Chapter 31: My past. (Part two)

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*Two years later* (Frisk is now 10)

Now Rose punches, throwing rocks and dirt, and pushes me...


*Two weeks later.*

"I bet you'll never get adopted!" A boy named Tyrone yelled at me. Maybe he's right. I have been here for six years-

"Frisk. Calling Frisk to the main office. Frisk." The announcer from the main office said. People only get called to the office like that, when they're gunna get adopted!

"HA." I said pointing at Tyrone.

I started to get very giddy and excited to get adopted. I finally make it to the office, and see the two adults, two women in fact!

*Two hours later*

Right now I'm exploring my new house! But I didn't see my room anywhere.

"M-Miss-- I mean mom. Why don't I have a room?"

"You'll get one. But for now, sleep on the couch."

My new parents aren't rich, nor are they poor, but the couch was in really poor condition.

*Three days later*

One of my mother's are driving me to school! That's what she said. I haven't gotten a room yet though... But she already past the school.

What? We're back at the orphanage? Why?

Mom led me to the main office, and then to Ms. Light.

"My wife and I don't want this." My mom said... I thought I could be loved. I then ran to my bed, tears running down my face.

*One year later*

Today is Activity Day! I've always participated many times, but my creations always fail. Why you ask?

The orphans either take my creation, take the supplies (on purpose), or broke it. But today's is going to be different!

*30 minutes later*

I have made a necklace! It's a butterfly! The wings are cerulean and its body is white! I really hope no one breaks it or steals it...

*Two weeks later*

My name was called! I could have another chance at life again! I ran to the office, and saw a male. He looked so happy to see me! I hugged Ms. Light, and said my goodbyes to all the adults, and followed my new dad to his car.

The car was awkward. Dad stayed silent the whole time, no matter what. His happy face is now long gone. He only has a deadly stare towards the road. But I so badly wanted to break the silent.

"Why couldn't the bicycle stand on its own?" I started.

"Shut the fuck up."

"You swore!!!"  I screeched.

"Do you think I fucking care? Now, do what I ask and shut.the.fuck.up."

After that I stayed silent.

*10 minutes later*

We are home! I am going to try and be the best child ever!



"Finally. Second chance is here." Mom said. I looked at her with confusion.

"Aww. She confused." Next thing I knew I am kicked in the back.

"AGGGGHHH!" I screamed out as I hit the floor. Dad came up from behind me, and duck tapes my mouth. As soon as he does that, I reach to take it off. But then he grabs my hands, puts them in plastic cups, and duck tapes them in the cups. My hands are now useless.

I start to cry.

I then get kicked the stomach. I bawling.

My mom comes and blindfolds me.

"Now you don't have to clean your ugly face."

Next I know both of them are laughing at me, howling in laughter. Saying how stupid I look. Then one of them kicked me in the face. I the feel a sharp pain in my right arm. I scream.

They had cut me, I had started to wheeze and pant. I thought I would pass out.

Then all I could see was darkness.

(A summary of what happened.

Frisks new parents are abusive...)

*three weeks later*

I have attending UT middle school (6th grade) for about two weeks now. I haven't been hit nor been bullied really bad. But I have been made fun of, because of my name.

And today we're going to have a new student in 8th grade! Don't ask me how I know. It's just that all the 8th graders are talking about her.

AllI know his her name starts with an 'R'. I hope I can be friends with her!

*a couple hours later*

It is now recess and guess who I saw! The new student! I couldn't make out her face. She was already surrounded by all the cool kids. Until one girl moved her head, and I saw a glimpse of the new students face.


Nononononono. Not her.

I quickly ran to the playground (My school has a playground, and I'm in 8th grade. So don't ask why Frisks school has a playground.) to blend in with the other kids. Hopefully she didn't see me.

*Two days later*

I managed to avoid her for two days. Until today.

I had my mahogany sweater on and had my hood over my head. Casually walking alone during recess across the basketball court.

"Frisk is that you?!" Rose yelled.

I quickly dashed for my classroom, and only 6th graders are aloud in there. But she fought my arm before I could make it it five feet.

"Let go!"

She brought me closer to her face in an threating manner. I tried to struggle away. She then grabbed my necklace and held me it, letting me go.

"Give it back!"

"Mmmmm. NOPE."

Then she walked away. I knew there was no point in trying, so I gave up.

*One year later*

I am done with life, I have bullies, no friends, abusive parents.

*One hour later*

I am at MT. Ebott. I leaned forward, and awaited death.

*Flashback over*

Tears started rolling down my face.

"Th-Then I live with m-mom for a couple months. Later, y-you rolled into my life. N-Now we're here. Ye-Yeah. That's my life..." I wiped my tears.

Sans hugged me.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. Just know that I will never let that happen again. And anyone who ever hurts you, will have a very bad time."

"Th-Thank you."

He then 'kissed' my cheek. I started to blush like crazy. He let go of me and looked at my face.

"Awe. You're so adorable when you blush."

"HHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh." I then buried my face onto his shoulder blade. Then my phone started to ring.

"Way to ruin the moment mom..."

Sans just chuckled.

"Hi mom!" I  said putting the phone to my ear, so only I could hear her.


She used my real name.

"Did you curse and yell over the phone?"
"ROSE told you. Didn't she?"
Answer the question"
"You do NOT yell at someone for doing nothing!"

Doing nothing. DOING NOTHING?!

"DOING NOTHING?! She ruined my lif-" I screamed, but then getting cut off.
"You do NOT yell over the phone! I am getting Sans to pick up Rose so you two can talk."
"Yes you are."

Mom then hung up the phone.

"UHHHGGGGGG!" I screeched.

"What's wrong-" Then Sans' phone started to ring.

Sans' P.O.V

My phone started to ring.

"Whoa. Whoa, talk slower."
"I yelled at Frisk and think she's upset with me.."
"Don't worry about it, it's a parent thing."
"Sans I need you to come to the RUINS door, and pick up this child-- I mean teen. Her name is Rose."
"Uhhhgg. *Sigh* Sure."
"Thank you."
"Yeah. I'm on my way."

Frisk's P.O.V

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I have to pick up Rose."

"Take me with you."

Sans just shrugged and teleported us to the RUINS door. Before he knocked on the door, he kissed my cheek again. I blushed, and towards the woods hiding behind a tree, so if Rose or mom comes out the door, the don't see me.

Sans looked at me with confusion, then understood what I was doing.

Sans knocked on the door. "Knock Knock." He cheered.

But mom did not answer with an 'who's there'. Instead, she opened the door, leading Rose out.

"I'm sorry Sans. I am not in the mood jokes, nor puns." Mom looked towards Rose. "Child. Please go with my good friend, Sans. He'll lead you to Frisk, so you two can talk."

Rose nodded. "I'll see you later mom!"

"I'll see you later mom!"

That's stuck me. Tears started forming at my eyes. But I can't cry in front of Sans, or Rose. I then wiped away my tears.

"So. Sans. Mom told me you were dating Frisk? Shame. You could leave Frisk behind and date me instead~."




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