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As an hour pass, Izuku and his friends alongside with All Might, Aizawa and Gran Torino, were already getting ready to head back to UA as soon Izuku and his friends get in their uniforms that Aizawa brought them from UA. Soon after, they all were ready to head back to UA...all they have to do is wait on (YN), knowing that Aizawa brought spare clothes for (YN) to put on and shoes too. So Izuku and the others waited for him to come out. As they did, (YN) finally came out from the hospital with Aizawa, wearing some clothes, An all light green shirt, purple pants, and black shoes...

Izuku: Oh (YN)! You're here finally!

Kaminari: Hey! Lookin good my man! Those clothes really suit you!

(YN): ...

Sero: Hehe, he means you look cool with those clothes you have.

(YN): O-Oh...thank you...

Aizawa: Well now, since we're all here, we should head back already then.

Izuku: O-Oh wait! Aizawa-Sensei!

Aizawa: Hmm?

Izuku: I was wondering if all of us can walk back to UA and we'll, while we're walking, we can show (YN) around the city, you know...

Aizawa: Hmm. Well okay. Just get home safe and don't get into trouble please.

Izuku: Okay!

Aizawa: Very well, I'll see you all back at UA.

Aizawa soon walks over to the Limo with All Might and Gran Torino as he explain to them about Izuku and the others walking back to UA with (YN) showing him around the city, they were okay with it as well, soon to leave already...

Iida: Midoriya, why wanting to walk back to UA if we could have gone with Aizawa-Sensei??

Midoriya: Well I was thinking we should walk back at UA, and show (YN) around the city and experience it in the city, you know, the food, the malls, market, everything.

Iida: Hmm. That does sound like a good idea.

Momo: Besides, I don't mind walking, it could be fun hanging out with my friends.

Todoroki: Hm. I don't mind as well...

Kirashima: Yeah!

Bakugau: ...Whatever.

Kaminari: Oh come on Bakugau. At least be happy for once-

Bakugau: Shut it dunce face!

Kaminari: Hehe, okay okay.

Iida: Well now. Shall we get going??

Izuku: Yeah! Come on (YN), we're gonna show you the city and how many great stuffs it has!

(YN): ..Okay.

And so, Izuku and his friends started walking over to UA alongside with (YN) too. Soon as they arrive at the city, (YN) started looking around as he witness to see how huge it is and seem so surprised as well...

(YN): W-Woah. This is a city?

Izuku: Yup! This is our home city!

(YN): Home city??? So...all your home?? This huge city..??

Iida: Well not quiet, but we considered it as home cause we all live here, and all these people around are like family to us.

(YN): Woah....these buildings...their so big...

Suddenly, (YN) then notice Bakugau starting at him, as he then looks at her, soon Bakugau quickly looks away and blushes a little somehow...then, (YN)'s stomach started to growl...

Sero: Woah! If I heard right, I say you must be hungry right??

(YN): Y-Yeah...

Izuki: Oh don't worry! We'll get you some snacks to eat!

Momo: Yes of course! We can all head over to the market and get him and all of us some snacks!

(YN): Market..?? Snacks??

Kirashima: Oh right! A market is a area where has full of delicious and tasty snacks, like chips, sodas, juices, candies, and even ice cream!

(YN): They sound...delicious to me...

Kirashima: Trust me man, you'll love the snacks that you'll be getting!

Izuku: Look, there's a mini market two blocks away, we should go to that one.

And so, they all started walking over to the market with (YN) to get some snacks for them and especially for (YN)...soon as they arrive, they all enter the mini market, soon (YN) started looking around the market...

(YN): W-Woah. Are these snacks that you mention???

Kirashima: Yup! Pretty neat Eh?? Get whatever you want and we'll pay!

(YN): Okay..

Soon Izuku and the rest started to walk around the market and grabbing some snacks for themselves, as for (YN) he kept looking around, witnessing to see chips, juices, sodas, candies, and ice cream as well...he soon saw a big ice cream vending machine as it has lots of ice cream flavors...suddenly Bakugau arrive behind him as she says to him...

Bakugau: Oi.

(YN): ??

Bakugau: Don't just stand there, get whatever ice cream you want, doesn't matter what you get or how much you get.

(YN): A-Anything??

Bakugau: Yes, anything.

Soon Bakugau started to walk away, and not more then just 5 seconds a loud noise as to heard as the cashier said...

Cashier: H-Hey! P-Put that down!

Bakugau: Huh?!?

Soon Bakugau realize (YN) lifting the whole ice cream vending machine in the air as Bakugau  saw...

Bakugau: O-Oi!! What are you doing!?!

(YN): Getting all the ice you said, I can have whatever ice cream I want

Bakugau: Y-Yeah but not the whole damn vending machine!! Put it down!!

(YN): ...Okay.

Soon (YN) put la down the vending machine..

Bakugau: *Sighs* look when I meant you can get ANY, I meant you can get any ice cream flavors you want, not the whole machine!

(YN): ...Eh??

Bakugau: *grunts* you-

Soon, with a confused calm face (YN) is putting, it made Bakugau blush a little with the face he has...

Bakugau: S-Stop looking at me like that!

(YN): Looking at you like what...?

Bakugau: That! Th-That face you're making! You're making me feel weird damn it! *Sighs* okay, which ice cream you want?!

(YN) pointed at the chocolate ice cream as Bakugau then put a $1 yen on the machine, soon the chocolate ice cream bar arrive at the bottom as Bakugau grabs it and hands it over to him...

Bakugau: Here.

(YN) then grabs his ice cream bar, soon his hands touched Bakugau's, as she can feel his, knowing it made her more blush as she puts her hand away in her pocket...

Bakugau: Y-You want anything else??!

(YN): ...I want chips...and drinks too.

Bakugau: *Sighs* okay, follow me. *Tch. I guess I have to keep an eye on this bastard, knowing damn well the other losers are not paying attention, he's gonna end up causing trouble like he did earlier with that ice cream machine...and he better not stare at me with that look on his face...making me feel weird and shit!*

And so, Bakugau started to grab some snacks for (YN), getting home chips and drinks as well, after that she then goes and pays the snacks (YN) got and soon she waited for the rest. After that, Izuku and the others already got their snacks and payed up as they all exited the market, soon seeing Bakugau with (YN), as he soon started eating his snacks already...

Sero: Oh hey! We're you two waiting for us??

Bakugau: Well no shit duck tape! I had to stay close with him to not make trouble no thanks to you all losers!

Kirashima: Trouble?? What he do??

Bakugau: He almost got in trouble trying to grab the whole ice cream machine, but I stopped him and told him to put it down, luckily the owner didn't kicked him out, so I had to get the snacks for him without causing more trouble!

Momo: Awwww, that's so sweet of you Bakugau.

Bakugau: Quiet ponytail!

Kaminari: Well look at you Kachan, never knew you would actually be nice for once-

Bakugau: Nrrrrgh!!💢💢

Kirashima: Hehe. It's okay (YN). She's always like this, but deep down she's a nice girl after all.

Bakugau: I'm always nice, you shitty hair!

Everyone then laughed as Bakugau kept yelling at them, as for (YN)...he just watched and kept eating his snacks. Soon after, they continue walking their way back to UA as they all started eating their snacks, as for Bakugau, she only had a candy bar only, and soon to be walking with (YN) somehow on the back...(YN) notices that Bakugau already ate her candy bar...soon he pulls out an ice cream bar from the bag and hands it to Bakugau...

Bakugau: ..What??

(YN): ...You only got one snack.

Bakugau: Tch. I'm not that hungry.

Bakugau then notices the face (YN) was giving her, an innocent calm look on his face, soon to make her blush a little ...

Bakugau: *Nrrrgh!! Why the hell is he looking at me like that?!? Just look away!! You're making me feel weird again!!! ...Tch. I guess he won't if I take the offer from him.* Tch. If I can have the ice cream, will you stop looking at me like that?!

(YN): ..looking at you like what???

Bakugau: NRRGH! Never mind! Here, give me it.!

Bakugau soon grabs the ice cream from (YN)'s hands, as she opens it and starts licking the ice cream bar...soon she does, she then said to him quietly...

Bakugau: ...thanks.

(YN) soon nods, saying "You're welcome". After that, Bakugau blushes a little as she kept eating the ice cream (YN) gave her...

Kirashima: Woah, hey. You're seeing this??

Kaminari: I know, I never seen Bakugau starting to get along with (YN) already, what's going on with her anyways??

Momo: Oh leave her alone you two, maybe she's trying to help out as well.

Iida: Yes. Sure she can be angry all of the times, but deep down we can tell she still has a heart.

Bakugau: I heard that four eyes!!

Everyone for Izuku...he felt like maybe Momo right...I guess Bakugau is helping our (YN) as well...and seem to be getting along with him already...after that, Bakugau then thought to herself...

Bakugau Mind: Tch. Why do I have to feel like this every time this dude gives me that look! ..he's making me feel uncomfortable and weird..and my face feels so hot everyone I see him and he gives me that look! ...*sighs* well...all I can say is..he's not that bad...but still...I need to keep my eyes on him, and these losers better help out, especially Deku since this is his idea...but for me...I have to keep an eye out on him...and...he seems nice after all...I'll give him that...


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