10| Injury Invokes Kindness, Kindness Invokes Guilt

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  Conveniently the bell rang and Lexi quickly left before Reagan could say a thing. Reagan sat in silence for a moment. Wondering what she could do. She knew that Koko and Garmadon probably didn't mind her coming but....

  That would mean her secret of where she was staying would be revealed to one more person.

  "Reagan?" The class was empty, the teacher had even gone. The only other living being was the pet iguana and...Lloyd.

  He hesitated in the doorway. "Are you okay?"

She busied herself in putting her things together. "Uh yeah."

He took another small step. "Okay...well, see you later?"

  She hummed and he left with a small wave. Reagan took out her phone and her thumb hovered over Lexi's number. What could she say? With a grunt of frustration she breezed out the door.


Reagan was prepared to tell Lexi that they couldn't work at 'her house', but she want prepared for this....

She was working out what to say as she walked from the bus stop, the path was mostly empty except for this one stupid biker that knocked her heard with his elbow as he rode by. Unfortunately she was right in front of some steps and pitched forward with a cry.

Reagan toppled down the stairs and fell with a crash. She felt tears spring in her eyes as searing pain coursed through her ankle. Her vision was blurred as she lay crumpled on the ground and cried out.

She didn't totally remember but suddenly a shadow appeared in the blurred sun. Echoing voices danced in her ears as a hand gripped her shoulder. There was a loud blaring siren and the face turned to her, as her eyes fluttered closed two green orbs stayed in her vision.


"Broken ankle." The doctor told her bluntly as soon as she woke up. "You fainted from knocking your head hard on the ground."

"Oh." She mumbled blearily. "Who brought me here?"

"Lloyd Garmadon called the ambulance. Claims he was passing by, says he talked to your cousin to pick you up." She said distractedly as she played candy crush on her phone.

"My what?" Reagan stared at her.


After a nice cast, meds, and other instructions, a hooded figure entered. He wore heavy reflective shades and an odd contrast of a black hoodie and blue jacket.

Reagan squinted as he camp up to her as she took an unsteady siding with her crutches to where the car was. She narrowed her eyes. Kai?

"Hi, I'm Reagan's cousin." He said in a higher voice than usual, but to her surprise it sounded normal, like another person.

The receptionist glanced at her. "Uh, yeah..." She mumbled. "That's him..."

"Name?" She demanded anyway.

"Dante." He said easily.

She squinted at her tablet and frowned but relented as the fake information confirmed. After another reminded on her health Reagan swung into the car and they drove off.

"Cousin?" Reagan speculated as they turned around a corner.

Kai threw off his shades. "Lloyd's idea, didn't want anyone knowing about your roommate-ship." His tone remained calm but the accusation was still at the very edge.

"Oh." Reagan said. "What about the..." She gestured at his outfit.

Kai scowled. "Being the fire ninja means people recognize you easily." He tore off the jacket as soon as they reached a red light.

  "That's Jay's." He wrinkled his nose at the animated robots that were stitched near the collar of the coat. "And the sweater is Cole's, look out it stinks a bit." He wiggled out of it revealing his own red shirt.

  The light turned green and he gently started again. We made it to Lloyd's apartment. He pulled up by the curb and helped her out. Koko came running from the building and gently placed a hand on the small of her back.

  "Reagan! I was so worried!" She said with a motherly look that made her heart ache and long for her own mother. She had finally gotten a response on what happened, asking normal stuff like if she's at a trustworthy house hold and all that but it could only last for so long.

  Lloyd stepped out and took Reagan's backpack. "Thanks Kai." He nodded to him. After a quick bro hug they led her to the elevator and they made it to the apartment.

  After a nice cup of tea and being eased into the bed with small assistance from Koko with getting dressed Reagan sighed and snuggled deeper in the pillows.

  Lloyd placed the pain medication on the side table with a glass of water. "Call me if you need any okay?" He said seriously.

  She smiled. "I'm fine."

  He gave a small smile of his own. "I know." He sat on the bed. "Get some rest."

  Her eyes searched his face. "Why'd you help me?"

  He rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't just leave someone on the ground in pain."

  "No, you made up an excuse so no one knew I was staying with you." She propped herself up on her elbow. "Why?"

  His green eyes strayed over her face, She couldn't read what he was thinking.

  "You're a good person Reagan." He said finally. "It wasn't necessary to bring drama to it. Besides it would've ended up on the news and...."

  Then your friends would find out.

  Saying good night he left. Reagan forced a fake smile on her face but she felt guilt naw at her soul. She reached of my phone painfully.

  And she texted Lexi.

Authors Note

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in A LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG while! I would make up a stupid excuse but to be honest I've been neglecting it. I've been working on some other books and other stuff so I have no excuse.

Anyway, I'll try to get the next chapter out soon. I'm going away for the weekend and can't guarantee any wifi and stuff but maybe by next Friday?

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LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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