7| Popping A Kids Balloon

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Reagan felt guilty. Which was an odd feeling for her because it had been a long time since she felt that emotion. It was the first time she felt it towards Lloyd Garmadon. That said a lot.

Reagan felt memories slowly rouse.

Freshman year,

Lloyd had just walked into the classroom.

"Look! That's the kid, his dad is evil!"

"I wonder if he has fangs!"

"Garmadon just destroyed my parents pizza place. It's all his fault."

"All his fault."

"His fault."
Camping in Ying Woods,

"Lloyd needs a partner for the scavenger hunt." The instructor called, but he had moved a good two metres from the kid.

Everyone scattered. "I bet he's going to cheat!"

"I hope he gets disqualified!"

"Quick grab his sheet! We can tell them he lost it and can't participate!"

Sixteenth birthday,

"His dad ruins everything."

"Look it's Garmadork and the dork squad!"

"L-L-O-L-D! His dad is bad and so is he, Boo Lloyd! Boo Lloyd!"

Reagan remembered all the times he sat alone at lunch before he found a crowd. All the projects he did alone when they weren't in his class. All the times he'd been bullied just because of who his father was. Yet he still fought for Ninjago, he still protected the ones who treated him so unfairly. He saved Reagan even though she hated him and made it abundant clear. He even gave her a place to stay. He'd done all these things for her. But she had just thrown that in his face. She never realized how much pain words could be.


Reagan had found him on a boat. It was a magnificent ship, with tall sails, but she didn't understand what was so important about it. Reagan moved carefully along the long dock. She didn't feel like taking a dip. She made it to the boat and found Lloyd talking to an old man. He had a white robe and golden rice hat. In his hand was a staff. At first Reagan thighs he was a wizard because of his long white beard and moustache.

Reagan hesitated at the edge of the dock. Their conversation looked important.

The man turned. "I think this lovely lady has something to say to you Lloyd." He turned. He wore his black and green ninja suit, his mask down. His green eyes seemed to darken when he saw her. The man knocked him in the head with his staff.

"I will see you later, next time bring the noodles." He began to play the staff like a wood wind instrument down the dock.

"Bye Uncle Wu." Lloyd sighed.

"Is he playing 'Kiss The Girl' from the little mermaid?" Reagan asked.

Lloyd didn't reply. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I...." Reagan tried to think of what to say. A simple 'sorry' didn't seem to cut it. "Sorry." She burst out. She mentally face palmed.

"For what? For all I know your apologizing for popping some kids balloon." Lloyd turned and leaned against the side of the boat. Reagan came and joined him. His arms were crossed and resting on the edge.

Reagan kept her eyes to the water, knowing if she'd connect her gaze with his dazzling green one she'd lose her steam. "It was unfair to say what I said. You protect the city. You fight for our freedom. That's really admirable of you."

Lloyd didn't say anything at first. "Not really." He spoke quietly. "I don't view it as admirable. It's just something I feel like I'm meant to do."

"You know how my parents are out on a business trip? I always hate that. They are always out for work. I mean, I know it's important. But sometimes I wish they out me before their work." Reagan revealed. It was somethings she never voiced to anyone except Josh and Tania. She didn't know what made her say it to Lloyd.

"That's rough." Lloyd said quietly.

"Mmmhmm." They just stood there. Silently as they watched the sun dip into the ocean.

Suddenly Lloyd straightened. "Do you want to see my favourite part of Ninjago?" He asked. Reagan didn't really know what to say.

"Uh...sure?" It came out as a question.

"Follow me." Lloyd backflipped off of the boat and went running along the dock.

"Wait for me!" Reagan shouted.


Unfortunately the favourite part of Ninjago involved a dragon ride. Reagan gripped the handles on the mech as Lloyd steered the thing.

The translucent screen blinked and flashed as he tapped stuff on it.

"Both hands steering the dragon!" Reagan ordered, she didn't want to die riding a stupid green mech, with a stupid careless boy, after saying something stupid to that stupid stupid-head careless stupid boy. She said stupid ally when she was tense. Tania said it was like her vocabulary was stuck on the word stupid.

They flew high in the sky then Lloyd smoothly steered it to one of the tallest skyscrapers in Ninjago. They landed and Lloyd slid off. Reagan surveyed the area, trying to figure out how to get off without making a fool of herself.

"Jump, I'll catch you!" Lloyd promised. Reagan closed her eyes and jumped. Her foot caught on the mech and she more fell. But as promised Lloyd had caught her. But it was super awkward when Reagan opened her eyes. They stared at each other until Reagan finally untangled herself form him.

"So what's this 'special place?'" She said, trying to sound casual when her heart was practically thumping out of her chest.

Lloyd grinned. He went right to the edge and sat down. "Isn't that dangerous?" Reagan peered at the city below. It was teeny, the cars and people like little ants.

"You'll be fine." Lloyd assured her. Reagan gave him a disbelieving look then reluctantly sat. He pointed out into the sky. "See that?"

She squinted. "See what?"

He took her chin gently in his hand and turned it to the ocean. His hand rested there for a second before falling to his lap. Jumping in the waves were Dolphins. They leaped and bounded and you could just make out their silhouettes in the sun set. Birds erupted fork the horizon and flew in a flock into the air.

Reagan turned and saw Lloyd looking at her. For a second they just looked into each others eyes. Just as Lloyd began to move closer Reagan's phone rang.

They both jumped and Reagan mouthed an apology as she pressed the speaker to her ear.

"Hey Reagan!" Came a familiar deep voice.

"Brock?" Reagan checked the caller ID to make sure. She noticed Lloyd's brow furrow in the corner of her eye.

The guy at the other end laughed. "That's my name! Say, I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie on Friday. You up for it?"

Reagan's eyes widened. Was he asking her on a date? "Uh..." She was speechless. "Sure?" She squeaked.

"Sure?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yeah sure." She replied firmly with more confidence.

"Great I'll pick you up at seven, where are you staying?"

Reagan internally panicked. "I'll meet you at the theatre, I'm...uh...doing something right before seven."

"Okay." There was a rustling noise. "I gotta go, see you later." Then he hung up.

Reagan slipped it back in her pocket. "Sorry about that." She turned back to Lloyd who seemed a lot farther away then before even though he was still right beside her.

He gave a almost sad smile. "No problem. We should probably get back home anyway."

"Oh." She said faintly. He stood and waited for her to get up as well before mounting the dragon. The whole flight back he was almost as distant as he had been when they had that fight in the courtyard.

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