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It was a beautiful day! The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and everyone was worshiping me! Absolutely nothing could make this day a bad day.

I was wrong.

I was exiting the pavilion with my arm around Annabeth's waist, when I saw three figures standing at the top of Half-Blood Hill. I would have been fine with that, but the problem was, they all had weapons. Two had swords, and one had a knocked bow and arrow. They looked vaguely familiar but they were too far away to tell.

I turned to my precious Annabeth. "Babe? Who are they?" I asked, pointing at the three people on the hill.

Annabeth shrugged. "I don't know. Probably just some campers," She said.

I nodded, but was still unsure. "Let's go check it out," I said.

"Okay, baby. Anything for you," Annabeth said, snuggling her head into my arm.

I smiled, kissing her forehead, then began to walk towards the three people with Annabeth clinging onto my arm. A few steps later, we had reached the hill and- "What the hell?!" I couldn't help but blurt.

It was the three worst possible people. Will Solace, who I had believed was dead for two years, Hazel Levesque, who I also assumed was dead for two years, and Percy Jackson. I wasn't really that shocked by Percy, since there was chance he was still his mentally insane self, he was still red as a lobster after all, but something about his angry, stone cold expression changed my mind. He looked serious, deadly even, and ready to fight. Not even a trace of crazy or nonsense.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. But before I could say anything, Annabeth grinned and began to talk. "OMG, Will! Hazel? Everyone thought you guys were dead!" Annabeth said excitedly. She let go of my arm, then went to go hug both Hazel and Will.

After hugging them both, she turned to Percy who had been standing there with an angry, yet confused, expression on his face. "Um, what are you guys doing with Percy?" She said.

"We're here to save you," Hazel said bluntly. Oh no.

Annabeth just laughed. "Save me? I don't need saving," She smiled.

Percy, ignoring everything that just happened, stared at Annabeth with a look of awe. "Are you... are you wearing makeup?" He stuttered. Wait... that was just a complete sentence... that made sense... oh no.

Annabeth frowned. "Umm, yeah. Why do you care?"

Percy's eyes widened at her answer. "Never mind... I guess," He said quietly, looking down.

I had had enough of this. "Okay, enough of the small talk. What are you doing here. And Percy, why are you not crazy?" I snapped.

Percy smirked. "So you did do something to me, Oliver?" He said, then scoffed. "Not that I'm surprised. And like Hazel said, we're here to save everyone."

I just rolled my eyes at that. "You can try, but what I did to them is much different then what I did to you, Perseus," I said.

Annabeth frowned, taking a step away from me. "Wait... you actually did something to Camp? To... me?" She said quietly, a look of hurt in her eyes.

My eyes widened. "Oh, no, no, baby. I-" I reached out to put my hand on her shoulder but she took another step away.

"You... betrayed me," She said, her eyes getting watery.

"No! That's not what happened! Annabeth, I-"

"I thought you loved me..." She said, her voice breaking.

"I do, I do! What I did, I did it for us," I said, taking a step closer to her. She just took another step backwards. Oh no.

"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done anything at all!" Annabeth said, full on crying now.

"Annabeth, please," I begged.

She just shook her head. "No. I... I can't go with you. You lied to me... you tricked me. Oliver, do I even love you?"

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