Chp.19 I Remember Now

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More days has passed now, and this time, Bakugau and (YN) has been spending more time together, even though Bakugau doesn't wanna express her true feelings...but she somehow is when she's with and around (YN)...meanwhile, in Momo's room, she and all the girls were in  side relaxing on a Good Friday afternoon and started taking about girls know...

Momo: Okay Okay, Ochaco, who would you rather Kill, Kiss and Married??

Ochaco: Hmmm...I would kiss Iida...m-marry Deku...and definitely kill Mineta.

Tooru: Ooooouuu! So I'm guessing you still have a thing with Midoriya right??

Ochaco: *blushes* can say it like that...

Mina: Hehe! I knew it from a mile away! Okay, Momo your turn...

As Mina and the others started playing the game, Bakugau was suddenly quiet for a cool minute...seeming like she has been thinking of something...or should I say someone....she has been thinking about (YN) lately...she couldn't get it off her head for some reason...something about (YN) made her feel weird on the inside...she somehow can't get rid of (YN) in her head for some reason...of all the times she has been spending time with him ever since...until she heard her name being called several times by Mina...

Mina: Bakugau!

Bakugau: E-Eh?!? What is it raccoon eyes?!

Mina: I've been calling your name like 5 times, is everything okay??

Momo: Yeah Bakugau, you seem very quiet for some reason, this isn't like you.

Bakugau: Tch. It's nothing....I've been thinking...stuffs in my mind...

Mina: Well, in that case are you still playing or what??

Bakugau: Fine.

Mina: Okay! Now, who would you Kill, Kiss and Married??

Bakugau: Well obviously Kill that little purple shitty perv, that's one kiss and marry...I mean...I guess I'll kiss and married (YN) at the same time-

Suddenly, Bakugau quickly covers her mouth, knowing what she said, and blushes as the girls jaw dropped with shocked...

Mina: Ouuuuuu!!! Bakugau!

Bakugau: N-No it's not like that! Don't think it like that you idiots!

Ochaco: Well that came out of nowhere.

Tsuyu: I guess spending a lot of time with (YN) got you distracted, didn't you? Ribbit.

Bakugau: N-No! I-It just slipped that's all! I didn't mean it!

Mina: Really?

Bakugau: Yes really you hag!

Jiro: Well then who would you Kiss and Married then, besides (YN)? Let's see.

Bakugau: Nrrrgh...I-I rather kiss...kiss...kiss (YN) and marry (YN) as well-DAMN IT!!! 

Mina, Ochaco and Tooru screech with Joy to hear what Bakugau said...

Ochaco/Mina/Tooru: You have a thing with (YN)!

Bakugau: *Blushes* N-No I don't! Shut up you three!

Jiro: Well, it seems what you've been thinking is (YN) all the time, hehe.

Tsuyu: WOW, never thought you actually have feelings, Ribbit.

Bakugau: Sh-Shut the hell up! *blushes more*

Momo: Girls please. Enough with this. You're making Bakugau feel embarrassed.

Bakugau: I'm not embarrassed Ponytail!

Mina: Oh come on Bakugau! Admit it! You have a thing with (YN), don't you? And don't say no, cause we all know you do.

Ochaco: Yeah, I mean the fact you've spend a lot more time with him, always with him and you always talk with him a lot when you hang out with him.

Bakugau: Nrrrgh!!!

Bakugau blushes more as she has her arms crossed as she then calmly replies...

Bakugau: S-So what if I think about that a problem?!

Momo: No, of course not.

Ochaco: Not at all Bakugau. That means you really care and like him.

Tooru: I mean come on, there's no doubt about it. You do like him, and he does too.

Bakugau: ...You think?? I don't know...

Momo: I'm sure Bakugau, (YN) is really a nice and sweet friend, even with you all the times when you're together.

Bakugau: ...I mean he is all that...and somehow...I like it....but the guy isn't even going to understand about how this thing works.

Jiro: Sure he can, just tell him in person, and ask him how you really feel about him, you know?

Bakugau: ...I-I can try that...tch. Never thought I get to tell someone how I feel...but I guess it can work.

Jiro: Don't worry, (YN) will understand you. Trust.

Bakugau: ...whatever. *blushes*

Meanwhile, in the living room, (YN) was at the sofa as he was watching TV as the rest of the boys were outside doing some training. (YN) was watching some TV as his belly started to grumble a little...

(YN): Man, I'm kinda hungry. Maybe Bakugau has some more snacks in her room.

He got up as he walks down to the hallway to head over to her dorm. As he does, he enters her dorm as he goes to her drawer, opens it and found some chips...

(YN): Cool!

As soon he was gonna grab the chips...something caught his attention when he looked down to grab the was the picture again that he saw the trash can again too...

(YN) that picture again...I guess it dropped there by accident...

He grabbed the picture out from the trash can as he then looks at it...

(YN): The picture of Bakugau and Izuku as kids...hehe, I never knew Bakugau would look cute as a kid...

But what caught his attention was the other friend that was ripped in's almost as like he...knows this other friend...

(YN): That little kid...he looks...he looks...just like me...??

He looked at it closer...

(YN): This kid...he does look like me...but for's like...he is me...and-

Suddenly, his head started to cause a pain as he started to hold onto it....

(YN): A-AAAAGH!!! M-My head!! Wh-Why the hell does it hurt so much?!?

The pain was so much he dropped down to his knees....until his brain started to give him some memories for some reason...memories of some flashbacks....

(YN): Th-The kid....B-Bakugau...I-I...I...somehow...remember! Something about this...I somehow....r-remember.... he then takes the picture and Bakugau in his head...and connected to it together....and it made him snap...his eyes wide open with shock and unexpected he breathes heavily...he then says...

(YN): I...I when I was a kid...I-I was quirkless...a-and...for some reason...B-Bakugau...Sh-She...She...She bullied me....! And...the way she...bullied me...I-It made me feel...sad...and broken in the inside..she hurt me...she hurt me bad...

Suddenly...(YN) started to shed some tears in his eyes as he started to feel broken...

(YN): Wh-Why...Why was she like that to me back then...Why....n-nrrrgh!!! Why!!? AAAAAAAARGH!!!!

Suddenly, his whole body started to react as he soon ran out from the dorm as he started to act weird...he then was hurt inside...but then again, as he was hurt the inside, he got emotional, and yet angry too as he then started to walk down the hallway as he yet was so emotional and angry, he then lifted his hand up and punched the counter table, braking it in half as he couldn't handle the emotional anger he was having and making too much noises, soon the boys came back as he saw everything what (YN) is doing...

Izuku: (Y-YN)!?!

Kirashima: (YN) dude! What the heck are you doing!?!

Iida: (YN) calm yourself! What on earth is going on with you!?

Then the girls came as they heard the noises too...

Momo: Whats going on!? We heard noises!

Suddenly, Bakugau appeared with them as she then sees (YN) seem in such emotional pain...

Bakugau Mind: (YN)..!?!

Iida: (YN)! I demand a answer! What the heck is going on and why are you causing a mess here!?!

(YN) was grunting as he had his both hands clenched as he quietly said...


Kirashima: H-Hey dude, what's wrong?! Look we're here to help and-

(YN): Leave me alone!!!!!!

(YN) then swings a punch towards Kirashima's gut, sending him flying crashing to the kitchen table...

Sero: What the!?!

Izuku: (YN)!! What's wrong with you-

(YN): S-Stay back..!! All of you...I-I want to be alone...!!

Bakugau then stepped up as she says to (YN)...

Bakugau: O-Oi! (YN)! The hell are you doing!? Hey you need to calm down!

Bakugau slowly started to walk towards him as (YN) notices soon he started to step back and says to her...

(YN): Y-You!!! G-Get the hell away from me!!! Don't you dare come near me!

Bakugau: Wh-What?!? (YN), what are you  saying!? I want to-

(YN): Shut up! Shut up!! Don't you even dare get close to me! For what you've been doing to me! You hurt me! You made me broken!

Bakugau: (Y-YN)...what are you-

(YN): I said...STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

(YN) suddenly swings his hand towards Bakugau as he soon shot an energy blast from his hands as Bakugau and the rest took cover as the blast hit the wall and destroying for (YN)....he witness of what he just did as he started to get scared as he then runs away and exits the living room as he exits the building as well and started running the building, everyone got up as Kaminari went to check on for everyone one knew what (YN) did and why he did...

Iida: Wh-What on earth happened!?!

Todoroki: And what was happening with (YN)?! Why did all the sudden he started acting like that?!

Izuku: ...his memory....he got it back.

Iida: What?!

Sero: Wait he did?!

Izuku: Yes, if I remember, back when we first met him, I remember him saying that he wanted to be alone, and yet as of now, this is how he was before...but why and how he got his memory back?! What caused him to get his memory to return?!

Suddenly Izuku notice Bakugau getting up as he goes check on him..

Izuku: K-Kachan! Are you-

Bakaugu: I-I'm fine! I'm fine...*Wh-What the hell happen to him!? Why did he acted like that?!? And..h-he almost tired to kill me! Wh-Whatever he blasted...he wanted to kill me, and he seem really angry towards me....why?! What did I do to get him mad!?*

Suddenly, Aizawa came along as they heard the loud noise...

Momo: A-Aizawa-Sensei!!

Aizawa: What happened here?!? ...and where's (YN)!?

Izuku: W-Well...

Suddenly, loud explosion was heard at the city as they hear people screaming in fear...

Aizawa: What the hell!?!

Izuku: It's (YN)! That's him doing this!

Aizawa: What?!? (YN)?! So he did this mess!?! Why?!

Iida: I-I don't know, we came in, and we saw him acting weird, and then not even a second, he started screaming and yelling about leaving him alone...I'm not sure but it seems he got his memory back! I'm sure of it!

Aizawa: he did?!? Shit! Well whatever is happening with him, he's causing too much destruction at the city and might hurt the citizens! And yet, we don't even know what's his quirk! He needs to stop!

Izuku: We'll stop him!

Aizawa: What!? No-

Izuku: Please Aizawa Sensei! We-I mean I was the one who brought him here! So since he's causing trouble, then I have to make him stop!

Iida: Midoriya's right! And since I agree with him, I'll help him too!

Todoroki: Me too.

Kirashima: Count me in!

Tokoyami: I'll join too.

Momo: Count us too!

Ochaco: Yeah!

All the student wanted to stop (YN) from causing whatever destruction he's doing...

Aizawa: Fine! But everyone get your hero costumes ready! Don't bother wearing your mask just go and put your costumes on now!

And so, Aizawa left to go and find (YN) and stop him to cause trouble at the city, as for Izuku and the rest of his friends, they quickly put on their hero costumes. After that, they soon started to head the city and look for Aizawa to go and find (YN)...
but as for Bakugau...she still was wondering what could she have done to get (YN) so angry with her? He almost hurt her and almost killing her with a strange blast he shot...she couldn't get that off from her head as well...anyways, as she and the rest arrived at the city, everyone started to run for their lives as they started running away, soon they found Aizawa...

Izuku: Aizawa-Sensei!

The all ran up to him...

Aizawa: Okay! Like I said, everyone stay near me and-

Kirashima: H-Hey look! There's something glowing over there at the lake!

Bakugau Mind: ...(YN)...

Aizawa: Let's go!

Soon they all started running towards the lake. Minutes later, they arrived at the lake, standing on the road as they see a big round light, glowing as they can barely see someone in seem like a barrier as someone was in it...

Iida: Is that-

Soon, the glowing started to fade as they can see the inside of the barrier...soon it was (YN), floating inside with an anger look on his face...

Bakugau: (YN)!

Suddenly, (YN) stares down at them as he then was only focus on looking at Bakugau as he then said with an aggressive tone...

(YN): Nrrrgh!...Bakugau!


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