Chp.21 You Broke Me

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Izuku: B-Bullied..??

Bakugau: H-Hey! What the hell are you-

(YN): Shut up! Shut up!! You have no right to talk to me like that, after what you have did to me, Bakugau!!

Bakugau: Nrrrgh!!! Just what the hell I did to you!?! I've never done nothing wrong to you and yet you get to scream at me and just try to attack me!?! What the hell is your problem anyways!?! Why the-

(YN): Y-You don't remember....!?! What you always do to me!?!

Bakugau: Wh-What?!?

Izuku: (Y-YN)...what are you-

(YN): You don't remember back when we were kids!?!? How you and your friends always bullied me!?! You always tease me, make fun of me, and you even called me a loser knowing I didn't had a quirk! I still remembers what you always have done to me, Bakugau!!! And you...I-Izuku!!! All you did was nothing!!! I thought you were suppose to me my friend too!!

Izuku: ...Wh-What....w-wait...back as kids...d-don't tell me....y-you're-

(YN): You remember now!? Huh!?! Do you!?!

Izuku: N-No...No way...(YN) really you...

Izuku turn his foxy on Bakugau, as he can see her shocked and shaking in fear, as if she saw a ghost, she soon said...

Bakugau: W-Wait...Wait a damn minute...d-don't tell me...back when I was a kid...that kid...w-was that....was that-

(YN): Yes!! That kid was me!! The one you bullied, the one you won't even leave me alone...!!

(YN) started to shed more tears as he started to sound more emotional as he replied....

(YN): I-I can still remember what you always down to me...even the final words you even say to me "I'm more of a loser now! Everything I touch, I hurt and destroy!" Do you remember those awful words you've told me!?? HUH!?!?

Izuku and Bakugau were so shocked and surprised to hear this...knowing that (YN)...was the friend before when they were kids...they were speechless...especially Bakugau...

Izuku: (Y-YN)...y-you actually came wait! We've found you...!! B-But we heard you were gone and went missing all those years!

(YN): I did! But this is all Bakugau's fault! She made me broken inside, she hurt my insides, and yet...Ah-she doesn't even wanted to be friends with me..!! That's why I left!

Suddenly, Bakugau slowly started to walk towards (YN)...

Izuku: K-Kachan wait! What are you-

(YN): H-Hey! Stay back!! I don't want you close to me! You hear me, Bakugau!

Bakugau kept walking towards him as she then stopped...she had her face down, and then looks up to (YN) as she was tearing down too as she then replies...

Bakugau: ...I-I'm sorry...

(YN): Wh-What?!?

Bakugau: I-I'm sorry..!

Bakugau again walks closer to (YN) as he got close in front of him as (YN) try to wane Bakugau to stay away...

(YN): S-Stay away! Why!? Why!?! Why now!?! After all these years you decided to apologize to me now!?! Why even bother?!? You've always hated me just because I didn't have a quirk like you! You always hated me, you even said it to yourself!

Bakaugu then grabs (YN)'s hand...

(YN): Wh-What are you...-

Bakugau: ...p-please listen to me....What's in the past...I regret everything of what I did...I-I was a little spoiled brat...and yes, a meddler too...I-I never knew back when we were kids...y-you always looked out for me...and cared for me...and...yet I've still treated you like shit....b-but all that...I regret it...cause right that I've finally realize who you really are...

Bakaugu slowly places her hand on (YN)'s cheek as she started to sound emotional...

Bakugau: I-I wanna save you now....I wanna help you...from hurting yourself...I know this won't change everything...but I'm sorry for did and what I said to all those fucking words I said to you...please...listen to the (YN) I knew...try to control that anger you have...

(YN) slowly was reaching to Bakugau's hand that she had on his cheek...but then again...he stopped and suddenly grunted and then started to get angry...



Bakugau: N-No-Hmph!!!

(YN) grabbed Bakugau's whole face as lifts her up...

Izuku: Kachan!! (YN) don't! You're gonna-

Izuku ran up to stop (YN), but (YN) kicked Izuku straight to his gut, sending him away...Bakaugu try to fight back, but all she can see is (YN)...a friend who she broke and hurt in the past, and she can tell his face that he was not himself, he was broken...and isn't like how he is...
Until suddenly, someone rushed in as someone gave a punch to (YN)'s face, sending him flying away crashing to the building, letting Bakugau go as well, Bakugau was catching her breathe, and to see All Might came in time...Izuku recovered himself and run up to Bakugau to realize All Might arriving as well...

Izuku: A-All Might!

All Might: Sorry for coming late Young Midoriya and Bakugau. But don't worry, the people here are safe with the rest of the other pro heroes, and your classmates too, if you didn't notice, one of the pro heroes escort them too...and I heard what's going on...Young (YN) is doing this...But why??

Suddenly, All Might notices (YN) bursting out from the destroyed building as he led a roar...

All Might: Looks like that punch didn't do nothing. I see. Young Midoriya, Young Bakugau, I'll take care of him from here. Get out of here now.

Izuku: Wh-What?! But what about your form!? You won't last long!

All Might: Don't worry about it. I'll finish this in 4 minutes tops. I got this! Now go, get out of here!

Izuku: ...R-Right! Come o Kachan!

Izuki was running, until he looks back and sees Bakugau still standing, not even moving...

Izuku: K-Kachan! We have to go now!

Bakugau: I...I did this to him...I-I did this to him-

Izuku: Kachan! Come on now!!

Izuku grabs Bakugau's hand and started running with they do, All Might notices (YN) getting more angrier as he growls as he stares down at All Might...

All Might: Don't you worry Young (YN), this fight between us won't last long, and also...I won't go easy on you. I've seen what you can do with that strength of, let's make this count!



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