Chp.15 Nomu Attacks

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(YN) was making his way to go and help Izuku and the others, but he was more worried for Bakugau. As he goes in front of the school, he sees a lot of destruction, cars turned over and then a huge explosion was heard at the other side of the block...

(YN): Bakugau!

He goes running to head over to the explosion, as he gets there, some of his friends were down and hurt badly...Momo, Jiro, Iida, Kaminari, Mineta, Sero, Mina, Tooru, Ojiro, Shouji, Kouda, Rikido, Tsuyu, Ochaco, and even Kirashima...

(YN): M-My friends!


Izuku: SMASH!!!!

He then heard Izuku's voice as he sees him, Kirashima, Todoroki, and Bakugau fighting off against a huge monster, that monster was a scar looking one, sharp scary teeth, short pants and that awful creepy scary face he has and a brain coming out from his top head and the fact it's so big...

Izuku: D-Damn it! It did nothing to him!?

Kirashima: And that's not all, not even in my unbreakable form can be able to even take damage from this monster!


Nomu goes rushing towards Izuku and Kirashima...

Todoroki: Look out!

Todoroki stepped in as he uses his ice as it spreads towards the Nomu and freezes half his body...but that didn't work as Nomu was breaking himself free from the ice, ripping half of his side of his body..and yet after ripping his body in half, it started to regenerate into a newer one, after regenerating, the Nomu again rushes towards them as Todoroki uses his fire instead to stop him, but still, the Nomu was running through it as it reach towards him...

Todoroki: Crap-!

Nomu strikes a vicious punch towards the side of Todoroki's face, sending him flying crashing towards a car and knocking him out...

Izuku: Todoroki!

Kirashima: Midoriya look out!

Kirashima stepped in front of Izuku as he puts his arms up as he then uses hardening quirk to block the Nomu's punch, but the punch was so hard, it caused it to send Kirashima to fly away as well, crashing to  a wall...after that, Kirashima notices that his hardening body was starting to crumble into pieces...

Kirashima Mind: Sh-Shit! My arms...their crumbling! His punch was way stronger like that Rappa guy from the Chisaki clan...but still...his was way harder...I have to stand tall still! Come on! Don't fail me now body!

Izuku: Kirashima!

Kirashima: I-I'm fine!

Suddenly, an explosion appeared out of nowhere, soon to be Bakugau as she sent herself flying to the air with her quirk...

Izuku: Kachan!

Bakugau: Don't just stand there like idiots! Keep fighting!! Alright you monster! Take this, AP Shot: Auto Canon!

Bakugau aims her palm towards the Nomu as she started shooting rapid bullets from her quirk as they started hitting the Nomu, the Nomu then was focus on Bakugau as he leaps and goes after Bakugau...

Bakugau: Shit! Stun Gre-

Nomu was too quick, he landed a vicious punch towards Bakugau's gut, after that, The Nomu grabs her head and then tosses her straight towards the ground, crashing hard...

Izuku: Kachan!

Kirashima: Bakugau! Come on Midoriya!

Izuku: Right! One For All: Full Cowling 20%!

Kirashima: Red Riot: Unbreakable!

Izuku and Kirashima both started rushing towards The Nomu as Izuku started leaping towards the building one by one to catch some speed as he soon to leap to the air and fly down towards the Nomu as he spins his body like a ball and charges up an attack...

Izuku: Manchester...

Kirashima then rushes towards the Nomu as he clenched his fist and charges up a punch...

Kirashima: Red...

Izuku: SMASH!!!

Kirashima: GAUNTLET!!!

Both Izuku landed their attacks on the Nomu as Izuku landed a powerful axe kick towards the Nomu's head as Kirashima's punch landed straight towards the Nomu's gut...

Kirashima: We got him this time?!

Izuku: I think so!

But their attacks landing on the Nomu...didn't even do nothing, The Nomu was still standing tall as it then gives a growl...then he grabs Izuku's leg and swings him around, hitting Kirashima hard, letting Izuku go as the two sent flying away, after that, The Nomu gave a loud roar as Izuku and Kirashima were hurt...

Izuku: D-Damn! Our attacks didn't do anything to him!

Kirashima: H-How are we able to suppose to beat him!?! He's too powerful! The fact he sent Aizawa Sensei flying far from who knows where! ...Just how the hell were suppose to beat this freakin monster!?

Izuku: I-I hate to say it, but we have to back off.

Kirashima: What?! Why-

Izuku: We got no other choice Kirashima! If we keep fighting this Nomu, which we don't know where it came from, we're gonna end up being killed! Think about it! And besides, the pros will be here any minute to stop this!

Kirashima: ...Alright! If you say so!

Izuku: Okay! Let's get Kachan out of here!

The two got up as they started to run away from the  Nomu as they ran up to Bakugau as she was on the ground, injured...

Izuku: There's Kachan! We gotta-

(YN): Bakugau

Suddenly, the two heard (YN)'s voice as he ran up to them...

Izuku: (YN)?! What are you doing here!?!

(YN): Izuku! Kirashima! I'm glad you two are okay! I heard the trouble here because Mr.Aizawa was sent flying to the building.

Izuku: What?!? Aizawa-Sensei was toss over to UA?! How is he?!

(YN): H-Hes fine! But he told me to stay away from the trouble that's causing, but I can't! If Bakugau is in trouble, I need to help her out!

Izuku: But you don't know how to fight!

(YN): So what?' I'll do anything to help and protect Bakugau from any trouble!

Kirashima: Listen man! I get you, but things like this you won't handle-

(YN): N-NRRRRGH!!! What are you trynna say?!?

Suddenly, Izuku started to notice (YN) differently...the fact he starting to get angry as his eye color started to glow up...

Kirashima: Listen dude! Nows not the time to argue! We have to get out of here and-

(YN): No! You started this argument just cause I'm not good enough to help out Bakugau! N-NRRRGG!!! I'm so mad!!! I don't know why!! NRRRRRGH!!!

Izuku: (Y-YN)...are you-

(YN): Sh-Shut up!! Shut up!! NRAAAGH!!! M-My head!!!

Kirashima: H-Hey (YN)! What's wrong with you?!

Izuki: Kirashima, somethings wrong with (YN)!

Kirashima: Huh??! What are you talking about?!

Izuku: I don't know...but the fact I saw him something different about making me feel worried about him....listen (YN)! I get you wanna help Kachan out in this mess, so what you can do is carry her and get her out of here! Think you can do that?!

(YN) suddenly started to calm himself down as he took some deep breathes and then said...

(YN): O-Okay...I can do that.

Izuku: Okay, let's-

Suddenly, the Nomu quickly appeared as it then tools down Izuku and Kirashima down...

(YN): I-Izuku! Kirashima!

Izuku: R-Run!!

Kirashima: G-Go! Get out of here! And take Bakugau with you!

(YN): B-But you-

Izuku: Don't worry about us! Just get Kachan and get out of here!

(YN): O-Okay!

(YN) quickly grabbed Bakugau up in his arms as he started running away, the Nomu roars as he grabs both Izuku and Kirashima and tosses them away as he starts chasing towards (YN) (YN) started running, Bakugau started to wake up...

Bakugau: E-Eh? What the-(Y-YN)?!? What the hell are you-

(YN): Y-Your awake! That's good!

Bakugau: What the hell are you doing!??

(YN): I-I'm saving that bad??!

Bakugau: Not really! But I can handle it myself! I don't need your help! Put me down!

(YN): Y-You don't need my...

Suddenly, after what Bakugau just said to (YN) about not needing his help and she can take care of her own...his head started to cause another pain again as he dropped Bakugau...

Bakugau: H-Hey! The hell is wrong with you-

(YN): M-My head...I-It hurts again!! G-GAAAAGH!!! Why?!? My head hurts!!

Bakugau Mind: Wh-What the hell is wrong with him!?! Why is his head hurting!?! Wait! Is it the amnesia doing this!? If it is, then why now!?

Suddenly, the Nomu quickly appeared behind (YN)...

Bakugau: (Y-YN) behind you!!!

(YN): Huh?!?

The Nomu takes down (YN) as he slams (YN) to the ground face first, as the Nomu does, he grabs (YN)'s head and slams his face again to the ground...

Bakugau: (YN)!!! Nrrrgh! You bastard! Let go of him-

The Nomu quickly strikes a punch towards Bakugau as he sends her flying away towards the others that are injured and hurt, knocked out as well...after that, The Nomu lifts (YN) up as he started striking punches from behind several times, causing (YN) to spat lots of blood...Bakaugu can barely move and get up as she started to see (YN) getting beat up badly by the Nomu...

Bakaugu: N-No! L-Let go of him! You bastard! Let go of-

As soon she got up, she suddenly lost her balance and collapses to the floor somehow...and can't move for some reason...

Bakugau Mind: M-My balance...I fell down somehow!?! Why?!? A-And I can't move!

She couldn't move as she was still watching (YN) getting beat up badly still as (YN) now is suffering too much from the beat downs the Nomu is giving him...after so, The Nomu tosses (YN) body away as (YN) was beat up badly...

Bakugau: N-No...(YN)!! H-Hey!! You freak!

The Nomu got Bakugau's attention as she started to get up barely...

Bakugau: L-Leave him alone...!

The Nomu started to walk towards her as she gave a growl...

Bakaugu: I-I'll explode you! Don't come any closer!

Bakaugu faces her palm towards the Nomu as the Nomu kept coming closer and closer...

Bakugau: Y-You asked for it! Stun-

The Nomu quickly grabbed Bakugau's whole arm and lifts her up as the Nomu opens its whole mouth open, as it revealed its sharp teeth as it then wanted to chop off her whole arm...

Bakaugu Mind: Sh-Shit! Shit! Shit! Th-This can't be like this! It can't!

As soon the Nomu was close to chop off Bakugau's arm off with its teeth, suddenly, a huge explosion appeared behind the Nomu...and it wasn't just an explosion...this explosion released a full green aura around as it then got the Nomu's attention...soon letting Bakugau go...

Bakugau: Wh-What the hell...was that?!?

Suddenly, that green aura explosion came from (YN) he soon started to get up surprisingly, and soon to be looking weird...he gives a vicious growl as he showed off his face, he gave off with a serious angry look on his face as he eye color started to glow more and more....

Bakugau Mind: Wh-What the hell happen to him!?!

(YN): Get...away...from...BAKUGAU!!!!!!!!


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