1. Heartbreak

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Avi | Vrishti



Can I talk to you about something?

Ah, no?

Are you asking or telling?

Telling, ig? Well, it depends what actually are you gonna talk about.

What are a no topics?

The no topics? Idk, these days anything can put me off.


Avi didn't know what could possibly put the person off and he was in no mood to spoil what had just begun. He didn't expect much, just a possible friendship, or anything. He was missing some excitement in life and this stranger could seemingly provide him just that. He thought about what he could talk and then came to the conclusion that what better than a heart-to-heart?

Can I talk about my ex?

When was the breakup? Tell me your ex dumped you.

Two months ago. To your utter disappointment, I dumped her.😌

Smh. And why did that happen?

She was cheating on me.

Uh. Good for her.

Excuse me?


Are you even my friend? Why are you on her side?

When did I say we are friends? We are not. Also, isn't it great you got rid of such a loser?

Yeah true that. But what do I do of this heartbreak?

Lol, move on?

Been trying to do that for the past two months. She was the loml what do I do?

Pft. Loml? How long did you date her?

Maybe a year.

Ah, that is indeed sad then.


Hmm. Are you both in same college?

Yeah, why?

Do you feel sad seeing her in front of you every other day?

Lemme think.🤔Not really. Because the person I see is the person who cheated on me. I think I feel sad for what we could have been.

Oh. Okay. Despite you not being my friend, let me give you piece of advice that I have learnt very recently.

Ouch! Are we still not friends?💔

Stranger! I'm trying to be serious rn. 😒

Okay okay. What is it?

Stop being sad about the possibilities of what could have been.
It does not exist. Maybe it does in a parallel universe, but not in this. It's futile and in most cases, hurtful.
Life is never going to go that way. It is only fitting if you learn to suck it up and move on.


Yes. I gotta go now. I hope you find someone who's worthy of you. Good luck with that.

Why does it feel like a good bye?

Is it not?

Shut up why are you trying to break my heart all the time?😔

Did anyone tell you how dramatic you are?🙄


You need a better company then I will say. Anyway, bye.


What is it? Look, I'm already getting the creeps from you. For all I know you can be a psychopath or a serial killer. I'm too young to die please.

Don't tell me you are a minor please.😱

I'm 55 years old.

That means I'm the minor in this relationship?🤭

Wait how old are you?

21. You?

I just told you. 55.



Oh I'm glad.
What do you think? Should we exchange names now?

Stranger bestie? Are you there?

Hello, 1...2...3...Mic testing. 1...2...3...hello.
Did you really ghost me like that. Oh the heartbreak.💔

Shut up! I'm occupied!

Oh thank God. Okay. See you then. Bye.

A small smile played on her lips as she flipped her phone aside and continued with her game she wasn't interested in anymore.


A/N: So? How was it? What do y'all think about this? Don't forget to vote but if you have time, drop in a comment. I would really appreciate to know your views on this one. Stay tuned for the next update on Tuesday. Thank you. ❤️

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