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I had decided after about two full days of full-speed travel, to take a rest under the cover of darkness. I started a small fire in the biggest clearing of the forest I could find, next to a creek and under a canopy of trees. The moonlight shone down through the trees and reflected in the water on the leaves from the recent rainfall.

I poked idly at the fire with a long stick, lost in my thoughts and memories. A whinny from one of the trees beside me brought me back. I put down the stick and stood up, wrapping my cloak around me tighter.

I had fled to my room for warmer clothes and then to the kitchen for small things to bring with me. Not a lot of people had bothered to stop me, whether from fear or lack of concern or care, I had no clue. I was thankful. It made leaving easier.

"There, there," I stroked the horses long, silky black mane comfortingly. I put my arms around the magnificent dark horse in a gentle hug, and rested my head against her neck. "You've been working hard, beautiful girl. Get some rest now."

I had to threaten the stable boy to hand over a horse. After I had the horse, with a saddle and all other additional things, I had dropped the sword I had stolen from Erik and ordered the stable boy for him to return it to Erik. I had dashed off on the horse before he even had time to pick it up, not wanting to face the risk of him fighting back.

When the horse had finally calmed, I returned to the fire. I sighed, and laid down on my side on the hard earth that I had cleared earlier of debris. I stared at the bright flames, licking at the wood hungrily. I sighed.

Cyrus and I's plan... we shouldn't have waited. It was a pretty simple plan and instead we waited. And now the opportunity was gone forever because Gil and I had botched the last mission we got from the king, which forced us to flee for our lives.

And now I was returning back to where it all began. But unfortunately, that's where it would end as well. Would I be tortured first? Would I have a slow, painful death? Would I maybe survive this? But how would that be possible?

Those were the questions I was continuously thinking over and over in my head. There were not enough words to describe the fear that was taking over my entire body, and the closer I got to my destination, the more I wanted to turn back. But I was going to be brave. For the ones I loved, whose lives depended on me.

King Torryn would continue to threaten the Kingdom of Siva. My capture would mean less would die, but I had to trust Erik and the group would finish off the job after I was gone. Oh, how I missed them.

I squeezed my eyes shut so I wouldn't cry. Sleep. I needed to get some sleep. I had a very long, arduous journey ahead. And sleep would be the most peace I would be able to get before I reached my destination. In sleep, I would see the faces of those I loved, and it brought me comfort and joy. It brought me strength.


I made a stop first at the second home I'd ever been given, the place I had called home for a long time. The home I had shared with Gil and his mother. I had to know if my mother was okay.

I practically jumped off the horse as I approached the building. I didn't see or hear anything, and the very small garden that was at  the side of the house seemed to have been unkept for a short while. No, no, no.

"Mother?" I ran inside, pushing the door open quickly. "Mother!"

A lot of the items in the house were now gone, with only a few things left behind. The house showed no signs of struggle, everything was well kept as always. But there were no signs of life, of my mom.

I ran my fingers through my hair in worry, and bit my lip hard to keep back tears. What happened to her? I had to tell her I was sorry. Gil and I had left her behind at her request, but neither of us had wanted that to happen. How could I ever live with myself if she was... dead?

But I don't think I was going to live much longer anyways. And maybe, just maybe, someone would tell me what happened to her at the palace. If they had her killed, they would happily gloat about it. And then I would make absolute sure, someway, that I took at least a couple guards with me to my grave.

I returned back to the horse, getting back on her with a heavy heart. What was even more saddening, was seeing the long-suffering people of Qleph as I just rode by them. I wished I could do something, anything. Knowing I probably could have easily ended all of this in the past only hurt more. There was a slim chance I could end things today, or tomorrow—if I saw tomorrow. They would probably kill me on sight, without a second thought.

And Cyrus... what would he do, when he saw me again? When he saw me alive and well, and had willingly handed myself over? What would I even say to him if I was handed the chance?

The horses hooves kicked up plumes of dirt as we raced down the path that would reach the hell I sought for. I saw the castle walls, getting larger in the distance, and my heart started to pound as fast as the horses hoofbeats. I slowed as I reached the castle, the two guards outside the gate raising their weapons as I hopped off my horse.

"Stop and state your business!" One of the guards on watch at the top of the castle gates demanded.

"I have business with your king!" I yelled back up, trying to keep the fear hidden in my voice. "Go tell him that Alyce Dare is here to see him!"

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