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I've been getting really good idea's for the story. I'm going to try and set a writing schedule, but for now it may be a bit uneven. Comment grammar mistakes and I will fix them IMMEDIATELY. Thank you!


Sophie was fast asleep, unlike me. I wanted to be asleep desperately but I found myself locked in socialization. Generally, I try to avoid this much social interaction, but I can't seem to avoid it. These people don't seem to understand that I don't need friends. So I ended up on my phone, scrolling through Tumblr.

"Willlllll you came here to have fun! Get off your phone!" A boy, Leo, says. I just rolled my eyes at him.

I was already burnt out today. I didn't really want to get off the couch. I'd much rather fall asleep there. But my nerves were too shot to do anything like that. I had to go to the bathroom but I don't want to ask where it is. My throat is bone dry but to stand up and get my glass is forbidden. Not to mention the burning of every bone in my body from one of their sessions. To be honest, I was completely miserable here. But Sophie was happy and safe. Thats all that matters.

"I don't even know any of you. You just decided I had to be here and here I am." My voice was quiet and monotone as to not wake Princess. Leo smirks and my phone was torn from my hand.

Fear filled my body and tears my eyes as I lunged for it. My phone was my crutch. It had my music. My social media. It holds all my secrets. Everything keeping me alive and well. I always hate how that makes me sound, like a plugged in teen girl, but without it I have no escape. I'm just me.

Leo laughed lightheartedly and tossed it to Jason. Jason, passed it to Percy. Every part of me was sore and aching but I managed to catch it. I pressed it to my chest.

"Leo! We want him to like us!" Annabeth hissed, smacking his arm. He definitely deserved it, but I still winced with empathy.

"Ow! I was just messing with him!" Leo groaned, rubbing his arm. She shakes her head.

"You can't mess with people like that until your friends! Otherwise its just you being a jerk!" I look over my phone, scanning for damage.

"I thought we were already friends!" He argued back.

Annabeth gave me an apoligetic smile, "I'm sorry. He does this sometimes. But you were right, we're practically strangers. Why don't you tell us about yourself?"

At this I frown. They were asking who I am. But I don't know who I am. My name is Will Solace. I have a little sister named Sophie. Thats it. "Well there's little to tell."

"We could play a game! Like... Never have I ever!" Percy suggested. I shrugged.

"The alcohol version or childs version?" Jason hummed in response.

"Alcohol! My mom's asleep and probably won't care if we get a bit drunk anyway. We're all about 18. Thats old enough. Will, do you drink?" Percy asked as he stood and grabbed 9 glasses.

"A little." I smirked to myself. A lot. I got drunk anytime I knew Sophie was safe. We had school tommorow but I would have a headache anyway. Nothing wrong with a few drinks. I, however, did not like the look they all gave each other.

"Alright." Percy passes out the glasses and pours them all a drink. "Who wants to go first?"

Piper smirks a bit. "Jason should start."

Jason nods at that. "Never have I ever... Been arrested." I glanced around nervously, but saw the black haired boy took a drink. No one seemed to judge so I took a long drink as well, savoring the metallic taste from the drink. I didn't recognize the alcohol, but it was cherry flavored.

"Whatcha get caught for?" Leo laughed, elbowing my side. He hit a bruise and I grimanced a bit, shifting away.

I then realized he had asked a question. I had gotten arrested multiple times, but I chose to tell him the more interesting and innocent story.

"Actually, there's a funny story to it. It was raining outside pretty bad and I had just gotten in a fight with some dude. I was riding my beautiful, white bike home at night. I was trying to hurry and ended up hitting a bird that swooped down. I got blood all over my bike, and hands once I cleaned it up." Leo's eyes were wide with intrest.

"Anyhow I continue down the way until a cop sees me at 11pm, black eye, and covered with blood. Of course he stops me, and ends up cuffing me and taking me in."

Everyone laughs, even Nico cracks a smile. But his eyes locked with mine. He was trying to draw out the secrets I selectively kept. But I knew better.

Piper thought a moment. "Ok my turn... Never have I ever... Stolen from my parents." Once again I glanced around. Annabeth took a sip but they all seemed to know the story. I don't want to tell mine.

"Never have I ever... broken a bone." Nearly everyone took a drink, as did I. Even if no one did, I wanted another drink and its easy enough to come up with a decent story.

"Never have I ever dyed my hair." The black haired boy spoke. I took a sip. I felt a bit tipsy but not quite drunk.

"Never have I ever kissed someone." Leo said, looking at me as they all did. I took my drink anyhow.

"Really? No one?" Hazel said, looking away. I shrug with a nod.

"No one," I thought about my question, though they had taken the best ones. "Never have I ever seen a movie in theaters." They all took a drink. When the buzz got heavier, I knew this would not end well.


The game wrapped around the circle once more. Percy poured us all another drink. After a bit I realized I was the target of the game. And they succeeded to get me good and drunk. At this point I didn't care how much I shared. I was laughing up a storm. 

"Ok. Ok ok. Never have I ever... Used a fake I.D." Nico said, giggling a bit. I took a long drink and it registered how cute the laugh was. It didn't match his dark persona at all.

"Never have I ever skipped school!" Another drink. Percy had to fill my glass.

"Never have I ever... Lied to a friend?" They were running out of questions. I took a drink. I lie to Cecil and Lou Ellen constantly. Everytime they ask if I'm ok.

"Never have I everrrrrrrr," it was my turn and I was thinking hard, "droven a cars." Does that even make sense? Most of them take a drink.

"Never have I ever done drugs." Another drink. Its been a long while. I realized I couldn't spend my money that way, no matter how good it was. Sophie has needs. Sophie comes first.

"This is boooorrriiinnnggg. Lets play... Truth or dare!" My idea. My beautiful, drunk self's idea. And it was a big mistake.

They all nodded, agreeing.

"Nico! Truth or dare." My eyes glance to the black haired boy, who wasn't even half as drunk as I. I liked the high. My problems all disappear. I know it's not good for me. But I'm happy. It's been a while since I've had this much to drink. At least its not my money.

"Dare." He laughs.

"I dare you... To pretend to be a couple with Jason for 5 rounds," Percy giggles. I took another drink as Nico stood and walked to Jason, giving Percy a confused look.

Jason sits criss cross and Nico sits on his lap. I frowned as Jason wraps his  arms around his waist. Nico smiled when something clicked in his mind. He leaned against him, Jason resting his head on Nico's. They really did look like a couple. I don't know why, but it made me sad. Really, really sad.

"Leo! Truth or dare." Nico calls, nuzzling Jason's chest. A burst of abger within me.


"I dare you... To let Piper do your hair and wear it that way for the rest of the game."

Piper comes over and starts to mess with Leo's hair. She tugged on it as she hrushed it, makeing Leo yelp.

"W-Will! Truth or dare!" Leo calls and I giggle, a dreaded sound that would make my sober self vomit.


"Current crush?" He wags his eyebrows. Nico sits up a bit. I ponder a moment.

"Hmmm. I dunno. I don't got one," I shrug.

"Awww. No one you thinks cute?" Well, yeah. There are lots of people who are cute at school. None I would consider dating.

"Dunno. I thinkkkkk... The one guy who sits across from me's hot I guess. I would never date 'im though." A series of reactions went through them. The majority looked to Nico with a smile. Nico's eyes caught an emotion I couldn't read. Fear? No, he didn't seem like the type to be afraid. A small smile graced his lips. It made my dunk-self smile.

"Him?" Percy dared, small smile danced on his lips. I giggled.

"Yeah him-him." 

The only downside to being high is that I overshare. I'm happy, and later I would be devastated. They were trying to be my friends. And I ruined it as I do everything else.

"Are you gay then?" Jason spoke this time. Nico was still on his lap. I didn't like that.

"Dude I'm a raaaiiinnnbowwwww." I stretched the word with a fit of giggles. Everyone looked back and forth to each other.

"Lets keep playing."


"Will! Truth or dare!" Everyone was laughing from Percy's dare. He had to fit as many marshmellows in his mouth as possible. He got to 62 before nearly choking.


"I dare you to kiss Nico." Percy laughed. Everyone but Hazel and Frank were wasted. And you could hear it in their voices.

I smile at that. I didn't mind. He was cute, but even if he was gay he would never like me. Nico looked weary, but a dare was a dare.

I grin and lean in. "Kissy kiss?" I giggle, puckering my lips a bit. Nico rolled his eyes and his lips met mine.

People will tell you about how fireworks explode. Like a title wave of perfection. This kiss, it was better. There was no title wave. It was sunsets and a calm ocean. Lightning bugs and feilds of flowers. Midnight dancing to the sound of your heartbeat. I knew, the first kiss is like no other. So I didn't pull away until my lips were swollen and I was out of breath.

Chocolate eyes stared back at me with that unreadable emotion. I had no clue what it was. I grinned and leaned in a bit, only for him to frown and put a hand on my chest, pushing me back into my seat. I furrowed my eyebrows.

It's just a dare. He doesn't even want to be my friend. Why should he be more? Do I even want him to be more?

"Alright you two that's enough. I think it's time for bed yeah?" Piper giggled. I nod, taking one last sip of my drink.

"Yeah. Lets go to bed."


I wanna write more but this is where I gotta stoppppppp. Ugghhhhhhhh. Working on the next chapter already, comment pls.

Word count: 1936 words

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