Anniversary Part 1

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A/N: Hi! This is my first SpongeBob story! I hope you like it! This is a slight AU I guess.. and I see now that I kind of have a thing for dark fics, hopefully this won't be so dark. But it will go to dark places from time to time. Anyways I hope you like it! ENJOY! X3


Book one: How we change
Chapter 1: Anniversary P1
Seven years later

~SpongeBob's POV~

I woke up to the soft sound of buzzing on my nightstand. And immediately I groaned, annoyed by the irritating sound, I slammed the alarm clock off. I used to be a morning person, but I guess that was a long time ago... seven years to be exact. I sighed and rolled over in my bed to looked at my now silent alarm.

It was 5:45am from what my sleepy, now fully alert, eyes could see. "Shit." I muttered a groan under my breath. People were surprised to say the last, when they found out I had a... colorful vocabulary.

I quickly jumped out of bed, and ran towards my closet. I grabbed my outfit for the day and left them in the restroom for now. Over the years I grew up quiet a bit. I thought I never would, but I grew up to be about the same height as my cousin Stainly(?).

Which meant I stood at about six, feet three inches ( A/N: changed the feet to inches, and inches to centimeter) in all honesty, it was kind of funny. I mean I was supposed to be done growing. But when you think about it, my cousin Flapjack was really tall and muscular growing up, and now he's the size of my big toe!

Anyways I guess after it happened everything has to changed, and everything did. Wiseman were right to say. 'Time is nothing, but a fragment in eternity.' Because so much, changed in seven years. It comical... in a sad, dark, kind of way.

I walked down the steps in my empty, yet furnished house; and cracked the door to my gym room open. After my growth spurt, I refused to look like my cousin in anyway. My arms were stringy, and I have to admit. At first I was really weak, people used to literally walk through me!

Now I take an hour and thirty minutes running, doing jumping jacks, lifting weights, and a twenty minute run around the block. Once I finished, I slowly walked towards my shower. I still don't get how I could have a shower under water... or sweat for that matter. Yet I choose not to think about it, no I had other things to think about.

"It's the anniversary... the anniversary of that day " I whispered softly.

Seven years ago to this day 'She' left Bikini Bottom. Seven years ago to this day I confessed my love to 'her'. Seven years ago to this day... Sandy Cheeks broke my heart... and left Bikini Bottom forever.

~Author's POV~

~§*§~FLASHBACK ~§*§~ Time jump: Seven years~§*§~

The sky was grey that day, but he was still smiling. He always smiled, but today... on this grey day. He was extremely happy! He was going to finally tell her he loved her! SpongeBob Squarepants was going to tell his Female best friend, Sandy Cheeks, that he loved her! Yes it sound crazy, but the small yellow sponge had always felt something for that country squirrel.

When they first met he was fascinated by her. She was from land, yet she was trying to understand underwater life. She had stolen his friendship form him, once he knew she was so amazing at karate. She forced him to have a small crush on her, and when she has stuck with him through all their insane misadventures.... but when SpongeBob truly fell in love with her, was when he had kissed her.

~§*§~Small FLASHBACK~§*§~ Time jump: last Monday. ~§*§~

Sandy's latest experiment had exploded in her face... no really, it had exploded. Sandy went flying towards the other side of the treedoom. She was going so fast, and hit the glass so hard. SpongeBob thought it was over for her. He had taken off his water helmet, and placed one of his holes on her chest where her heart was.

Nothing... he heard nothing.

SpongeBob panicked, he quickly did CPR then placed the his 'ear' on her chest again... still nothing. SpongeBob looked at the love of his life blankly. He started to feel hollow, the world around him went dark. That was... until he heard her coughing. SpongeBob jumped back slightly, a little thrown off be the sound.

Sandy took a deep inhale of air, and coughed again. SpongeBob looked at her shocked, and slowly began to cry. "S-Sandy?" He said gently. SpongeBob's heart skipped at beat at the sound of her name on his lips. Her name tasted different too. It was sweeter, he almost couldn't believe the taste; nor his eyes.

Sandy coughed one more time, then looked at the small sponge with a weak smile. "Hey there, little buddy... sorry if I scared ya, just gotta little wind knocked outta me that's all." She said in a horse voice. She held her throat, and looked down at him warmly.

SpongeBob just looked at his friend with the same shocked expression. The tears were still falling from his wide blue eyes. "...s-sandy." SpongeBob said, as he gazed at her in awe. He then began to move his body faster then his mind, because in seconds his lips were on her own.

Sandy eyes grew wide. She didn't push SpongeBob away, yet she didn't kiss him back either. She just sat there wided eyed as her first male best friend kissed her.

SpongeBob felt chills wash over him as his lips touched Sandy's. This was their first actual kiss... right? It was his first kiss. SpongeBob didn't want to pull away, he knew that if he did. He would have to face Sandy's rejection.

He had just realized he loved her, and that it wasn't some crush. No SpongeBob wanted to stay in this small heaven, but it finally hit him that he didn't have on a helmet.

SpongeBob quickly pulled back. Sandy looked at him shocked, her lips still puckered. If SpongeBob wasn't choking on air. He would have thought she looked so adorable shocked like that. SpongeBob jumped up and ran out of the treedoom.

Once outside he took a deep inhale of water, after he was okay. He turned around to see Sandy looking at him. She still looked shocked, and her mouth was a gap.

SpongeBob watched the way she held her left arm wrapping her right arm around herself. She looked down to gently touch her lips. SpongeBob grew a flushed red. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out.

He clinched his fist, then turn... and ran away

~§*§~ End small flashback~§*§~

It's been a week since the small yellow Sponge talked to the squirrel, and now he was finally ready to confront her. SpongeBob's eyes began to sparkle once he saw a glass doom covering a tree in the distance.

SpongeBob paused to take a deep breath of water. You can do this Spongy! He told himself trying to calm his nerves. SpongeBob smiled at himself. "I'm ready!" He said with a nervous, and exited giggle.

SpongeBob ran towards the treedoom faster, his heart pounding, and his eyes sparkling with joy love and happiness.

But then they he came to a screeching halt at the sight before him. His roses fell out of his hands, yet went unnoticed as they softly hit the floor.

"W-What is this?"


A/N: The beauty of being so evil. Like Plankton once said.

"Who would be so heartless enough to break up such a loving pair?!"

Oh wait! I WOULD~♡🎵🎶

Until I update again!
Stay sexy~💞

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