Extra Chapter: The Prodigal Son

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The young man walked out of the cantina. He flipped his hood on and walked silently along the streets of Coruscant. Ducking into a dimly lit alley, he laid in wait.

He hated to steal, but he told himself that it would be his last theft. After this, he would get enough credits to leave the city and find someplace else to go, away from his life of crime.

He heard someone approaching and hid behind an empty crate. Two figures walked by. A man, and a pregnant woman. They seemed oddly familiar, but he didn't quite catch their faces as they walked by.

Once they passed him and got to a decent distance away, he jumped up and pulled out his twin blasters. He shot the blasters simultaneously.

The man appeared to hear the shots and jumped in front of the woman yelling "NO!" .

The young man shot again just as the man yelled out. He stared as the man hit the ground and lay unmoving.

As he fell, the hooded young man could see the glint of a lightsaber clipped onto the man's belt, and a wedding band on his finger.

He approached the couple as the very pregnant woman fell to her knees and cried for help.

She had turned the man around so that he was lying on his back. The young man could see that all four shots had hit their mark. The man had been hit on the left shoulder, the right tight, in the left side of his lower back, and had been grazed on the ribs. When he had fallen, he had hit his head on the concrete and opened a deep gash.

"Please...help!" The woman yelled , but this deep in the alley, only the young man could hear.

He was going to ask for all her possessions when he stopped dead in his tracks.

The man lying on the ground looked very familiar. He had more gray hair yes, but he looked just like...No!

It can't be...He thought. Then the woman looked up, tears in her eyes, and he fell to his knees, unbelieving what he was seeing.

"A-auntie?" The boy choked out. "K-korkie?" Satine asked him. Korkie took of his hood and Satine gasped. It was the boy she called her nephew, all grown up.

"I'm...so s-sorry..." He said as tears fell down his cheeks, realizing his mistake. He ripped his cloak and wrapped it around Obi Wan's wounds.

"I-I didn't know...And now..." He couldn't finish. He cried as he picked Obi Wan up and headed to the nearest hospital .

Satine followed behind, sobbing the whole way. He barged into the emergency room, yelling for help.

Nurses rushed all around him and put Obi Wan on a gurney. As they rolled him away, a nurse said "Don't worry, we'll take good care of your father" leaving Korkie bewildered.

He shook his head and turned to his sobbing aunt. They say down and Korkie hugged her tight.

"Don't worry, Auntie. Everything's going to be alright" he said, hoping that General Kenobi would recover.

"Oh, Korkie..." She said, sobs wracking her body. " I'm -I'm so sorry aunt...I.... " he couldn't finish. He knew that any amount of apology wouldn't take away what he'd done.

Satine composed herself somewhat. "Don't worry, Korkie...you didn't mean it..." She said, her voice breaking. " But...I...I shot him...without giving it a second thought... " he whispered, tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Don't worry, Korkie. He's....he's going to be alright...you'll see" Satine said, trying her best to keep herself from crying. "All that matters now is...is that we found you. And soon we'll all be together like a family" she said.

" W-what do you mean? " Korkie asked. "Wait...what were you doing in Coruscant? How did you survive Maul?" He's asked, getting more and more confused by the second.

" Maul didn't kill me...he...He hurt me to break Obi Wan" she said. "But...I escaped, and found him again. We got married, and are expecting a child" she said, stating the obvious.

" Yes...But what are you doing here? Isn't it too risky with you having been the duchess and him being a master jedi? " he asked.

She nodded. "But...it was worth it. We...we were looking for you, Korkie" she said.

"M-me? Why me?" He asked. " Because...Korkie...I'm -I'm not your aunt" Satine said, her voice shaking.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Korkie...I'm your mother. And Obi Wan is your father" she said, her voice cracking.

"Y-you're my m-mother?" He said, eyes wide. "B-but....that's impossible!" He said. "No it's not, Korkie. When Obi Wan spent that year in Mandalore, we fell in love, but he left. I saw him once after that, and let's just say that night we broke all the rules " she said.

"He left, and nine months later, you were born. But he didn't know I had been pregnant, and when we were reunited, he believed that you were my nephew" she said.

"All these years..." He whispered. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said. " Because I wanted to protect you" she answered.

"From what?" He said angrily . "Maul, the sith, Death Watch, everything" she answered.

He took in a breath, and sighed, running his hand through his hair. Tears sprang into his eyes, and he turned away.

"I wish...I just wish that you would've told me" he said. "I'm sorry Korkie" she said. "I love you aunti- mother" he said with a small smile, as they embraced as mother and son.

Three weeks later

Korkie and Satine sat next to Obi Wan's bed. He had been unconscious for almost four weeks, and they had not idea if he had steadily gotten better or worse.

The doctors hadn't told them anything, and they were quickly losing hope. Satine held Obi Wan's hand in her own as Korkie began to pace around the room.

"Please wake up Obi. I...we need you, my love" she whispered. Silent tears slid down her cheeks as she lowered her head. Suddenly, she felt Obi Wan move, and he squeezed her hand.

" Obi? " Satine said with uncertainty. Obi Wan groaned. "What...what happened?" He muttered . "Obi!" She said as she gently placed her hand on his cheek.

" Satine? " he said. "What the..." He said. " Oh Force...I...where's Korkie? " he asked.

"I'm so sorry, father...I didn't mean it...I didn't want to hurt you...I'm so sorry...." Korkie said, as he broke down crying.

" He knows? " Obi Wan asked Satine. She nodded. "Everything" .
Obi Wan nodded. "Korkie...son...don't worry about it...you...you didn't mean it. It was all a mistake. I...forgive you son" Obi Wan said, his right arm outstretched to his son.

Korkie took it, and he was pulled into a warm embrace. "I'm so sorry..." He began, but Obi Wan cut him off.

"Shhh...don't worry about it. Forget about the matter. I'm alright, and we'll all go home, together" he said. Korkie nodded as tears slid down his face.

And when the doctor and nurse came in to check on Obi Wan, they found a mother, a father, and a son, all in tears, but in a warm embrace.

They found them as a family. A family whose love would last till the end of time. A family reunited, at long last.

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