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After the battle against (YN), Kirashima, Izuku and Bakugau manage to take down (YN) for good...

Kirashima: Phew..! Oh man..that, was tough...

Izuku: I know, who knew we had a battle like this...

Bakugau: ....

Izuku: But...something about his strength and speed...I don't know why, but I'm guessing it's as almost as All Might's...

Kirashima: Oh come on Izuku, you think he can be almost as strong as All Might?! I mean sure that one villain dude name All For One was able to keep up with All Might, but All Might never faced up and still took him down!

Izuku: I know, but this (YN) guy...he seems way different...the fact we don't know what quirk he holds and how strong he can be...think about it, our punches didn't do nothing to him, but then we were able to take him down with our attacks...

Kirashima: I mean yeah...probably lost his guard on that moment, that's how Bakugau was able to sent him flying away as well...

Izuku: O-Oh you right! She did! We need to find him before-

Aizawa: Don't worry, we'll handle it from here.

Izuku: A-Aizawa-Sensei!

Suddenly, Aizawa appeared luckily alongside with other pro heroes as well, Gang Orca, Endeavor, Hawks, Present Mic, Uwabami, Midnight, and Rock Lock, alongside with some officers as well and ambulances too...the pros started helping Izuku and his friends out, some had fatal wounds and some minor the pros took Iida, Sero, Kaminari, Momo and Todoroki to the ambulance, Kirashima, Izuku and Bakugau then notice Gran Torino arriving with them...

Izuku: Gran Torino! You're back!

Gran Torino: Yeah, I'm just glad you three are okay. Don't worry, your other friends will be fine, they just need their wounds to be treated back at the hospital.

Kirashima: Y-Yeah, hey where's All Might?? Wasn't he with you when you went after him??

Bakugau: ...and how the hell did the pros know we were here??!

Gran Torino: ...Cause I was the one who called them.

Izuku: W-Wait! You called Aizawa and all of them here??!

Gran Torino: Yeah, but it wasn't my idea to call them at the first place, but I had no choice.

Kirashima: I don't get it...

Izuku:'re kinda losing me there...

Bakugau: ...

Gran Torino: ...You see, Toshinori made me to call them.

Izuku: All Might?? But why??

Gran Torino: I wish I like to tell you three, but you might as well get your answers from him. He'll tell you everything. Now go with the others and head back to the city so they can check your wounds.

Izuku, Kirashima and Bakugau were confused at first why Gran Torino had to call Aizawa and the rest of the pros alongside with some reinforcements here, but they have to tell All the three stares making their way to the ambulances to take them back to the city to the hospital...until Bakugau then something caught her attention...on the river, she witness to see (YN)'s body laying on the river, not moving at all...

Bakugau: O-OI!! (YN)'s body!! It's right there!!

Izuku: What?!

Kirashima: Where!?!

Izuku and Kirashima then also saw (YN)'s body on the river, as they bore a him not moving at all...

Izuku: G-Gran Torino!! We've found him!!

Gran Torino: Okay! We'll take it from here! Back away you three!

Gran Torino calls the officers to mention about (YN)'s body on the river and needs to get out from there. Gang Orca then dives in the river as he goes and gets (YN) and brings him to the ground. Soon they notice (YN) not waking up still, and notice the little gape wound on his head, still bleeding from it, Gnag Orca checks his pulse.

Gang Orca: Well I'll be damn. He's still alive, but is unconscious. Yet, he's losing blood still, and the wound on his head looks very ugly. We have to get him to the hospital before it's too late.

Gran Torino: You don't three! What happen??

Izuku: I-I don't know! I mean it wasn't like that when we were fighting him!

Kirashima: Yeah, I mean...I don't wanna blame anyone but I guess Bakugau was the one who sent him flying away with her attack.

Bakugau: Hey why me!!?! You assholes may have done it as well!

Kirashima: Yeah're attack did sent him flying afterwards!

Izuku: ...I-I hate to say it..but he's right Kachan.

Bakugau: Eh?!? You too you damn nerd!!?  You-

Izuku: Yes Kachan!

Bakugau: E-Eh...?!

Izuku: Look we know me and Kirashima didn't even launch him, but soon after you came, you did your attack and then blow him away, you could have killed him Kachan!

Bakugau: Nrrrgh! I didn't mean it you bastard!

Kirashima: *sighs* You say that, but we don't believe you. We all know how you act Bakugau. Even though when you're always angry and shout a lot, you over do it yourself and end up hurting them. This guy may been our enemy lately in our battle, but we're relief that he's alive with that wound on his head.

Bakugau: B-But I-I didn't mean it! Honestly! I-

Gran Torino: Thats enough! You three, just go with Aizawa so the ambulance can take you back to the city and sent you to the hospital!

And so...Izuku and Kirashima both started walking together to head over to the for Bakugau, she was walking slowly as she had her head down...

Bakugau Mind: I-I didn't mean to hurt him! I-I didn't! ...

She then takes another look back to see (YN) being held up by the doctors and taking him to the ambulance...
She then started to have this feeling...a feeling that she may be feeling bad for what she did to him...but she ignores it as she heads over to the ambulance with Izuku and Kirashima....


Soon, an hour has past, as we are now back at Musutafu, Japan. At the hospital, Izuku's friends were getting their wounds treated as they turn out to be okay, but they'll be taking some rest for a while. As for Izuku, he and Kirashima weren't that hurt at all, just some minor wounds as for Bakugau as well...knwojf that she wanted to be all by herself and alone...
As for (YN) of course, he was taken in a emergency room to get that gap on his head healed up quick which may take a while...Minutes later, Izuku and Kirashima both went to check their friends for a bit, soon they were all okay and gettin their wounds treated. After that, they go and met All Might as his skinny form...

Izuku: All Might!

All Might: Oh, Young Midoriya and Kirashima. I'm happy to see you two. Hows the others??

Kirashima: Their okay. Nothing bad at all.

All Might: That's good to hear...Say, wasn't Young Bakugau with you two??

Izuki:O-Oh. Kachan...Well...

Kirashima: She wanted to be alone...that's what she said to us...

All Might: Hmmm. That's something she'll say.

Kirashima: Yeah...

Izuku: Oh hey, All Might...Gran Torino told us everything about earlier back at the small village. He told us that he had to call Aizawa and the pros to come here.

Kirashima: Oh yeah, but he didn't wanted to tell us why, only you can because you told him to.

All Might: Mmm. Yes, I was the one who told Gran Torino to call backup, but I had a reason.

Izuku and Kirashima were confused, as All Might suddenly stood up from the bed as he then lifts his shirt up, revealing a bandage wrapped around his stomach, and knowing that the bandage is filled with lots of blood...

Kirashima: O-Oh man! What the hell?!

Izuku: What happened!!?

All Might: If you two remember, I had to step in and saved Bakugau from that (YN) kid, besides her getting punched, I took it.

Izuku: O-Oh! I remember now.

Kirashima: Yeah, when he sent you flying right?!

All Might: ...Yeah, that.

Izuku: But why so many blood?! Did he really punch you that hard?!?

All Might: ...Im afraid so. His punch landed on the stomach my respiratory organs were destroyed, as it did, I lost too much blood from it made my buff form to worn out quickly...

Izuki: that punch he gave you...caused your form to worn out that quick?!

Kirashima: That can't be!

All Might: ..It's true. I couldn't stand up, the pain was too much to handle...I don't know who's that kid or where he came from...but he's strong, I don't even know what quirk he holds. and I mean it when I say he's strong. I don't know where he got that strength from. Even if I get in a battle with him, I won't be able to last longer than 5 minutes in a fight with him...

Izuku: ..Oh man..

Kirashima: That's crazy...but how?!

All Might: Hmm?

Kirashima: How is it the fact we encounter someone like him, manage to take you down like nothing and yet he's too powerful by the looks of it! It doesn't make sense the fact we've found someone who's somehow so strong and powerful than you! This doesn't add up! I mean we didn't even know where he come from or what's his quirk!

All Might: You may be right young Kirashima, we don't know where he came from, or what's his quirk. Yet we don't know if he had parents or not. By the looks of it, it seems like he's been living alone and surviving all those years as a child I'm guessing. Who knows. And I heard he's here. What's up with that??

Izuku: Well...You could say that he got him self injured...real bad.

All Might: Really?? How??

Izuku: Well me and Kirashima were able to take advantage against him, but when Kachan stepped up, she...she used her attack on him, blowing him away and well...

Kirashima: *Sighs* while launched away I guess he got hit in the head so hard, it open a little gap wound on his head...and he's knocked and Midoriya saw it. It looked bad, they had no choice but to take him here. They couldn't just left him alone and die.

Izuku: All it okay to bring someone who was a threat to us like (YN) before .... and then bring him here to help him out?

All Might smiles a little...

All Might: No, not at all. For me, he didn't look like a threat to me. But whatever happen to him after, something might have triggered him, so I won't blame him. But still, why on earth would someone like him be in a snow all alone, eating nothing but fishes and didn't know what he was doing.

Izuku and Kirashima were wondering about that as well...why (YN) was living alone in the snow, and eating only fish...suddenly, Aizawa and Gran Torino both entered the room...

Kirashima: Oh hey Aizawa-Sensei!

Izuku: Gran Torino!

Aizawa: How are you two doing?

Kirashima: Eh, we're good. Just some minor wounds that's all.

Izuku: Yeah, nothing bad at all.

Aizawa: Hmmm. Good to hear.

Gran Torino: How about you Toshinori??

All Might: I'm doing okay now. I can stand up already.

Gran Torino: Hmmm. Good. What about the others?

Izuku: Oh Todoroki and the others? Their okay as well. Say, Aizawa-Sensei, weren't you with Eri??

Aizawa: I was but when I got the call from this old man-

Gran Torino: Gran Torino!

Aizawa: I said, I got the message from him about the situation that was going on, so I left little Eri with Mirio for now.

Izuku: I see.

Suddenly a doctor came by as he knocked on the door as he entered the room...

Doctor: Excuse me. Are you three gentlemen pro heroes of UA??

Aizawa: Yeah, that's us.

Gran Torino: How can we help you?

Doctor: Well, we've checked on all of your students and by the looks of it they should be okay to head home today.

All Might: Oh. That's good news.

Doctor: And also...if I remember correctly, one of you mention me about another teenager name...(YN)??

Gran Torino: Yes, I did. What is it about him??

Doctor: Well...the good news is that after almost an hour treating the gaping wound he has in his head, it turns out to be good, no problems at all.

Gran Torino: Hmmm. Well that is good news for him.

Izuku: there bad news for him as well??

Doctor: ...I'm afraid so.'ll be better for me to show you. Would you all kindly follow me?

Aizawa: Sure.

Izuku: Bad news about (YN)???

Kirashima: I don't know, but I guess we're gonna see it ourselves.

Aizawa, Gran Torino, All Might, Izuku and Kirashima then followed the doctor to head over to the room where (YN) is and see what is the bad news about...


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