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After the battle against the Nomu, Bakugau and the rest weren't able to take it down, not even their quirks were able to hurt the Nomu that much...until (YN) came in to help...and for some reason...whatever strength and power he has found, he was able to fight off the Nomu and defeat it for good...but after the Nomu's defeat, (YN) suddenly wasn't able to control over this power he has inside of him, it was like he was getting out of control with it...until luckily the pro hero teacher, Ms.Midnight, came along and used her quirk to put (YN) to sleep as she brought reinforcements and an ambulance for her students to be checked from their wounds...


And hour later pass, Bakugau and her classmates were sent to the hospital to get their wounds treated again, this time alongside with their school nurse, Recovery Girl, and Midnight. With Recovery Girl's quirk, she'll help the doctors heal their wounds. She already healed the girls in one room as she was in the other room healing the boys...

Recovery Girl: Okay, that should do.

Izuku: Phew, thank you Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl: Anytime, I'm just glad all of you aren't hurt that bad.

Iida: We all are too...but...we all were concern and shocked about that Nomu that attacked the city.

Kirashima: How hell a Nomu came out of nowhere??  I thought all the league of villains were in Tartarus.

Midnight: We aren't sure where it came from, but all we know is that he's no more for good...but still...that (YN) is something.

Kaminari: Oh right (YN)! I heard he was fighting that Nomu monster! Was it true?!

Sero: He was?!

Izuku: Oh right. I remember. He came during the battle...and wanted to help us out...but he was more concerning on helping Kachan. Which he did...but soon after, I don't remember anything more after that Nomu knocked me out...what about you Kirashima??

Kirashima: Sorry dude, I may be there too, but I was knocked out as well. But wait, if he's here, then did he got hurt?!

Midnight: Don't worry, he's fine. He's in another room, from what I see from him...he handle the Nomu himself.

Iida: He did?!

Sero: No way...

Rikido: That's insane. If none of us were able to fight the Nomu, then neither he.

Midnight: I understand what your all getting at, but what I saw, was different. Although us teachers and pro heroes still don't know what his quirk is, but it has to do with power and strength.


Meanwhile, in another medic room, the girls were up as they were all okay and fine after the battle...

Momo: Phew, I'm just glad that all of our friends is okay.

Tooru: We all are Momo. Especially none of us got hurt that bad.

Ochaco: But is it that a Nomu came out of nowhere?? Didn't All Might took vacate do the rest of the league of villains???

Tsuyu: He did, but I heard that the pros weren't sure where it came from, and neither connected to the league of villains, Ribbit.

Mina: Weird.

Suddenly, the girls notices Bakugau waking up as they soon walked up to her...

Tooru: Bakugau! Your okay!

Momo: We were worried you weren't gonna wake up!

Bakugau: I'm fine. Don't worry about it you hags.

Ochaco: Heh, looks like she's back for sure.

Bakugau: Tch. Whatever.

Suddenly, Bakugau then remembers what happens earlier during the battle with the Nomu...she remembers (YN) coming in to help her out...and then notices that he, himself, was facing the Nomu, with an strange incredible strength power...and yet, she then blacked afterwards...but what she knows is that (YN) may be here in the hospital...she soon got out from the bed and rushes to the door...

Mina: B-Bakaugu! Where are you going?!?

Bakugau: Where's (YN)!?! Is he here?! Tell me now!

Momo: O-Oh. He's here...I think on the right down hallway-

Suddenly, Bakugau quickly leaves the room and starts running....

Tsuyu: Wow, wonder why she's such in hurry, Ribbit.

Jiro: Yeah, and why she's such in hurry to see (YN)??

Ochaco: I mean, maybe she wants to know if (YN) is okay.

Tooru: That's weird. I've never seen Bakugau cared for someone before.

Jiro: I never knew she has feelings...

Momo: Girls please. Don't talk like that...maybe this is Bakugau's first time expressing those feelings to (YN)...sure she can be...different, but what I've seen from her, I think maybe she'll get to have a good side from her...

In the hallway, Bakugau was rushing to go find the room where (YN) is...and soon, she did. She stopped and saw the room inside from the window out from her hallway, as she can see (YN), alone in the bed, as he had bandages on his left wrist, one on his whole right arm, one around his forehead, and little bandage on his cheek, she soon slowly walks to the door and enters the room as (YN) notice her coming in...

(YN): Bakugau! You're okay.

Bakugau: Y-Yeah...I am.

She then notice (YN) wanted to get off from his bed...

Bakugau: Don't get off. You need to rest you body.

(YN): O-Okay...

Bakugau: What were you even trynna do?

(YN): I...wanted to hug you, knowing your okay and not hurt a lot.

Bakugau: Sorry but you can't, you need to stay put in the bed and rest still.

(YN): O-Oh...okay..

Bakugau stood quiet as she blushes a little, soon she can tell on (YN)'s face that he wanted to hug she slowly walked up to him, she stood there, as she open her arms, looking away as she blushes still...

(YN): ...

Bakugau: W-Well, what are you waiting for, dummy?!

(YN) smiles as he then reaches to Bakugau and hugs her...Bakugau blushes a little, soon to realize that she felt...okay with this, being hugged by (YN), she still blushes as she then says...

Bakugau: I'm...glad you're okay, too...


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