Chp.1 The Broken Child

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...There were times, when young ones have a dream to become a hero in the future, and in order to become like one, they have to be like one, and earn that spot to be a hero. But...not all of young ones get to have their dreams come true, knowing the one young kid, had his dreams broken into pieces, and his dreamed shattered into darkness...and that young one is (YN). This is his story of how his life and dream was shattered and destroyed within a snap of a fingers.
(YN) was a child, 6 years old, growing up in a house alongside with his one and only mother, Shira (Our mom's name), Shira was the only mother (YN) could ever had, his father sadly passed away due to a tragic accident when he got killed by some villains. As he did, Shira would do anything to protect her child and keep her under her hands for good, until (YN) then had a dream, a dream that he wanted to achieve in the future, and that dream was to become a hero, like All Might, the greatest hero of them all. And that's not all, one of his two friends wanted to become a hero as well, Bakugau and Izuku, him and the two were best friends during childhood as well...but that changed everything in his life...until he soon went to the doctor with his mom, knowing that the doctor had bad news for (YN), that he would never and not even close will be a hero in the future, and doesn't have a quirk at all.

Shira: Wh-What?? Oh dear. So is there something wrong then?? I mean most of my son's age began to have signs of having quirks already.

Doctor: Yes I know, and I'm sorry ma'am but it's not gonna happen for your child. (YN) should have already manifested these quirks or combination of both, but on the x-ray I'm looking at seems it won't happen. Research studies conducted a discovery linked between the bones in a likelihood of developing a quirk. People only have one joint on their pinky toes. Their bodies evolved into more streamlined version of a human form. But as you can see for (YN)'s he has two joints in his pinky, like roughly 20% of the population these days. So again, I'm sorry ma'am, based to say safely is that your son sadly isn't going to develop a quirk.

After hearing what the doctor said, (YN) felt broken, as if he didn't wanted to react nor wanted to cry about it. He was just...broken and sad and didn't even said a single word. Shira felt really bad for her son, (YN) had already plan to have a hero name, a costume for himself, and even make her proud too...but all that never happened...even at home, (YN) would barely get out of his room, he would be locked inside his room, and never come out, even though he goes to school, he comes home and locks himself in his room. Also, whenever he's at school, his friend, Bakugau find out about him not able to have a quirk, and soon Bakugau somehow never speaker to him anymore, nor to the friends he made at school, all Bakugau and her friends can do to (YN), is tease him, make fun of and bully him a lot of times...

Bakugau: You stupid quirkless loser! Why would I be friends with the likes of you?! Ha! Your just a loser, a loser forever!

Even Izuku can't do nothing about it...

Izuku: K-Kachan please! Leave him alone, it's not right to bully him like this..

Bakugau: Oh shut it Deku. Why you're defending him?? You should feel proud that you got a quirk like your mom.

Izuku wouldn't even try to stop Bakugau anymore, all he can do is watch (YN) get tease and bully by Bakugau and her friends...after being bullied at school, (YN) would come home all bruised up and wounded with bloody nose several times...his mom always tell him what happen and who would do something like this. (YN) would t say anything as he will always keep his mouth quiet and just leave to his room. Shira would start to cry by herself, knowing that she isn't trying hard to become a good mother and protecting his son at all...she tried everything to make her son feel better, but everything she's doing to make her son happy, isn't working at all...and he never even ate a single day....but then...Shira notice that (YN) went to the restroom and took a bit longer inside, Shira try knocking on the door, but (YN) didn't answer, soon she then felt something touching her feet..:and it was blood coming from underneath the door, she screamed (YN)'s name several times as she was able to get through inside and see (YN) crying and sobbing quietly as he then had a pair of scissors in his hand and knowing that he had cut the joints he had on his pink, that caused him not to manifest a quirk....Shira ran to him as she then hugs him, crying as she tells him...

Shira: I-I'm sorry sweetie!! But you shouldn't have done this! I know it's hard, but you have to accept it! Please son, stop this! You're gonna end up hurting yourself!

....after what happen, Shira wrapped a bandage around (YN) cut off pinky that he chopped off with a pair of scissors as (YN) had to accept that he will no longer manifest a quirk, even if he got rid of the joints on his toe, it's still a no go.....until one school, (YN) was alone at the playground...soon he didn't bother even try to make more friends...until Bakugau and her friends showed up to mess with...

Bakugau: Well Well, if it isn't the loser (YN)!

(YN) suddenly started started to feel more emotional...soon he felt like he wanted to burst out of anger, but didn't wanted to...soon Bakugau and her friends started bullying him again and soon beating him up...and same thing as always, and Izuku just stood there...not doing nothing...but suddenly....(YN) felt like he had enough of the beatings and bullying he gets...he suddenly started to grow angry and angry as he soon grabbed one of Bakugau's friend and straight punch him to the nose, ending up braking the kid's nose...soon Bakugau, Izuku and her friends were shocked to see what (YN) did to that kid...suddenly, (YN) seem like he wanted to let that anger out with more emotion, and then, he suddenly started shooting green energy blasts around the playground, destroying the school area and the kids started to flee away, especially Izuku and Bakugau, but as all the kids were fleeing away, Bakugau stopped and looked back at (YN) as she told him...

Bakugau: Look at you. You're even more than a loser. Everything you touch, you end up hurting someone or destroying someone! I never don't wanna see you again! Ever!

After that, (YN) started to shed more tears as he soon started to run away from the school playground as the kids continue to flee and scream in fear...soon as (YN) got home, whatever is happening to him, he couldn't control it, he kept screaming, raging and getting out of control as his mom tried to calm him down...

Shira: S-Sweetie! (YN)!! Please calm down! I-I'll get you to the doctor quick! Maybe he can-

Suddenly, (YN) screams at his mom as he accidentally again shot green blasts towards her as she then got hit on the shoulder and fell down to the ground...she was in pain, and (YN)...he started to feel guilty and broken the fact he has now hurt his own mother...he had enough. All he can run away far away...

Shira: (Y-YN)!! Come back! My son!!!!

(YN) kept running and running away soon to hear her mother screaming for him to come back...but he didn't looked back as he still runs away....he kept running and running and running as it was already night time and the day was about to end. As (YN) was far away from his home city, he ended up in a cold and snowy area where everything is nothing but snow and wind...he started walking still, shaking with coldness he feels, and soon he found a cave as he rushes inside the cave...and soon to stay there...and call it his own home...he wishes that he he would never go back, cause if he does, he'll end up causing more trouble, more chaos, and more destruction cause of him, and doesn't wanna hurt anyone, just like he hurt his own mom..he then quietly cries and sobs as he says to himself quietly...

(YN): I-I...I don't want to go back...I-I want to be alone...p-please...leave me alone..*sobs and cries quietly*


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