Chapter 19: Shyren! And Onion-San!

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(I am alive!)

Frisk's P.O.V

Here I am, finally. At my destination, WaterFall! The place where I almost died, but never got to admire the beauty in this timeline!

As I was walking, I bumped into someone.

A beautiful monster who was humming.


As soon as I made contact with her, she looked at me, blushed a bright blue, looked away, then tried to float away.

"Shyren? Is that you?"

"F-Frisk? Ohmygosh! I-I am so glad I bumped into you!


"W-Well, I heard it was birthday and-"

"WHAT?! HOW?!...... I'm sorry, that came out rude.... Bu-But could you tell me how you know...?"

"Sa--- I-I-I me-mean, your friend!!! Yeah! C-C-Chara her name is was?"

'Chara remembered?!'

"Oh, well, I'm sorry for interrupting you. What else were you going to say?" I said while trying not to studder.

"S-Since I found out it was your birthday, I wanted to give a you a present! I started a concert! And it's today! I-I also really liked your singing the first time we met, so I wanted to ask if your would sing with me on stage...?"

"I-I, would love to! Should we practice now?"

"I-I found a song a human song in the dump, called Fight Song. I-It is a human song right?"

"Yep! I love the song! Let's start!"

~Time skip~

Shyren and I practiced for about an hour and then she told me the concert was at 2:00 PM, but I had to get there an hour early to set up and get ready.

I started to walk through WaterFall, staring at the ceiling for periods of time, until I felt water near my face.

I dozed out of my trance, and saw a waterfall, inches away from my face, but with closer examination, I saw a worried face.

"AHH!" I screamed as I fell backward.

I debated with myself, should I go in there to see who that was? Or should I run away like a coward? I'm going in there, what if that worried face was someone hurt?!

I got up, took a deep breath and run through the waterfall, and I saw....

Nothing. Just a small room!!

Then I felt something crawling up my arm, it was (your sins), a SPIDER!

And it wasn't one of Muffet's adorable, small nice spiders, it was a black widow!

I let out a small Yelp and brushed it away.

I then looked around the room, and guess what I saw, spiders, black widows all over the ceiling of this room.

I screamed for good couple of seconds, while running out of the waterfall.

As soon as I was free of the spiders, I got myself in another situation, I tripped into Onion-San's lake.

Sans' P.O.V

(Back to when Frisk saw the face in the waterfall.)

Oh my Asgore. Frisk is right there. She can't see the surprise birthday party all of us had worked so hard on!

I summoned a wall behind the waterfall and a few spiders, so frisk would just think it's a room with a few spiders.

The teleported out of Frisk's birthday room, and watched her to see when she was going to leave.

'Why is she even awake now?' (Why are you awake now?)

I waited a couple seconds until I heard a small yelp. Thinking it was Onion-Sans, I shrugged it off.

A couple seconds later, I heard a scream.

I focused all my energy to where Frisk was, she then ran out out of the waterfall, 'whew, she's ok.' And then she fell  into Onion-San's lake.

Frisk what do you get yourself into sometimes....

Frisk's P.O.V

I had to get out of the water before Onion-San grabs my arm or something and think I'm a type of water monster she can hang out with.

I finally make it the the surface if the water and swimming to the shore untilllllllllllll, I feel one of Onion-San's tentacles wrapping around my leg.

I stop swimming, and say, "Onion-San, please stop-"

I get pulled down, I guess she didn't hear me, great,

While I get pulled down, I get a sudden thought.

'If Sans was watching, he would probably think I'm drowning...'

Sans' P.O.V

Holy sh*t!!!

Frisk's P.O.V

I'm still underwater and Onion-San is staring into my soul, then let's me go, guess she found out I'm human.

Then I realize, I'm running out of air and Onion-San pulled me so far down, there is no away I can swim all the way up there by myself without passing out.

I point up. Hoping she would get that I need air.

"Oh! Sorry ya'll!

She put her tentacles around my shoes and pushed me up to the surface of the water, then put her tentacles around my body, and ever so gently, put me on solid ground.

Then I realized, Onion-San is not going to leave me alone, unless I leave this area, but a couple timelines ago, I figured out, she hates puns.

"Hey, Onion-San, how many tentacles broke the human?"


"10-tickles!" I said trying to stop myself from laughing.

Onion-San was very slowly going back into the water.

"So, flower you today?"


"Onion-San, I know another Onion-San!"


"I just gotta make a onion suit for Sans so he can be, Onion-Sans!"


"Wait! Onion-San! Is that Updog?!"

"What?! Where?! Wait a second..."

'Yes! My joke is working!'

"What is Updog??"

"NOT MUCH, WHAT'S UP WITH YOU?!" I screamed while laughing my head off. I started laughing so hard that tears came to my eyes.

I heard Onion-San mutter, "plz nu mor punz..." Then she left, leave me in a laughing fit.

My laughs then turned into giggles.

"*Sigh*, Sans would be so proud of me!" I basically yelled while getting up.

Then I heard someone whisper, "This is one of the reasons why I love you...."

(I am so so sorry for not updating sooner, school and being busy sucks. But can any of you guess who said that...?)

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