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And so, as the day goes by and by, it was already night, soon (YN) was starting to get along with Bakugau and the others...soon Kirashima and Kaminari started playing some board games with (YN) and Bakugau, (YN) didn't know what to do exactly, but Bakugau helped him out and ended up winning with her carrying the game with him...then, they showed (YN) to play video games, Bakugau again helps him out to play videos games, soon after, all of them ordered food as they all got there own meals, as for Bakugau, she order two meals, one for her and one for (YN). After their meals arrived, they all sat together. As they sat together and enjoy their meals at the eating section, Bakugau sat next to (YN), as she started eating her meal, (YN) smelled his food, knowing how great it smells, so he started eating his food, with his hands of course, until Bakugau then showed him how to eat it properly as she gave him chopsticks, and showed him how to eat right, as she does, (YN) does the same thing as he soon started learning it real quick, and then eating his food properly, thanks to Bakugau...soon, Bakugau felt like helping (YN)...was okay for her somehow, and while at it, (YN) always gives her this innocent calm look in his face every time he stares at her, making Bakugau blush every time, she tries to ignore it..but couldn't, after their meals, they decided to watch a movie all together, and so, they all watched a movie together, and still Bakugau sitting next to (YN) still, soon a jump scared came out, which scared Izuku and the rest, but not (YN) of course somehow, also it scared Bakugau as well as she then surprisingly hold onto (YN)'s arms as she was somehow a bit scared, as she does, (YN) notices her holding his arm as Bakugau notices too, she blushes and let's go as she quickly crosses her arms, (YN) was confused at first...but he kept on watching the movie...


Soon later, as the movie was finished, everyone else were heading to their dorms as they all head to sleep...Izuki and the others said goodnight to (YN) as (YN) said goodnight back to them, as they all did, Bakugau then appeared with a spare pillow she had in her dorm for (YN)...

Bakugau: Here, this is for you, the pillow to lay your head and rest...

(YN): Thank you...

Bakugau: D-Don't mention it.

...Suddenly, Bakugau then starred to smell something if something hasn't took a shower...she then got closer to (YN) soon to realize that (YN) kinda smelled when he came..

Bakugau: Sheesh, you kinda smell. Why no one hasn't mentioned you smelled?? Why I didn't?? Tch.Come, your gonna take a quick shower.

(YN): Okay...

Soon, Bakugau started to lead (YN) down the hallway to the boy's shower. As they arrived, Bakugau grabbed a towel for him to dry up after, and she also turn on the water for him...

Bakugau: Here, use this to dry yourself up after your done taking it, got it??

(YN): Okay.

Soon, (YN) entered the showers as he closes the door quietly as Bakugau waited for him to finish...she then leans towards the wall as she she does...she started picturing (YN) in her mind somehow...picturing his innocent calm face when he stares at her and she looks, it was now stuck on her head as she then grunts and blushes...

Bakugau Mind: Why the hell I'm feeling like this!?! I feel all weird and shit when he stares at me with that stupid goofy look on his face!? This isn't me at all! I don't even feel like this somehow...and my damn face feels hot and turns red somehow when I stare at him! Tch...I just barely met this guy, and now he's making me feel weird! ...I-It's not like I'm blaming him for making me feel weird and's just..the way he looks at me, how he talks to me and knowing he calm he sounds...he was even nice to give me his ice cream earlier...I mean, Deku, Shitty hair and the girls do share with me, but... (YN) is different...and yet I barely know him today...*sighs*


Bakugau then notices the showers turned off as she was still leaning against the wall and knew that (YN) was done showering, she then heard wet footsteps coming to the door as (YN) soon to open the door...

(YN): I'm done.

Bakugau: Okay, I-

But as soon Bakugau turned around...she notices (YN) still wet, hair down as well, and knowing he had the towel on his head, as he was exposing his full naked body towards Bakugau as her face suddenly turned all red and quickly turns around...

Bakugau: O-OI!!! Wh-Why the hell are you not dressed up damn it!??

(YN): hm??

Bakugau: Wh-Why aren't you changed in your clothes damn it!!!!

(YN): ...But you said to dry myself up.

Bakugau: Yeah AND put on your clothes after your done changing!!!

(YN): ...Oh...Hey, why are you looking that way??

Bakugau: You're naked!!!

(YN): ...And?

Bakugau: AND?!?! Your exposing your body!! To me especially!!

(YN): that a problem??

Bakugau: YES YOU-*breathes in and out and sighs after and still blushes, not turning around still* Look, go back in, dry yourself up, and put your clothes after okay!?

(YN): Okay..

(YN) then goes back in and closes the door. After that, Bakugau slowly turns around as she started to blush more of what she just saw..

Bakugau Mind: G-God Damn it!!  This got way stupid and embarrassing!! A-And I'm feeling more weird than before! The fact he expose his upper body made me so fucking weird and funny! A-And I-I was this close to see his..his..his-

(YN): I'm back.

Bakugau: EEEK!! O-Oh...we don't scare me like that damn it!

(YN): O-Oh..S-Sorry...

(YN) then gave this look that made him feel bad...which made Bakugau feel bit bad as well...she then says...

Bakugau: *sighs* It's was kinda my fault I didn't know you came out.

(YN): Oh..

Bakugau: Well, since your changed and all, let's go back to the living room.

Soon Bakugau leads (YN) to the living room. As they arrived, (YN) placed his shoes at the side of the sofa as he then sits and lays down at the couch, laying his head onto the pillow...

(YN): Feels soft...and good.

Bakugau: Okay. Oh crap. I forgot to bring you a blanket, be right back.

Bakugau soon walks over to her dorm as she the grabs a blanket for (YN) to cover up, after that, she exits her dorm and walks back for the living room...

Bakugau: Okay, here's a blanket for you to-

Suddenly, she notices (YN) already sleeping, she stood quiet as she then slowly places the blanket on (YN) to cover, as she does she stares at him for a bit and then walks away, as she does, Izuku suddenly appeared..

Izuku: K-Kachan..?

Bakugau: Ah!! Deku, you scared the shit out of me! What is it?! And why are you awake?

Izuku: I mean, I couldn't help notice the noises I'm hearing, and turns out it was you, everything okay??

Bakugau: ...Yeah, I just brought (YN) a pillow and blanket for him to get comfortable. That's all.

Izuku: O-Oh really?? Well...that's nice of you Kachan.

Bakugau: ...I know. I'm going to bed.

Izuku: O-Okay.

As both Izuku and Bakugau head over to their dorms to sleep, Bakugau stopped for a moment, trim her head a bit as she stares at (YN), sleeping calmly as she says in her mind...

Bakugau: ...Rest (YN).


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