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On our way back to the castle, I fought the decision to tell Erik about the dream I had. What if it had been nothing? It was best to wait, and tell him when I might have more information and better understood what I saw.

"We should hurry, breakfast will probably be starting soon," Erik said, picking up his speed. I did the same, following him all the way to his room. Oddly, I only found it a little trying to keep up with him. "Wait right here for me, I have to change real quick,"

I did as he said, waiting for him in the hall outside his door. Less than a minute later, someone jumped up and threw their arm around me. Geneth.

"Hey, Misty!" She exclaimed, stopping to stand in front of me, her hair bouncing in their two braids. "Are you waiting for Erik too? Lucian, Verity, and I figured he might be running a bit late, so we were checking on him,"

Lucian and Verity smiled and raised a friendly hand in greeting, with Verity's a bit more enthusiastic. I waved back, happy to see them.

"I was worried about where you were this morning. I found you missing when I went into your room, but I had a feeling you were okay. Verity replied, throwing her braid over her shoulder. "And you were just with Erik, weren't you?"

"Oh, hey you guys," Erik remarked as he stepped into the hall, shutting the door behind him. The halls were beginning to bustle with more people, some working, others just waking up and starting out their day. 

I looked over to the side and my eyes rested on a middle aged man with olive skin and dark eyes, pushing silently through the crowd. My eyes stayed drawn to him, sensing something was off about him, uneasiness slowly growing in the pit of my stomach. The man stared directly at me, menace in his eyes. The light reflected on something in his hand and I acted immediately on instinct.

"Get down!" I screamed, leaping to the side and pushing Geneth down with me, just as a knife whizzed by and bedded itself in the wall behind me. There were a couple screams and people running away down the halls.

"Thanks, Misty," Geneth breathed quickly next to me.

"Make sure there is nobody else!" Erik called to Verity and Lucian. He had already run forward and subdued the struggling man, wrestling him to the ground. Erik looked over at Geneth and I. "You guys okay?"

I nodded. I made my way to my feet, Geneth doing the same.

"It's clear!" Lucian announced, Verity almost at his side. 

"Verity, can you come with me to escort this man to the dungeon? You three," Erik pointed his head in the opposite direction. "go to the mess hall for now. We will meet you there in a little bit."

"You got it," Lucian responded, as we separated in different directions down the hall. Lucian looked over at me, curiosity written in his face. "Those were some fast moves back there, Misty."

"Yeah..." I sighed, knowing I couldn't hide it anymore. "I have something to tell all of you..."


"You remember sword fighting with some boyfriend of yours? That's it?" Tristian scoffed. "So just useless information?"

We had all gathered around in the council room after finishing our food. Erik had told them about the man who had tried to attack us and I had just finished telling them about my dream. Everyone was either string at me, or at no particular object, deep in thought. 

"It's a start. I mean, if she's already starting to remember things, maybe more pieces of information will come together in the following days." Lucian stated. 

"And it also explains why she showed such good reflexes and instincts earlier. Misty has already had some training in fighting." Erik crossed his arms, and looked around the room at each one of his companions. "I say we should start training her. If what she remembers is true, she can defend herself just fine. She won't need us to protect her anymore."

"You mean, give her a sword?" Maleah put her hands on her perfectly curved hips. "Have you lost your mind, Erik? She could kill us all in our sleep!" 

"Think about it though," Erik countered, "What if it could trigger more of her memories?"

"She struck some luck is all. Let's not jump to conclusions." Tristian grumbled, laying in his usual spot on the couch, looking as if he wanted to take a nap. 

"I agree with Erik," Lucian said. Tristian threw his hands up into the air and looked at his brother in betrayal. "Sorry, but he has a point. It could help a lot."

"I agree too!" Verity piped up. 

"I do too, I trust Misty!" Geneth defended.

"You're still technically a trainee, does your vote even count? Stay quiet like Phoenix and Flyn are in the corner for once." Tristian said to Geneth, covering his face with his arm, not seeing the glare Maleah gave him. 

"The majority is for letting Mysteria train," Xander said, "And I'm in agreement also."

"Everyone has lost their minds!" Maleah excaimed. 

"Hey, I'm part of everyone. And I agreed with you." Tristian said. "So ungrateful."

Geneth came over and grabbed a hold of Maleah's hand. Geneth looked up at her with a warming smile, and I saw all anger and uneasiness in Maleah flood out of her body in one single wave. Maleah squeezed her hand and didn't say anything more on the matter. 

"Erik, since it was your idea, it is your duty to train with her. If anything bad is to happen because of it, it falls on you." Xander said and Erik bowed his head in gratitude. "And about this man that attacked earlier, I will bring Maleah with me and we will find out everything we can." 

"Oh yes, we will," Maleah let go of Geneths hand to crack her knuckles. "The bastard almost hit Geneth!" 

"Don't regret my decision to bring you," Xander said, making for the door. "Come on, Maleah." 

"Stay out of trouble, Genie," Maleah said with more love than I thought she had and followed Xander out the door. 

"So, Misty, what do you say?" Erik turned and faced me, a smile in his eyes. "Should we begin your training now?" 

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