Chp.23 Forgive Me

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And so, Bakugau has the chance to apologize (YN) for what she has done to him in the past during their childhood, of how she hurt him, torn him apart and broken him inside...she soon started to sob quietly as (YN) for some reason got his attention as he looks at Bakugau, having her head down, as (YN) can see the tears of hers being dropped...

(YN): B-Bakugau...?

Bakugau: ...I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done this to you back then...I should have left you alone, and be what you always wanted to be...but dumbass had to do something stupid and ruin a everything for you and about you...

Bakugau started to get more emotional by the way she is starting to sound....

Bakugau: I-I've done the most biggest and most shittiest thing to you and I freaking regret it! *sniffs* L-Look what I've done to're so broken, all because of me...! I've did this to you...

(YN) then replies with a calm tone...

(YN): ....You actually hurt me...back then....even though you didn't wanted to be friends with me no kept on bullying matter wouldn't leave me alone.

Bakugau: I-I know! I know! P-Please don't make this worse! I'm trying to-

(YN): And I can still remember what you always call me, a loser, a nobody, a dead loss, and washout...even I've always cared for you and liked still treated me like crap-

Bakugau: Sh-Shut up! Please Shut up! And let me talk damn it! I'm the one who suppose to be talking and apologizing to you, you're just making things worse-

(YN): Me? Making things worse? Says the "friend" who made my whole life a miserable-

Bakugau: I-I said shut up damn it!

Bakugau got up as she suddenly got up from the chair...and then jumped on top of (YN), sitting on him as she try to make him to listen to her...

Bakugau: P-Please! Stop it! Y-You're making me feel even more worse for bringing those up! Please I want you to listen to me! Just this once!

And suddenly, (YN) suddenly started to shed a tear out from one eye as Bakugau realizes as (YN) started to get a bit emotional and cried a little...

Bakugau Mind: L-Look at him...Wh-what have I done....Wh-What kind of a friend I was to him...

(YN) then replies to Bakugau with an emotional tone voice...

(YN): Y-You were so horrible to me...and'd always hated me...only because I was always in your way...and didn't had a quirk...

(YN) suddenly started to sob quietly, and trembling as well as Bakugau kept starring at him, of how hurt he is now and knowing that she is responsible for this...

Bakugau: *W-Will he even hear me out still..?? N-No I have to...!* (YN)...

She then placed her hand onto (YN)'s cheek and says...

Bakugau: Listen to me...please...I-If I can turn back time...and take everything back...I would a heartbeat...

She then places her head towards (YN)'s chest as (YN) stood still...

(YN): E-Eh..!

Bakugau: If I could turn back time...I would be back as your friend and still be...b-but I can't...and you lost your way...f-fuck...(Y-YN)...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...Sh-Shit...even when you had amnesia back've always treated me nice, and kind...yet you still looked out for me and acted for me as's like if you didn't even had amnesia and still be my friend....b-but since you brought back you're memories...I-I guess you won't remember it at all...p-please...(YN)...again...I'm sorry for all the horrible things I have done to you...p-please...forgive me...a-and I'm not asking for it...I'm asking for your friend...

Bakugau still had her head towards (YN)'s chest as she soon started to sob quietly, as for (YN)...his eyes were getting watery as well...and yet...he somehow is feeling that maybe....Bakugau deserves a second chance...he felt like he can forgive her...even though it was the past...he'll still care for her...(YN) thought for it for he soon replies....

(YN): H-Hey...Bakugau...

(YN) lifts Bakugau's chin up with his finger as he stares at her and says....

(YN): E-Even though you were horrible to me, and what you've done to me...I-I always tried forgetting it...but I couldn't...but maybe....I can try...forgiving you...

Bakugau: Y-You...You do?? (YN)...I-

Suddenly, (YN) wrapped his arms around Bakugau, and hold her and not letting her go as he then says...

(YN): ...I forgive you, Bakugau.

With that, (YN) has forgiven Bakugau...Bakugau's eyes started to get watery as she then smiles a little as she also wraps her arms around (YN), hugging him as she says...

Bakugau: Th-Thank you...(YN)...I-I and I..will always stay friends...forever...and nothing won't happen between us again...never.

(YN): ...I'm happy to hear that...but...

Bakaugu: Eh?? What is it??

(YN): I...always wanted to you...

Bakugau: Wh-What is it???

(YN) stood quiet as he suddenly slowly started to get closer to Bakugau as she then soon blushes a little, but she then knew what he was doing, as she then slowly gets closer to (YN)...both can feel their breathes getting closer and their lips then connected to each other's and end up kissing, Bakugau wrapping her hands around (YN) as (YN) was holding onto Bakugau's hips...continuing to make out until the door opened as Izuku and the rest entered in and saw everything between Bakugau and (YN)...

Izuku: K-Kachan!?!

Everyone: Woah! What the!?!

Bakugau: H-Hey!! Didn't you losers know how to knock!? You bastards!

Iida: Bakugau get off from (YN) this instinct! We're in a public hospital!

Bakugau: Sh-Shut it four eyes I heard you!

Bakugau then got off from (YN) as (YN) then got off as well...

Mineta: Y-You two kissed !?! And yet the both of you were on the bed! Don't tell me you two were gonna-

Sero's tape wrapped Mineta's mouth around...

Sero: Dude chill out man.

Kirashima: A-Anyways...Midoriya told us everything between you you two cool, I mean, what's the point, we definitely saw you two kissing, so I guess you two did made up.

Bakugau: Shut it you red hair loser! ...a-and and (YN) talked...

Bakugau then reaches (YN) hand, holding it as she then tilts her head towards his arm as well as (YN) smiled...

(YN): ...Yeah, we both made up.

Izuku and everyone were relief to hear the news...after that...All Might suddenly came in too...

All Might: So, how did it went?

Izuku: All Might!

Bakugau: went great, didn't it (YN)?

(YN): Yeah, it did.

All Might smiles as he was also relief to know that Bakugau did what she was ask to do...forgive the friend you harmed...

All Might: I'm glad to hear...oh (YN)?

(YN): Yea, Mr.All Might?

All Might: There's someone who came to see you...well, I should say someone came to find you.

(YN): Hm?

Suddenly, a middle age lady in her 40's came in the she then gasp in shock and surprise for some looking at (YN)...

Shira: (Y-YN)...!

Suddenly...(YN) knew who that lady was...and he knows her very well...that lady is none other than his mom, Shira...

(YN): M-Mom..!?

Shira: (YN)! My baby!

Shira runs up to (YN) as Bakugau step back a little as Shira hugs (YN) tightly and started shedding tears of joy...

Shira: (YN), my son! I've finally found you! You have no idea how many times it took me to look for you, but I've finally found you, my sweet angel!

(YN) was surprised as well as he started to get emotional as well...

(YN): M-Mom...! Y-You still remember me...

Shira: Of course I do sweetie! How could I ever forget my one and only son! I've missed you so much!

(YN) hugs his mother as he then says...

(YN): M-Mom...I'm so sorry for leaving you alone...I shouldn't have run away..b-but-

Shira: N-No honey! It's fine! What's in the past, is in the past, but for now, I'm just glad I found you (YN)! I'm glad I did!

(YN): ...A-Asm I'm glad I've found you as well, mom.

And so, with a little reunion with his mother, (YN) was happy to know that he has found his mother and she has found him as well...he then stares at Bakugau and gives her a smile, Bakugau blushes a little as she smiles too...knowing that rebuying turn out to be okay between her and (YN)...


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