and turned around to look at me, "Talk about what? That night was a one night stand, nothing else."

How could she even say something like that? I didn't let her leave and caught her wrist pinning it to the wall as I stood in front placing my leg in between her's to make it impossible for her to move. "One-night stand? Did you decide this on your own?" I asked.

She looked aside and smirked as her voice kept cracking, "That's the truth. Have a happy married life sir... I meant Namjoon," she said as I loosened the grip on her being surprised at whatever she said. Her eyes were puffy and swollen while she gulped and picked her stuff and ran outside leaving me alone again.


Was it a one night stand?

Let's see what happens next!!!!❤️✨
New update next week. Thanks alottttt for all the love. Love y'all ❤️😭

Trailer for the next chapter

"You have to stay for three months, be my fiance. Stay with me in my Dad's house, do you hear me?" I yelled as she agreed to it without any further arguments.

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