Chp.4 The Mysterious Foe

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As we left off, All Might, Gran Torino and his rest of his student hide behind the Boulder soon to witness to see a huge fish appearing out from the river, and it seem like it has been catch somehow. Soon after, yet someone merge out from the river too, as this person landed on the ground on his feet as he stood up still. This person happens to be a teenager, this teenager had spiky hair and reaching his upper back the same, his counterpart had hair split down in the middle while his hair is more overgrown. He then also had a huge scar on his left eye, light green eyes as well. Soon, he somehow was wearing clothes as well, but they seems ripped, all black ripped shirt and ripped purple pants, and he's bear footed as well, no shoes at all, and by the looks of it, it seems like he got those clothes from stealing some from the village without any one noticing him...whoever this teenager is, he's responsible for the Josie complaints and flooding half the village as well...

All Might: I see, we've found him at last.

Gran Torino: It appears that the problem is being caused by that young boy.

Kirashima: Him?? He doesn't seem that..threatening at all. He doesn't even look like trouble to me.

Kaminari: Are you kidding me?! That dude literally toss out that huge fish and who knows how much it weights!?

As for seems for her that by the why she's seeing the teenager as she somehow and some way she started to feel like she has seen him somewhere...

Bakugau Mind: ...Who the hell is he?? He somehow...kinda reminds me of someone...but I don't wanna bring that up! It's just...this bastard seems so...familiar for some damn reason...

Soon after, the teenager started to nodding his head around, drying his hair up, as he soon turns his focus on the giant fish he just caught, and soon he suddenly gives a huge bite of the fish as he started eating it the fish like that...

Gran Torino: I see. I guess he's also the one leaving fish bones around the area here. Toshinori, from what I'm seeing here, is that maybe this boy ain't much of a trouble, but we gotta make him stop for what he's doing to the village.

All Might: I agree. Okay, listen you all, I want we gotta do is walk up to him, and greet him. By the looks it, he's not much of a trouble for us, so all we gotta do is make him stop of what he's doing and-

Bakugau OI!!! Bastard!!!

All Might: B-Bakugau!!

Izuku: Kachan!!

Kirashima: Bakugau wait!!

Soon Bakugau started to March her way over to the teenage boy, soon he heard her yelling as she was coming closer and closer..

Bakugau: So your the bastard who's been causing this mess Huh!?! Well guess what! I'm here to stop this and then I'm going to kick your ass-

Izuku: Kachan wait!!

Kirashima: Bakugau!!

Both Izuku and Kirashima came and stopped Bakugau from what she was about to do next...but as soon Bakugau was close to get near the teenage boy, he then suddenly clenched his fist and quickly put up his guard up...

Izuku Mind: Wait...he put his guard up somehow instead of attacking us?? No..this isn't right, if he was here to cause trouble, he would have attack us out of the blue, but rather than that he put up his guard up only...

Kirashima: Hehe. Sorry for that. She's just...moody that's all.

Bakugau: Shut up shitty hair!

Soon everyone showed up as well...

All Might: You should at least waited for me to finish you know that right?!

Bakugau: Nrrrgh! You were taking too damn long!!

All Might: *Sighs* Anyways...Young one! Do not be worried! We're just heroes. Allow us to introduce ourselves, the name is All Might! And this right here is-

Gran Torino: Gran Torino, a pleasure.

All Might: ...Right.

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoriya.

Todoroki: Shoto Todoroki.

Iida: Tenya Iida!

Momo: Momo Yaoyorozu.

Kirashima: Eijiro Kirashima.

Kaminari: Denki Kaminari.

Bakugau: ...Tch. Katsuki Bakugau! And you better remember that name cause I'm going to-

All Might: Enough Bakugau! Cam yourself for once!

Bakugau: Nrrrgh!!

All Might: Now, since we told you our names, what is your name young one??

The teenager stood he didn't wanted to speak to them nor wanted to talk with them...but then again he then talked and said..

(YN): ...(YN)...

As soon he said his name...suddenly, both Izuku and Bakugau heard him saying his name and then started to figure out about that name sounding really familiar for them..

Izuki Mind: That name....where did I heard it sounds so familiar, yet I've heard it somewhere...but I somehow don't remember...

Bakugau Mind: That name...where the hell did I heard it from?! This bastards name name is starting to mess with my head a little...and I'm not liking it a bit!

All Might: (YN)...I see. Well now, (YN), it's a pleasure to meet you, but I'm afraid we came here for a reason, and that reason is cause of you. I don't know what you're doing here in this lonely area, but it needs to stop. Whatever you're doing here is causing a flood from half the small village from the other side...and it needs to be stop.

Suddenly, Gran Torino whispers at All Might...

Gran Torino: Toshinori, I have a weird feeling vibe about him. Isn't it weird that he is here in this area, all by himself alone, eating lots of fishes and not knowing what he's doing to the village??

All Might: Hmmm. Yeah, you got me there on that don't think....

Gran Torino: It's maybe so, that this boy may have been living here all alone in this area throughout the years I'm guessing, surviving is what I'm seeing.

Soon, All Might knew that this boy may not be a threat nor trouble for them after he had an idea...

All Might: (YN), I can tell that you have been surviving in this area all alone through these years. Don't worry, we can tell. But, as heroes, we came to help, and that my boy is to help you! We'll get you out of this area and take you back with us at our home city so you can live a better place! What do you say??

After hearing All Might, (YN) was stood quite still, as he suddenly scoffs and nods to him, saying no...and after that...he suddenly walks away as he says calmly...

(YN): ...go away...I want to be alone...

All Might: E-Eh? (YN).??

Todoroki: I guess he wants to live here.

Momo: Here?? Alone in this snowy area that can is so cold?? How can he stand being here alone and yet doesn't bother feeling cold at all??!

Kaminari: Tell me about it.

Bakugau: Nrrrgh!!! Hey you bastard!!!

Kirashima: Oh no, Bakugau!

Izuku: Kachan wait!! Don't!

All Might: Young Bakugau get back here!

Bakugau: Hell no!! You're all being too soft on this bastard, if no ones gonna be hard on him, then I'll be the one!!!

Iida: Please Bakugau! At least listen to us for once! Get back here before you even cause more trouble!

Bakugau kept ignoring as she soon started to walk behind (YN) closer and closer as she says..

Bakugau: Hey you bastard! You may be finish with them, but not with me!

Soon (YN) stopped walking...

Bakugau: Hehe! That's right! You better stop walking! Now listen here damn it! I-

(YN): ..get out of here...!

Bakugau: Eh!!?!

(YN): ...leave me alone...!

Soon after what (YN) said to Bakugau, she then started to get more irritated and annoying as she rushes towards him from behind as she started yelling..

Bakugau: Hey!! Don't you dare walk away from me!! Do you even know who the hell you're talking to?!! You're talking to the future-

As soon Bakugau was about to reach her hand towards (YN), he then quickly turns around and somehow grabbed onto Bakugau's hand instead, and started squeezing her hand...

Bakugau: A-AGH!! Wh-What the hell are you doing!?!

Kirashima: Hey! What is he doing to Bakugau?!! It's like he's grabbing her hand and not letting go!

Izuku: Oh no! Kachan!

All Might: Young Bakugau!!

All Might started to go after Bakugau and save her, soon afterwards, Bakugau's hand was still being grabbed on by (YN) as her hand is being squeezed harder and harder as she suddenly started to feel like she wanted to faint...

Bakugau: Wh-Wha-What the hell are you doing!?! L-Let go of me!! I-I said-

(YN) soon started clenching his other hand into a fist as Bakugau suddenly realizes something about (YN), his green eyes started to glow when he was starting to get angry and soon his grip was getting stronger and stronger...

(YN): I...Said...Leave...Me...ALONE!!!!!!!

All Might: Young Bakugau!!

Soon All Might came to the rescue as he then pulls Bakugau away from (YN), soon (YN) swinger his fist towards All Might instead of Bakugau. (YN) swing a brutal punch towards All Might's gut,  causing him to spat out saliva, and soon his punch sending him flying away, crashing towards some of the boulders...soon Izuku and the others saw what just happen to All Might...

Kirashima: N-N-No..way..!!!

Izuku: H-H-He sent him flying away...with just a punch?!

Momo: Th-That can't other human like him can out match All Might like this..!

Iida: D-Damn it! Just who is this guy?!

Todoroki: I-I don't know..but whoever he is...he's now a danger to us..!

After that, Bakugau then shook her head...

Bakugau: Sh-Shit! Wh-What the hell happened-


Bakugau stated to realize that (YN) was acting weird all of the sudden...(YN)'s whole body started to give a glow green aura, soon he started growling and grunting like if he's really pissed off...Bakugau started to back away from him and arrive with the others...

Izuki: Wh-What did you do Kachan?!

Bakugau: How the hell should I know?!? All I did was grab the bastards arm and he somehow started to get angry at me for no fucking reason!

Todoroki: And you had to cause yet another trouble!

Bakugau: Sh-Shut up Icy-Hot bastard!

Gran Torino: *Tch. I knew I had a weird feeling about this kid. And now we have to fight him off...but what shocked me is that he sent Toshinori away with just one punch! No one can outmatch him like that! I have to go check on him* All of you! Try and take him down, I'm going to check on Toshinori! Don't ask, just do what I say!!

Izuki: O-Okay!!!

Soon Gran Torino rushes down to go and help All Might, as for Izuki and his friends, they'll try to fight off (YN) and take him down...

Izuku: Be careful, all of you!

Iida: Get ready you guys!

Kirashima: Heh! Look like we have no choice but to fight him Eh?! Well bring it!

Kaminari: O-Okay!

Momo: Be on your guard guys!!

Todoroki: Watch your guard as well!

Bakugau: ...Hmph!



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