Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to my mother who lives thousands of miles away but is close to me as my next heartbeat.

Heaving, perched on the bed, tears of frustration fell on her big protruding stomach. How much longer? This was torture. Everything hurt. Every single muscle hurt. She couldn't sleep anymore. Each position was uncomfortable whether she lay on her sides or lay on her back. She couldn't eat much, the heart burn had reached its peak and again the bloating sensation had returned with vengeance. The children were driving her crazy. She pursed her trembling lips. This baby should have been born two days ago. But the doctor said it was fine if she went a little overdue. She had tried everything to induce labour. Spicy food, walking and even being intimate which had pleased Faraz a lot. But nothing ... not even a slight indication of any labour pain. She had been feeling Braxton Hicks from start of the 37th week of pregnancy. This had delighted her that perhaps, she would go into labour early. But this was a myth yet again. No signs of labour at all now that she had crossed her 40th week.

Now she was beyond frustration. She was going crazy. Rubbing her hand over her face, she sighed. Patience was needed at a time like this. No wonder, in Islam the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) had stressed upon the importance of a mother. A mother's role and position has been elevated three times of the father and that Paradise lies under the feet of the mother. So much pain, discomfort and stress a woman goes through all for her child. Her baby, her blood, sweat, love and heartbeat.

Closing her eyes, she gripped the edge of the bed and tried to control her breathing. She had become breathless in the last few days because of her sheer size. In simple words, she was fed up.

Casually Faraz sauntered in the room. It was a Saturday and it was his day off. He had been helping with house chores as he could sense Samreen's grumpy mood. Now after washing the dinner plates, he had thought of taking a bath, he stilled, eyeing Samreen. Something was not right. He cautiously touched her shoulder. She whimpered.

He knelt down so his face was at Samreen's face level, "What's the matter?" he asked softly.

Her head bowed, shoulders hunched and shaking in silent sobs, "Everything."

His eyebrows knotted and he sat gently beside her on the bed, rubbing her back, "Just few more days. Maybe inshaa Allah by tomorrow we will have our bundle of joy in our arms."

Her head shot up and her furious wet eyes met his, "So easy for you to say this." She gulped in air, "Easy for you to say this. Everything hurts. I am fed up." She deeply inhaled, "Do you hear me? I am fed up." Her eyes blazed in anger, "Don't ever think coming near me without proper protection. This is the last baby I am giving birth to." She again heavily breathed.

If it was some other situation, Faraz would have laughed. But right now he was concerned, she was breathless unable to utter a single sentence properly. His hand lingered on her back and then he realized part of the problem. His hand went under her shirt, up her back and to her bra strap. Samreen was too exhausted to bother to realize what Faraz was doing.

"Why do you wear such a tight bra? Look at you, you can't even breathe properly." He muttered flicking the bra hooks open.

"I had packed the new ones in the hospital bag. And this is the biggest size I had. I have become too big everywhere." She complained but it felt far better now that she was not tightly confined.

"We will get you more new ones then," His thumb lightly traced her back muscles where the strap had dug into her and left a bruising mark.

"Oh Faraz," she wept and leaned into his chest.

He slipped his hand out of her shirt and hugged her, rubbing her arm and large stomach, "do you want to go to the hospital and ask them to induce you?" he felt the light push on her stomach, the baby was again kicking against his hand.

"I will wait until tonight. We will go tomorrow morning." She sighed, snuggling against her husband.

Little did she know her words were to come true ...


It was after Fajr prayer as she was standing up ready to go back to bed to lay down for a little while longer before getting Liyaanah ready for school, the first contraction pain was felt at her lower back. The pain had shot through from the tip of her spine going up. She stilled in her position bracing the pain. The pain lasted only few seconds. She slowly breathed. Biting her lip, she glanced at the clock and decided to time the contraction. The midwife had reminded her when the pains were at 5 minutes' intervals then come to the hospital. With lethargic steps, she entered her bedroom. Faraz came out of the bathroom after his ablution. He momentarily glanced at her and rushed out to the living room to pray his predawn salah.

Leaning against the bed headboard, she recited Quran verse she knew by heart.

"Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory)."  [Ayat ul Kursi – Quran 2: 255].

Her lips were quietly moving in recitation, eyes clenched shut that there were wrinkles around them. She was trying to bear the next contraction. As the pain passed away after few seconds, she took a deep breath and gradually her eyelids opened, she peered at the wall clock. The contraction had come back after 15 minutes.

Using her hands, she pushed herself off the bed and stood up. She decided it was far better to walk during labour pains. This would help increase the contractions, shorten the intervals during each pain. She was strolling between the kitchen and living room while Faraz completed his morning prayer and recitation of Quran. He turned around and quietly observed his wife who had her hands on her sides and was slowly walking up and down between rooms. His eyebrows knotted in confusion and worry.

"Sammy?" he asked standing up and folding his prayer mat.

She sluggishly turned around to face her husband, "It is time." She whispered clutching her sides for support as another pain sparked up her lower spinal cord.

Faraz eyes rounded and he rushed to her, rubbing the muscles between her shoulder blades. He was worried to touch anywhere lower that may make her more discomfort. When the pain passed away after few seconds, Samreen gently shook her head, "Go back to bed. The pains are still 15 minutes apart. You need your rest. It will take long before the baby comes." She murmured.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to get you anything?" Faraz didn't budge and concern was clearly seen in his dark eyes.

She nodded and took a careful step ahead and resumed her walk. For several minutes, Faraz watched her but then conceding to her advice, he went to bed. Samereen had been right, for the next four hours, the contractions gradually grew strong, longer and the interval between them lessened. By then Faraz had gotten both children ready to be dropped off at his parents' place. Now as Samreen stood in front of their car, Faraz was settling both children in their car seats. Once they were securely seated in the car, he turned to his wife.

Samreen was pressing her hands on the bonnet of the car tightly that her hands had turned white. Her lips were pursed trying hard not to make a sound as the pain rocked through her body. He could tell when the contraction passed away a breath of relief was passed through her lungs. He gently rounded his arm around her lower back. She leaned against him, already feeling exhausted. But this was just a start. She still had a long way to go. On unsteady legs, she stepped into the car with the help of her husband. She sagged on the car seat unable to even put her seatbelt on. Silently, Faraz moved forward and grabbed the seat belt and pulled it forward. He buckled her seatbelt while her eyes were closed and her lips were moving in silent prayers.

Faraz's hands trembled as he drove to his parents' place. He kept glancing at his wife. Her pains were increasing fast and at times she would groan making him jump in his own seat. When finally, they reached his parents' home, he carelessly parked and stumbled out of the car. His shaky phone dialled Nawal's number "Come out now. I don't have much time." He yelled to the phone and without cancelling the call he stuffed it into his jeans pockets. He hurriedly unbuckled the children's seat belts and by then Nawal was rushing out breathlessly. He pushed Daniyal in her arms. Arbaaz was right behind Nawal where he went to the boot to take out the children's bag. He then held on to Liyaanah's hand.

"But Mommy and Daddy?" Liyaanah asked looking back at the car where Faraz had already slammed the door shut and was changing gears.

"Oh Liyaa you know what chacha has for you." She immediately turned to her beloved uncle, "What" she asked in excitement.

"I downloaded the new Barbie game on my iPad. You want to play it?" Arbaaz asked casually.

Liyaanah squealed gleefully, "yes yes let's go." She was dragging her Chacha to the house.

Meanwhile, Faraz was speeding through the streets to reach Coombe Women's hospital on time. Samreen was oblivious to all around, her hand gripped the arm rest firmly when the contraction came and her whimpers turned to moans of agony. Clenching his teeth, Faraz smashed the accelerator with his foot to speed up as the road ahead was empty and he easily manoeuvred the car to the destination in the shortest time period possible.

At the hospital entrance, Faraz helped Samreen get out of the car. She walked up to the admission office while Faraz parked the car at the ample parking lot. Her wobbly legs and the continuous contractions in every few minutes made the few metres walk to the admission office difficult for Samreen. She finally made it, the midwife in the office had one look and nodded, "Have a seat dear."

Just then, Faraz dashed in the office and glanced at his wife, he spun around the midwife, "Hi, I am her husband. She isn't in the condition to talk."

Midwife again nodded, "Yes I can see." She muttered, "Now can I have the hospital appointment card."

He rummaged through his wife's handbag, "Here" he thrust the card into the hands of the midwife. Soon her hospital file was retrieved and the midwife instructed that only essentials should be carried to the labour ward that she may need and rest of the belongings will need to be put in the locker until she is moved to her room.

Within minutes, after fulfilling all the preliminary formalities of admitting the patient, Samreen on a wheelchair was escorted to the labour ward. Faraz was beside her the whole time. She grasped his hand hard until nails were felt into his palm but he sealed his lips, not complaining, silently supporting his wife as the contractions were more frequent now.

When they entered the labour room, a pleasant middle aged midwife smiled, "Hello there, I am Mary" she glanced at the pink hospital file, "Samreen is it?"

Biting her lower lip, Samreen nodded hastily.

Mary read through the pink hospital file, "So this is baby number three?"

Faraz replied as he could see Samreen was struggling to, "Yes."

"How long you have been having pains?"

"Five hours" Samreen whispered, her face getting pale by the minute.

"And how frequent are they?" Mary asked as she reported the detail in the file.

"Every five minutes now." Samreen breathed.

"Ok pet, why don't you change in your comfortable clothes and we check you up then." She said pointing at Faraz, "You must be her partner, why don't you help her."

Faraz moved forward and supported Samreen as she walked to the adjacent toilet to change into a cotton nightie, "Do you want me to come in and help you put it on?"

Samren shook her head, "I can do it. But stay outside the door if I need help."

He patiently stood outside the door while Samreen struggled to change through her pains. Eventually after few minutes, the door opened and Faraz sighed, "Okay?"

Samreen replied faintly, "Yeah," a pain shot up, she grabbed Faraz's arm and heaved until it passed away, "Pick up my clothes from the toilet."

"I will don't worry. Let's get you on the bed." Faraz said encircling his arm around her shoulders. The bed backrest was slightly raised and Samreen climbed up the bed and slumped in exhaustion. How many more hours to go? Her labour was never easy and it was always long. Liyaanah had taken 48 hours while Daniyal was nearly 18 hours. She was praying that this baby come out faster. She was already getting tired.

"Good" smiled Mary, "Now first I am going to take your blood pressure and we are going to hear the baby's heartbeat."

She checked the blood pressure and strapped a belt around Samreen's large stomach that detected the baby's heart beat and the monitor beside the bed displayed it.

"Now I want you to spread your legs, I will be checking how far dilated are you." Mary instructed.

Samreen did as she was told.

She felt cold metal instrument between her legs as Mary inserted just then a contraction started, "Wait please." Mary gently took out the instrument and waited for the contraction to complete. When Samreen's body relaxed, "Ok now should we do it again?"

Samreen nodded sheepishly. She felt the instrument being inserted and braced herself for any additional discomfort she may feel.

"Relax dear," Mary muttered as she continued with her task.

After few minutes, Mary spoke, "You are only 3 centimetres dilated. There is still a long time to go before you are fully dilated."

"But it hurts..." Samreen's voice squeaked.

Faraz spoke from the chair he was seated beside the bed, "What she means is, is there any pain relief she can take?"

"Of course we have the pethidine, epidural and the gas." Mary turned to Samreen, "What did you take in your last pregnancies?"

"Gas and pethidine." Heaved Samreen.

"Well the pethidine is a pain relief injection that takes off the edge of the pain. It may make you sleepy too. But it may also slow the contractions. While gas is the most effective as it will not interfere in your contractions. Although it doesn't relieve the pain but it does relax you"

"Gas" mumbled Samreen closing her eyes and resting her head on the pillow.

The midwife nodded to the nurse who rushed to bring the gas equipment near the bed and then handed out the pipe where Samreen could breathe in every time a contraction was felt. Samreen held on to the pipe and listened to the midwife's instructions.

"We are going to check you every half an hour ok? And by 5 centimetres we will break your water." Mary informed.

Samreen nodded feebly and sucked in the gas as the contraction started. Faraz's hand found her other hand and she mercilessly held on tightly. Once the contraction went away, her grip on Faraz's hand loosened and she pulled her mouth away from the gas pipe. Closing her eyes, a giggle passed her lips. Faraz smiled his wife always reacted in squeals of laughter due to the gas effect that numbed her brain. The gas was a mixture of nitrous oxide gas and air.

The contractions intensity increased, the pain reached its peak, giggles and laugher was heard but so were tears in Samreen's eyes as she withstood it all for the sake of their baby. In two hours, Mary came and announced, "You are finally 5 cm so now let's rid of your water bag ok?"

Samreen was too exhausted to nod. She just raised her eyelids in affirmation. Again an instrument was inserted, by now Samreen was in too much to pain care how many instruments were used. She wanted this labour to move faster. But it was to taking much more time.

Time passed, the contractions doubled after the water broke. And she started dilating faster in the next three hours finally she was fully dilated at 10 cm. She was now having the urge of pushing even before the midwife had told her that she was full dilated. Faraz had been beside her the whole time, he let her grab his arm, bit her nails into his flesh, he endured it for her sake and for their baby's sake. During this time, he continued to feed her dates and sips of water that gave her strength to go on. He murmured encouragement words and endearments.

"Now Samreen, we need you to push. You need to sit up a bit now." Mary said.

Samreen lethargically lift her body with the help of the midwife and the nurse. Mary had her eyes on the monitor that illustrated the contractions, "Ok get ready Samreen a contraction is starting. Now push"

Samreen groaned loudly and pushed with all her might. Mary frowned in disapproval, "Samreen try not to force any sound, your energy is going to that. You need to focus on pushing only not making sounds. Ok now get ready another one coming."

Samreen held on to Faraz's hand and pushed hard biting her lower lip to stop herself from making any sound. She ended up twisting his hand as she exerted but again he kept quiet instead he murmured, "Sammy girl you can do it. C'mon sweetheart."

She gazed into her husband's eyes and he smiled softly, kissing her temple, "We are nearly there."

"Another contraction coming, Push Samreen." Mary cheered loudly.

Samreen again pushed shutting her eyes clenching her hand in Faraz's.

"I see the head. Oooo lots of black hair like you Samreen. Get ready now Push again," Mary was excited.

Samreen pushed again and the head was nearly out. "Push Samreen," Mary enjoined gazing down between Samreen's legs.

"I can't" Samreen mumbled.

"Yes you can Sammy. My girl is stronger than this. Just two more pushes sweetheart. You can do it." Faraz murmured beside her.

And faraz was right in just two more pushes the baby was finally out.

"We have a big boy here now." Mary exclaimed, raising up the baby covered in blood. The first cries were heard as the baby wriggled, eyes tightly shut. Mary looked at Faraz, "You want to cut the umbilical cord?"

Faraz nodded and took hold of the scissors and followed Mary's instructions. Samreen had a dreamy smile, covered in sweat, her wet hair plastered to her head. Her eyes were open in small slits she gazed at the scene as the midwife weighed the baby, "9 pounds." She joyfully said and then another nurse opened the front buttons of Samreen's nightie. The baby was wiped and wrapped in a towel then laid the baby on Samreen's breast. There was a need for the skin to skin contact between baby and Mom. A practice followed at hospitals that would help the baby feel secure hearing his mom's heartbeat and also stimulates milk flow in the mother's breasts.

Samreen's lips curled in a smile, her arms wrapped around the writhing baby on her chest. Tears flowed as she held her baby. Her gaze flickered to her husband who was awestruck his eyes glistened with unshed tears. Within few minutes, Samreen also delivered the after birth which comprised of the placenta and the foetal membranes.

"You want to hold him now?" Samreen whispered tiredly.

Faraaz gently took the baby away from her wife's chest and cradled him in his arms. The baby opened one dark brown eyes and then the other. Gazing at his baby, he proudly said, "He looks like you, Sammy girl."

Rubbing her cheek on the pillow, she gazed lovingly at her husband and baby, "Hmmm" she acknowledged. Within minutes, baby was sleep and Faraz warily placed him in the metal baby cot.

"Come on Dad, I want you to help Mum take a shower. She needs to be cleaned up and then we move her to her room." Mary again instructed.

On shaky legs, Samreen stood up, her knees nearly buckled but Faraz strong grip on her held her against his side. He gently tugged her in toilet and made her sit her on the plastic stool under the shower. Stripping her off her nightie and bra, he switched on the overhead shower and stepped back. The warm water had a soothing effect on her aching muscle. She closed her eyes and relished its effect. In few minutes, Faraz switched it off, getting wet in the process but he was oblivious to all. His wife needed his attention at the moment. He soaped her body and her head jerked drowsily. "Don't sleep on me Sammy girl. I won't be able to carry you back to bed." He lightly joked and again switched on the shower.

The water hitting the aching muscles let a sigh escape her lips. She sleepily gazed at her husband who methodically switched off the shower, he rubbed her body with the towel. He handed her the nursing bra which she clipped it on and then he pulled down a new nightie down her head. She obediently raised her arms as he slipped her arms through the night dress sleeves. He then handed her underwear and maternity pad.

She grinned blatantly and whispered, "You are good husband you know?"

Finally, she stood up fully dressed, "I know but you are better. You are my brave girl having three children." He lightly kissed her lips. 

When they entered the room together, the baby was squirming in the cot. After settling Samreen on the hospital bed, Faraz turned his attention to his son. He then for the first time dressed the baby in nappy and a full baby suit. But the restless baby was not pleased yet. He was hungry.

Faraz gently placed the baby in Samreen arms and she unbuttoned night dress and then unhook the front clasp of her nursing bra which held the bra cups. Revealing her breast, she brought her baby's face to the breast. The hungry baby easily latched on to her nipple and sucked.

Samreen looked up at her husband and smiled, "you have a very hungry son here."

Faraz chuckled but a silent prayer left his lips as he adoringly watched his wife nursing their baby.

"Alhumdulilah – All praises are for Allah."

Ok this was not an easy chapter to write on... being a mother you know what a woman goes through. So not a pleasant thing to write about but the end result of labour pains is the blessing a mother would never trade for anything. Her baby. I just hope I did justice with this chapter

Please vote and comment I am eagerly waiting for your opinions.

Until next time,

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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