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I was beyond mad.

Not only had they stolen my one true love Annabeth from me, but Percy had also snapped back to his usual self! And Percy was the real prophecy child, the real hero of Olympus, the real son of Poseidon. As much as I hated to admit it, Percy was powerful and wields the power to defeat me.

So yes, I was angry.

Now you're probably thinking something like, 'Oh, but Oliver! Why didn't you just use your hypnosis powers on them?'  My answer to that question is I have a plan. A plan everyone will soon find out.

Just one problem... I had no clue how to execute this so called 'plan' of mine. I stormed into the Big House that I had claimed as mine a lot time ago, summoning Malcolm Pace to my office. We was another emotionless slave like Nico and Leo.

Malcom walked into my office, sitting across from me. His eyes were blank and his posture was stiff. "Hello, Malcom," I nodded in greeting.

"Hello, Master," Malcom said in a monotone voice.

"So I know it's not often that I need this because I'm amazing, but I need your help," I admit, clasping his hands together.

"Anything for you, Master," Malcom said in the same monotone voice.

I smiled softly. "Okay, good."

"What do you need my help with, Master?"

"Well... I need a plan to help capture and defeat Percy, Will, Hazel, and... and Annabeth," I said.

"Okay, Master," Malcolm said, "You have the power of hypnosis, correct?"


"So Iris message the traitors saying to meet you somewhere or someone of your choice dies. They are puny heroes so they will come. Then just hypnotize the traitors to do whatever you want."

"Brilliant!" I said, clapping my hands. "You may leave now, Malcom." Malcom did so.

I now had a plan. Now all I had to do was execute it. I used my fake Poseidon powers to cause a mist to shoot up in front of me, then tossed a golden drachma into the mist. "Oh, Iris, goddess of rainbows, I demand you let me see Annabeth Chase or else," I said.

The mist flashed, then an image of Annabeth sitting alone at a small fire popped up. She looked sad, and it honestly hurt a lot to see my dear Annabeth like this, sad and broken looking.

Nevertheless, I put a gleaming smile on my face. "Ah, Annabeth!" I said cheerfully.

Annabeth's eyes widened, darting up to look at me, her once sad face morphing into a scowl. "Oliver," She snarled, "What do you want? I'm not coming back to you."

"Hmm, we'll see about that. But that's not why I called!" I said. "I actually called because I have a proposition for you!"

"A proposition?" Annabeth frowned.

"Indeed!" I said. "This has been going on for far too long, and I think you can agree. So we should have one more battle, one final battle, to figure out the true winners."

"We don't care about being 'winners.' We just want to end your reign of evil, Oliver," Annabeth said bitterly.

"I already told you this, Annie. I'm not evil. I'm trying to make Camp Half-Blood a better place. I'm trying to make my mark on the world - which haven't you tried to do numerous times? Don't you want to be remembered, Annie?" I said.

"First of all, don't call me Annie," Annabeth snapped, "Second, we're not talking about what I want to do, we're talking about you. Third, it doesn't matter if you're trying to make it a better place, you're still hurting and using dozens of people. Fourth, I agree that this has been going on way too long. What do you propose, Oliver?"

"Well I would propose to you,
my sweet Annabeth, but something tells me you'll say no," I winked. Ooh, that was smooth - though Annabeth didn't seem to think so.

"Just get to the point, Thomas," Annabeth snapped.

I smiled. This was the Annabeth I knew and loved. "Tomorrow at noon you and your friends meet me at the top
of Half-Blood Hill. It will be our final little battle. If you guys win, I'll leave Camp and never come back. If I win, well, I get to do whatever I want to you. But that's obviously going to happen and I'm obviously going to win," I explained.

Annabeth seemed to think about it. "And we'll never have to see your ugly face again? You swear on the River Styx?" She said.

"I swear," Oliver smiled. "What about you? Do you swear to show up and follow through? To let me hypnotize you if I win?"

"And how exactly do we 'win?'" Annabeth asked.

"We'll discuss that all when you show up," I said, "So do you swear?"

Annabeth bit her lip, but nodded. "I... swear on the River Styx," She said.

"Yes!" I pumped my fist in the air, then quickly regained myself.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Anything else?" She asked.

"Uh... no," I said.

"Good," She said, then swiped her hand through the Iris message, ending it.

And I knew I would obviously win. I had the power of hypnosis on my side.

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